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IELTS BNC: 2851 COCA: 2599


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  1. a person who has been forced to leave their country or home, because there is a war or for political, religious or social reasons避难者;逃亡者;难民
    • There has been a steady flow of refugees from the war zone.从交战地区撤出的难民源源不断。
    • political/economic refugees政治避难者;由于经济危机而造成的难民
    • a refugee camp难民营
    Collocations Race and immigrationRace and immigration种族与移民Prejudice and racism偏见与种族歧视
    • experience/​encounter racism/​discrimination/​prejudice/​anti-semitism经历/遭遇种族歧视/歧视/偏见/反犹太主义
    • face/​suffer persecution/​discrimination面临/遭受迫害/歧视
    • fear/​escape from/​flee racial/​political/​religious persecution惧怕/逃离种族/政治/宗教迫害
    • constitute/​be a form of racial/​race discrimination构成/是一种种族歧视
    • reflect/​reveal/​show/​have a racial/​cultural bias反映出/揭示出/表现出/具有种族/文化偏见
    • be biased/​be prejudiced against (especially British English) black people/(both especially North American English) people of color/​African Americans/​Asians/​Africans/​Indians, etc.对黑人/有色人种/非裔美国人/亚洲人/非洲人/印度人等有偏见
    • discriminate against minority groups/​minorities歧视少数群体/少数民族
    • perpetuate/​conform to/​fit/​defy a common/​popular/​traditional/​negative stereotype固守/遵从/符合/藐视普遍的/流行的/传统的/负面的模式化观念
    • overcome/​be blinded by deep-seated/​racial/(especially North American English) race prejudice克服根深蒂固的/种族的偏见;被根深蒂固的/种族的偏见所蒙蔽
    • entrench/​perpetuate racist attitudes固守种族主义的态度
    • hurl/​shout (especially British English) racist abuse; (especially North American English) a racist/​racial/​ethnic slur高声地进行种族污辱
    • challenge/​confront racism/​discrimination/​prejudice拒绝接受/对抗种族主义/歧视/偏见
    • combat/​fight (against)/tackle blatant/​overt/​covert/​subtle/​institutional/​systemic racism打压/反对/处理公然的/公开的/隐蔽的/微妙的/制度性的种族歧视
    Race and society种族和社会
    • damage/​improve (especially British English) race relations破坏/改善种族关系
    • practise (racial/​religious) tolerance/​segregation
    • bridge/​break down/​transcend cultural/​racial barriers消除/打破/超越文化/种族隔阂
    • encourage/​promote social integration鼓励/促进社会融合
    • outlaw/​end discrimination/​slavery/​segregation取缔/终止歧视/奴隶制/种族隔离
    • promote/​embrace/​celebrate cultural diversity促进/欣然接纳/颂扬文化多样性
    • conform to/​challenge/​violate (accepted/​established/​prevailing/​dominant) social/​cultural norms遵循/挑战/违背(公认的/确立的/盛行的/占支配地位的)社会/文化规范
    • live in a multicultural society生活在多元文化社会
    • attack/​criticize multiculturalism攻击/批评多元文化主义
    • fight for/​struggle for/​promote racial equality为种族平等而斗争;促进种族平等
    • perpetuate/​reinforce economic and social inequality延续/加剧经济和社会的不平等
    • introduce/​be for/​be against (British English) positive discrimination/(especially North American English) affirmative action推行/支持/反对积极性区别对待政策
    • support/​be active in/​play a leading role in the civil rights movement支持/积极参与/领导民权运动
    • control/​restrict/​limit/​encourage immigration控制/限制/鼓励外来移民
    • attract/​draw a wave of immigrants吸引一批外来移民
    • assist/​welcome refugees援助/欣然接受难民
    • house/​shelter refugees and asylum seekers安置/庇护难民和寻求政治避难者
    • smuggle illegal immigrants into the UK偷运非法移民到英国
    • deport/​repatriate illegal immigrants/​failed asylum seekers驱逐/遣返非法移民/寻求政治避难失败者
    • assimilate/​integrate new immigrants同化/融合新移民
    • employ/​hire migrant workers雇用流动工人
    • exploit/​rely on (cheap/​illegal) immigrant labour
    • apply for/​gain/​obtain/​be granted/​be denied (full) citizenship申请/获得/准予/未准予(完全的)公民身份
    • have/​hold dual citizenship持有双重国籍
    Collocations War and peaceWar and peace战争与和平Starting a war开战
    • declare/​make/​wage war (on somebody/​something)(向…)宣战/挑起战争/发动战争
