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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 1807 COCA: 1624


1feeling of surprise吃驚ADJECTIVE | VERB + SURPRISE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgreat, total, utter非常/十分/極為吃驚mild, slight, some略有些吃驚initial起初的驚奇After the initial surprise I got to like the place.最初的驚訝過後,我喜歡上了這個地方。mock偽裝的吃驚His eyebrows rose in mock surprise.他揚起眉毛,假裝吃驚的樣子。genuine, real確實/實在吃驚VERB + SURPRISEexpress, register, show表達出/流露出/表現出驚奇feign假裝吃驚He feigned surprise when I went up and said hello.我上前和他打招呼時,他裝出吃驚的樣子。hide隱藏驚訝She was quick to hide her surprise.她隨即掩飾住驚訝。cause令人吃驚The president's remarks caused surprise and embarrassment.總統的言辭令人驚訝而窘迫。PREPOSITIONin surprise吃驚地'Walk twenty miles!' repeated the old man in surprise.“走 20 英里!”老人吃驚地重複道。to sb's surprise令某人吃驚地Much to her surprise, she enjoyed the party.令她非常意外的是,她在聚會上玩得很開心。with surprise, without surprise有些/並不驚訝It was with some surprise that I read of his resignation.看到他辭職的消息,我有些驚訝。surprise at因⋯吃驚She showed no surprise at the news.得知這個消息,她沒有任何驚訝的表示。PHRASESan expression of surprise, a look of surprise吃驚的表情/神情I could not believe the look of surprise on his face.我不敢相信他臉上吃驚的表情。a gasp of surprise, a scream of surprise, a shriek of surprise吃驚得倒抽一口氣/大叫/尖叫the element of surprise出奇制勝的策略The Egyptian team relied on the element of surprise to defeat their stronger opponents.埃及隊憑藉出奇制勝的戰術去打敗強於他們的對手。catch sb by surprise, take sb by surprise令某人意外;出乎某人意料The storm took us completely by surprise.這場暴風雨來得突然,完全出乎我們的意料。imagine my surprise when...⋯時我非常吃驚Imagine my surprise when I found out he wasn't really a doctor.發現他並不是醫生,我非常吃驚。surprisesurprise (humorous) 不足為怪(玩笑語,用於表示自己預料某事將會發生或屬實)Bob turned up half an hour late, surprise surprise.鮑勃晚到了半小時,不足為怪。


2sth that you did not expect意想不到的事ADJECTIVE | VERB + SURPRISE | SURPRISE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, complete, genuine, great, huge, major, real, total完全出乎意料;極大的意外unexpected意想不到的事lovely, nice, pleasant, wonderful驚喜nasty, unpleasant, unwelcome令人不快的意外little小意外I have a little surprise for you!我要給你一個小驚喜!VERB + SURPRISEbe, come as突然;來得突然get, have感到意外I had a wonderful surprise when I saw Mark there.看到馬克在那兒,我覺得格外吃驚。give sb, spring讓某人吃驚;使大吃一驚Johnson sprung a surprise by winning the first round.約翰遜爆出了冷門,第一回合就贏了。be in for將會感覺意外Your mother's in for a bit of a surprise when she gets home.你媽媽回家後肯定會有點兒意外。ruin, spoil破壞驚喜的效果SURPRISE + NOUNannouncement, appearance, party, visit突然的通知;突然的出現;驚喜聚會;意外來訪hit, victory, win意外的成功defeat意外的失敗attack突襲They launched a surprise attack on the Russian fleet.他們向俄羅斯艦隊發起了突襲。winner意外的勝利者Roach was the surprise winner of the £10 000 first prize.羅奇意外地贏得 1 萬英鎊的一等獎獎金。guest意想不到的嘉賓PREPOSITIONsurprise for對⋯來說的意外It was a complete surprise for me.對我來說那完全是個意外。surprise to令⋯出乎意料的事His refusal came as no surprise to his boss.他的拒絕在他老闆的意料之中。PHRASESa bit of a surprise, quite a surprise有點兒/頗感吃驚hold few, many, no, etc. surprises不會有什麼意外、會有許多意外、會毫無意外等She feels that the future holds few surprises.她感到未來不會有什麼驚喜發生。


ADVERB | VERB + SURPRISE ADVERBgreatly, really大吃一驚;非常吃驚not at all一點兒也不吃驚The outcome did not surprise me at all.對這個結果我一點兒也不意外。hardly幾乎不令人吃驚a little, slightly有點兒/略有些令人詫異VERB + SURPRISEwouldn't不會使人吃驚It wouldn't surprise me if they got married.如果他們倆結婚,我不會覺得奇怪。seem to好像使人吃驚want to想讓人吃驚They wanted to surprise their mother and get the breakfast ready.他們想把早飯做好,給母親一個驚喜。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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