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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


  1. [countable] a method, style or manner of doing something方法;手段;途径;方式
    • I prefer to do things the easy way.我做事力求简便。
    • I love him and I think he feels the same way.我爱他,我想他也有同感。
    • way to do something I'm sure we can find a way to make this work.我相信我们能找到一种方法来解决这个问题。
    • Using the subway is the only way to avoid the traffic.使用地铁是避免交通堵塞的唯一方法。
    • (informal, disapproving) That's no way to speak to your mother!不能那样跟你妈妈说话!
    • way of doing something I'm not happy with this way of working.我不喜欢这种工作方法。
    • way (that)… It's not what you say, it's the way that you say it.问题不在于你说什么,而在于你怎么说。
    • I hate the way she always criticizes me.我讨厌她一贯批评我的方式。
    • I told you we should have done it my way!我跟你说过我们原本应该用我的方法来做这事。
    • in the… way She dresses in the same way as her sister.她穿得和她姐姐一样。
    • Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways.传染病的感染途径有几种。
    • In this way, we can track the storms as they move across the ocean.这样,我们就可以跟踪风暴穿过海洋的过程。
    • in the way (that)… It works in the way you'd expect.它以你期望的方式工作。
    • New technology has radically changed the way in which this work is done.新技术彻底改变了这项工作的完成方式。
    • in a way that… She writes in a way that is easy to understand.她用一种容易理解的方式写作。
    • I generally get what I want one way or another (= by some means).我一般总能想方设法得到我想要的东西。
    see also third way
    Extra Examples
    • That's not the right way to hold a pair of scissors.那样拿剪刀不对。
    • Artists began to invent new ways of painting.艺术家开始创造新的画法。
    • Most people are creative in one way or another.大多数人都具有某方面的创造力。
    • You'll have to close everything down and restart your computer. It's the only way.你将不得不关闭一切并重新启动计算机。这是唯一的办法。
    • to look at ways of improving language teaching寻找改进语言教学的途径
    • I like the way (that) you did that.我喜欢你处理那件事的方式。
    • There are several possible ways of dealing with this problem.有几种方法可以处理这个问题。
    • They were asked to come up with ways of working more efficiently.他们被要求想出更有效的工作方法。
    • This is the best way of keeping in touch with friends while you're away.这是你不在时与朋友保持联系的最好方式。
    • What way would you use?你会用什么方式?
    • You won't impress the judges that way.那样不会给裁判留下深刻印象。
    • a unique way of settling disputes解决争端的独特方法
    • a sure-fire way to get him to do whatever I want必定让他完全按我的意愿做事的方法
    • a cost-effective way to boost performance提高性能的划算方法
    • Do you remember? Or, put another way, do you know?你记得吗?或者说,你知道吗?
    • God works in mysterious ways.主的行事方式神秘莫测。
    • I chose a different way of collecting data.我选择了一种不同的收集数据的方法。
    • I would think of some clever way to get myself out of this situation.我会想出妙计以摆脱这种局面。
    • One way or another, I'm going to make it.不管怎样,我将会成功的。
    • Students develop those skills in myriad ways.学生们用各种方法来培养那些技能。
    • The best way to open it is with pliers.这个最好用钳子来开。
    • The most important way to stop accidental drownings is by education.预防溺水事故的最好办法是加强安全教育。
    • There are a number of ways to overcome this problem.解决这个问题有许多途径。
    • There is no subtle way to tell someone that you no longer want them.没有什么委婉含蓄的方法可以告诉别人你不再需要他们。
    • They believe he'll figure out a way to make it work.他们相信他会想出办法让它发挥作用。
    • They've explored every possible way of dealing with the problem.他们探索过各种可能用来处理这个问题的方法。
    • We are searching for innovative and creative ways to solve the many problems facing us.我们正在寻求新颖、有创意的方法来解决我们所面临的许多问题。
    • They have never contributed in any meaningful way to our civilization.他们从来没有给我们的文明作过任何有益的贡献。
    • We did it the old-fashioned way.我们做这件事用的是老办法。
    • We expect computers to react a certain way, in certain situations.我们预料到电脑在某些情况下会作出某种反应。
    • They see the project as a way of helping poor families.他们认为这个项目是帮助贫困家庭的一种方式。
    • The only way to avoid GM ingredients is to buy certified organic food.避免转基因成分的唯一方法是购买认证的有机食品。
    • University changed the way I viewed the world.大学改变了我看待世界的方式。
    • I don't agree with his way of thinking.我不同意他的想法。
    • The problem can be seen in a variety of ways.这个问题可以从多方面来看。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • convenient
    • easy
    • effective
    … of ways
    • number
    verb + way
    • have
    • explore
    • look at
    • in a/​the way
    • in a certain way
    • in a big way
    • in every way
    See full entry
  2. behaviour行为

  3. [countable] a particular manner or style of behaviour作风;风度;样子
    • in a… way They grinned at her in a friendly way.他们友好地对她咧嘴笑了笑。
    • It was not his way to admit that he had made a mistake.承认自己犯了错误可不是他一贯的作风。
    • Don't worry, if she seems quiet—it's just her way.如果她看上去不爱说话,别担心,她就是这么个人。
    • He was showing off, as is the way with adolescent boys.他在炫耀,青春期的男孩都是这个样子。
    Extra Examples
    • He has a way of staring at you that is very unnerving.他盯着人看的样子让人心慌。
    • She worked hard to act in an honest way.她努力以诚实的方式行事。
    • ‘Hi there,’ said Tom in a friendly way.“你好,”汤姆友好地说。
    • She's behaving in a very mysterious way.她表现得很神秘。
    • She spoke in a way that put everyone at their ease.她说话的方式让每个人都很放松。
    • He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.他是个英俊男子,透着点儿邪气。
    • Try to approach this in a sensible way.尽量理性地处理这一问题。
    • I could tell he liked her from the way he looked at her.从他看她的样子,我可以看出他喜欢她。
  4. ways
    [plural] the typical way of behaving and living of a particular group of people(群体的)行为方式,生活方式,习俗
    • After ten years I'm used to the strange British ways.十年之后,我习惯了英国人的奇异习俗。
    • She always said that the old ways were the best.她总是说旧方法是最好的。
  5. route/road路线;道路

  6. [countable, usually singular] a route or road that you take in order to reach a place路线;路;道路
    • to ask somebody the way向某人问路
    • Do you know the way?你认识路吗?
    • way to… Can you tell me the way to Leicester Square?你能告诉我去莱斯特广场的路吗?
    • way from… to… the best/quickest/shortest way from A to B从甲地到乙地最好的/最快的/最近的路线
    • We went the long way round.我们绕了一个大圈子。
    Extra Examples
    • Can you tell me the way out of here?你能告诉我出去的路吗?
    • He showed us the way.他给我们指了路。
    • She asked him the way to the station.她向他询问去车站的路。
    • The way across the fields is longer but pleasanter.穿过田间的路远一些,但走起来更惬意。
    • The way through the woods is quicker.穿过树林走更快些。
    • We walked along the covered way to the science building.我们沿着有遮顶的路走到了科学楼。
    • the easiest way from my house to yours从我家到你家最好走的路线
    • I didn't know the way and I had no map.我不认识路,也没有地图。
    • I stopped to ask the way.我停下来问路。
    • I think they must have gone the long way round.我想他们一定走了很长一段路。
    • Is this the right way to the station?这是到车站的正确路线吗?
    • The quickest way to the house is through the woods.去那所房子最快的方法是穿过树林。
    • We parted ways once we went off to college.上大学后我们就分开了。
    • They've led the way in achieving political and social reforms.他们在实现政治和社会改革方面走在了前列。
    • I'll be with you every step of the way.我会一直陪着你。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • best
    • quickest
    • right
    verb + way
    • go
    • part
    • go out of
    • along the way
    • in the/​your way
    • out of the/​your way
    • take the easy way out
    • the way back
    • the way forward
    See full entry
  7. [countable, usually singular] the route along which somebody/something is moving; the route that somebody/something would take if there was nothing stopping them/it行进路线;通路
    • Get out of my way! I'm in a hurry.让开!我有急事。
    • Riot police with shields were blocking the demonstrators' way.手持盾牌的防暴警察堵住了示威者的路。
    • along the way Unfortunately they ran into a snowstorm along the way.他们不幸在途中遇上了暴风雪。
    • + adv./prep. We fought our way through the dense vegetation.我们在茂密的植被中开出一条通路。
    • (figurative) We will eventually find a way out of the crisis.我们最终会找到摆脱危机的方法。
    see also right of way
    Extra Examples
    • A fallen tree blocked the way.一棵倒下的树堵塞了道路。
    • He couldn't find a way through the bracken.他在蕨丛中找不到出路。
    • He had to navigate his way through the city's one-way streets.他不得不开着车在该市的单行道上穿行。
    • He edged his way along the wall.他贴着墙侧身前行。
    • She fought her way up to the top of the company.她一路奋斗到了公司的最高层。
    • We saw a dreadful accident along the way.途中我们看到了一起可怕的事故。
    • A fallen tree was blocking their way.一棵倒下的树挡住了他们的路。
    • They had to fight their way through the crowd.他们得奋力在人群中挤过去。
    • They inched their way along the tunnel.他们沿着隧道慢慢前进。
    • Could you please get those boxes out of my way?劳驾您把这些箱子搬开,不要拦住我的路好吗?
    • The procession snaked its way through the town.游行队伍蜿蜒穿过小镇。
    • (figurative) The withdrawal of troops should clear the way for a peace settlement.撤军将为和平解决争端开辟道路。
    • The river wound its way through the valley.河水蜿蜒流过山谷。
    • The climber inched his way up the sheer cliff face.登山者小心翼翼地爬上陡峭的悬崖。
    • She bluffed her way through the exam.她考试蒙混过关了。
    • The street wove its way through the hills.这条街蜿蜒穿过群山。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • best
    • quickest
    • right
    verb + way
    • go
    • part
    • go out of
    • along the way
    • in the/​your way
    • out of the/​your way
    • take the easy way out
    • the way back
    • the way forward
    See full entry
  8. [countable] a road, path or street for travelling along路;小径;街道
    • There's a way across the fields.有一条路穿过田地。
    see also freeway, highway, motorway, railway, waterway
  9. Way
    used in the names of streets(用于街道名称)路,道
    • 106 Headley Way黑德利路 106 号
  10. direction方向

