an object or a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job 裝置;儀器;器具;設備 a tracking/recording/listening device 跟蹤/錄音/監聽設備 The new devices will be installed at US airports. 新設備將安裝在美國機場。 electrical labour-saving devices around the home 節省勞力的各種家用電器 This device allows deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking. 這種設備允許聾人通過鍵入信息而不是說話來交流。
Extra ExamplesTopics Engineeringa2All new cars are now fitted with these safety devices. 現在所有的新車都裝有這類安全裝置。 He measured the room using an ingenious electronic device. 他用一種巧妙的電子設備測量了房間。 Police found several bugging devices in the room. 警察在房間裏發現了若幹竊聽器。 a useful device for checking electrical circuits 用來檢查電路的實用裝置 The device consists of a large wheel mounted on a metal post. 這個裝置由一個安裝在金屬杆上的大輪子構成。 The device uses a transmitter that connects to your computer. 這個裝置使用連接到你電腦上的一個轉發器。 The device worked exactly as I'd hoped. 這個裝置的運行正符合我的設想。 a device to measure blood pressure 測量血壓的裝置 a tiny device designed to trace telephone calls 用來追蹤電話來源的微型裝置 The twentieth century saw the introduction of labour-saving devices around the home. 20世紀出現了節省勞力的家用電器。 This device enables pilots to navigate with pinpoint accuracy. 這個裝置能使飛行員精準導航。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- clever
- ingenious
- labour-saving/labor-saving
- …
- be fitted with
- have
- connect
- …
- comprise something
- consist of something
- be designed to
- …
- device for
a piece of computer equipment, especially a small one such as a smartphone 設備: 一種計算機設備,尤其是小型設備,例如智能手機You can store thousands of photos on your device. 您可以在設備上存儲數千張照片。 a portable/wireless device 便攜式/無線設備 The waiter takes orders on a hand-held device. 服務員用手持設備點菜。 Now connect the device to your computer. 現在把這個設備連接到你的電腦上。
Extra ExamplesThe technology allows software systems to interact with wireless devices. 該技術允許軟件系統與無線設備進行交互。 The computer is sold with a printer / scanner and a backup storage device. 這台電腦出售時配有打印機/掃描儀和備份存儲設備。 You can edit your profile using any web-enabled device. 您可以使用任何支持網絡的設備編輯您的個人資料。 A unique hardware identifier is given to each device in the network. 網絡中的每個設備都有一個唯一的硬件標識符。 All Bluetooth devices automatically detect one another's presence. 所有藍牙設備都會自動檢測彼此的存在。
a bomb or weapon that will explode 炸彈;爆炸性武器;爆炸裝置 A powerful device exploded outside the station. 一枚威力巨大的炸彈在車站外爆炸了。 It was the world's first atomic device. 那是世界上第一顆原子彈。 Two bombers detonated their devices in the busy shopping centre. 兩名炸彈手在繁忙的購物中心引爆了他們的裝置。 The device failed to detonate. 該裝置未能引爆。
Extra Examplesimprovised explosive devices 簡易爆炸裝置 A package containing an incendiary device was found on Tuesday night. 周二晚上發現了一個裝有燃燒裝置的包裹。 An incendiary device exploded in the store, setting fire to furniture. 一個燃燒裝置在商店裏爆炸,引燃了家具。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- clever
- ingenious
- labour-saving/labor-saving
- …
- be fitted with
- have
- connect
- …
- comprise something
- consist of something
- be designed to
- …
- device for
a method of doing something that produces a particular result or effect 手段;策略;方法;技巧 Targeted advertising on social media is very successful as a marketing device. 作爲一種營銷手段,社交媒體上的定向廣告非常成功。
Extra ExamplesWe use a range of devices for testing children's numerical ability. 我們會用一系列方法測試孩子的計數能力。 This was originally intended as a device for making sure taxes were paid on time. 這原本是爲了確保按時納稅。 Direct mailing is extremely successful as a marketing device. 直郵作爲一種營銷手段非常成功。 They employ several successful management devices. 他們采用了幾種成功的管理手段。 Aid workers have to use whatever devices are available for making sure help gets to those most in need. 救援人員必須使用一切可用的設備來確保幫助到達最需要的人手中。
a plan or trick that is used to get something that somebody wants 花招;計謀;詭計 a form of words that is intended to produce a particular effect in speech or writing 手段;策略;方法;技巧 a rhetorical device 修辭手法 Metaphor and symbol are literary devices. 隐喻和象征是文學手段。
Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French devis, based on Latin divis- ‘divided’, from the verb dividere. The original sense was ‘desire or intention’, found now only in leave someone to their own devices (which has become associated with sense (3)).
leave somebody to their own devices
to leave somebody alone to do as they wish, and not tell them what to do 聽任某人自行其是;對某人不加幹涉