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BNC: 1024 COCA: 975


(comparative deeper, superlative deepest)
Word Family
  • deep adjective adverb
  • deeply adverb
  • deepen verb
  • depth noun
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    top to bottom由顶向底

  1. having a large distance from the top or surface to the bottom深的;厚的
    • a deep hole/well/river很深的洞/井/河
    • deep water/snow深水;厚雪
    • The water looks quite deep there.那儿的水看上去相当深。
    • Around the world, the deep oceans are heating. 在世界各地,深海正在升温。
    • Sunflowers have deep roots. 向日葵的根很深。
    • (figurative) The custom has deep roots in the community.这种习俗在社区中根深蒂固。
    opposite shallow
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    See full entry
  2. front to back由前向后

  3. having a large distance from the front edge to the furthest point inside纵深的;宽的
    • a deep cut/wound很深的划口/伤口
    • deep space遥远的太空
    opposite shallow
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    See full entry
  4. measurement量度

  5. used to describe or ask about the depth of something有…深的
    • The water is only a few centimetres deep.水只有几厘米深。
    • How deep is the wound?伤口有多深?
  6. -deep有…深

  7. (in adjectives构成形容词) as far up or down as the point mentioned远至…的;有…深的
    • The water was only waist-deep so I walked ashore.水只有齐腰深,所以我涉水上了岸。
    • She stood knee-deep in the water.她站在深及膝盖的水中。
    • We were walking in ankle-deep water. 我们在齐脚踝深的水中行走。
  8. (in adjectives构成形容词) in the number of rows mentioned, one behind the other成…排的;有…层的
    • They were standing three-deep at the bar.他们在吧台前站成三排。
  9. breath/sigh呼吸;叹息

  10. [usually before noun] taking in or giving out a lot of air深(呼吸)的
    • She took a deep breath.她深深地吸了一口气。
    • He gave a deep sigh.他深深地叹了一口气。
  11. sleep睡眠

  12. a person in a deep sleep is difficult to wake酣睡的;沉睡的
    • She fell into a deep sleep.她睡着了,睡得很沉。
    • to be in a deep trance/coma处于深度恍惚/昏迷状态
    opposite light
  13. colours颜色

  14. strong and dark深的
    • a rich deep red浓重的深红色
    opposite pale
    Extra Examples
    • He had a pale face with deep blue eyes.他面容白皙,眼睛碧蓝。
    • Her lipstick was a deep shade of scarlet.她的口红是深红色的。
    • The colour is deeper when the grapes are dried.葡萄晒干后颜色会深一些。
    Topics Colours and Shapesb2
  15. sounds声音

  16. low深沉的;低沉的
    • I heard his deep warm voice filling the room.我听到他低沉暖人的话语在整个房间里回荡。
    • We heard a deep roar in the distance.我们听到远处一声低沉的轰鸣。
    • He gave a deep groan.他发出深深的呻吟。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • sound
    • become
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    See full entry
  17. emotions情感

  18. strongly felt强烈的;深切的;衷心的 synonym sincere
    • a very deep feeling of love非常深厚的爱恋
    • I felt a deep sense of loss when I heard of her death.听到她去世的消息我深感失落。
    • They expressed deep concern.他们对此深表关切。
    • We extend our deepest sympathies to his family. 我们向他的家人表示最深切的同情。
    • It was with deep regret that I accepted his resignation.我怀着深深的遗憾接受了他的辞呈。
    • They have a deep respect for tradition.他们非常尊重传统。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • go
    • run
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    See full entry
  19. serious严重

  20. extreme or serious极度的;严重的
    • He's in deep trouble.他陷入极度困境之中。
    • a deep economic recession严重的经济衰退
    • The affair had exposed deep divisions within the party.这件事暴露出党内的严重分歧。
    • a place of great power and of deep significance具有重大影响力和深远意义的地方
  21. knowledge知识

  22. showing great knowledge or understanding渊博的;深刻的
    • She had reached a deep understanding of the local culture.她对当地文化有了深刻的了解。
    • We will need a deeper analysis of this problem.我们需要对这个问题进行更深入的分析。
  23. difficult to understand难以理解

  24. difficult to understand深奥的;难懂的;难解的 synonym profound
    • This discussion's getting too deep for me.这讨论越来越深奥,使我难以理解。
    • He always sought for a deeper meaning in everything.他总是在一切事物中寻找更深的意义。
    • They spent hours discussing deep philosophical issues.他们花了几个小时讨论深刻的哲学问题。
    Extra Examples
    • None of the insights contained in the book were particularly deep.这本书中的见解都不特别深刻。
    • He pondered, as if over some deep philosophical point.他沉思着,仿佛在思索某个深奥的哲学问题。
  25. involved深陷

