frightened of something or afraid that something bad might happen 害怕;恐懼;畏懼;擔心 The thieves got scared and ran away. 小偷害怕了,就跑了。 He looked scared and hid behind Jesse. 他看起來很害怕,躲在傑西身後。 - scared of doing something
She is scared of going out alone. 她不敢一個人外出。 - scared of somebody/something
He's scared of heights. 他有恐高症。 - scared to do something
People are scared to use the buses late at night. 人們害怕在深夜乘坐公共汽車。 Some victims are too scared to speak out. 有些受害者害怕得不敢說出來。 - scared (that)…
I’m scared (that) I’m going to fall. 我擔心自己快掉下去了。 - scared at something
He was scared at the prospect of running out of food. 他害怕食物即將告罄。 - scared at doing something
Anne was scared at seeing her father crying. 看到她父親哭了,安妮很害怕。 - scared for something
We were scared for our lives (= thought we would die). 我們擔心死了。 a scared look 驚恐的表情 I was scared to death (= very frightened). 我嚇得要死。 We were scared stiff (= very frightened). 我們嚇得呆若木雞。 He's scared out of his mind (= very frightened). 他嚇壞了。
Synonyms afraidafraidsee also shit-scared- frightened
- scared
- terrified
- alarmed
- paranoid
- afraid [not before noun] feeling fear; worried that something bad might happen:
There’s nothing to be afraid of. 沒有什麽要害怕的。 Aren’t you afraid (that) you’ll fall? 你不怕會跌倒嗎?
- frightened feeling fear; worried that something bad might happen:
a frightened child 受驚的孩子 She was frightened that the glass would break. 她擔心玻璃會破碎。
- scared (rather informal
) feeling fear; worried that something bad might happen: 指害怕、擔心不幸的事可能發生: The thieves got scared and ran away. 小偷慌張起來,都跑掉了。
afraid, frightened or scared? Scared is more informal, more common in speech, and often describes small fears. Afraid cannot come before a noun. It can only take the preposition of, not about. If you are afraid/frightened/scared of somebody/something/doing something or afraid/frightened/scared to do something, you think you are in danger of being hurt or suffering in some way. If you are frightened/scared about something/doing something, it is less a fear for your personal safety and more a worry that something unpleasant might happen.用 afraid、frightened 還是 scared? - terrified very frightened:
I was terrified (that) she wouldn’t come. 我很害怕她不來。 She looked at him with wide, terrified eyes. 她看着他,雙目圓睜,充滿恐懼。
- alarmed afraid that something dangerous or unpleasant might happen:
She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone. 她一想到獨自旅行的情景就害怕。
- paranoid (rather informal) afraid of other people for no reason or suspecting that they are trying to harm you, when really they are not:
You’re just being paranoid. 你只是在疑神疑鬼。
- afraid/frightened/scared of spiders, etc.
- frightened/scared/paranoid about …
- afraid/frightened/scared/terrified that …
- afraid/frightened/scared to open the door, etc.
- Don’t be afraid/frightened/scared/alarmed.
Extra ExamplesTopics Feelingsa2He wasn't sick, Sophie decided. He was just plain scared. 索菲斷定他沒病,只不過是受了驚嚇。 I'm feeling a little scared at the thought of the operation. 我一想到手術就有些害怕。 It's only a little injection. It's nothing to be scared about. 只不過是打一小針而已,沒什麽好怕的。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs- be
- be running
- feel
- …
- extremely
- fairly
- very
- …
- about
- at
- of
- …
- scared out of your wits
- scared stiff
- scared to death
- …
be frightened/nervous/scared of your own shadow
to be very easily frightened; to be very nervous Topics Feelingsc2非常膽小(或十分緊張)
be frightened/scared/terrified out of your wits
(also to frighten/scare the wits out of somebody)
to be very frightened; to frighten somebody very much 嚇得魂不附體 I was scared out of my wits! 我被嚇得魂都沒了! The latest news has scared the wits out of investors. 最新的消息把投資者嚇壞了。
be scared/bored witless
- (informal)
to be extremely frightened or bored Topics Feelingsc2被嚇破了膽;乏味得要命