    • go to war (against/​with somebody)(向…)开战
    • cause/​spark/​provoke/​foment/​quell unrest引起/平息骚乱
    • incite/​lead/​crush/​suppress a revolt/​rebellion煽动/领导/镇压起义/叛乱
    • launch/​mount/​carry out a surprise/​terrorist attack发起/实施突然/恐怖袭击
    • prevent/​halt/​represent an escalation of the conflict防止/阻止/表明冲突升级
    • be torn apart by/​be on the brink of civil war被内战搞得四分五裂;濒于内战
    • enter/​invade/​occupy somebody’s territory进入/侵略/占领某人的领土
    • lead/​launch/​resist/​repel an invasion领导/发起/抵制/击退武装入侵
    Military operations军事行动
    • adopt/​develop/​implement/​pursue a military strategy采用/发展/实施/执行军事战略
    • carry out/​execute/​perform military operations/​manoeuvres
    • send/​deploy/​station/​pull back/​withdraw troops派遣/部署/派驻/撤回部队
    • go on/​fly/​carry out a reconnaissance/​rescue mission进行/驾机执行/执行侦察/营救任务
    • train/​equip/​deploy army/​military/​combat units训练/装备/部署陆军/军事/作战分队
    • lead/​launch/​conduct a raid/​a surprise attack/​an (air/​airborne/​amphibious) assault (on somebody)领导/发起/实施(对某人的)突然袭击/(空中/空投部队/登陆)攻击
    • employ/​use guerrilla tactics采用游击战术
    • conduct/​wage biological/​guerrilla warfare进行/发动生物战/游击战
    • fight/​crush/​defeat the rebels/​the insurgency设法战胜/镇压/挫败叛乱者/叛乱
    • suffer/​inflict a crushing defeat遭受惨败;大获全胜
    • achieve/​win a decisive victory赢得决定性的胜利
    • halt/​stop the British/​German/​Russian advance阻止英国/德国/俄罗斯的前进
    • order/​force a retreat命令/强迫撤退
    • join/​serve in the army/​navy/​air force加入陆军/海军/空军;在陆军/海军/空军部队服役
    • be/​go/​remain/​serve on active duty在服现役
    • serve/​complete/​return from a tour of duty在服役;服役完毕;服役归来
    • be sent to the front (line)被派往前线
    • attack/​strike/​engage/​defeat/​kill/​destroy the enemy袭击/攻击敌人;与敌人交战;击败/杀死/消灭敌人
    • see/​report/​be engaged in heavy fighting目睹/报道/参与激战
    • call for/​be met with armed resistance要求/遭遇武装抵抗
    • come under heavy/​machine-gun/​mortar fire冒着激烈的/机关枪的/迫击炮的射击
    • fire a machine-gun/​mortar shells/​rockets (at somebody/​something)(对…)发射机关枪/迫击炮弹/火箭弹
    • shoot a rifle/​a pistol/​bullets/​missiles步枪/手枪射击;发射子弹/导弹
    • launch/​fire a cruise/​ballistic/​anti-tank missile发射巡航/弹道/反坦克导弹
    • use biological/​chemical/​nuclear weapons使用生物/化学/核武器
    • inflict/​suffer/​sustain heavy losses/​casualties遭受惨重损失/伤亡
    • be hit/​killed by enemy/​friendly/​artillery fire被敌军/友军/炮火击中/射死
    • become/​be held as a prisoner of war成为战俘;作为战俘被监禁
    Civilians in war战争中的平民
    • harm/​kill/​target/​protect innocent/​unarmed civilians伤害/杀死/瞄准/保护无辜的/手无寸铁的平民
    • cause/​avoid/​limit/​minimize civilian casualties/​collateral damage导致/避免/限制/最大限度减少平民伤亡/附带性破坏
    • impose/​enforce/​lift a curfew强制实行/解除宵禁
    • engage in/​be a victim of ethnic cleansing参与种族清洗;成为种族清洗的受害者
    • be sent to an internment/​a concentration camp被送到俘虏拘留营/集中营
    • accept/​house/​resettle refugees fleeing from war接受/收容/安置战争难民
    • fear/​threaten military/​violent reprisals害怕/扬言要军事/暴力报复
    • commit/​be accused of war crimes/​crimes against humanity/​genocide犯/被指控犯战争罪/反人类罪/种族灭绝罪
    Making peace和解
    • make/​bring/​win/​achieve/​maintain/​promote peace促使/带来/赢得/实现/保持/促进和平
    • call for/​negotiate/​broker/​declare a ceasefire/​a temporary truce要求/商谈/协商/宣布停战/暂时休战
    • sign a ceasefire agreement签署停战协议
    • call for/​bring/​put an end to hostilities要求发动/引发/结束战争
    • demand/​negotiate/​accept the surrender of somebody/​something强烈要求/商讨/接受…投降
    • establish/​send (in) a peacekeeping force建立/派遣维和部队
    • negotiate/​conclude/​ratify/​sign/​accept/​reject/​break/​violate a peace treaty商讨/达成/正式批准/签署/接受/拒绝/破坏/违反和平协定
    Synonyms immigrantimmigrant
    • migrant
    • refugee
    • asylum seeker
    • expatriate
    These words all describe people who have moved to a different country.