  11. [countable, usually singular] which, this, that, etc. way a particular direction; in a particular direction某方向;往某方向
    • Which way did they go?他们往哪边去了?
    • We just missed a car coming the other way.我们差点被一辆对面开过来的汽车撞上。
    • Look both ways (= look left and right) before crossing the road.横过马路前要朝左右两边看一看。
    • Make sure that sign's the right way up.一定不要把这招牌挂颠倒了。
    • The pipe could be moved a few inches either way.管道可以向任何方向移动几英寸。
    • Kids were running this way and that (= in all directions).孩子们四处奔跑。
    • They decided to split the money four ways (= between four different people).他们决定把钱分成四份。
    • (figurative) Which way (= for which party) are you going to vote?你打算投哪边的票?
    see also each way, one-way, three-way, two-way
    Extra Examples
    • He looked my way, but didn't seem to recognize me.他朝我这边看,但好像没认出我来。
    • Walk this way, please.请这边走。
    • I went the opposite way.我朝反方向走。
    • There's a huge storm heading this way.有一场强风暴正朝这边袭来。
    • They've gone the wrong way.他们走错路了。
    • He narrowly avoided a car coming the other way.他差一点没躲过对面开来的车。
    • Try it the other way around.倒过来试试。
    • Which way up does this box go?这个箱子哪边朝上?
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • both
    • opposite
    • right
    verb + way
    • go
    • lead
    • point
    • the… way around
    • the… way round
    • the… way up
    See full entry
  12. for entering/leaving进入;离去

  13. [countable, usually singular] a means of going into or leaving a place, such as a door or gate出入通道;门口
    • the way in/out入口;出口
    • They escaped out the back way.他们从后门逃走了。
    see also companionway
  14. distance/time距离;时间

  15. [singular]
    (also North American English, informal ways)
    a distance or period of time between two points(两点之间的)距离,时间段
    • A little way up on the left is the Museum of Modern Art.前面不远左手边就是现代艺术博物馆。
    • We had to go a long way before we found a place to eat.我们不得不走很长一段路才找到吃饭的地方。
    • September was a long way off.那时离九月份还有很长一段时间。
    • You came all this way to see us?你大老远地跑来看我们?
    • (figurative) The area's wine industry still has a way to go to full maturity.这个地区的酿酒业还远远没有完全成熟。
    • (North American English, informal) We still have a ways to go.我们还有很大的差距。
    Extra Examples
    • It's quite a way from my house to the shops.从我家到商店颇有一段距离。
    • Your birthday is still some way off.你的生日还有一段路要走。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • little
    • short
    verb + way
    • come
    • go
    • way from
    • way to
    • all the way
    • the whole way
    • the whole way through
    See full entry
  16. area地区

  17. [singular] (informal) an area, a part of a country, etc.地区;地带
    • over/down… way I think he lives somewhere over Greenwich way.我想他住在格林尼治那一带。
    • down your/my way I'll stop by and see you next time I'm down your way.下次我去你那一带时会顺道去看你的。
  18. aspect方面

  19. [countable] a particular aspect of something方面 synonym respect
    • I have changed in every way.我已经完完全全变了。
    • It's been quite a day, one way and another (= for several reasons).从几方面看,这是不寻常的一天。
    Extra Examples
    • They're alike in more ways than one.他们在很多方面很相像。
    • They're different in every way.无论从哪方面看,他们都不一样。
    • Can I help you in any way?我能帮你什么忙吗?
  20. condition/state情况;状态

