an island in the Caribbean Sea that is part of the West Indies. It has been an independent country and a member of the Commonwealth since 1962. Its capital city is Kingston and its official language is English. It is popular with tourists. Rastafarianism and reggae music have their origins in Jamaica. After the Second World War Jamaican people were encouraged by the British government to come to Britain to work, and Britain has a large community of Jamaican origin. 牙买加:加勒比海的一个岛屿,是西印度群岛的一部分。自1962年以来,它一直是一个独立的国家,还是英联邦的成员。它的首都是金斯敦,官方语言是英语。它受到游客的欢迎。拉斯塔法里教和雷鬼音乐起源于牙买加。第二次世界大战后,牙买加人民受到英国政府的鼓励来英国工作,而且英国有一个由牙买加人组成的庞大社区。