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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 700 COCA: 1043
garden noun
garden1 (a back garden) garden2 (a rose garden) park (visit the botanical gardens)


a back garden 后院a rose garden 玫瑰园parkvisit the botanical gardensgarden ♦︎ yard ♦︎ grounds ♦︎ backyard ♦︎ park ♦︎ parklandThese are all words for a piece of land that belongs to a house. 这些词均表示住宅旁的院子、庭院。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in the garden / the yard / the grounds / the backyard / the park / parkland(a) beautiful / landscaped garden / yard / grounds / backyard / park / parkland(an) extensive garden / grounds / park / parklandthe front / back garden / yard garden [countable] (BrE) a piece of land next to or around a house, usually with a lawn (= an area of grass) and often with trees, bushes and flower beds (住宅旁或周围常带草坪的)园圃,园地They sat in the garden and enjoyed the sunshine.他们坐在花园里享受阳光。Ease of cultivation makes it one of the best garden plants.便于种植使它成为最佳的园艺植物之一。 see also gardens park yard [countable] (NAmE) a garden 园圃;园地I had to cut the grass in the yard.我得修剪院子里的草。They have a gorgeous old oak tree in their front yard.他们的前院里有一株非常漂亮的老橡树。In British English a yard is an area outside a building with a hard surface and no grass. 在英式英语中,yard指建筑物外的硬质地面、不长草的庭院。 see also yard courtyard grounds [plural] the land or gardens around a large building that belong to it (建筑物周围附设的)场地,庭院,花园They scrambled over the wall and into the embassy grounds.他们翻墙进入使馆的院子。Concerts are often held in the grounds of the castle.音乐会经常在那座城堡的庭院里举行。 backyard ( back yard) [countable] (NAmE) a garden behind a house 屋后园圃;后院The kids were out playing in the backyard.孩子们在屋后的园子玩耍。In British English, a backyard is an area with a hard surface (and no grass) behind a house, often surrounded by a wall. 在英式英语中,backyard指屋后硬质地面、不长草、常有围墙的后院 (BrE) They lived in a little terraced house with a backyard behind it and a tiny garden in front.他们住在一栋小排房中,带个后院,前面有个小花园。 park [countable] (BrE) an enclosed area of land, usually with fields and trees, attached to a large country house (乡村大宅附设的,通常有田地树木的)庄园,庭院The cottage is set within the park of a country house.那间小屋位于一栋乡间别墅的庄园里。 see also park park parkland [uncountable] (BrE) open land with grass and trees, for example around a large house in the country (乡村大宅等周围的)有草木的开阔地The house stands in 500 acres of rolling parkland.那所房子周围有500英亩起伏不平的绿地。garden2


a back garden 后院a rose garden 玫瑰园parkvisit the botanical gardensgarden ♦︎ bed ♦︎ allotment ♦︎ border ♦︎ patch ♦︎ kitchen gardenThese are all words for a small piece of land where you can grow things such as flowers, fruit and vegetables. 这些词均表示花坛、果园、菜园。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in a garden / a bed / an allotment / a border / a patch / a kitchen gardena flower / rose garden / beda vegetable garden / patch garden [countable] (especially NAmE) a part of the piece of land next to or around your house where you can grow things such as flowers, fruit and vegetables (住宅旁或周围的)园圃,花园,果园,菜园They planted a garden of woodland plants that were native to the area.他们在园圃中种植了一些当地原产的林生植物。This is the usual meaning of garden in American English; in British English, garden is only used in this meaning in compounds. 在美式英语中,garden通常作此义;在英式英语中,garden作此义时仅用于复合词中 (BrE, NAmE) a flower / rose / vegetable garden花园;玫瑰园;菜园 bed [countable] an area of ground in a garden or park for growing plants, especially flowers 苗圃;菜园;(尤指)花坛Raised flower beds are ideal for people in wheelchairs.凸起的花坛对坐轮椅的人来说非常方便。 allotment əˈlɒtmənt; NAmE əˈlɑːtmənt [countable] (especially BrE) a small area of land in a town which a person can rent in order to grow vegetables or other plants on it (城镇居民可以租来种菜或其他植物的)小块菜地,小块土地She grew beautiful flowers on her allotment.她在她的小园地种上了漂亮的花。 border [countable] a strip of soil along the edge of an area of grass in a garden, which is planted with flowers or other plants (花园里草坪边上的)狭长花坛,绿化带The back garden is mostly lawn with herbaceous borders.后院主要是草坪,草坪四边种有草本植物。 patch [countable] (in compounds 构成复合词) a small piece of land, especially one used for growing vegetables or fruit that grows on or near the ground 小块土地;(尤指)菜地,果园We had a strawberry patch beside the greenhouse.在温室旁我们有一块草莓圃。 see also plot land noun 2 ˌkitchen ˈgarden [countable] a part of a garden where you grow vegetables and fruit for your own use 家庭菜园;花园中辟作种蔬果的一角Herbs and seasonal vegetables are picked fresh from our own kitchen garden.可以从我们自己的果菜园采摘新鲜的香草和当季蔬菜。

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