  21. [singular] a particular condition or state情况;状态
    • in a… way The economy's in a bad way.经济状况很糟。
    • I don't know how we're going to manage, the way things are.按目前这样的情况,我不知道我们要如何应付。
    Extra Examples
    • The way things are going, I think that's achievable.根据目前的情况,我觉得那个目标能够实现。
    • She is content with the way things are.她对现状感到满意。
  22. Word OriginOld English weg, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch weg and German Weg, from a base meaning ‘move, carry’.
across the way
(British English also over the way)
  1. on the other side of the street, etc.在街对面;在…对面
    • Music blared from the open window of the house across the way.从街对面那栋房子开着的窗户里传出嘈杂的音乐声。
all the way
  1. (also the whole way)
    during the whole journey/period of time一路上;自始至终
    • She didn't speak a word to me all the way back home.回家的一路上,她没对我说过一句话。
    • the whole way to Arizona去亚利桑那州的一路上
    • This bus doesn't go all the way so you'll have to change.这趟公交车是区间车,所以你必须换乘。
    • I watched the movie the whole way through.我从头至尾看了这部电影。
  2. completely; as much as it takes to achieve what you want完全地;无保留地
    • I'm fighting him all the way.我在全力和他对抗。
    • You can feel that the audience is with her all the way.你可以感觉到听众完全支持她。
along the way
  1. as you make progress with something在…过程中
    • You'll learn something along the way.一路上你会学到一些东西。
(that’s/it’s) always the way
  1. (informal) used to say that things often happen in a particular way, especially when it is not convenient(表示经常如此,尤用于贬义)总是这样,老是
any way you slice it
  1. (North American English, informal) however you choose to look at a situation无论你如何看待
be/be born/be made that way
  1. (of a person) to behave or do things in a particular manner because it is part of your character天性如此;生下就这样
    • It's not his fault he's so pompous—he was born that way.他如此自命不凡并不是他的错,他天生就是这种性格。
be (all) downhill | be downhill all the way (informal)
  1. to be easy compared with what came before(与前面的相比较)容易
    • It's all downhill from here. We'll soon be finished.从这以后就容易了。我们很快就会结束。
  2. to become worse or less successful每况愈下;走下坡路;不断恶化
    • It's been all downhill for his career since then, with four defeats in five games.从那时起他的战绩便江河日下,五场比赛输掉了四场。
    • I started work as a journalist and it was downhill all the way for my health.我开始当记者后,身体每况愈下。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
be downhill all the way | be (all) downhill (informal)
  1. to be easy compared with what came before(与前面的相比较)容易
    • It's downhill all the way from here. We'll soon be finished.从这里一直走下坡路。我们很快就要结束了。
  2. to become worse or less successful每况愈下;走下坡路;不断恶化
    • I started work as a journalist and it was downhill all the way for my health.我开始当记者后,身体每况愈下。
    • It's been all downhill for his career since then, with four defeats in five games.从那时起他的战绩便江河日下,五场比赛输掉了四场。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
be set in your ways
  1. to have habits or opinions that you have had for a long time and that you do not want to change积习难改;禀性难移;执拗
    • Grandma is so set in her ways.奶奶的行事方式就是这样一成不变。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
be well on the way to something/doing something
  1. to have nearly achieved something and be going to achieve it soon即将达到;将要成就
    • She is well on the way to recovery.她就要康复了。
    • He is well on the way to establishing himself among the top ten players in the world.他很快就会成为排名世界前十位的选手。
    Topics Successc2
by a long way
  1. by a great amount大量地;大大地
    • He was the best by a long way.他是最棒的。
by the way
(also by the by/bye)
  1. (abbreviation BTW)
    (informal) used to introduce a comment or question that is not directly related to what you have been talking about顺便提一下;捎带说一声;附带问一句
    • By the way, I found that book you were looking for.顺便提一下,我找到了你在寻找的那本书。
    • What's the time, by the way?顺便问一句,几点钟了?
    • Oh by the way, if you see Jackie, tell her I'll call her this evening.啊,对了,你要是看到杰基,告诉她我今晚给她打电话。
by way of something
  1. by a route that includes the place mentioned路经;经过;经由 synonym via
    • The artist recently arrived in Paris from Bulgaria by way of Vienna.这位艺术家最近从保加利亚途经维也纳到了巴黎。
    • She came to TV by way of drama school.她是念过戏剧学校后到电视台的。
by way of/in the way of something
  1. as a form of something; for something; as a means of something作为…的形式;为了;作为…的手段
    • He received £600 by way of compensation from the company.他得到那家公司 600 英镑的赔偿。
    • She rolled her eyes by way of an answer and left.她转动了一下眼睛作为回答就走了。
change your ways
  1. to start to live or behave in a different way from before开始过另一种生活;换个活法
    • He was in trouble with the police as a teenager but now he’s completely changed his ways.他十几岁时曾与警方有过纠纷,但现在他完全改变了自己的方式。
    • Your father is unlikely to change his ways now.你父亲现在不大可能改变他的作风。
claw your way back, into something, out of something, to something, etc.
  1. to gradually achieve something or move somewhere by being determined and using a lot of effort努力逐步获得;艰难地移动
    • She clawed her way to the top of her profession.她努力不懈,终于爬到了职业的顶峰。
    • Slowly, he clawed his way out from under the collapsed building.他艰难地从倒塌的大楼废墟底下慢慢爬了出来。
    Topics Successc2
clear the way (for something/for something to happen)
  1. to remove things that are stopping the progress or movement of something(为…)清除障碍,扫清道路
    • The ruling could clear the way for extradition proceedings.这项裁决也许能为引渡程序铺平道路。
come your way
  1. to happen to you by chance, or when you were not expecting it意外落在…头上;偶尔发生在…身上
    • He took the first job that came his way.他接受了自己的第一份工作。
    • Have any interesting articles come your way recently?你最近读到什么有意思的文章了吗?
cut both/two ways
  1. (of an action, argument, etc.行动、论点等) to have two opposite effects or results两面都行得通(或说得通);有利也有弊
either way | one way or the other
  1. used to say that it does not matter which one of two possibilities happens, is chosen or is true两者都一样
    • Was it his fault or not? Either way, an explanation is due.是他的错或不是?无论是不是,都得有个解释。
    • We could meet today or tomorrow—I don't mind one way or the other.我们可以在今天或明天见面,哪一天对我都行。
every which way
  1. (informal) in all directions四面八方;向各处
    • Her hair tumbled every which way.她的头发乱得像鸡窝。
feel your way
  1. to move along carefully, for example when it is dark, by touching walls, objects, etc.(如在黑暗中)摸索着走动
  2. to be careful about how you do things, usually because you are in a situation that you are not familiar with(在新环境中)谨慎行事
    • She was new in the job, still feeling her way.她对这项工作不熟悉,还在摸索着干。
find your way (to…)
  1. to discover the right route (to a place)找到正确的路(去某处)
    • I hope you can find your way home.希望你能找到回家的路。
find your/its way (to/into…)
  1. to come to a place or a situation by chance or without intending to偶然来到;无意中处于
    • He eventually found his way into acting.他弄到最后竟干起了演艺这一行。
get into/out of the way of (doing) something
  1. to become used to doing something/to lose the habit of doing something养成(或丢掉)…的习惯
    • The women had got into the way of going up on the deck every evening.这些女人养成了每天晚上到平台去的习惯。
get in the way of
  1. to prevent somebody from doing something; to prevent something from happening挡…的路;妨碍
    • He wouldn't allow emotions to get in the way of him doing his job.他不会让感情妨碍自己的工作。
get/have your own way
  1. to get or do what you want, especially when somebody has tried to stop you一意孤行;为所欲为
    • She always gets her own way in the end.到最后总是她说了算。
give way
  1. to break or fall down断裂;倒塌;塌陷
    • The pillars gave way and a section of the roof collapsed.这些立柱坍塌了,一部分屋顶坠落下来。
    • Her numb leg gave way beneath her and she stumbled clumsily.她那麻木了的腿一软,她便重重地摔了一跤。
give way (to somebody/something)
  1. to stop resisting somebody/something; to agree to do something that you do not want to do屈服;退让;让步
    • He refused to give way on any of the points.他拒绝在任何一点上让步。
    Topics Discussion and agreementc2
  2. (British English) to allow somebody/something to be or go first让…在先;让…先行
    • Give way to traffic already on the roundabout.让已上环状交叉路的车辆先行。
    Topics Transport by car or lorryc2
give way to something
  1. to allow yourself to be very strongly affected by something, especially an emotion让自己陷于(某种情绪等)
    • Flinging herself on the bed, she gave way to helpless misery.她一头扑倒在床上,痛苦不堪。
  2. to be replaced by something被…代替
    • The storm gave way to bright sunshine.暴风雨过后阳光灿烂。
    • As he drew nearer, his anxiety gave way to relief.当他越来越近的时候,他的焦虑减轻了。
go all the way (with somebody)
  1. (informal) to have full sexual intercourse with somebody(与某人)尽情地性交
go back a long way
  1. (of two or more people两个或两个以上的人) to have known each other for a long time相识很久
    • We go back a long way, he and I.我跟他,我们俩相识很久了。
go a long way
  1. (of money, food, etc.钱、食物等) to last a long time经用;够维持很长时间
    • She seems to make her money go a long way.看起来她用钱细水长流。
    • A small amount of this paint goes a long way (= covers a large area).这种涂料用一点就可涂一大片。
    • (ironic) I find that a little of Jerry's company can go a long way (= I quickly get tired of being with him).我发觉跟杰里待上一会儿就受不了啦。
go a long/some way towards doing something
  1. to help very much/a little in achieving something(对做某事)帮助很大/不大,作用很大/不大
    • The new law goes a long way towards solving the problem.新的法律十分有助于解决这一问题。
go out of your way (to do something)
  1. to make a special effort to do something特地;格外努力
    • He would always go out of his way to be friendly towards her.他总是特意向她表示友好。
    • She went out of her way to help them.她不辞劳苦地帮助他们。
go your own way
  1. to do as you choose, especially when somebody has advised you against it一意孤行;我行我素
    • It's best to let her go her own way if you don't want a fight.你要不想吵架的话,最好是随她去好了。
    • He's always gone his own way when it comes to design.在设计方面,他总是走他自己的路。
go your separate ways
  1. to end a relationship with somebody断绝往来;分道扬镳
    • When the business was sold they went their separate ways.生意出售后,他们分道扬镳。
    • They decided to go their separate ways after being together for five years.在一起 5 年之后,他们决定分手。
    • When we finished school, we all went our separate ways.毕业之后,我们就都各奔东西。
  2. to go in a different direction from somebody you have been travelling with分路而行;分手
go somebody’s way
  1. to travel in the same direction as somebody与…同路
    • I'm going your way—I'll walk with you.咱们同路,我和你一起走。
    Extra Examples
    • I'm going your way, so we can walk together.我走你那条路,这样咱们可以一起走。
    • She was going my way, so we talked as we walked.她和我同路,所以我们边走边聊。
  2. (of events事情) to go well for you; to be in your favour进行顺利;对…有利
    • By the third round he knew the fight was going his way.拳击打到第三回合,他知道形势对自己很有利。
go the way of all flesh
  1. to die长逝;走向人生终点
the hard way
  1. by having an unpleasant experience or by making mistakes已经开始;在进行中
    • She won't listen to my advice so she'll just have to learn the hard way.她不肯听我的忠告,所以只好吃了苦头才知道厉害。
    • He learned about the dangers of drugs the hard way.他吃了一番苦头后才懂得了毒品的危险。
have come a long way
  1. to have made a lot of progress取得大的进步;大有长进
    • We've come a long way since the early days of the project.这项目开始以来我们已取得很大进展。
    • The study of genes has come a long way in recent years.最近几年的基因研究取得了很大进展。
have your head screwed on (the right way)
  1. (informal) to be a sensible person头脑清醒;理智
have/want it both ways
  1. to have or want to have the advantages of two different situations or ways of behaving that are impossible to combine(想)两全其美
    • You can't have it both ways. If you can afford to go out all the time, you can afford to pay off some of your debts.你不可能做到两全其美。如果你有钱整天外出玩乐,就能还掉一部分债。
have it your own way!
  1. (informal) used to say in an angry way that although you are not happy about something that somebody has said, you are not going to argue随你的便好了
    • Oh OK, then. Have it your own way!啊,好啦。随你的便吧。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
have it/things/everything your own way
  1. to have something arranged in the way that you want, even though other people want it to be arranged differently为所欲为;一意孤行
    • The German team weren't going to let the English have everything their own way.德国队不会让英国人随心所欲。
have a long way to go
  1. to need to make a lot of progress before you can achieve something还有很长的路要走;还有很大差距
    • She still has a long way to go before she's fully fit.她还需要很长时间才能完全恢复健康。
    Topics Successc1
have a way of doing something
  1. used to say that something often happens in a particular way, especially when it is out of your control…是常有的事(尤指无法控制的事)
    • First love affairs have a way of not working out.第一次恋爱常常不成功。
    • Fate has a way of changing the best of plans.命运可以改变最完美的计划。
have a way with somebody/something
  1. to be good at dealing with somebody/something善于应付;善于处理;有办法对付
    • He has a way with small children.他很会逗小孩。
    • She has a way with words (= is very good at expressing herself).她善于辞令。
have your (wicked) way with somebody
  1. (old-fashioned, humorous) to persuade somebody to have sex with you把…勾到手
if I had my way
  1. used to explain what you would do if you had total control over something肯定无疑;别无他途
    • If I had my way, smoking would be banned completely.如果我有办法,吸烟将被完全禁止。
in any (way,) shape or form
  1. (informal) of any type任何形式
    • I don't approve of violence in any shape or form.我不赞成任何形式的暴力行为。
    • I can't stand insects in any shape or form.无论什么样的昆虫我都很害怕。
    • I do not condone bullying in any way, shape or form.我不容忍任何形式的欺凌。
in a big/small way
  1. on a large/small scale大/小规模地
    • The new delivery service has taken off in a big way.新的递送服务迅速走红。
    • Many people are investing in a small way in the stock market.许多人都在小量地向证券市场投资。
    • He then started spending money in a big way.他那时开始大把地花钱。
(be/get) in the family way
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) (to be/become) pregnant怀孕;有喜
in more ways than one
  1. used to show that a statement has more than one meaning(所说的话)不只一个意思;在很多方面
    • With the first goal he used his head in more ways than one.他进第一个球时从多方面动了脑筋。
in the ordinary way
  1. (British English) used to say what normally happens in a particular situation一般地;通常地
    • In the ordinary way, she's not a nervous person.一般而言,她是个不爱紧张的人。
in your own sweet time/way
  1. how and when you want to, even though this might annoy other people任凭自己的意愿
    • He always does the work, but in his own sweet time.工作他总是在做,但只在自己高兴的时候做。
    • She just ignores all the criticism and continues on her own sweet way.她只是无视所有的批评,继续她自己甜蜜的方式。
in a way | in one way | in some ways
  1. to some extent; not completely在某种程度上;不完全地
    • In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes.从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之一。
    Extra Examples
    • It's more interesting, in some ways, to watch what's going on behind the scenes here.在某种程度上,在这里看后台发生的一切更有趣。
    • In a certain way, all of that is true.那一切在某种程度上都是对的。
in her, his, its, etc. (own) way
  1. in a manner that is appropriate to or typical of a person or thing but that may seem unusual to other people以…的特有方式
    • I expect she does love you in her own way.我想她的确是以她特有的方式爱你。
    • The building is very attractive in its own way.这座建筑本身就很吸引人。
    • He was attractive in his own way.他有他的迷人之处。
in the/somebody’s way
  1. stopping somebody from moving or doing something妨碍;挡着…的路
    • You'll have to move—you're in my way.你得挪一挪,你挡了我的路。
    • I left them alone, as I felt I was in the way.我留下他们单独在一起,因为我觉得我碍他们的事。
    • There were several rocks in the way.有几块岩石挡住了路。
in the way of something
  1. used in questions and negative sentences to talk about the types of something that are available(用于问句或否定句)关于,就…而言
    • There isn't much in the way of entertainment in this place.这个地方没有多少娱乐活动。
keep/stay out of somebody’s way
  1. to avoid somebody规避;避开;躲开
    • Let's keep out of her way while she's in such a bad mood.她心情不好,我们不要打扰她。
know your way around
  1. to be familiar with a place, subject, etc.熟悉周围情况(或话题等)
laugh all the way to the bank
  1. (informal) to make a lot of money easily and feel very pleased about it发大财而喜笑颜开
lie your way into/out of something
  1. to get yourself into or out of a situation by lying由于撒谎而处于某种境地(或摆脱某种处境)
look the other way
  1. to deliberately avoid seeing somebody/something故意避而不看
    • Prison officers know what's going on, but look the other way.狱警知道出了什么事,但扭过头去装作没看见。
lose your way
  1. to become lost迷失方向;迷路
    • We lost our way in the dark.我们在黑暗中迷了路。
    • She lost her way in the fog.她在大雾中迷了路。
  2. to forget or move away from the purpose or reason for something忘记宗旨;背离…的意图
    • I feel that the project has lost its way.我觉得这个项目已经背离了原来的意图。
    • This project seems to have lost its way.这个项目似乎背离了原来的意图。
make way (for somebody/something)
  1. to allow somebody/something to pass; to allow somebody/something to take the place of somebody/something让…通过;给…让路;让出位置
    • Make way for the Lord Mayor!给市长大人让路!
    • Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.热带森林被砍伐,腾出地方做草地。
make your way (to/towards something)
  1. to move or get somewhere; to make progress去;前往;到…地方去;前进
    • Will you be able to make your own way to the airport (= get there without help, a ride, etc.)?你能自己去机场吗?
    • Is this your plan for making your way in the world?这就是你要出人头地的计划吗?
mend your ways
  1. to stop behaving badly改过自新;改邪归正
(steer, take, etc.) a middle course | (find, etc.) a/the middle way
  1. (to take/find) an acceptable course of action that avoids two extreme positions(走)中间道路;(取)中庸之道;(采取)折中办法
(there are) no two ways about it
  1. (saying) used to show that you are certain about something肯定无疑;别无他途
    • It was the wrong decision—there are no two ways about it.这是错误的决定,毫无疑问。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
(there is) no way
  1. (informal) used to say that there is no possibility that you will do something or that something will happen不可能;决不;不行;没门儿
    • ‘Do you want to help?’ ‘No way!’“你想帮忙吗?” “没门!”
    • No way am I going to drive them there.我无论如何都不会开车把他们送到那里去。
    • There's no way we could afford that sort of money.我们无论如何都花不起那种钱。
on the/its/your way
  1. during the journey在路上;在行进中
    • He stopped for breakfast on the way.他中途停下吃早点。
    • She grabbed her camera and bag on her way out.她出门时一把抓起照相机和提包。
    Extra Examples
    • We didn't stop on the way north.在向北走的路上我们没有停下来。
    • They bought some supplies on the way.他们在路上买了些补给品。
    • We stopped for a drink on the way home.在回家途中我们停下来喝了点儿东西。
    • On the way back, he invited me to his home for drinks.回去的路上,他邀请我去他家喝一杯。
  2. going or coming即将去(或来);就要去(或来)
    • I'd better be on my way (= I must leave) soon.我最好还是快点儿走。
    • The letter should be on its way to you.那封信该快到你那里了。
    • Then he went off on his merry way.然后他执意离开了。
  3. (of a baby婴儿) not yet born尚未出生的
    • They've got three kids and one on the way.他们有三个孩子,还有一个尚未出生。
open the way for somebody/something (to do something)
  1. to make it possible for somebody to do something or for something to happen开方便之门
    • The agreement could open the way for the country to pay off its debts.这一协定使得该国有望还清债务。
the other way round
  1. in the opposite position, direction or order颠倒过来;相反;反过来
    • I think it should go on the other way round.我想这应该以相反的方式继续下去。
  2. the opposite situation相反的情况
    • I didn't leave you. It was the other way round (= you left me).我没有离开你。是你离开了我。
out of harm’s way
  1. in a safe place where somebody/something cannot be hurt or injured or do any damage to somebody/something在安全的地方;被隔离
    • She put the knife in a drawer, out of harm’s way.为安全起见,她把刀放在抽屉里。
    • I prefer the children to play in the garden where they’re out of harm’s way.我比较喜欢让孩子在花园里玩耍,因为那里安全。
out of the way
  1. no longer stopping somebody from moving or doing something不再挡路;不再碍事
    • I moved my legs out of the way so that she could get past.我挪开腿让她过去。
    • I didn't say anything until Dad was out of the way.我直到爸爸不再打扰之后才说话。
  2. finished; dealt with结束;处理完
    • Our region is poised for growth once the election is out of the way.大选一结束,我们地区就准备大展拳脚。
  3. used in negative sentences to mean ‘unusual’(用于否定句)奇特的,不寻常的,罕见的
    • She had obviously noticed nothing out of the way.她显然没发现异常情况。
  4. see also out-of-the-way
out of your way
  1. not on the route that you planned to take不在计划走的路线上
    • I'd love a ride home—if it's not out of your way.我很想搭你的车回家,如果这不叫你绕路的话。
    Extra Examples
    • The supermarket is a bit out of my way.我去超市不太顺路。
    • The library is slightly out of my way.我去图书馆不太顺路。
a/the parting of the ways
  1. a point at which two people or groups of people decide to separate岔路口;分道扬镳处;分手处
    • These events led to a final parting of the ways.这些事件导致了最后的分道扬镳。
pave the way (for somebody/something)
  1. to create a situation in which somebody will be able to do something or something can happen(为…)铺平道路,创造条件
    • This decision paved the way for changes in employment rights for women.这项决议为修改妇女就业权利创造了条件。
pay its way
  1. (of a business, etc.企业等) to make enough money to pay what it costs to keep it going赢利运作;不负债;收支平衡
    • The bridge is still not paying its way.这座桥现在还入不敷出。
pay your way
  1. to pay for everything yourself without having to rely on anyone else’s money独立偿付一切;自食其力
pick your way (across, along, among, over, through something)
  1. to walk carefully, choosing the safest, driest, etc. place to put your feet择路而行;小心看着路行走
    • She picked her way delicately over the rough ground.她小心翼翼地在高低不平的地面上行走。
    • We picked our way carefully over the jagged rocks.我们在犬牙交错的岩石中小心翼翼地前行。
rub somebody up the wrong way (British English)
(North American English rub somebody the wrong way)
  1. (informal) to make somebody annoyed or angry, often without intending to, by doing or saying something that offends them(无意中)惹人生气,触怒别人
    • She tends to rub people up the wrong way.她倾向于以错误的方式激怒别人。
see, realize, etc. the error of your ways
  1. (formal or humorous) to realize or admit that you have done something wrong and decide to change your behaviour知过即改;承认自己的做法不对并决心改正
    • Will they realize the error of their ways before it is too late?他们能及时意识到自己在方式方法上的错误吗?
see your way (clear) to doing something/to do something
  1. to find that it is possible or convenient to do something觉得有可能做某事;认为便于做某事
    • Small builders cannot see their way clear to take on many trainees.小建筑商认为不可能招收很多见习生。
see which way the wind is blowing
  1. to get an idea of what is likely to happen before deciding what to do看看风向;观察势头;摸清可能发生的情况
show the way
  1. to do something first so that other people can follow示范
smooth the path/way
  1. to make it easier for somebody/something to develop or make progress铺平道路
    • These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty.这些谈判目的在于为签订和平条约铺平道路。
    • We’re trying to smooth the way for women who want to resume their careers.我们正在努力为那些想重新开始职业生涯的女性铺平道路。
(not) stand in somebody’s way
  1. to (not) prevent somebody from doing something(不)妨碍别人
    • If you believe you can make her happy, I won't stand in your way.如果你相信你能使她幸福,我不会妨碍你的。
    • He wanted to go to college and would let nothing stand in his way.他想上大学,不会让任何事情阻碍他的。
swing both ways
  1. (informal) to be bisexual (= sexually attracted to both men and women)双性恋;既喜欢异性也喜欢同性
take the easy way out
  1. to end a difficult situation by choosing the simplest solution even if it is not the best one以最简单的方法解决难题;快刀斩乱麻
    • He took the easy way out and didn’t go to the meeting.他采取了简单的办法,没有去开会。
    • She took the easy way out and paid someone to write the article for her.她采取了简单的方法,花钱请人给她写文章。
take something the wrong way
  1. to be offended by a remark that was not intended to be offensive误会本意良好的话
    • She always takes things the wrong way.她总是以错误的方式对待事情。
talk your way out of something/of doing something
  1. to make excuses and give reasons for not doing something; to manage to get yourself out of a difficult situation靠能言善辩开脱;以话解围
    • I managed to talk my way out of having to give a speech.我好说歹说总算逃脱了发言的差事。
that’s the way the cookie crumbles
  1. (informal) that is the situation and we cannot change it, so we must accept it情况就是这样;没有别的办法
there’s more than one way to skin a cat
  1. (saying, humorous) there are many different ways to achieve something(要做成某事)方法不只一个,有的是办法Topics Successc2
to my way of thinking
  1. in my opinion我认为;依我看;依我之见Topics Opinion and argumentc2
under way
(also underway)
  1. having started已经开始;在进行中
    • Preparations are well under way for a week of special events in May.五月份特别活动周的准备工作已经顺利开展。
the way forward
  1. a plan of action that is likely to be successful每况愈下;走下坡路;不断恶化
    • Personal electronic health records are the way forward for effective healthcare in the future.个人电子健康记录是未来有效医疗保健的前进方向。
a way into something
(also a way in to something)
  1. something that allows you to join a group of people, an industry, etc. that it is difficult to join, or to understand something that it is difficult to understand(加入难以进入的群体、行业等的)敲门砖;(弄懂难以理解的事物的)窍门,诀窍
a/the/somebody’s way of life
  1. the typical pattern of behaviour of a person or group(个人或群体的)特有的行为模式,典型生活方式
    • the American way of life美国人的生活方式
    • She loved the Spanish way of life and immediately felt at home there.她喜欢西班牙的生活,一到那里就觉得舒适自在。
    • the beliefs and practices of the Hindu way of life印度教生活方式的信仰与实践
the way of the world
  1. the way that most people behave; the way that things happen, which you cannot change大多数人的行为模式;世道;事情发生的规律
    • The rich and powerful make the decisions—that's the way of the world.有钱有势者说了算,这就是世道。
my way or the highway
  1. (North American English, informal) used to say that somebody else has either to agree with your opinion or to leave要么听我的,要么走人Topics Opinion and argumentc2
ways and means
  1. the methods and materials available for doing something(做某事现有的)方法和资源,手段和财力
    • ways and means of raising money筹资办法
    • Newspapers have ways and means of getting hold of secret information.报纸总有办法搞到秘密消息。
way to go!
  1. (North American English, informal) used to tell somebody that you are pleased about something they have done干得好
    • Good work, guys! Way to go!伙计们,活儿不错!干得好!
    • Way to go! I wish I could do that!太棒了!真希望我也能做到!
the way to somebody’s heart
  1. the way to make somebody like or love you赢得某人喜爱的办法;攻心策
    • The way to a man's heart is through his stomach (= by giving him good food).取得男人欢心的方法就是让他吃好。
where there’s a will there’s a way
  1. (saying) if you really want to do something then you will find a way of doing it有志者事竟成
winning ways
  1. (informal) a series of victories or successes非常;极其
    • He'll look to continue his winning ways with a victory in Mexico on 16 February.2月16日,他将在墨西哥获胜,继续他的胜利之路。
work your way through something
  1. to do something from beginning to end, especially when it takes a lot of time or effort自始至终做(尤指耗费时间或力量的事)
    • She worked her way through the pile of documents.她从头至尾处理了那一堆文件。
work your way through college, round the world, etc.
  1. to have a job or series of jobs while studying, travelling, etc. in order to pay for your education, etc.勤工俭学;半工半读;边挣钱边周游世界
work your way up
  1. to move regularly to a more senior position in a company逐步升职;按部就班晋升
    • He worked his way up from messenger boy to account executive.他从送信员一步一步晋升为客户经理。


