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  1. [uncountable] the belief in the existence of a god or gods, and the activities that are connected with the worship of them, or in the teachings of a spiritual leader宗教;宗教信仰;精神信仰
    • Is there always a conflict between science and religion?科学和宗教信仰之间是否永远存在着冲突?
    • He believed in God but had no interest in organized religion.他相信上帝,但对有组织的宗教没有兴趣。
    • by religion They are Jewish by religion.他们是犹太人。
    Extra Examples
    • As a result of her brother's death, Maria found religion.由于弟弟的死,玛丽亚皈依了宗教。
    • Darwinism contradicted orthodox religion.达尔文主义与正统宗教相抵触。
    • He reportedly embraced religion and became a vegetarian.据报道,他信了教并且成为了素食主义者。
    • I don't think the government should try to impose religion on our society.我认为政府不应试图将宗教强加于我们的社会。
    • These people are predominantly Russian Orthodox by religion.这些人大多是俄罗斯东正教信徒。
    • They never discussed religion or politics.他们从不讨论宗教或政治。
    Culture religion in the USreligion in the USThe largest Christian church in the US is the Roman Catholic church, followed by the Southern Baptist Convention. There are many different Christian churches in the US and the majority of religious Americans are Protestant Christians. Although there is no official religion in the US, religion plays an important part in public life and churches are centres of social events and business activities as well as places of worship. The Pledge of Allegiance includes the phrase ‘one nation under God’ and the official US motto is ‘In God We Trust’. Since the 1960s some Americans have tried to stop government support of religion. The Establishment Clause in the Constitution says that the government must not establish a state religion. In 1963 the Supreme Court decided it was against the constitution for students to pray or read the Bible in class. What is taught about evolution in schools is a subject of much legal debate with some religious people objecting to the teaching of evolution as scientific fact and other Americans arguing that creationism (= the belief that the universe was made by God exactly as described in the Bible) is religion and should not be taught in schools.The largest Protestant group in the US are the Baptists. Other groups include Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians and Episcopalians and Pentecostalists. There are many evangelical churches in the US and televangelists appear on TV, radio and online. Other Christian religious groups include the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Christian Scientists, the Mormons and the Seventh-Day Adventists. There are groups who have a way of life apart from the modern world such as the Shakers, the Amish, the Mennonites and the Hutterites. Judaism is the second largest religious group in the US. Most American Jews are from families which came to the US from Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Other large religious groups in the US include Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus.
    Culture religion in Britainreligion in Britain The established (= official) church in England is the Church of England. Members of the Church may describe themselves as C of E. In Scotland the official church is the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, known by Scots as ‘the Kirk ’. There is no established church in Wales and Northern Ireland. In Wales the Anglican Church is known as the Church in Wales. The Church is involved in political life as archbishops and some bishops are members of the House of Lords and are chosen by the Queen or King following the advice of the Prime Minister. The Queen or King must be a member of the Church of England and is its official head. Christian religious education is provided in state schools but children do not have to take part. There are also Roman Catholic schools. Only a very small percentage of British people go to church regularly. They rarely discuss religion and feel that a person's religious beliefs are a private matter.Protestant groups other than the Church of England are called Free or Nonconformist Churches. The Free Churches include the United Reformed Church, the Baptist church and the Methodist church. Nonconformist churches are also sometimes called chapels.Many Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus in Britain are from families who came to Britain after World War Two from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. There has been a Muslim community in Britain since the 16th century, and Muslim people continue to come to Britain from many parts of the world. The history of Jews in Britain goes back to Roman times but many Jews in Britain today are from families who came to Britain as refugees from other countries in Europe at various times in the 19th and 20th centuries. Synagogues, mosques, Hindu temples and gurdwaras (= Sikh places of worship) are found in cities and many towns. The first mosque built in Britain was in 1889 in Woking and the first gurdwara in London in 1911. The Chief Rabbi is the main representative of British Jews and there are many religious organizations that represent particular religious groups. The Muslim Council of Britain and the Hindu Forum of Britain are among the largest of these.
