alive now 活着的;活的 all living things 所有生物 living organisms 活的机体 the finest living pianist 健在的最杰出的钢琴家 The elephant is the biggest living land animal. 象是现今最大的陆生动物。
- [only before noun]
(of a place )地方 used for living rather than working in 睡着;在梦乡 The workers' living quarters were cramped and uncomfortable. 工人们的生活区既拥挤又不舒适。 a separate living space/area 独立的生活空间/区域
- [only before noun]
used or practised now 在使用的;在实施的 living languages (= those still spoken) 现用语言 a living faith 现今有人信奉的信仰
beat/knock the (living) daylights out of somebody
- (informal)
to hit somebody very hard several times and hurt them very much 狠揍某人 Get out or I’ll beat the living daylights out of you! 滚出去,否则我揍扁你!
be living proof of something/that…
to show by your actions or qualities that a particular fact is true (用行动或品格)证明…属实 These figures are living proof of the government's incompetence. 这些数字是政府无能的生动证明。 He is living proof that age is no barrier to new challenges. 他是年龄对新挑战没有阻碍的活生生的证明。
frighten/scare the (living) daylights out of somebody
- (informal)
to frighten somebody very much 吓得某人六神无主(或魂飞魄散)
within/in living memory
at a time, or during the time, that is remembered by people still alive 在仍活着的人们的记忆中;记忆犹新 the coldest winter in living memory 人们记忆中最寒冷的冬天