jump to other results
  1. (used with a preposition or an adverb与介词或副词连用) very far; by a large amount很远;大量
    • She finished the race way ahead of the other runners.她遥遥领先于其他选手跑到终点。
    • children who are way behind in reading skills阅读技能落后的孩子
    • I must be going home; it's way past my bedtime.我得回家了,早过了我的就寝时间了。
    • The price is way above what we can afford.这价格大大超过了我们的支付能力。
    • They live way out in the suburbs.他们住在很偏远的郊区。
    • I guessed that there would be a hundred people there, but I was way out (= wrong by a large amount).我估计那里会有一百人,但是我大错特错了。
    • This skirt is way too short.这条裙子太短了。
    • The project is going way beyond our expectations.这个项目远远超出了我们的预期。
  2. (used with an adjective与形容词连用) (informal, especially North American English) very非常;极其
    • Things just got way difficult.事情变得太困难了。
    • I'm way glad to hear that.听到这个消息,我太高兴了。
  3. Word OriginOld English weg, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch weg and German Weg, from a base meaning ‘move, carry’.
way back (in…)
  1. a long time ago很久以前
    • I first met him way back in the 80s.我和他初次见面早在 80 年代。
    • Way back, when he was a boy, he had lived on a farm in Wales.很久以前,当他还是个孩子的时候,他住在威尔士的一个农场里。