    Topics Religion and festivalsb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • major
    • universal
    verb + religion
    • belong to
    • have
    • follow
    religion + verb
    • be based on something
    • originate from something
    • develop
    • by religion
    • in a/​the religion
    • an adherent of a religion
    • an follower of a religion
    • a form of religion
    See full entry
  2. [countable] one of the systems of faith that are based on the belief in the existence of a particular god or gods, or in the teachings of a spiritual leader宗教;教派
    • the Jewish religion犹太教
    • Christianity, Islam and other world religions基督教、伊斯兰教和其他世界性宗教
    • The law states that everyone has the right to practise their own religion.法律规定每个人都有信仰宗教的权利。
    Collocations ReligionReligion宗教Being religious笃信宗教的
    • believe in God/​Christ/​Allah/​free will/​predestination/​heaven and hell/​an afterlife/​reincarnation信仰上帝/耶稣基督/真主/自由意志/宿命论/天堂与地狱/来生/转世说
    • be/​become a believer/​an atheist/​an agnostic/​a Christian/​Muslim/​Hindu/​Buddhist, etc.是/成为信徒/无神论者/不可知论者/基督徒/穆斯林/印度教教徒/佛教徒等
    • convert to/​practise a religion/​Buddhism/​Catholicism/​Christianity/​Islam/​Judaism, etc.
    • go to church/(North American English) temple (= the synagogue)去教堂/会堂做礼拜
    • go to the local church/​mosque/​synagogue/​gurdwara去当地的教堂/清真寺/犹太教会堂/谒师所做礼拜
    • belong to a church/​a religious community是教堂/宗教团体的成员
    • join/​enter the church/​a convent/​a monastery/​a religious sect/​the clergy/​the priesthood成为牧师/女修道士/僧侣/宗教人员/神职人员/司祭
    • praise/​worship/​obey/​serve/​glorify God赞美/敬拜/遵从/侍奉/颂扬上帝
    Celebrations and ritual庆典与仪式
    • attend/​hold/​conduct/​lead a service参加/举行/组织/主持礼拜仪式
    • perform a ceremony/​a rite/​a ritual/​a baptism/​the Hajj/​a mitzvah举行典礼/仪式/宗教仪式/洗礼/朝觐/受戒仪式
    • carry out/​perform a sacred/​burial/​funeral/​fertility/​purification rite举行宗教/安葬/葬礼/丰收/净化仪式
    • go on/​make a pilgrimage前往朝圣
    • celebrate Christmas/​Easter/​Eid/​Ramadan/​Hanukkah/​Passover/​Diwali庆祝圣诞节/复活节/开斋节/斋月/修殿节/逾越节/排灯节
    • observe/​break the Sabbath/​a fast/​Ramadan守/不守安息日/斋戒/斋月
    • deliver/​preach/​hear a sermon传道;讲道;听布道
    • lead/​address the congregation带领会众;对会众发表演讲
    • say/​recite a prayer/​blessing念诵/背诵经文;祝祷
    Religious texts and ideas宗教经文与思想
    • preach/​proclaim/​spread the word of God/​the Gospel/​the message of Islam传布/颂扬/传播上帝的话/《福音》/伊斯兰教义
    • study/​follow the dharma/​the teachings of Buddha研究/遵循达摩/佛教教义
    • read/​study/​understand/​interpret scripture/​the Bible/​the Koran/​the gospel/​the Torah阅读/研究/理解/阐释经文/《圣经》/《古兰经》/《福音》/托拉
    • be based on/​derive from divine revelation基于/来源于上帝的启示
    • commit/​consider something heresy/​sacrilege犯异端/渎圣罪;认为…是异端邪说/亵渎圣物
    Religious belief and experience宗教信仰与体验
    • seek/​find/​gain enlightenment/​wisdom寻求/找到/获得启迪/智慧
    • strengthen/​lose your faith增强/失去信德
    • keep/​practise/​practice/​abandon the faith忠于/践行/放弃信仰
    • save/​purify/​lose your soul拯救/净化/失去灵魂
    • obey/​follow/​keep/​break/​violate a commandment/​Islamic law/​Jewish law服从/遵循/恪守/违反/亵渎诫条/伊斯兰教法/犹太教法
    • be/​accept/​do God’s will是/接受/践行上帝的旨意
    • receive/​experience divine grace得到/感受神的恩宠
    • achieve/​attain enlightenment/​salvation/​nirvana获得启迪/拯救/涅槃
    • undergo a conversion/​rebirth/​reincarnation经历皈依/重生/转世化身
    • hear/​answer a prayer聆听/回应祷告
    • commit/​confess/​forgive a sin犯罪;忏悔;宽恕罪过
    • do/​perform penance进行补赎
    Extra Examples
    • Almost all religions offer the idea of sacred space.几乎所有的宗教都有神圣空间这种概念。
    • Do you still practise your religion?你还奉行你的宗教信仰吗?
