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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 14082 COCA: 14630


[usually passive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they tinge
he / she / it tinges
past simple tinged
past participle tinged
-ing form tingeing
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  1. tinge something (with something) to add a small amount of colour to something(轻微地)给…着色,给…染色
    • white petals tinged with blue略带蓝色的白花瓣
    • Pink tinged her pale cheeks.她苍白的脸颊染上粉红色。
    • The sky was tinged with crimson.天空染上了深红色。
  2. tinge something (with something) to add a small amount of a particular emotion or quality to something使略带…感情(或性质)
    • a look of surprise tinged with disapproval带有几分不满的惊奇神情
    • Sadness tinged his voice.他的声音略带悲伤。
  3. Word Originlate 15th cent.: from Latin tingere ‘to dip or colour’. The noun dates from the mid 18th cent.


[usually singular]
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  1. a small amount of a colour, feeling or quality微量,少许,一丝,几分(颜色、感情或性质)
    • to feel a tinge of envy感到几分妒忌
    • There was a faint pink tinge to the sky.天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。
    Synonyms colourcolour
    • shade
    • hue
    • tint
    • tinge
    These words all describe the appearance of things, resulting from the way in which they reflect light.
    • colour the appearance that things have, resulting from the way in which they reflect light. Red, green and blue are colours: What’s your favourite colour?你最喜欢什么颜色?bright/​dark/​light colours明亮/黑暗/明亮的颜色
    • shade a particular form of a colour, especially when describing how light or dark it is. Sky blue is a shade of blue: Her eyes were a delicate shade of green.她的眼睛是淡绿色的。
    • hue (literary or technical) a colour or a particular shade of a colour: His face took on an unhealthy, whitish hue.他的脸上透出一丝病态的苍白。
    • tint a shade or small amount of a particular colour; a faint colour covering a surface: leaves with red and gold autumn tints金秋时节略呈红黄色的树叶
    • tinge a small amount of a colour: There was a pink tinge to the sky.天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。
    tint or tinge?用 tint 还是 tinge?You can say: a reddish tint/​tinge or: a tinge of red but not: a tint of red. Tint is often used in the plural, but tinge is almost always singular.Patterns
    • a warm/​rich colour/​shade/​hue/​tint
    • a bright/​vivid/​vibrant/​dark/​deep colour/​shade/​hue
    • a pale/​pastel/​soft/​subtle/​delicate colour/​shade/​hue
    • a light/​strong/​neutral/​natural colour/​shade
    Extra Examples
    • a slight reddish tinge略带淡淡的红色
    • blue with a slight tinge of purple略带点儿紫的蓝色
    • a tinge of regret一丝遗憾
    • He felt a tinge of sadness as the train began to pull away.火车徐徐开动了,他感到了些许伤感。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • faint
    • slight
    • blue
    verb + tinge
    • have
    • feel
    • tinge of
    • tinge to
    See full entry
    Word Originlate 15th cent.: from Latin tingere ‘to dip or colour’. The noun dates from the mid 18th cent.

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