  26. deep in something fully involved in an activity or a state专心;全神贯注;深陷
    • to be deep in thought/conversation陷入深思;专心谈话
    • He is often so deep in his books that he forgets to eat.他常常专心于读书以致忘了吃饭。
    • The firm ended up deep in debt.这家公司最后债台高筑。
  27. person

  28. if a person is deep, they hide their real feelings and opinions深沉的;摸不透的;城府深的
    • She's always been a deep one, trusting no one.她这个人一直城府很深,对谁也不相信。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
  29. in sport体育运动

  30. to or from a position far down or across the field远端的
    • a deep ball from Brown布朗踢到球场远端的一脚球
  31. see also depth
    Word OriginOld English dēop (adjective), dīope, dēope (adverb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch diep and German tief, also to dip.
between the devil and the deep blue sea
  1. in a difficult situation where there are two equally unpleasant or unacceptable choices 进退维谷;左右为难Topics Preferences and decisionsc2
in deep water(s)
  1. (informal) in trouble or difficulty在困境中;在危难中Topics Difficulty and failurec2
in the shit | in deep shit
  1. (taboo, slang) in trouble遇到麻烦
    • I'll be in the shit if I don't get this work finished today.要是今天不把这活儿做完,那我就惨了。
    • You’re in deep shit now.你现在麻烦可大了。


(deeper, deepest)
Word Family
  • deep adjective adverb
  • deeply adverb
  • deepen verb
  • depth noun
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  1. a long way below the surface of something or a long way inside or into something深深地;在深处;至深处
    • Dig deeper!再挖深点!
    • + adv./prep. The miners were trapped deep underground.矿工被困在地下深处。
    • whales that feed deep beneath the waves在大海深处进食的鲸鱼
    • deep in the forest在森林深处
    • He stood with his hands deep in his pockets.他双手深插在衣袋里站着。
    • He gazed deep into her eyes.他深深凝视着她的眼睛。
    • They sat and talked deep into the night (= until very late).他们坐着谈话,一直谈到深夜。
    • The plane landed deep behind enemy lines. 飞机降落在敌后很深的地方。
    • (figurative) to sink deeper into poverty/debt 陷入更深的贫困/债务
    Which Word? deep / deeplydeep / deeply
    • The adverbs deep and deeply can both mean ‘a long way down or into something’. Deep can only mean this and is more common than deeply in this sense. It is usually followed by a word like into or below:副词 deep 和 deeply 均含由上到下或从外到里距离大的意思。deep 只含此义,而且用于此义时较 deeply 常用,其后通常接 into 或 below:
      • We decided to go deeper into the jungle.我们决定继续深入丛林。
    • Deeply usually means ‘very much’:deeply 常含非常之义:
      • deeply in love深爱
      • deeply shocked.大为震惊
      You can use deep down (but not deeply) to talk about a person’s real nature:表示人的本性、心地可用 deep down(但不能用 deeply):
      • She can seem stern, but deep down she’s a very kind person.她看上去可能严厉,其实心地非常善良。
      • She can seem stern, but deeply she’s a very kind person.
    Word OriginOld English dēop (adjective), dīope, dēope (adverb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch diep and German tief, also to dip.
deep down
  1. if you know something deep down, you know your true feelings about something, although you may not admit them to yourself在内心深处;在心底
    • Deep down I still loved him.我在内心深处仍然爱着他。
  2. if something is true deep down, it is really like that, although it may not be obvious to people本质上;实际上;事实上
    • He seems confident but deep down he's quite insecure.他好像很有信心,实际上却没什么把握。
dig deep (into something)
  1. to search for information in a careful and detailed way探究;搜集;细查
    • You'll need to dig deep into the records to find the figures you want.你必须仔细查阅档案才能找到你需要的数字。
  2. to try hard to provide the money, equipment, etc. that is needed尽力提供(所需金钱、设备等)
    • We're asking you to dig deep for the earthquake victims.我们请求你们尽力为地震灾民提供财物。
dig (deep) in/into your pocket(s), savings, etc.
  1. to spend a lot of your own money on something慷慨解囊;花费;掏腰包
go/run deep
  1. (of emotions, beliefs, etc.情感、信仰等) to be felt in a strong way, especially for a long time强烈;深厚;深入内心
    • Feelings about the death of a parent are bound to go deep.对父母去世的感受一定会很深。
    • Dignity and pride run deep in this community.尊严和骄傲已深深扎根于这个群体之中。
    • This suspicion runs very deep among some government members.这种猜疑在一些政府成员中很强烈。
still waters run deep
  1. (saying) a person who seems to be quiet or shy may surprise you by knowing a lot or having deep feelings静水流深;木讷寡言者也许胸藏丘壑


