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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 322 COCA: 337


1activity of reading閱讀ADJECTIVE | VERB + READ ADJECTIVEgood熟練的閱讀quiet靜靜的閱讀quick快速閱讀The program is simple to use after a quick read of the manual.這個程序用起來不難,快速瀏覽一下說明書就明白了。VERB + READhave閱讀I had a good read of the paper before they arrived.他們來之前我仔細地看報。


2writer/book作者;書ADJECTIVE | VERB + READ ADJECTIVEenjoyable, entertaining, fun, good, great, terrific有趣的讀物;娛樂性讀物;好讀物;偉大的著作;了不起的書compelling, engaging, engrossing, fascinating, gripping, interesting引人入勝的書;有意思的書easy, quick易讀的/供快速閱讀的書worthwhile值得一讀的書VERB + READbe, make是好作品The story made an interesting read.這個故事讀起來很有意思。enjoy喜歡讀書I know you'll enjoy the read.我知道你會喜歡讀這本書。


ADVERB | VERB + READ | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBaloud大聲讀I listen to my children reading aloud.我聽我的孩子們大聲朗誦。silently默讀carefully, with interest仔細閱讀;饒有興趣地讀He read her letter with interest.他饒有興趣地讀了她的信。avidly, voraciously, widely急於求知地讀;如飢似渴地讀;廣泛地閱讀She read avidly from an early age.她從小就酷愛閱讀。regularly定期閱讀I regularly read 'Time'.我定期看《時代週刊》。critically批判性地閱讀We teach students to read critically.我們教學生批判性地閱讀。correctly正確地閱讀Make sure you read the instructions correctly.務必正確地閱讀說明。fluently, well讀得流暢He speaks and reads Arabic fluently.他的阿拉伯語口語和閱讀都很流暢。just, lately, recently剛剛閱讀;最近閱讀I've just read your interesting article.我剛剛讀了你那篇有趣的文章。out朗讀Shall I read this out to you?要我給你讀出來嗎?VERB + READbe able to, can能夠閱讀Most children can read by the age of seven.多數孩子 7 歲就可以閱讀了。learn to, learn how to學習/學習怎樣閱讀teach sb to, teach sb how to教某人/教某人怎樣閱讀PREPOSITIONabout讀到⋯Hogan had read about her death in the paper.霍根在報上獲悉了她的死訊。from讀⋯She read from the letter.她唸了信。in在⋯中讀He remembers everything he reads in books.他讀書過目不忘。of讀到⋯I had read of the case in the local newspaper.我已在當地報紙上看到了這個案子。over通讀She spent the morning reading over her script.她上午把自己的腳本通讀了一遍。through細讀I read through the first paragraph again.我又把第一段仔細讀了一遍。to給⋯讀I read a story to my son every night.我每天晚上都給兒子讀一篇故事。PHRASESread and write讀寫She had great difficulty learning to read and write.她學習讀寫非常吃力。read for fun, read for pleasure消遣性閱讀He's not someone who reads for pleasure.他不是那種為消遣而閱讀的人。

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