(in Arab countries and South Asia) a traditional system of transferring money to a person in another country or area, which involves paying money to an agent who then tells another agent in the relevant place to pay that person 哈瓦拉汇款体系(阿拉伯国家和南亚的传统汇款方式,汇款人付钱给一名代理人,后者再告知相关地点的另一名代理人付钱给收款人) He is believed to have moved money to Iraq by hawala. 据信他通过哈瓦拉将资金转移到伊拉克。 Many organizations in the region use hawala to avoid the banking system. 该地区的许多组织使用哈瓦拉来避开银行系统。 She was arrested for her involvement in hawala transactions to fund militant activities. 她因参与资助激进活动的哈瓦拉交易而被捕。