    • Eastern religions such as Shintoism日本神道教之类的东方宗教
    • He believes that all religions originated from a single source.他认为所有的宗教都有同一个本源。
    • He founded a new religion.他创立了一种新的宗教。
    • I believe in God, but I don't belong to any organized religion.我信仰上帝,但不属于任何一个宗教组织。
    • I believe we should respect all religions of the world equally.我认为我们应该平等地尊重世界上所有的宗教。
    • In their religion, mountains are sacred.在他们的宗教中,山是神圣的。
    • Islam is one of the great world religions.伊斯兰教是世界上几大宗教之一。
    • She believed that her religion needed to be defended by philosophy and logic.她认为她的宗教需要用哲学和逻辑加以维护。
    • She has no religion.她没有宗教信仰。
    • The law prohibits the government form endorsing a particular religion.该法律禁止政府公开支持某一特定宗教。
    • The majority of children adopt the religion of their parents.大部份孩子接受的都是父母的宗教。
    • The teachers started preaching the Christian religion to us at every opportunity.老师们开始利用一切机会给我们宣讲基督教教义。
    • These faiths draw on the traditional religions of indigenous peoples.这些信仰出自原住民的传统宗教。
    • This popular religion is a blend of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism with spirit beliefs.这种流行宗教是儒教、佛教、道教与神灵信仰的一种混合体。
    • a religion based on reason建立在理性基础上的宗教
    Topics Religion and festivalsb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • major
    • universal
    verb + religion
    • belong to
    • have
    • follow
    religion + verb
    • be based on something
    • originate from something
    • develop
    • by religion
    • in a/​the religion
    • an adherent of a religion
    • an follower of a religion
    • a form of religion
    See full entry
  3. [singular] a particular interest or influence that is very important in your life特别的兴趣;重大的影响
    • For him, football is an absolute religion.对于他来说,足球就是他至高无上的追求。
    • Football has become an alternative religion for many people.足球已经成为很多人的另类信仰。
  4. Word OriginMiddle English (originally in the sense ‘life under monastic vows’): from Old French, or from Latin religio(n-) ‘obligation, bond, reverence’, perhaps based on Latin religare ‘to bind’.
get religion
  1. (informal, disapproving) to suddenly start believing in a religion突然有了信仰;突然开始信教
    • We're waiting for the company to get religion on recycling.我们在等待该公司转变态度,认真对待废物的循环利用问题。


ADJECTIVE | VERB + RELIGION | RELIGION + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgreat, major主要宗教universal, world普世/世界宗教Judaism is one of the great world religions.猶太教是世界上幾大宗教之一。ancient, established, old, old-time, traditional古代的/成為國教的/古老的/舊時的/傳統的宗教the ancient religions and philosophies of China中國古代宗教和哲學She dismissed creationism as old-time religion.她摒棄神創說,認為那是一種舊時宗教的說法。These faiths draw on the traditional religions of indigenous peoples.這些信仰出自原住民的傳統宗教。new新宗教contemporary當代宗教dominant, mainstream, popular佔支配地位的/主流的/流行的宗教the leaders of all the mainstream religions所有主流宗教的領導人This popular religion is a blend of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism with spirit beliefs.這種流行宗教是儒教、佛教、道教與神靈信仰的一種混合體。minority少數人的宗教official, state官方宗教;國教institutional, organized慈善機構的/有組織的宗教I believe in God, but I don't belong to any organized religion.我信仰上帝,但不屬於任何一個宗教組織。orthodox正統宗教Darwinism contradicted orthodox religion.達爾文主義與正統宗教相抵觸。fundamentalist原教旨主義宗教false, true虛假的/真正的宗教alternative另類信仰Football has become an alternative religion for many people.足球已經成為很多人的另類信仰。folk, native, primitive民間的/本土的/原始的宗教pagan異教monotheistic, polytheistic一神教;多神教Eastern東方宗教Eastern religions such as Shintoism日本神道教之類的東方宗教Hindu, Jewish, etc.印度教、猶太教等Catholic, evangelical, Orthodox, Protestant天主教;福音派教;東正教;新教VERB + RELIGIONbelong to, have屬於⋯教派;有宗教信仰She has no religion.她沒有宗教信仰。follow, practise/practice遵守/奉行宗教教義Do you still practise / practice your religion?你還信教嗎?adopt接受宗教The majority of children adopt the religion of their parents.大部份孩子接受的都是父母的宗教。embrace, find (= become interested in) , get (informal, especially NAmE) 信奉宗教;對宗教感興趣He reportedly embraced religion and became a vegetarian.據報道,他信了教並且成為了素食主義者。As a result of her brother's death, Maria found religion.由於弟弟的死,瑪麗亞皈依了宗教。We're waiting for the company to get religion on recycling. (figurative) 我們在等待該公司轉變態度,認真對待廢物的循環利用問題。