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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Too much, extra and more
adverb /tuː/
so much of a particular quality that something is not possible 太…(以至于不能);过于
too... to do something :

I was too excited to sleep. 我激动得无法入睡。

It's too cold to sit outside. 太冷了,不能坐在外面。

too... for something :

I'm getting too old for dangerous sports like hockey. 对于曲棍球这类危险运动来说,我的年纪太大了。

too... for someone to do :

The table was too heavy for one person to carry. 桌子太沉了,一个人搬不动。

much/far too :

They rarely have meals together. They're far too busy. 他们很少一起吃饭。他们太忙了。

be too much for someone (=be more than someone can deal with or bear) 某人应付(或忍受)不了 :

The sight of so much suffering was too much for him. 满目凄苦的景象让他不忍再看。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
more than is necessary or acceptable 太;过于

You're driving too fast. 你开得太快了。

too much/many :

You've put too much sugar in my coffee. 你给我的咖啡加的糖太多了。

rather too/a bit too/a little too :

I don't trust Hilary – she's a little too clever. 我不相信希拉里,她有点儿聪明过头了。

too... for someone :

This film is too scary for seven-year-old kids. 这部影片对7岁的孩子来说太恐怖了。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective /ɪkˈsepʃ(ə)nəl/
much more or greater than usual 特别的;格外的

These works of art must be handled with exceptional care. 搬动这些艺术品时必须格外小心。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈsɜː(r)pləs/
more than is needed 过剩的;剩余的;多余的

Lose those surplus pounds with our new diet plan. 用我们新的节食计划减掉那些多余的脂肪。

They should use the surplus cash to help people who need it. 他们应该用多余的钱去帮助需要钱的人。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adverb, determiner, pronoun /mɔː(r)/
used for saying that a particular quality is stronger in one person or thing than in another, stronger than it was before, or stronger than you expected or hoped 更;更加

Scotland has become more prosperous in recent years. 在最近几年,苏格兰变得越来越繁荣。

Teenage marriages are more likely to end in divorce. 很多年轻人的婚姻更可能以离婚告终。

more...than :

The storm was more violent than we expected. 暴风雨比我们预计的更猛烈。

much/far/a lot more :

Lizzie is obviously a lot more intelligent than the other girls. 莉齐显然要比其他女孩聪明得多。

a little/bit more :

Would you speak a little more slowly so I can understand what you're saying? 请您说得稍微慢一点,让我能明白您说的话好吗?

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
an amount or number that is larger than another, larger than it was before, or larger than you expected 更多的(量);较多的(量)

No matter what her brother gets, she always wants more. 不管她哥哥得到什么,她总是想要更多。

more...than :

Ken already earns more than his father ever did. 肯已经比他父亲挣得多了。

We've had five times more rain than normal for this time of the year. 我们这儿今年这个时候下的雨比正常时节多出了5倍。

much/far/a lot more :

The merger has created far more problems than it has solved. 合并所产生的问题远比它解决的问题要多得多。

more than ever :

People in the UK are spending more than ever on health and fitness. 英国人正在把比以往更多的钱花在保健和健身上。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
to a greater degree 更大程度地
more...than :

Rural life has changed more in the last 40 years than at any other time. 在过去的40年里,农村生活比任何时候变化都大。

I loved you more than anything else in the world. 我爱你胜过世界上任何其他东西。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adverb, preposition /bɪˈjɒnd/
more than a particular amount or higher than a particular level 超出(某个数量);高出(某一水平)

Inflation had risen beyond 10%. 通货膨胀率超出了10%。

She never went beyond Year 12 in school. 她上学上到12年级就停止了学业。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adverb, preposition /ˈəʊvə(r)/
more than a particular amount, number, or age (在数量、年纪方面)超过,在…以上

Yeltsin was elected by a large majority with over 45 million votes. 叶利钦以超过4,500万张选票的大多数票当选。

Over 50 per cent of the company's shares are owned by the government. 公司50%以上的股票为政府所持有。

and over :

The pension will be paid to people aged 65 and over. 养老金会发给65岁以上的老年人。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adverb formal /ˈəʊvə(r)li/
very much, or too much 非常;过度地