    • immigrant a person who has either chosen or been forced to leave their country and come to live permanently in a country that is not their own:
      • immigrants from other European countries来自其他欧洲国家的移民
    • migrant a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions:
      • The country has a large seasonal migrant population.这个国家有大量季节性移民人口。
    • refugee a person who has been forced to leave their country or home, because there is a war or for political, religious or social reasons:
      • There has been a steady flow of refugees from the war zone.从交战地区撤出的难民源源不断。
    • asylum seeker a person who has been forced to leave their own country because they are in danger and who arrives in another country asking to be allowed to stay there:
      • to provide accommodation and support for asylum seekers为寻求庇护者提供住宿和支持
    • expatriate a person living in a country that is not their own, usually by choice:
      • American expatriates in Paris居住在巴黎的美国人
    immigrant, migrant, refugee or asylum seeker?An immigrant has either chosen or been forced to leave their own country and move to another. A refugee has been forced to leave their own country. An asylum seeker has been forced to leave their own country and has arrived in another country asking to be allowed to stay. A migrant moves to another country, or within their own country, especially to find work or better living conditions. Patterns
    • illegal/undocumented immigrants/​migrants
    • economic/skilled migrants
    • political refugees
    Extra Examples
    • A flood of displaced refugees fled west.大批背井离乡的难民像潮水般向西边逃难。
    • He does not qualify for refugee status.他不符合难民资格。
    • He was born in a refugee camp.他出生于难民营。
    • Hundreds of refugees are pouring over the border.成百上千的难民涌过边境。
    • Many claimed to be environmental refugees, leaving for the sake of their health.很多人都自称是因为健康原因而离开的环境难民。
    • Only nine per cent were found to be genuine political refugees.只有9% 的人得到证实是真正的政治难民。
    • She has been refused refugee status.她被拒绝给予难民身分。
    • The Home Office has refused him refugee status.内政部拒绝给予他难民身分。
    • The government has agreed to take only 150 refugees plus their dependants.政府承诺只收留150 名难民及家属。
    • The refugee flows alone would be a huge upheaval.单是难民潮问题就会带来很大的动荡。
    • They should be considered economic refugees.他们应该被视为经济难民。
    • Those who did not qualify as refugees were returned to their home countries.那些不符合难民资格的人被遣返回国了。
    • Unemployment among the refugees has risen sharply.难民失业率飙升。
    • a new influx of refugees from the combat zone来自交战地区的新一批难民
    • refugees displaced by the civil war由于内战而流离失所的难民
    • refugees fleeing political persecution逃避政治迫害的避难者
    • refugees from civil wars由于内战而产生的难民
    • refugees living in camps along the border住在边境难民营里的人
    • the government's strategy in dealing with would-be refugees政府处理未来难民的策略
    • Several thousand refugees are reported to have fled to the eastern border.据报道,几千名难民逃到了东部边境。
    • The country has a long tradition of giving asylum to political refugees.这个国家有向政治难民提供庇护的悠久传统。
    Topics War and conflictb2, Social issuesb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • genuine
    • would-be
    • former
    verb + refugee
    • qualify as
    • be considered (as)
    • accept
    refugee + verb
    • flee something
    • be displaced
    • arrive
    refugee + noun
    • crisis
    • issue
    • problem
    • among refugee
    • refugee from
    • a flood of refugees
    • a influx of refugees
    • the flow of refugees
    See full entry
    Word Originlate 17th cent.: from French réfugié ‘gone in search of refuge’, past participle of (se) réfugier, from refuge, from Latin refugium, from Latin re- ‘back’ + fugere ‘flee’.
