Surely an intelligent person like you can deal with this. 像你这样聪明的人一定能处理好这件事吧?
an intelligent guess/conversation/question 巧妙的猜测/言谈/问题
Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? 宇宙中的其他地方是否存在有智能的生命?
an intelligently written article 充满智慧的文章
Sally is a wise and cautious woman. 萨莉是个聪明谨慎的女人。
the wise old men of the village 村里博学多识的老人
They spent the money wisely. 他们的钱花得很明智。
a brilliant scientist 才华横溢的科学家
Their plan worked brilliantly. 他们的计划非常奏效。
brilliantly coloured birds 色彩鲜艳的鸟
Tony was a charming and clever man. 托尼是个很有魅力的机灵人。
I'd like to be a doctor but I'm not clever enough. 我想当医生,可我不够聪明。
What a clever boy you are! 你真是个聪明的男孩!
She was married to a bright young lawyer. 她嫁给了一位聪明的年轻律师。
She's bright enough to know that this is a very good offer. 她不会笨到不知道这是一个非常好的提议。
The discerning reader will appreciate the subtleties of Boyd's humour. 有眼光的读者会欣赏博伊德幽默的微妙之处。
She is a very able driver. 她车开得很好。
an academically able child 学习能力强的孩子
She's certainly bright, but she's not very academic. 毫无疑问她很聪明,但她不太善于学习。
an agile mind 机敏的头脑
an apt pupil 聪敏的小学生
Is he all there?
far-sighted policies 有远见的政策
He was more imaginative than most history teachers. 他比大多数历史老师都更有创意。
an inquiring mind 好奇心
an intelligent and inquisitive young man 聪明好学的青年男子
She had sensed, intuitively, that Lorenzo was interested in her. 她凭直觉感到洛伦佐对她感兴趣。
a versatile and inventive player 多才多艺、富于创造力的选手
He was a very learned man. 他是一个非常博学的人。
a lively and enquiring mind 精力充沛好探究的头脑
Politicians should take a lively interest in issues that concern local people. 政治家应对关系到当地人的一些问题有浓厚的兴趣。
a luminous smile/face 灿烂的微笑/美丽的脸
The old man didn't miss much. 这位老人总是洞悉一切。
a very original songwriter 很有独创性的歌曲作家
a penetrating mind 敏锐的头脑
penetratingly cold weather 寒冷刺骨的天气
a penetrative analysis of the situation 对局势精辟的分析
a quick learner 学得快的人
razor-sharp wit 敏锐机智的人
a sage decision 英明的决定
Some of these kids are pretty sharp when it comes to maths. 这些孩子中有些对数学有非常敏锐的感悟力。
He has a sharp wit and a wicked sense of humour. 他聪明绝顶,爱开玩笑戏弄人。
The Agency keeps a sharp eye on sales of arms abroad. 情报局密切关注国外的武器销售动态。
a shrewd politician 精明的政治家
Sophie is a smart hard-working student. 索菲是个聪颖勤奋的学生。
If you were smart, you'd buy now before prices go up. 如果你聪明的话,你就会趁眼下在价格上涨之前购买。
They're smart enough to ask all the right questions. 他们非常聪明,提的问题都很对头。
subtle observations 敏锐的观察
It's a subtle argument, but very convincing when you think about it. 这是个精妙的论据,但当你仔细考虑时会觉得它很有说服力。
a portrait of a venerable white-bearded statesman 一位德高望重的白胡子政治家的画像
one of the world's most venerable institutions 世界上最令人崇敬的机构之一
pointy-headed intellectuals
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net