It is a problem, but we're not overly worried about it. 这是个问题,但我们没有为此过于担忧。

 Synonyms and related words
Very and very much: very, particularly, deeply...
 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adverb formal /ˌəʊvə(r)ˈmʌtʃ/
too much 过多地;过度地

These journalists don't seem to care overmuch whom they hurt. 这些记者似乎并不太在乎他们伤害什么人。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adverb, predeterminer /ˈrɑːðə(r)/
mainly spoken a little too much, or to a degree that is slightly too great 太…

Don't you think she's rather young to be travelling abroad on her own? 难道你不认为她独自出国旅游年龄太小了吗?

It's a good essay, but rather long. 这是一篇好论文,就是太长。

rather too :

Toby had drunk rather too much. 托比酒喝得太多了。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
More Synonyms
adjective, adverb, preposition /əˈbʌv/
more than a particular number, amount, or level 高于;多于;大于

The company's profits were 23% above the previous year's. 公司的利润比前一年高出23%。

Temperatures climbed to 31 degrees Celsius – 10 degrees above normal. 气温攀升至31摄氏度,高出正常水平10度。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
all the more/better etc
even more/better etc than before 更多/更好等

I enjoy playing tennis, and if they're willing to pay me for it – well, all the better! 我喜欢打网球,而且如果他们愿意付钱让我打网球——呵,那就更好了!

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
and the rest
phrase humorous
used for saying that a number or amount is in fact much higher than someone has said 不止这个数;超过这个数

‘He must be nearly 50.' ‘And the rest!' “他一定快50岁了。”“根本不止50岁!”

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
another two/ten/hundred etc
used for saying how many more people or things there are 又两个/10个/100个等

Another 2,000 nurses are needed in NHS hospitals. 提供国民保健服务的医院还需要2,000名护士。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective old-fashioned /əˈplenti/
more than enough 绰绰有余的
 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
a sight more/less
a lot more/less of something 更多/更少

We'll need a sight more help than we've got for this job! 做这份工作,我们需要比现在多得多的帮助!

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
 Synonyms and related words
Less and not as much: less, under, least...
at least
not less than a particular amount or number, and possibly more (数量或数目上)至少,起码

Mr Gray will remain the director for three years at least. 格雷先生将继续担任主管,任期至少3年。

The disease killed at least 120 people in England last year. 去年,英国至少有120人被该疾病夺去了生命。

We are expecting to at least double our money. 我们期望着把我们的钱至少翻一番。

at the very least (=not less than and probably much more than) 至少;最起码 :

The journey will take a year, at the very least. 旅程最起码也要用一年的时间。

at the least :

You should walk 30 minutes every day, at the least.

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
by far
used for saying that something has much more of a particular quality than anything else (用于强调最高级)

The 1989 revolution was by far the bloodiest in the country's history. 那次革命在该国历史上是最为血腥的。

Football is far and away the most popular sport in Britain. 足球是英国最受欢迎的体育运动。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
verb [T] /ˈdeljuːdʒ/
if you are deluged with things, you have a lot of them to deal with 应接不暇

The Commission has been deluged with complaints. 委员会对潮水般涌来的投诉应接不暇。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective /ˈdʌb(ə)l/
containing or consisting of twice as much of something as normal 两倍的;加倍的

double chocolate chip cookies 双份的巧克力薄片曲奇饼

a double whisky 一杯双份的威士忌

a double portion/helping :

a double portion of chips 一客双份的油炸土豆条

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adverb /ˈdʌbli/
by a much greater amount, or to a much greater degree than usual 加倍地;双倍地

doubly sure/important/difficult 加倍确信的/重要的/困难的

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈekses/
more than is usual or necessary 过量的;过多的

Drain off any excess liquid. 排去所有多余的液体。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
an excess amount of money is an extra amount that you pay 额外的;附加的

Passengers travelling on to Buffalo will be required to pay an excess fare of $30. 去布法罗的乘客将被要求额外再缴纳30美元的费用。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective /ɪkˈsesɪv/
much more than is reasonable or necessary 过度的;过分的

The charges seemed a little excessive. 收费似乎有点过高。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
much greater than is usual 过多的;过量的

Crops were destroyed by the excessive rainfall last August. 庄稼被去年8月里过多的雨水毁掉了。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...