IELTS BNC: 2851 COCA: 2599


ADJECTIVE | VERB + REFUGEE | REFUGEE + VERB | REFUGEE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgenuine真正的難民would-be (especially BrE) 想要取得難民身分的人the government's strategy in dealing with would-be refugees政府處理未來難民的策略former, returning以前的/返鄉的難民displaced, homeless (both especially NAmE) 背井離鄉的/無家可歸的難民A flood of displaced refugees fled west.大批背井離鄉的難民像潮水般向西邊逃難。economic, environmental, political, war經濟/環境/政治/戰爭難民Many claimed to be environmental refugees, leaving for the sake of their health.很多人都自稱是因為健康原因而離開的環境難民。civilian平民難民child難民兒童VERB + REFUGEEqualify as (especially BrE) 獲得難民資格Those who did not qualify as refugees were returned to their home countries.那些不符合難民資格的人被遣返回國了。be considered (as)被視為難民They should be considered economic refugees.他們應該被視為經濟難民。accept, repatriate, resettle, take, take in接收難民;遣返難民;重新安置難民;收留難民The government has agreed to take only 150 refugees.政府同意只收留 150 名難民。expel, return驅逐/遣返難民take back接回難民house收容難民assist, help協助/幫助難民REFUGEE + VERBflee sth難民逃離⋯refugees fleeing political persecution逃避政治迫害的避難者be displaced難民被迫離開家園refugees displaced by the civil war由於內戰而流離失所的難民arrive難民到來flood, flow, pour難民湧入Hundreds of refugees are pouring over the border.成百上千的難民湧過邊境。live難民居住(於)refugees living in camps along the border住在邊境難民營裏的人return難民返鄉REFUGEE + NOUNcrisis, issue, problem, question, situation難民危機;難民問題;難民狀況flows, movement難民流動The refugee flows alone would be a huge upheaval.單是難民潮問題就會帶來很大的動盪。resettlement難民重新安置programme/program難民計劃status難民身分She has been refused refugee status.她被拒絕給予難民身分。He does not qualify for refugee status.他不符合難民資格。claim避難要求agency, group, organization, worker難民機構/團體/組織/工作者camp, centre/center難民營;難民中心He was born in a refugee camp.他出生於難民營。children, community, family, population難民兒童/社區/家庭/人口PREPOSITIONamong refugee在難民之中Unemployment among the refugees has risen sharply.難民失業率飆升。refugee from由於⋯而產生的難民refugees from civil wars由於內戰而產生的難民PHRASESa flood of refugees, a influx of refugees難民的湧動/湧入a new influx of refugees from the combat zone來自交戰地區的新一批難民the flow of refugees難民的流動the plight of refugees難民的苦境the return of refugees難民的遣返
IELTS BNC: 2851 COCA: 2599


refugee ♦︎ immigrant ♦︎ migrant ♦︎ expatriate ♦︎ exile ♦︎ emigrant ♦︎ asylum seeker ♦︎ evacueeThese are all words for sb who has left the place where they lived and is going or has gone to find a new place to live or stay. 这些词均表示移居别处的人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a would-be refugee / immigrant / migrant / emigrant / asylum seekera genuine / bogus refugee / asylum seekeran illegal immigrant / migrant / emigranta political refugee / exile / asylum seekeran economic refugee / migrantrefugees / migrants / expatriates / exiles / emigrants / asylum seekers / evacuees returnimmigrant / migrant workersa flow / flood of refugees / immigrants / migrants / emigrantsan influx of refugees / immigrants / migrants refugee ˌrefjuˈdʒiː [countable] a person who has been forced to leave their country or home, because there is a war or for political, religious or social reasons (战争、政治、宗教或社会原因造成的)避难者,逃亡者,难民There has been a steady flow of refugees from the war zone.从交战地区撤出的难民源源不断。a refugee camp难民营 see also refuge shelter immigrant ˈɪmɪgrənt [countable] a person who has come to live permanently in a country that is not their own (外来)移民,侨民Illegal immigrants are to be sent back to their country of origin.非法移民将被遣送回原籍国。immigrant communities / families / workers侨民社区/家庭/劳工 immigrate