1method/style方法;方式ADJECTIVE | ... OF WAYS | VERB + WAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconvenient, easy, effective, efficient, good, ideal, practical, quick, simple, useful便利的方式;容易的方法;有效方式;高效方式;好辦法;理想方法;實用的方法;快捷的方式;簡單的方法;有用的方法The best way to open it is with pliers.這個最好用鉗子來開。appropriate, proper, right合適的方法;妥善的方法;正確辦法wrong錯誤方法normal正常辦法traditional傳統方式obvious明顯的方式sure-fire必定成功的方法a sure-fire way to get him to do whatever I want必定讓他完全按我的意願做事的方法important重要方法The most important way to stop accidental drownings is by education.預防溺水事故的最好辦法是加強安全教育。subtle含蓄的方法There is no subtle way to tell someone that you no longer want them.沒有什麼委婉含蓄的方法可以告訴別人你不再需要他們。clever, ingenious巧妙的方法I would think of some clever way to get myself out of this situation.我會想出妙計以擺脫這種局面。possible可能的方法They've explored every possible way of dealing with the problem.他們探索過各種可能用來處理這個問題的方法。alternative, different備選的辦法;不同的方法myriad, several, various無數/幾種/各種方法Students develop those skills in myriad ways.學生們用各種方法來培養那些技能。same, similar相同的方法;類似的辦法unique獨特的方法a unique way of settling disputes解決爭端的獨特方法new新方法old舊方法old-fashioned過時的方法We did it the old-fashioned way.我們做這件事用的是老辦法。funny, mysterious, odd, strange有趣的方式;神秘方法;怪辦法;奇怪的方法God works in mysterious ways.主的行事方式神秘莫測。meaningful有意義的方式They have never contributed in any meaningful way to our civilization.他們從來沒有給我們的文明作過任何有益的貢獻。hard痛苦的方式He learned about the dangers of drugs the hard way.他吃了一番苦頭後才懂得了毒品的危險。friendly友善的方式winning (often figurative) 取勝之道The team got back to their winning ways with a 2-1 victory.球隊以 2 比 1 贏得比賽,重新踏上了勝利征程。She isn't known for her winning ways (= for being likeable).她的出名並不是因為可愛。creative, innovative創造性的/創新性的方法We are searching for innovative and creative ways to solve the many problems facing us.我們正在尋求新穎、有創意的方法來解決我們所面臨的許多問題。cost-effective有成本效益的方法a cost-effective way to boost performance提高性能的划算方法... OF WAYSnumber幾種方法There are a number of ways to overcome this problem.解決這個問題有許多途徑。VERB + WAYhave有辦法Fate has a way of changing the best of plans.命運可以改變最完美的計劃。explore, look at, seek探尋方法;尋找方法to look at ways of improving language teaching尋找改進語言教學的途徑develop, devise, discover, figure out, find, identify形成方法;設計方案;找到辦法;發現方法They believe he'll figure out a way to make it work.他們相信他會想出辦法讓它發揮作用。create, invent創造方法Artists began to invent new ways of painting.藝術家開始創造新的畫法。change, mend改變方式;糾正方法Your father is unlikely to change his ways now.你父親現在不大可能改變他的作風。choose選擇方式I chose a different way of collecting data.我選擇了一種不同的收集數據的方法。react以⋯方式作出反應We expect computers to react a certain way, in certain situations.我們預料到電腦在某些情況下會作出某種反應。be set in方法一成不變Grandma is so set in her ways.奶奶的行事方式就是這樣一成不變。PREPOSITIONin a/the way在某方面Can I help you in any way?我能幫你什麼忙嗎?PHRASESin a certain way在某種程度上In a certain way, all of that is true.那一切在某種程度上都是對的。in a big way大量地He then started spending money in a big way.他那時開始大把地花錢。in every way在各方面They're different in every way.無論從哪方面看,他們都不一樣。in more ways than one不止一個方面They're alike in more ways than one.他們在很多方面很相像。in its/your own way以⋯特有的方式He was attractive in his own way.他有他的迷人之處。in some ways在某種程度上It's more interesting, in some ways, to watch what's going on behind the scenes here.在某種程度上,在這裏看後台發生的一切更有趣。a... kind of way, a... sort of way有些⋯He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.他是個英俊男子,透着點兒邪氣。one way or another無論如何;不管怎樣One way or another, I'm going to make it.不管怎樣,我將會成功的。in one way or another在某方面Most people are creative in one way or another.大多數人都具有某方面的創造力。that's one way of putting it那只是一種說法'She has a slightly abrasive manner.' 'Well, that's one way of putting it!'“她的態度有點兒粗魯。”“噢,那只是你的說法!”put another way換個說法Do you remember? Or, put another way, do you know?你記得嗎?或者說,你知道嗎?the way things are, the way things are going現狀;從事態發展來看She is content with the way things are.她對現狀感到滿意。The way things are going, I think that's achievable.根據目前的情況,我覺得那個目標能夠實現。a way of life生活方式the beliefs and practices of the Hindu way of life印度教生活方式的信仰與實踐ways and means方法;手段Newspapers have ways and means of getting hold of secret information.報紙總有辦法搞到秘密消息。


