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  1. [countable] a line that separates two countries, etc.; the land near this line國界;邊界;邊境
    • frontier (between A and B) the frontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes撒克遜人土地和古斯堪的納維亞人土地的邊界
    • frontier (with something) a customs post on the frontier with Italy與意大利交界的邊境上的海關關卡
    • a frontier town/zone/post邊陲小鎮;邊疆地帶;邊防站
    Synonyms borderborder
    • boundary
    • frontier
    These are all words for a line that marks the edge of something and separates it from other areas or things.
    • border the line that separates two countries or areas; the land near this line:
      • a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania位於肯尼亞和坦桑尼亞邊界的國家公園
    • boundary a line that marks the edges of an area of land and separates it from other areas:
      • The fence marked the boundary between my property and hers.那道籬笆曾是我和她的房産之間的地界。
    • frontier (British English) the line that separates two countries or areas; the land near this line:指國界、邊界、邊疆、邊界地區:
      • The river formed the frontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes.這條河曾是撒克遜人與古斯堪的納維亞人土地的分界線。
    which word?The point where you cross from one country to another is usually called the border. In British English it can also be called the frontier, but this is often in a context of wildness, danger and uncertainty:國界線通常叫 border;英式英語亦可叫 frontier,但 frontier 常與荒蕪、危險和不確定聯系在一起:
    • The rebels control the frontier and the surrounding area.叛亂分子控制了邊疆地區。
    The line on a map that shows the border of a country can be called the boundary but ‘boundary’ is not used when you cross from one country to another:地圖上標示的國界線可叫 boundary,但穿越國界不用 boundary:
    • After the war the national boundaries were redrawn.戰後重新劃定了國界。
    • Thousands of immigrants cross the boundary every day.
    Boundary can also be a physical line between two places, for example between property belonging to two different people, marked by a fence or wall:
    • the boundary fence/​wall between the properties分隔兩所房子的籬笆/牆
    • across/​along/​on/​over a/​the border/​boundary/​frontier
    • at the boundary/​frontier
    • the border/​boundary/​frontier with a place
    • the northern/​southern/​eastern/​western border/​boundary/​frontier
    • a national/​common/​disputed border/​boundary/​frontier
    Extra Examples
    • France's frontier with Germany法國與德國的接壤地區
    • Many people travelling across the frontier were illegal immigrants.許多過境的人是非法移民。
    • Neither country would guarantee the integrity of their common frontier.兩國都對雙方間的共同國界存有爭議。
    • The army crossed the frontier in the middle of the night.午夜時份,軍隊越過了邊界。
    • The rebels control the frontier and the surrounding area.叛亂分子控制了邊疆地區。
    • There was an army checkpoint at the frontier.邊界上有一個軍隊檢查站。
    • There were very few border controls on the south-western frontier.西南邊疆的邊境管制極少。
    • They were forced to retreat back over the frontier.他們被迫退回到邊界線以内。
    • an army grouping along the frontier沿邊境集結的軍隊
    • people living on the German frontier居住在德國邊境地區的人
    • the frontier between India and Pakistan印巴邊界
    • I was searched by border guards on the frontier in Kuwait.我在科威特邊境被邊防人員搜查。
    Topics Politicsc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • common
    • eastern
    • northern
    verb + frontier
    • cross
    • reach
    • control
    frontier + noun
    • controls
    • post
    • guard
    • across the frontier
    • along the frontier
    • at the frontier
    See full entry
  2. the frontier
    [singular] the edge of land where people have settled and built towns, beyond which the country is wild and unknown, especially in the western US in the 19th century(尤指 19 世紀美國西部的)開發地區邊緣地帶,邊遠地區
    • a remote frontier settlement邊遠地區定居點
    • America's wild frontier美國的荒野地帶
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • wild
    • western
    verb + frontier
    • explore
    • tame
    • settle
    frontier + noun
    • province
    • settlement
    • town
    See full entry
  3. [countable, usually plural] frontier (of something) the limit of something, especially the limit of what is known about a particular subject or activity(學科或活動的)尖端,邊緣
    • to push back the frontiers of science (= to increase knowledge of science)開拓科學新領域
    • to roll back the frontiers of government (= to limit the powers of the government)限制政府權力
    • Space is the final frontier for us to explore.太空是我們探索的最後一個領域。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • final
    • last
    • new
    verb + frontier
    • explore
    • advance
    • expand
    See full entry
  4. Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French frontiere, based on Latin frons, front- ‘front’.


1 (BrE) border between countries兩國之間的界線ADJECTIVE | VERB + FRONTIER | FRONTIER + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcommon共同國界Neither country would guarantee the integrity of their common frontier.兩國都對雙方間的共同國界存有爭議。eastern, northern, etc.東部、北部等邊界There were very few border controls on the south-western frontier.西南國界上沒幾個邊境檢查站。Franco-Spanish, French-Spanish, etc.法國-西班牙等邊界VERB + FRONTIERcross穿越邊界The army crossed the frontier in the middle of the night.午夜時份,軍隊越過了邊界。reach到達邊境control, defend, guard控制邊境;保衞邊境The rebels control the frontier and the surrounding area.叛軍控制了邊境及其周邊地區。FRONTIER + NOUNcontrols, post邊境檢查站/哨所guard邊防戰士zone邊境地帶PREPOSITIONacross the frontier穿過邊界The weapons were smuggled across the frontier.武器是偷運過邊境的。along the frontier沿着邊界an army grouping along the frontier沿邊境集結的軍隊at the frontier在邊界上There was an army checkpoint at the frontier.邊界上有一個軍隊檢查站。on the frontier在國界上people living on the German frontier居住在德國邊境地區的人over the frontier越過邊界They were forced to retreat back over the frontier.他們被迫退回到邊界線以內。frontier between⋯之間的邊界the frontier between India and Pakistan印巴邊界frontier with與⋯的接壤地區France's frontier with Germany法國與德國的接壤地區


2the frontier the edge of land that is known已知土地的邊緣ADJECTIVE | VERB + FRONTIER | FRONTIER + NOUN ADJECTIVEwild荒野地帶America's wild frontier美國的荒野地帶western西部的邊疆地帶VERB + FRONTIERexplore探查邊疆地帶tame(通過開墾等)控制邊疆地帶settle在邊疆地帶定居FRONTIER + NOUNprovince, settlement, town邊疆地區的省份/定居點/城鎮mentality, spirit邊疆心態/精神


3border between what we know and do not know已知與未知之間的界限ADJECTIVE | VERB + FRONTIER ADJECTIVEfinal, last最終/最後未開拓的領域new新領域next下一個新領域technological技術前沿VERB + FRONTIERexplore探索領域Space is the final frontier for us to explore.太空是我們探索的最後一個領域。advance, expand, extend, open, push back拓展/擴展/延伸/開闢/擴大領域The scientists' work will push back the frontiers of physics.科學家的工作將拓展物理學領域。
frontier noun
border (a frontier settlement) limit2 (the frontiers of science)
Borders between countries and regions: border, line, frontier...
Areas of countries: airspace, area, belt...
Areas of specific countries: ACT, AONB, Bantustan...
Modern and fashionable and up-to-date: modern, contemporary, advanced...

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