[intransitive] (especially NAmE) About 6.6 million people immigrated to the United States in the 1970s.20世纪70年代大约有660万人移居美国。 OPP emigrate leave 2


[uncountable] laws restricting immigration into the US美国限制外来移民的法律an immigration officer一名移民局官员
migrant ˈmaɪgrənt [countable] a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work (为工作)移居者;移民They claimed they were political refugees and not economic migrants.他们声称自己是来政治避难的,不是来挣钱的。 see also migrate leave 2 expatriate ˌeksˈpætriət; NAmE ˌeksˈpeɪtriət [countable] a person living in a country that is not their own 居住在国外的人;侨民FUSAC is a magazine for American expatriates in Paris.FUSAC是一份给居住在巴黎的美国侨民看的杂志。In informal language, expatriate is sometimes shortened to expat. 在非正式用语中,expatriate有时缩写为expatThere are more than two million British expats down under (= in Australia).澳大利亚有超过200万的英国侨民。 expatriate


[only before noun] expatriate Britons in Spain居住在西班牙的英国人expatriate workers外籍劳工
NOTE 辨析 Immigrant or expatriate?An immigrant has gone to live permanently in another country; an expatriate usually intends to return after a few months or years. * immigrant指永久定居他国的移民,expatriate指通常打算数月或数年后返回祖国的侨民。
exile ˈeksaɪl, ˈegzaɪl [countable] (rather formal) a person who chooses or is forced to live away from their own country 流亡国外者;被流放者;背井离乡者A general amnesty was granted, allowing political exiles to return freely.颁布了大赦令,允许政治流亡者自由返回。a tax exile (= a rich person who moves to another country where taxes are lower) 迁居低税国家的富人 see also exile expel verb emigrant ˈemɪgrənt [countable] (rather formal) a person who leaves their country to live permanently in another 永久移居外国的人;移民;侨民My grandparents were Italian emigrants who settled in New York in the 1920s.我的祖父母是20世纪20年代定居纽约的意大利移民。 see also emigrate leave 2 NOTE 辨析 Immigrant or emigrant? Immigrant is used to talk about people coming to a country, especially when this is being considered as a current political or social issue; emigrant is used to talk about people leaving a country, especially when this is being considered in a historical context. * immigrant立足于迁入国的角度,此类迁居尤被视为当下的政治或社会问题;emigrant立足于迁出国的角度,此类迁居尤被视为一种历史事件。 aˈsylum seeker əˈsaɪləm [countable] a person who has left their own country, usually because they were in danger for political reasons, and who is asking for protection from the government of another country 寻求庇护权的人(通常因政治原因人身安全受威胁而离开自己国家,寻求他国政府庇护)Genuine asylum seekers should not be denied entry to the country.真正的寻求庇护者不应被拒绝进入这个国家。 see also asylum shelter evacuee ɪˌvækjuˈiː [countable] a person who is sent away from a place because it is dangerous, especially during a war (因为危险,尤指战争)被疏散者,撤离者During 1942 evacuee families started to arrive in the town.1942年,撤离的家庭开始抵达这个城镇。 see also evacuate evacuate
IELTS BNC: 2851 COCA: 2599
Moving to and living in a different country: immigration, asylum, exile...

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