change改變宗教信仰abandon, reject放棄/摒棄宗教信仰defend為宗教信仰辯護She believed that her religion needed to be defended by philosophy and logic.她認為她的宗教需要用哲學和邏輯加以維護。endorse, promote公開支持/推廣宗教The law prohibits the government form endorsing a particular religion.該法律禁止政府公開支持某一特定宗教。impose把宗教強加於I don't think the government should try to impose religion on our society.我認為政府不應試圖將宗教強加於我們的社會。found創建宗教He founded a new religion.他創立了一種新的宗教。preach佈道The teachers started preaching the Christian religion to us at every opportunity.老師們開始利用一切機會給我們宣講基督教教義。spread傳播宗教study, teach學習/教授宗教discuss討論宗教They never discussed religion or politics.他們從不討論宗教或政治。respect尊重宗教I believe we should respect all religions of the world equally.我認為我們應該平等地尊重世界上所有的宗教。RELIGION + VERBbe based on sth宗教建立在⋯的基礎上a religion based on reason建立在理性基礎上的宗教originate from sth宗教發源於⋯He believes that all religions originated from a single source.他認為所有的宗教都有同一個本源。develop宗教發展spread宗教傳播teach sth宗教宣揚⋯forbid sth宗教禁止⋯give sth, offer sth宗教給予⋯/提供⋯Almost all religions offer the idea of sacred space.幾乎所有的宗教都有神聖空間這種概念。PREPOSITIONby religion屬⋯教These people are predominantly Russian Orthodox by religion.這些人大多是俄羅斯東正教信徒。in a/the religion在宗教信仰中In their religion, mountains are sacred.在他們的宗教中,山是神聖的。PHRASESan adherent of a religion, an follower of a religion宗教信徒a form of religion, a kind of religion一種宗教

See also: Religions



religion ♦︎ Church ♦︎ faith ♦︎ theology ♦︎ cult ♦︎ sect ♦︎ denominationThese are all words for belief in a god or gods, or a group of people who believe in a particular god or gods. 这些词均表示宗教、宗教信仰或宗教派别。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) religious faith / cult / sectto practise your religion / faithto belong to the Church / a cult / a sect / a denominationto join the Church / a cult / a sect religion [uncountable, countable] belief in the existence of a god or gods, and the activities that are connected with the worship of them; one of the systems of religion that are based on belief in the existence of a particular god or gods 宗教;宗教信仰Is there always a conflict between science and religion?科学和宗教信仰之间是否永远存在着冲突?the Jewish religion犹太教Christianity, Islam and other world religions基督教、伊斯兰教和其他世界性宗教 Church [countable] a particular group of Christians 基督教教派the Catholic Church天主教会the Anglican Church圣公会the Free Churches自由教会 (the) Church [singular] is also the ministers of the Christian religion, considered as a group, or the institution of the Christian religion. 单数形式的(the) Church亦可统称基督教牧师或指基督教机构The Church has a duty to condemn violence.基督教会有义务谴责暴力。the conflict between Church and State教会与政府的冲突to go into the Church (= to become a Christian minister) 成为基督教牧师 see also church church faith [uncountable, countable] strong religious belief; a particular religion (坚定的)宗教信仰;(某一)宗教Faith is stronger than reason.信仰的力量胜过理性。I lost my faith when my parents died.父母去世后,我失去了信仰。the Christian faith基督教The children learn to understand people of different faiths.孩子们学习理解不同宗教信仰的人。 see also faith faith theology θiˈɒlədʒi; NAmE θiˈɑːlədʒi [uncountable, countable] the study of religion and beliefs; a set of religious beliefs 神学;宗教学;宗教信仰a degree in Theology神学学位the theologies of the East东方的种种宗教信仰 cult [countable] (often disapproving) a small group of people who have extreme religious beliefs and who are not part of any established religion (有极端宗教信仰的)异教团体Their son ran away from home and joined a cult.他们的儿子离家出走,加入了一个异教团体。In formal language a cult can also be a system of religious beliefs and practices; this use is not disapproving. 在正式用语中,cult亦可指宗教的信仰和仪式体系,此用法不含贬义the Chinese cult of ancestor worship中国人供奉祖先的习俗 sect [countable] a small group of people who belong to a particular religion but who have some beliefs or practices which separate them from the rest of the group 宗教派别;宗派The Shakers are an American religious sect, founded in the 18th century.震颤派是美国的一个宗教派别,创立于18世纪。 see also sectarianism racism denomination dɪˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃn; NAmE dɪˌnɑːmɪˈneɪʃn [countable] (formal) a branch of a particular religion, especially Christianity (尤指基督教的)教派,宗派Christians of all denominations attended the conference.基督教的所有教派都出席了这次会议。
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