Word Family
  • deep adjective adverb
  • deeply adverb
  • deepen verb
  • depth noun
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  1. the deep
    [singular] (literary) the sea海;海洋
    • His body was committed to the deep (= he was buried at sea).他的尸体被埋在海底。
  2. the deep [singular], the deeps [plural]
    a deep part of something; the deepest part of something深处;最深处
    • in the deep of night/winter (= in the middle of the night/of winter)在深夜/隆冬
    • (figurative) the deeps of sorrow悲伤的深渊
    • the deeps of Loch Ness尼斯湖的深处
  3. Word OriginOld English dēop (adjective), dīope, dēope (adverb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch diep and German tief, also to dip.
BNC: 1024 COCA: 975


1a long way from top to bottom/front to back(距離)深VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, look深;看上去深The water looks very deep there.那兒的水看上去很深。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常深


2low in tone(音調)低沉VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, sound聲音低;聽起來低沉Her voice sounded very deep on the telephone.她的聲音在電話中聽起來很低沉。become變得低沉ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極度/相當/非常低沉


3strongly felt(感覺)強烈VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, go, run感覺強烈This suspicion runs very deep among some government members.這種猜疑在一些政府成員中很強烈。become變得強烈ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/頗為/非常強烈
BNC: 1024 COCA: 975
deep adj.
deep1 (deep sympathy) deep2 (a deep voice/sound) dark2 (a deep blue colour) serious3 (a deep understanding)


deep sympathy 深切的同情a deep voice/sound 低沉的嗓音/声响deep ♦︎ sincere ♦︎ real ♦︎ genuine ♦︎ heartfelt ♦︎ from the heart ♦︎ wholeheartedThese words all describe an emotion or belief that you feel or believe strongly. 这些词均形容情感或信念强烈的、由衷的、深切的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sincere / genuine about sthdeep / sincere / real / genuine / heartfelt sympathy / concerndeep / sincere / real / genuine affection / respect / regreta deep / real / genuine sense of sthsincere / heartfelt thanks / apologiesa sincere / genuine attempt (to do sth)a sincere / genuine personvery deep / real / sincere / genuinereally / completely sincere / genuine deep (of feelings or beliefs) strongly felt; showing what you really think or feel (感情或信念)强烈的,深切的;由衷的He expressed deep concern over the government's handling of the incident.他对政府处理该事件的手法表达了深切的关注。I felt a deep sense of loss when I heard of her death.听到她去世的消息我深感失落。 deeply


They were deeply disturbed by the accident.这次事故使他们深感不安。
sincere (of feelings, beliefs or intentions) showing what you really think or feel (感情、信念或意图)真诚的,诚挚的,诚恳的Please accept our sincere apologies.请接受我们真诚的道歉。I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your care and concern during this past week.我要为过去一周你对我的关心和照料表示诚挚的谢意。OPP insincere false see also sincerity truth sincerely


I sincerely believe that this is the right decision.我由衷地认为这个决定是正确的。
real (of feelings or behaviour) strong and sincere (感情或行为)强烈真挚的I had no real interest in politics.我对政治不大感兴趣。He was making a real effort to be nice to her.他真心诚意地努力对她好。 genuine (of people, their feelings or intentions) sincere and honest; that can be trusted (人、感情或意图)真诚的,诚实的;可信赖的She always showed genuine concern for others.她对别人总是真诚关心。He came across as a very genuine person.他给人的印象是非常诚实可信。 OPP forced artificial 2 genuinely