 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective /ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjʊlə(r)/
humorous outside the usual range of activities or behaviour expected in a job or a marriage 工作之外的;婚姻之外的
 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adverb /ˈfɑː(r)ðə(r)/

They're even farther to the right than the present government. 他们甚至比现政府更加右倾。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
for good measure
as a way of making something complete or better 再增加;外加

Throw in a splash of red wine for good measure. 另外加入一点红葡萄酒。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective, adverb /ˈfɜː(r)ðə(r)/
used for saying that something exists or happens more, or to a greater degree (表示某事物存在或发生)深入的,进一步的

Matters were further complicated by the unexpected arrival of Stuart. 因为斯图尔特的不期而至,情况变得更加复杂。

still/even further :

Her health may worsen even further if she doesn't have the operation. 她如果不动手术,健康状况会进一步恶化。

further and further (=gradually more) 越来越多 :

The party was moving further and further away from its socialist principles. 该政党越来越偏离其社会主义原则。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective, adverb /ˈfɜː(r)ðɪst/
to a greater degree than anyone else or than ever before 在最大程度上;最大限度地;在最大范围内

The Athenians progressed furthest towards developing a truly democratic society. 雅典人在建设真正的民主社会方面进步最大。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective /ɡʊd/
informal more than a particular distance, amount, age etc 多于

We've been waiting for a good half hour. 我们已等了半个多小时。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
prefix /haɪpə(r)/
more than usual or normal: used with some adjectives and nouns to make adjectives and nouns 表示“超出,过度”(与某些形容词和名词连用构成形容词和名词)

hypersensitive 过度敏感的

hyperinflation 过度通货膨胀

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
in excess of something
more than a particular amount 超过某数量

profits in excess of £80 million 超过8,000万英镑的利润

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
long on something
having or doing too much of one thing 对某事经验有余的;对某事做得过多的

a politician who is long on talk and short on action 长于空谈而缺乏实际行动的政客

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
money/room/time etc to spare
more than enough money/room/time etc 绰绰有余的钱/空间/时间等

We've got food to spare. 我们的食物绰绰有余。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
more and more
used for saying that something is increasing in number or degree all the time 越来越

More and more people are choosing to spend their holidays abroad. 越来越多的人选择到国外度假。

As the situation grew steadily worse, he became more and more depressed. 随着情况持续恶化,他变得越来越消沉。

We are learning more and more about the effects of radiation on the human body. 我们越来越了解辐射对人体的影响。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
more than
used before a number or amount for saying that the actual number or amount is larger than this 超过

The Whitewater Committee interviewed more than forty witnesses. “白水事件”调查委员会调查采访了40多位目击者。

not much more than... :

There's not much more than ten minutes left. 剩余的时间不超过10分钟。

no more than... :

He stopped no more than six feet away from the cliff edge. 他在离悬崖边不超过6英尺的地方停住。

more than once (=several times) 多次;不止一次 :

I've warned him more than once not to interfere. 我已多次警告他不要干涉。

more than double/triple etc (=become over twice, three times etc as large) 增加一倍/两倍多等 :

During the past five years, the number of traffic accidents has more than doubled. 在过去的 5 年里,交通事故的数量增加了 1 倍多。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
more than you bargained for/not what you bargained for
something different from what you expected, especially something worse 没有料到的事(尤指坏事)

The babysitter found she had taken on more than she bargained for.

