verb- [transitive]
to deal with a situation, a person, an area of work or a strong emotion 處理,應付(局勢、人、工作或感情) - handle something/somebody
A new man was appointed to handle the crisis. 新指派了一個人來處理這場危機。 She's very good at handling her patients. 她對待病人很有辦法。 to handle a situation/case 處理情況/案件 He decided to handle things himself. 他決定自己處理事情。 This matter has been handled very badly. 這件事處理得很糟糕。 The sale was handled by Adams Commercial. 亞當斯公司經營這筆買賣。 We can handle up to 500 calls an hour at our new offices. 我們的新辦公室每小時可處理 500 通電話。 We all have to learn to handle stress. 我們都得學會應對壓力。 - (informal)
‘Any problems?’ ‘Nothing I can't handle.’ “有問題嗎?” “沒有什麽我不能對付的。” - (informal)
I've got to go. I can't handle it any more (= deal with a difficult situation). 我得走了,我已無計可施。 - handle yourself (informal)
You have to know how to handle yourself in this business (= know the right way to behave). 你必須知道在這件事上如何自處。
Extra ExamplesHe wasn't mentally equipped to handle this situation. 他還沒有做好應付這種局面的思想準備。 Her next question was not so easily handled. 她的下一個問題就不那麽容易應對了。 Large meetings are notoriously less productive and more difficult to handle. 衆所周知,大型會議效率較低且更難操辦。 She knew how to handle publicity. 她知道如何做宣傳。 The library routinely handles a wide variety of enquiries. 圖書館日常要處理各種各樣的咨詢。 This issue may need to be handled carefully. 這個問題可能需要謹慎處理。 This was a problem that I just couldn't handle. 這是一個我應付不了的問題。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- competently
- efficiently
- properly
- …
- be able to
- be unable to
- can
- …
- with
- handle something/somebody
- [transitive] handle something
to touch, hold or move something with your hands (用手)觸,拿,搬動 Our cat hates being handled. 我們的貓不喜歡被人摸弄。 The label on the box said: ‘Fragile. Handle with care.’ 箱子上的標簽寫着:“易碎品,小心輕放。”
Extra ExamplesGarden tools can be hazardous if carelessly handled. 如若使用不慎,園藝工具也會有危險。 Many of the prisoners were roughly handled; some were killed. 很多囚犯受到了粗暴的對待;有些被整死了。 He ran through the details of loading and handling the gun. 他仔細檢查了裝槍和操作槍的細節。 The books are ancient, and need to be handled very carefully. 這些書很古老,需要非常小心地處理。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- carefully
- with care
- carelessly
- …
- [transitive] handle something
to control a vehicle, an animal, a tool, etc. 控制,操縱(車輛、動物、工具等) I wasn't sure if I could handle such a powerful car. 我沒有把握是否能駕駛功率這樣大的車。 She's a difficult horse to handle. 那是一匹桀骜不馴的母馬。
Extra ExamplesThe car is heavy and quite difficult to handle 這輛車很重,很難操縱 He doesn't really know how to handle a glider safely yet. 他還不知道如何安全地操縱滑翔機。 Riders have to learn how to handle their machines in all conditions. 騎手必須學會如何在任何情況下操作他們的機器。
- [intransitive] handle well/badly
to be easy/difficult to drive or control Topics Transport by car or lorryc2(容易/難以)駕駛,操縱 - [transitive] handle something
to buy or sell something synonym deal in買;賣
deal with處理
touch with hands用手觸摸
Word OriginOld English handle (noun), handlian (verb), from hand.