2route/road路線ADJECTIVE | VERB + WAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbest, quickest, right, shortest最佳途徑;最快捷的途徑;正確道路;最短路線wrong錯誤的道路own, separate (figurative) 自己的路;不同的路He's always gone his own way when it comes to design.在設計方面,他總是走他自己的路。roundabout迂迴的方式This is a roundabout way of saying that nothing has been accomplished.這是委婉之詞,事情其實一無所成。VERB + WAYgo走⋯路I'm going your way, so we can walk together.我走你那條路,這樣咱們可以一起走。When we finished school, we all went our separate ways. (figurative) 畢業之後,我們就都各奔東西。part分開We parted ways once we went off to college.上大學後我們就分開了。go out of (figurative) 特地She went out of her way to help them.她不辭勞苦地幫助他們。keep out of, stay out of (both figurative) 躲開Let's keep out of her way while she's in such a bad mood.她心情不好,我們不要打擾她。bar, block, get in, stand in擋路;堵塞道路;礙事A fallen tree blocked the way.一棵倒下的樹堵塞了道路。He wanted to go to college and would let nothing stand in his way. (figurative) 他想上大學,不會讓任何事情阻礙他的。clear, pave, prepare, smooth (all figurative) 開闢道路;鋪平道路;排除障礙The withdrawal of troops should clear the way for a peace settlement.撤軍將為和平解決爭端開闢道路。give, make (= allow sb/sth to go first or take your place) 讓路;讓位Give way to traffic already on the roundabout. (BrE) 給已經駛上環島的車輛讓路。The storm gave way to bright sunshine. (figurative) 暴風雨過後陽光燦爛。Make way for the guests!給客人讓路!Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.為了開闢草場,熱帶雨林給砍伐掉了。edge, feel, grope, inch, make, push, thread, weave, wend, wind, work擠身過去;摸索着前進;緩慢地移動;前進;推搡着擠開一條路;穿行;迂迴前行;蜿蜒前行;艱難地前進He edged his way along the wall.他貼着牆側身前行。The river wound its way through the valley.河水蜿蜒流過山谷。claw, cut, elbow, fight, force, hack, pick, shoulder, shove抓住東西費力前行;披荊斬棘前進;用肘推搡着前進;奮力前進;擠過去;小心翼翼地走;側身擠過去;擠出一條路She fought her way up to the top of the company. (figurative) 她一路奮鬥到了公司的最高層。We picked our way carefully over the jagged rocks.我們在犬牙交錯的岩石中小心翼翼地前行。bluff, talk, trick (figurative) 蒙混過關;憑說話擺脫困境;靠耍手腕過關She bluffed her way through the exam.她考試蒙混過關了。weasel, worm耍滑頭過關;慢慢行進He had somehow wormed his way into her affections.他還是設法慢慢地博得了她的歡心。snake蜿蜒行進The procession snaked its way through the town.遊行隊伍蜿蜒穿過小鎮。lose迷路;忘記意圖She lost her way in the fog.她在大霧中迷了路。This project seems to have lost its way. (figurative) 這個項目似乎背離了原來的意圖。find找尋出路He couldn't find a way through the bracken.他在蕨叢中找不到出路。We will eventually find a way out of the crisis. (figurative) 我們最終會找到擺脫危機的方法。manoeuvre/maneuver, navigate巧妙前行;確定行車路線He had to navigate his way through the city's one-way streets.他不得不開着車在該市的單行道上穿行。ask (sb)(向某人)問路She asked him the way to the station.她向他詢問去車站的路。tell sb給某人指路know認識路Do you know the way?你認識路嗎?come (figurative) 被⋯遇到Have any interesting articles come your way recently?你最近讀到什麼有意思的文章了嗎?PREPOSITIONalong the way沿路We saw a dreadful accident along the way.途中我們看到了一起可怕的事故。in the/your way擋路There were several rocks in the way.有幾塊岩石擋住了路。out of the/your way不擋路Could you please get those boxes out of my way?勞駕您把這些箱子搬開,不要攔住我的路好嗎?on the/your way在途中We stopped for a snack on the way here.我們來這兒的途中停下來吃了點兒東西。out of the/your way不擋路;不在⋯要走的路上The library is slightly out of my way.我去圖書館不太順路。way across穿過⋯的路The way across the fields is longer but pleasanter.穿過田間的路遠一些,但走起來更愜意。way from從⋯開始的路the quickest way from my Edinburgh to Glasgow從我所在的愛丁堡到格拉斯哥最快的路way out of離開⋯的路Can you tell me the way out of here?你能告訴我出去的路嗎?way through通過⋯的路The way through the woods is quicker.穿過樹林走更快些。way to到⋯的路the easiest way from my house to yours從我家到你家最好走的路線PHRASEStake the easy way out以最簡單的方法解決難題He took the easy way out and paid someone to write the article for him.他只求方便,乾脆雇人代筆寫文章。the way back, the way forward回去的路;向前的路On the way back, he invited me to his home for drinks.回去的路上,他邀請我去他家喝一杯。the way down, the way up下去的路;上去的路the way here, the way over, the way there來這兒的路;過去的路;到那兒的路the way home回家的路We stopped for a drink on the way home.在回家途中我們停下來喝了點兒東西。the way in, the way out進來的路;出去的路the way north, south, etc.向北、向南等的路We didn't stop on the way north.在向北走的路上我們沒有停下來。on your merry way一意孤行Then he went off on his merry way.然後他執意離開了。