He seemed genuinely sorry for what had happened.他对所发生的事情好像真的很遗憾。
NOTE 辨析 Sincere or genuine?In many cases you can use either word. However, sincere is more likely to be used by sb about their own feelings and intentions; genuine is more likely to be used to express a judgement on sb else's feelings and intentions. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。但sincere多用于表述自己的感情或意图,genuine多用于表述对他人感情或意图的判断She insisted that they were making a sincere attempt to resolve the problem.她坚持说他们正在认真尝试解决这个问题。He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions.他真心实意地努力改善环境。Please accept our genuine apologies.
heartfelt ˈhɑːtfelt; NAmE ˈhɑːrtfelt [usually before noun] showing strong feelings that are sincere 真切的;衷心的She made a heartfelt plea for her son to give himself up.她真切地恳求儿子去自首。Christina breathed a heartfelt sigh of relief.克里斯蒂娜如释重负地舒了一口气。 from the (bottom of your) ˈheart


in a way that is sincere 发自内心地;诚心诚意I beg you, from the bottom of my heart, to spare his life.我诚心诚意地恳求你饶他一命。It was clearly an offer that came from the heart.那显然是个由衷的提议。
wholehearted ˌhəʊlˈhɑːtɪd; NAmE ˌhoʊlˈhɑːrtəd (approving) complete and enthusiastic 全心全意的;满腔热情的The plan was given wholehearted support.这项计划得到了全心全意的支持。 wholeheartedly


I wholeheartedly agree with you.我完全同意你的看法。


deep sympathy 深切的同情a deep voice/sound 低沉的嗓音/声响deep ♦︎ low ♦︎ rich ♦︎ bass ♦︎ sonorous ♦︎ full ♦︎ resoundingThese words all describe voices or sounds that are near the bottom of a musical scale and/or loud, and not high or soft. 这些词均形容嗓音或声音低沉的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a deep / low / rich / bass / sonorous / full voicea deep / low / rich / bass / full / resounding sounda deep / low groan / roar / rumblea deep / resounding thud / thump / thwack deep (of a voice) like a man's, not high like a woman's; (of a sound) near the bottom of the musical scale (嗓音或声音)低沉的,深沉的I heard his deep warm voice filling the room.我听见他那低沉而暖人的声音在房间里回荡。We heard a deep roar in the distance.我们听到远处一声低沉的轰鸣。 OPP high high 3 low (of a sound) near the bottom of the musical scale; (of a voice) quiet and often deep, like a man's 低沉的;低声的;轻声的The cello is lower than the violin.大提琴的声音比小提琴低沉。They were speaking in low voices.他们在低声说话。 OPP high high 3 NOTE 辨析 Deep or low?A low voice or sound is a quiet one, but you would not use low to describe a quiet, high voice. It is only when you are talking about musical notes that a low sound can be either loud or quiet. A deep voice or sound can be loud or quiet. Musical notes that are deep are very low. 用low形容嗓音或声音时,表示很轻柔,但不能用low形容轻柔的高音,只有修饰音符时low sound才有响亮轻柔之分。以deep修饰的嗓音或声音可以是响亮或轻柔的。deep形容音符时是指音高很低。 rich (approving) (of sounds, especially singing and music) strong and deep in a pleasant way (尤指歌声或音乐)浑厚的,低沉好听的Her rich contralto voice filled the concert hall.她那浑厚的中音充满了整个音乐大厅。A rich voice is usually a singing voice, not a speaking voice. 用rich形容嗓音时通常指歌声而非说话声。 bass beɪs [only before noun] (music 音乐) (of a voice, instrument or music) low in tone (嗓音、乐器或音乐)低音的,低声调的He was musically talented, with a fine bass voice.他有音乐天赋,嗓音低沉优美。a bass drum低音鼓Bass is a more technical word for a voice than low or deep, used in singing. 用bass来形容歌声,比用low或deep更专业。 OPP treble high 3 sonorous ˈsɒnərəs; NAmE ˈsɑːnərəs, səˈnɔːrəs (formal, approving) (of a voice or sound) strong, deep and ringing, in a pleasant way (嗓音或声音)雄浑的,浑厚的Her clear, sonorous voice is perfect for opera.她那清晰浑厚的嗓音很适合唱歌剧。 sonorously


full (approving) (of sounds, especially music) deep, strong and rich (尤指音乐声)圆浑的,圆润的,饱满的He draws a unique full sound from the instrument.他用乐器奏出一种独特的圆浑音调。 resounding rɪˈzaʊndɪŋ [only before noun] (written) (of a sound) very loud and continuing for a long time (声音)响亮悠扬的,回响的The boulder hit the ground with a resounding thud.那块巨石砰的一声砸在地面上。
BNC: 1024 COCA: 975
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Sleepers and describing sleep: broken, deep, dreamless...
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