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
much too
used for emphasizing that there is a lot more of a particular quality than you want or than is right 太,过分(用于强调)

The system is much too complicated. 系统太过复杂。

You're driving much too fast. 你开得太快了。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
verb [T] /ˌaʊtˈnʌmbə(r)/
if one group outnumbers another, there are more in the first group than in the second 在数量上超过;比…多

Despite being outnumbered, they managed to fight back bravely. 尽管数量上处于劣势,他们仍英勇地进行还击。

an area where sheep outnumber humans by twenty to one 人的数量只及羊的数量二十分之一的地区

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
prefix /əʊvə(r)/
too much: used with many verbs, nouns, or adjectives 表示“过分”(与许多动词、名词或形容词连用)

to overheat 使过热

an overreaction 过激反应

overconfident 过分自信的

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
more than: used with some nouns 表示“超过,更多”(与某些名词连用)

a club for the over-sixties (=people who are more than 60 years old) 60岁以上者参加的俱乐部

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective /ˌəʊvə(r)ˈdʌn/
with too much done, said, or used 做得过火的;说过头的;过度使用的

It was a typical Hollywood ending, way too overdone. 这是典型的好莱坞式的结尾,演得太过夸张了。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective, conjunction, preposition /plʌs/
used after you mention a number or quantity to show that the actual number or quantity may be larger 超过;多于

Ray Charles' 40-year plus career began in 1954. 雷·查尔斯40多年的职业生涯始于1954年。

The album went straight to number one by selling 600,000-plus copies in its first week. 该专辑在第一周内就销售了60多万张,一举升至榜首。

The auctioneers can expect offers in the region of £300,000 plus. 拍卖者预计这个地区的出价可达30多万英镑。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective /reɪzd/
hotter, louder, stronger etc than usual (温度、声音、力气等)升高的,提高的

The substance conducts electricity more efficiently at raised temperatures. 这种材质温度越高导电性越强。

raised voices (=the voices of people who are shouting) 叫嚷声 :

We could hear raised voices in the next room. 我们都能听到隔壁房间里的叫嚷声。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective /ˈrekɔː(r)d/
more, better, worse, faster etc than ever before 创纪录的

A record crowd of 120,000 people saw the game. 创纪录的120,000名观众观看了比赛。

I made it back to the office in record time. 我以创纪录的速度把它放回了办公室。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective /ˈrekɔː(r)d ˌbreɪkɪŋ/
faster, longer, larger etc than anything that has been done before 破纪录的

The temperature reached a record-breaking 120 degrees yesterday. 昨天温度破纪录地达到了120度。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
still more/further
used for emphasizing that an amount, increase, reduction etc is even more than the amount already mentioned 更多/更进一步

Fuel prices could rise still further in the coming months. 燃料价格可能会在未来几个月里进一步上涨。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
to excess
if you do something to excess, you do it so much that it harms you or causes problems 过度;过分;过多

Charlie drank sometimes to excess.

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
too many chiefs (and not enough Indians)
phrase informal
used for saying that there are too many people in charge of something and not enough people doing the work 官多兵少;指挥的多,干活儿的少
 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
too much of a something (to do something)
used for saying that someone or something is too bad, good, dangerous etc to do something (做某事)太…;(做某事)过于…

He'd never act on his own – he's too much of a coward for that. 他从来没有独立行动过,就那点来说他过于怯懦。

It was considered too much of a safety risk to transport nuclear fuel by train. 用火车运送核燃料被认为太危险。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective very formal /ʌnˈkɒnʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l/
more than a reasonable or acceptable level or amount 不合理的;难以接受的

There has been an unconscionable delay in addressing this problem.

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective [only before noun] formal /ʌnˈdjuː/
not necessary or reasonable 不必要的;不合理的;过分的

These minor improvements have caused undue expense and delay. 这些小小的改进已引起了不必要的开支和延误。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adjective, adverb, preposition /ʌp/
informal above a particular amount, or older than a particular age (某一数量或年龄)以上

Women of sixty and up get a free bus pass for off-peak journeys. 60岁以上妇女可得到非高峰时间的免费公交乘车证。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...
adverb /ˈʌpwə(r)dz/
more than a particular number or amount 多于(某一数目或数量)
upwards of :

Expect to spend upwards of £40 a day on food. 预计每天要把40多英镑花在食物上。

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...


/ˌəʊvə(r)ˈləʊdɪd/ adjective
 Synonyms and related words
Carrying something: load down, supporting, loaded...
 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...



a piggyback ride 背某人;驮某人

 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...


 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...


 Synonyms and related words
Too much, extra and more: too, exceptional, surplus...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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