3direction/position方向;位置ADJECTIVE | VERB + WAY | PHRASES ADJECTIVEboth兩個方向Look both ways before crossing the road.過馬路前要左右看看。opposite反方向I went the opposite way.我朝反方向走。right正確的方向wrong錯誤的方向They've gone the wrong way.他們走錯路了。VERB + WAYgo走⋯方向Which way did she go?她朝哪個方向走了?lead, point, show帶路;指路He showed us the way.他給我們指了路。head朝⋯走There's a huge storm heading this way.有一場強風暴正朝這邊襲來。walk走⋯方向Walk this way, please.請這邊走。look朝⋯方向看He looked my way, but didn't seem to recognize me.他朝我這邊看,但好像沒認出我來。PHRASESthe... way around, the... way round (especially BrE) 把⋯面轉過來Try it the other way around.倒過來試試。the... way up把⋯面朝上Which way up does this box go?這個箱子哪邊朝上?way to go! (used to express approval表示稱讚) (informal, especially NAmE) 做得好!Way to go! I wish I could do that!太棒了!真希望我也能做到!


4distance in space/time空間或時間的距離ADJECTIVE | VERB + WAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong遠距離little, short短距離;近距離VERB + WAYcome, go走⋯的距離;取得⋯進展We had to go a long way before we found a place to eat.我們不得不走很長一段路才找到吃飯的地方。The study of genes has come a long way in recent years. (figurative) 最近幾年的基因研究取得了很大進展。PREPOSITIONway from, way to離⋯的/到⋯的距離It's quite a way from my house to the station.從我家到車站頗有一段距離。PHRASESall the way全程This bus doesn't go all the way so you'll have to change.這趟公交車是區間車,所以你必須換乘。the whole way (NAmE) 一路上the whole way to Arizona去亞利桑那州的一路上the whole way through從頭至尾I watched the movie the whole way through.我從頭至尾看了這部電影。quite a way, some way頗有一段距離It's quite a way to walk to the station.走到車站頗有一段距離。a... way ahead, a... way away, a... way off有⋯時間Your birthday is still a long way off.距離你的生日還有很長時間。
way noun
way1 (in a friendly way) way2 (the easiest way to do it) way3 (the quickest way home) door (the way in/out) habit (change your ways) be/get in sb's/the way block3 give way collapse verb1 make your way go verb1 be/go on your way go away phrasal verb clear the way, open the way help verb2 a/the/sb's way of life life3 out of harm's way safe adj.1


in a friendly way 以友好的方式the easiest way to do it 做这事最简便的方法the quickest way home 最快的回家之路way ♦︎ approach ♦︎ style ♦︎ mannerThese are all words for the particular way in which sb does sth. 这些词均表示作风、处事方式。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a way / style / manner of (doing) sthin a (...) way / style / mannera traditional / conventional / different way / approach / style / mannera / an casual / informal / formal way / approach / style / mannerthe usual way / approach / style / mannera new way / approach / stylean effective way / approach / mannerthe right / wrong way / approach / mannerto have / adopt a way / an approach / a style / a mannerto change a way / your approach / a styleto develop a way / an approach / a styleto try a way / an approach way [countable] how sb does sth; how sth happens (做事的)作风,方式;(事情发生的)方式Try to approach this in a sensible way.尽量理性地处理这一问题。He has a way of staring at you that is very unnerving.他盯着人看的样子让人心慌。You won't impress the judges that way.那样不会给裁判留下深刻印象。I like the way (that) you did that.我喜欢你处理那件事的方式。Infectious diseases can be passed on in several different ways.传染病能以几种不同的方式传播。 approach [countable] a way of thinking about or dealing with a problem or subject (思考或处理问题的)方式,态度,方法The school has adopted a firmer approach to discipline.学校采取了较强硬的态度解决纪律问题。She favoured the direct approach.她较喜欢那直接的方法。 see also approach tackle verb style [countable] the particular way in which a person does sth or deals with other people (做事或待人接物的)方式,作风His aggressive style of play sometimes got him into trouble.他那种盛气凌人的比赛风格有时让他陷入困境。What's her teaching style like?她的教学方法如何?I like your style!我喜欢你的风格!Caution was not her style (= not the way she usually behaved).她不是那种谨小慎微的人。NOTE 辨析 Way or style? Way usually tells you how sb does sth on a particular occasion; style tells you how sb usually does sth: sb's style is part of their personality. * way通常指特定场合的处理方式。style指一贯的做事风格,是个性的一部分。 manner [singular] (formal) a particular way in which sb does sth or sth happens, especially the way that sb behaves towards people (尤指对待他人的)举止,态度,方式She answered in a business-like manner.她回答时显得公事公办的样子。The manner in which the decision was taken is extremely regrettable.作出决定的方式非常令人遗憾。way2


