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middle age

/ˌmɪdl ˈeɪdʒ/
/ˌmɪdl ˈeɪdʒ/
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  1. the period of your life when you are neither young nor old, between the ages of about 45 and 60中年(45 岁到 60 岁左右)
    • a pleasant woman in early/late middle age刚到中年的/接近老年的亲切和蔼的女人
    Collocations The ages of lifeThe ages of life年龄段Childhood/​youth童年/青年时期
    • be born and raised/​bred in Oxford; into a wealthy/​middle-class family
    • have a happy/​an unhappy/​a tough childhood有幸福/不幸/艰苦的童年
    • grow up in a musical family/​in an orphanage/​on a farm成长于音乐之家/孤儿院/农场
    • be/​grow up an only child (= with no brothers or sisters)是独生子
    • reach/​hit/​enter/​go through adolescence/​puberty进入/经历青春期
    • be in your teens/​early twenties/​mid-twenties/​late twenties十几岁;二十出头;二十五岁左右;将近三十岁
    • undergo/​experience physical/​psychological changes经历生理/心理变化
    • give in to/​succumb to/​resist peer pressure屈服于/顶住同辈的压力
    • assert your independence/​individuality维护独立/个性
    • leave school/​university/​home中学/大学毕业;离家
    • go out to work (at sixteen)(16 岁)投身工作
    • get/​find a job/​partner找到工作/伴侣
    • be/​get engaged/​married订婚;结婚
    • have/​get a wife/​husband/​mortgage/​steady job有妻子/丈夫/按揭贷款/稳定的工作
    • settle down and have kids/​children/​a family安定下来并生儿育女
    • begin/​start/​launch/​build a career (in politics/​science/​the music industry)开始(政治/科学/音乐)职业生涯
    • prove (to be)/represent/​mark/​reach a turning point in your life/​career最终成为/代表/标志/达到某人人生/某人职业生涯的转折点
    • reach/​be well into/​settle into middle age进入/安度中年
    • have/​suffer/​go through a midlife crisis经历中年危机
    • take/​consider early retirement提前退休;考虑提前退休
    • approach/​announce/​enjoy your retirement临近/宣布/享受退休
    Old age老年
    • have/​see/​spend time with your grandchildren有孙辈;与孙辈共度时光
    • take up/​pursue/​develop a hobby开始/追求/培养一种爱好
    • get/​receive/​draw/​collect/​live on a pension得到/提取/领取退休金;靠退休金生活
    • approach/​save for/​die from old age临近晚年;存钱养老;老死
    • live to a ripe old age高寿
    • reach the grand old age of 102/23 (often ironic)活到 102/23 岁高龄(常作反语)
    • be/​become/​be getting/​be going senile (often ironic)变得衰老(常作反语)
    • die (peacefully)/pass away in your sleep/​after a brief illness在睡梦中/患病不久(平静地)离开人世
    Extra Examples
    • He mellowed in middle age.步入中年后他变得成熟起来。
    • He settled into comfortable middle age.他过上了安逸的中年生活。
    • She had her first child well into middle age.她初为人母时早已步入了中年。
    • a bald man approaching middle age年近中年的秃顶男人
    Topics Life stagesb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • early
    • late
    verb + middle age
    • approach
    • enter
    • hit
    middle-age + noun
    • spread
    • during middle age
    • in middle age
    • through middle age
    • well into middle age
    See full entry

See also: middle age

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