continuing until a particular point in time and not finishing 還;還是;仍然;依舊 I am very happy that you all are still alive and well. 我很高興你們都還活着。 Tickets are still available for the 8 o'clock performance. 8點鐘演出的票仍然有效。 He's still very young and has a lot to learn. 他還很年輕,還有很多東西要學。 She still has a chance to win the title. 她還有機會赢得冠軍。 If you still need help next week, contact me. 如果你下周還需要幫助,請聯系我。 I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply. 我上個月給他們寫了信,到現在還在等回音。 There's still time to change your mind. 你還有時間改變主意。
Extra ExamplesI've been playing for 12 years but I still get excited about going to practice. 我已經玩了12年了,但我仍然對去練習感到興奮。 It's still too early to tell how this will end. 現在說這將如何結束還爲時過早。 Do you still live at the same address? 你還住在原地址嗎? It was, and still is, my favourite movie. 那部影片以前是我最喜歡的,現在仍然是。 Mum, I'm still hungry! 媽,我還餓!
despite what has just been said (雖然…)還是;但;不過 Although he promised faithfully to come, I still didn't think he would. 雖然他忠實地答應來,但我仍然認爲他不會來。 We searched everywhere but we still couldn't find it. 我們四處找,但還是沒找到。 The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time. 天氣又冷又潮,不過我們仍舊玩得很開心。 I know it's not rational, but I still feel terribly guilty. 我知道這不合理,但我仍然感到非常内疚。 He was wounded but he was still able to paint. 他受了傷,但仍能畫畫。
used for making a comparison stronger (加強比較級)還要,更 - still more/another
even more 還有(更多)
Word Originadverb Old English stille (adjective and adverb), stillan (verb), of West Germanic origin, from a base meaning ‘be fixed, stand’.
it's still early days | it's early days (yet)
- (British English)
used to say that it is too soon to be sure how a situation will develop 爲時尚早;言之過早 It's still early days. We don't know if the play will be a success. 現在還早。我們不知道這出戲是否會成功。
much/still less