in a friendly way 以友好的方式the easiest way to do it 做这事最简便的方法the quickest way home 最快的回家之路way ♦︎ method ♦︎ technique ♦︎ means ♦︎ process ♦︎ mechanism ♦︎ system ♦︎ methodologyThese are all words for a particular thing that you do in order to do or achieve sth. 这些词均表示方法、手段。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a method / technique / means / process / mechanism / system / methodology for (doing) stha way / method / technique / means / system / methodology of (doing) sthan effective way / method / technique / means / mechanism / systema good / practical way / method / technique / means / systema simple way / method / technique / means / process / systema / the traditional way / method / technique / means / system / methodologya new way / method / technique / means / system / methodologyan alternative way / method / technique / means / methodologyto use a method / technique / means / process / system / methodologyto adopt a method / technique / system / methodologyto devise / develop a way / method / technique / means / process / system / methodologyto find a way / method / means / systemto change a way / method / system / methodologya method / technique / mechanism / system works way [countable] the things that you do in order to do or achieve sth 方式;方法;手段There are several possible ways of dealing with this problem.有几种方法可以处理这个问题。That's not the way to hold a pair of scissors!那样拿剪子不对!I prefer to do things the easy way.我做事力求简便。We should have done it my way!我们本应该用我的方法来做这件事!I generally get what I want one way or another.我一般总能想方设法得到我想要的东西。 method [countable] one of the ways in which sth can be done, especially a way that is made up of several stages 方法;办法;措施He's quite critical of modern teaching methods.他对现代教学法颇有微词。This is a simpler method for making bread.这是制作面包更为简便的方法。There are various methods of dealing with this problem.解决这个问题的方法很多。 technique tekˈniːk [countable] a particular way of doing sth, especially one that involves a special skill or that you need to learn and practise 技巧;技艺;工艺The artist combines different techniques in the same painting.这位艺术家在同一幅画中把不同的画法结合在一起。You will learn various techniques for dealing with difficult customers.你将学会应对难缠的顾客的不同技巧。He needs to improve his throwing technique.他需要改进掷球技巧。 means [countable] something that you use or do as a way of achieving sth 方式;方法;途径TV is a highly effective means of communication.电视是一种高效的传播手段。What means of transport did they use?他们用了哪种交通工具?We will use whatever means are necessary.我们将采用任何必要的手段。The load was lifted by means of (= using) a crane.货物是用起重机吊起来的。 process [countable] a method of doing or making sth, especially one used in industry 做事方法;工艺流程;工序They are made using the most advanced manufacturing processes.它们是用最先进的制造工艺生产出来的。 see also process treat verb 2 mechanism ˈmekənɪzəm [countable] (rather formal) a way of achieving sth 方法;机制Various mechanisms are in place for dealing with emergencies.处理紧急情况的不同机制已经建立起来。Simple repetition was regarded as an effective learning mechanism.简单的重复曾被认为是有效的学习方法。 system [countable] a particular way of doing sth, especially one that involves a planned and fixed series of actions that you follow each time 方法;系统;体制This is a highly effective system for storing data.这一系统能高效地存储数据。Once your systems are in place you can concentrate on the main focus of your business.一旦体制建立起来,你就可以把精力集中在主要业务上。 see also systematic efficient methodology ˌmeθəˈdɒlədʒi; NAmE ˌmeθəˈdɑːlədʒi [uncountable, countable] (formal) a set of methods and principles used to perform a particular activity (从事某一活动的一系列)方法,原则Please give a brief outline of your research methodology.请简要概括你的研究方法。Different people adopt different methodologies.不同的人采用不同的方法。way3


in a friendly way 以友好的方式the easiest way to do it 做这事最简便的方法the quickest way home 最快的回家之路way ♦︎ route ♦︎ direction ♦︎ line ♦︎ path ♦︎ orbit ♦︎ course ♦︎ bearingThese are all words for the road, or piece of land, water or air that you travel on, across or through in order to get somewhere. 这些词均表示道路、路线。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a way / route / path / course to stha / the way / route / line / path / course from...to...a / the way / route / line / path / course through / along / across sthon the way / route / pathin sb / sth's way / line / pathin the direction / line / path of sththe right / wrong way / route / direction / path / coursethe shortest way / route / line / path / coursethe quickest way / routea straight line / path / coursethe opposite / other way / directiona direct way / route / line / path / courseto follow a way / a route / a line / a path / an orbit / a courseto take a way / route / direction / path / courseto block the / sb / sth's way / route / line / pathto know the way / routeto change direction / course way [countable, usually singular] the route or road that you must take in order to reach a place; the route that sb/sth is moving along; the general position that sb/sth is moving towards 路线;道路;方向I stopped to ask the way.我停下来问路。They had to fight their way through the crowd.他们得奋力在人群中挤过去。Get out of my way! I'm in a hurry!让开!我有急事!She was going my way, so we talked as we walked.她和我同路,所以我们边走边聊。They bought some supplies on the way.他们在路上买了些补给品。Which way did they go?他们往哪儿边去了?He narrowly avoided a car coming the other way (= towards him).他差一点没躲过对面开来的车。 route [countable] a way that you follow to get from one place to another, especially one that you plan in advance; a fixed way along which a bus, train, etc. regularly travels or goods are regularly sent (尤指事先规划好的)路线,路途;(公共汽车、火车等的)常规路线It's the best route into the city from the south.这是从南面进城的最佳路线。Motorists are being advised to take an alternative route.建议驾驶者另选道路。We'll have to plan our route carefully.我们得仔细计划路线。We took the scenic route through the hills.我们选择了山中风景优美的那条路。Is the hotel on a bus route?那个旅馆在公交线上吗?These were the ancient trade routes between Europe and Asia.这些曾经是欧亚之间的古代贸易之路。 route


[transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) Satellites route data all over the globe.卫星向全球各地传递信息。
direction [countable, uncountable] the general position that sb/sth moves or points towards; the general position that sb/sth comes or develops from 方向;方位;方面He ran off in the direction of the river.他朝着河的方向跑走了。The plane was flying in a northerly direction.飞机正向北飞去。The road was blocked in both directions.这条路双向堵塞。When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions.警察赶到后,人群四处散开。I had lost all sense of direction (= I did not know which way to go).我已经完全迷失了方向。Support came from an unexpected direction.没想到在那个方面获得了支持。 see also direct aim verb , direct take 2 line [countable, usually singular] the direction that sb/sth is moving or situated in; a route from one place to another, especially when it is used for a particular purpose (行进的)方向;(所处的)方位;(尤指有特定目的的)路线They followed the line of the river for three miles.他们沿着那条河走了3英里。Try to keep the boat sailing in a straight line.尽量使船保持直线航行。They were directly in the line of fire (= the direction that sb is shooting in).他们恰好就在射程之内。Their aim was to block the enemy's supply lines (= the route that supplies come along).他们的目的是要封锁敌人的供给线。 path [countable] a line along which sb/sth moves; the space in front of sb/sth as they move 路线;道路The diagram shows the path of the satellite between 10.20 and 10.34.图表显示这颗卫星在10:20和10:34之间的轨迹。The avalanche destroyed everything in its path.雪崩所到之处一切尽毁。 orbit ˈɔːbɪt; NAmE ˈɔːrbɪt [countable, uncountable] a curved path followed by a planet or object as it moves around a star or planet (天体等运行的)轨道There are slight changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun.地球环绕太阳的轨道有微小的变化。The satellite went into orbit last month.上个月这颗卫星进入轨道。He spent eleven months in orbit (= in space).他在太空待了十一个月。 see also orbit spin verb course [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the direction or route followed by a ship or aircraft (船或飞机的)航向,航线The plane was off course (= was not following the correct route).飞机偏离了航线。The ship set a course for (= started to sail towards) the Christmas Islands.该船开始进入去圣诞岛的航线。 bearing ˈbeərɪŋ; NAmE ˈberɪŋ [countable, usually plural] (technical 术语) a direction measured from a fixed point using a compass (用罗盘确定的)方位The log records the ship's bearings, wind direction and speed.航海日志记录了该船的方位、风向和航速。You'll learn how to take your bearings with a compass.你将学会用罗盘定位。They took compass bearings on the tower.他们在高塔上用罗盘确定了方位。
Systems and methods for doing things: modality, method, system...
Purposes and intentions: purpose, role, goal...
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
A share of something: moiety, share, proportion...
Direction and ways of getting to a place: direction, detour, path...
Streets where people live: Ave, Avenue, backstreet...
Entrances, exits and gateways: access, arch, archway...
General words for location and place: place, location, setting...
Space and amounts of space: accommodation, air pocket, break...
Words used to describe large amounts and quantities: substantial, considerable, extensive...
Very and very much: very, particularly, deeply...

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