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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

the rat race

/ðə ˈræt reɪs/
/ðə ˈræt reɪs/
[singular] (disapproving)
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  1. the way of life of people living and working in a large city where people compete in an aggressive way with each other in order to be more successful, earn more money, etc.(大城市里人们追求成功、财富等的)疯狂竞争,激烈竞争
    • It’s very easy to get caught up in the rat race.很容易陷入激烈的竞争。
    • The novel is about a couple who get out of the rat race and buy a farm in France.这部小说是关于一对夫妇从激烈的竞争中走出来,在法国买了一个农场。
    Collocations Town and countryTown and country城镇与乡村Town城镇
    • live in a city/​a town/​an urban environment/(informal) a concrete jungle/​the suburbs/​shanty towns/​slums住在城里/镇上/城区/混凝土丛林/郊区/棚户区/贫民窟
    • live (especially North American English) downtown/​in the downtown area/(British English) in the city centre住在市中心
    • enjoy/​like the hectic pace of life/​the hustle and bustle of city life喜欢忙碌的生活节奏/城市生活的热闹
    • cope with the stress/​pressure of urban life应对城市生活的压力
    • get caught up in the rat race卷入大城市里为财富、权力等的疯狂追逐中
    • prefer/​seek the anonymity of life in a big city更喜欢/追求大城市里人与人互不相识的生活
    • be drawn by/​resist the lure of the big city被大城市的诱惑所吸引;抵御大城市的诱惑
    • head for the bright lights (of the big city/​New York)奔向(大城市/纽约)五光十色的生活
    • enjoy/​love the vibrant/​lively nightlife享受/喜爱充满生机的夜生活
    • have/​be close to all the amenities拥有/紧靠各种便利设施
    • be surrounded by towering skyscrapers/​a soulless urban sprawl被高耸入云的摩天大楼/毫无生气的城市拓展区所包围
    • use/​travel by/​rely on (British English) public transport/(North American English) public transportation使用/出行乘坐/依赖公共交通
    • put up with/​get stuck in/​sit in massive/​huge/​heavy/​endless/​constant traffic jams忍受/陷入大面积/严重的/没完没了的/持续的交通堵塞
    • tackle/​ease/​reduce/​relieve/​alleviate the heavy/​severe traffic congestion处理/缓解严重的交通堵塞
    • be affected/​choked/​damaged by pollution受到污染的影响;被污染呛得透不过气;受到污染的伤害
    • live in a village/​the countryside/​an isolated area/​a rural backwater/(informal) the sticks住在村里/乡村/偏僻的地区/落后的乡村/偏远的乡村地区
    • enjoy/​like the relaxed/​slower pace of life享受/喜欢悠闲/缓慢的生活节奏
    • enjoy/​love/​explore the great outdoors享受/喜欢/探索蓝天碧野
    • look for/​find/​get/​enjoy a little peace and quiet寻找/找到/得到/享受一点宁静与安宁
    • need/​want to get back/​closer to nature需要/想要回去/接近大自然
    • be surrounded by open/​unspoilt/​picturesque countryside四周被空旷的/未被污染的/风景如画的乡村环绕
    • escape/​quit/​get out of/​leave the rat race逃离/退出城市中你死我活的竞争
    • seek/​achieve a better/​healthy work-life balance寻求/达到工作与生活更好的/健康的平衡
    • downshift to a less stressful life选择压力较小的生活
    • seek/​start a new life in the country在乡村寻求/开始一种新的生活
    • (British English, informal) up sticks/ (North American English, informal ) pull up stakes and move to/​head for…
    • create/​build/​foster a strong sense of community树立/培养强烈的社群意识
    • depend on/​be employed in/​work in agriculture依赖/从事农业
    • live off/​farm/​work the land靠土地为生;耕种土地
    • tackle/​address the problem of rural unemployment解决农村失业问题
    Topics People in societyc2

See also: the rat race

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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