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  1. [countable] an object whose name you do not use because you do not need to or want to, or because you do not know it东西;物
    • Can you pass me that thing over there?把那边那个东西递给我好吗?
    • She's very fond of sweet things (= sweet foods).她非常喜欢吃甜食。
    • He's just bought one of those exercise things.他刚买了一副健身器械。
    • Turn that thing off while I'm talking to you!我在跟你说话,把那个玩意儿关掉!
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • basic
    • essential
    verb + thing
    • make
    See full entry
  2. [countable] an object that is not alive in the way that people and plants are物件;物品;事物
    • Don't treat her like that—she's a person, not a thing!别那样对待她,她是人,不是物件!
    • He's good at making things with his hands.他善于手工制作物品。
    • She took no interest in the people and things around her.她对周围的人和事毫无兴趣。
    • Books may one day become a thing of the past (= something that no longer exists).图书有一天可能会成为历史。
    • I need to buy a few basic things like bread and milk.我需要买一些面包、牛奶之类的必需品。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • basic
    • essential
    verb + thing
    • make
    See full entry
  3. possessions/equipment所有物;设备

  4. things
    [plural] (rather informal) objects, clothing or tools that belong to somebody or are used for a particular purpose(个人的)用品,衣服;(某种)用具
    • Shall I help you pack your things?我帮你打点行装好吗?
    • Bring your swimming things with you.随身带上游泳用品。
    • I'll just clear away the breakfast things.我这就收拾早餐餐具。
    • Put your things (= coat, etc.) on and let's go.把你的衣服穿上,咱们就走。
    Extra Examples
    • Come on kids, get your things together—we're going.快,孩子们,把你们的东西收拾好 - 我们要走了。
    • Hang on a second—I'll just take off my painting things.等一会儿 - 我把刷油漆穿的衣服脱下来。
    • He hadn't washed up the dinner things yet.他还没有洗餐具。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • breakfast
    • lunch
    • etc.
    verb + things
    • get together
    • pack
    • put on
    See full entry
  5. fact/event/situation/action事实;事件;情况;行为

  6. [countable] a fact, an event, a situation or an action; what somebody says or thinks事实;事件;情况;行为;话语;想法
    • They talked about many things, like books, music and films.他们谈论了许多事情,像书、音乐和电影。
    • There are a lot of things she doesn't know about me.我有很多情况她都不了解。
    • There's another thing I need to tell you.还有一件事我需要告诉你。
    • Bad things happen to good people.坏事发生在好人身上。
    • I've got lots of things to do today.今天我有很多事情要做。
    • He has things on his mind.他有心事。
    • The most important thing in life is to have fun!人生最重要的是要有乐趣!
    • She said the first thing that came into her head.她想到了什么就说什么。
    • Forgetting her was the only thing in the world I found I couldn't do.忘记她是这个世界上我唯一发现自己做不到的事情。
    • He found the whole thing (= the situation) very boring.他觉得整件事情非常无聊。
    • Let's forget the whole thing (= everything).咱们把所有事情都忘掉吧。
    • Among other things, I have to deal with mail and keep the accounts.除了其他的事我还要处理信件和记账。
    • I like camping, climbing and that sort of thing.我喜欢露营、爬山之类的活动。
    • ‘Why did you tell her our secret?’ ‘I did no such thing!’“你为什么把我们的秘密告诉她?” “我没干过这种事!”
    • There's no such thing as a typical day in this job.这份工作没有所谓的典型的一天。
    • One thing is for sure—it will be a memorable evening!有一点是肯定的——这将是一个难忘的夜晚!
    • The main thing to remember is to switch off the burglar alarm.最要紧的是记住关掉防盗报警器的开关。
    Vocabulary Building Other words for thingOther words for thing表示事物的其他词Instead of using the word thing, try to use more precise and interesting words, especially in formal written English.
    • aspect
      • That was the most puzzling aspect of the situation.那是整个局势中最令人费解的一面。
      • …the most puzzling thing about……关于……最令人困惑的是
    • attribute属性;特性;特质:
      • Curiosity is an essential attribute for a journalist.好奇心是新闻记者的基本素质。
      • …an essential thing for a journalist to have.…一个记者必须具备的基本素质。
    • characteristic特性;特征;特点:
      • This bird has several interesting characteristics.这种鸟有几个有趣的特征。
      • There are several interesting things about this bird.这只鸟有几个有趣的地方。
    • detail细节;详情:
      • I want to know every detail of what happened.我想了解所发生事情的全部详情。
      • …everything about……关于…的一切
    • feature特征;特点;特色:
      • Noise is a familiar feature of city life.噪音是城市生活的常见特征。
      • …a familiar thing in city life.…城市生活中常见的事情。
    • issue议题;课题:
      • She has campaigned on many controversial issues.她就许多具争议性的问题发起过运动。
      • …many controversial things.…许多有争议的事情。
    • matter事情;情况;问题:
      • We have several important matters to deal with at this meeting.我们有几个重要问题要在这次会议上处理。
      • …several important things……几件重要的事情…
    • point观点;论点;见解:
      • That’s a very interesting point you made.你提出的这个观点很有意思。
      • …a very interesting thing you said.…你说的一件非常有趣的事。
    • subject主题;题目;学科:
      • The book covers a number of subjects.本书涉及几个课题。
      • …a number of things.…很多事情。
    • topic议题;话题;题目:
      • We discussed a wide range of topics.我们就广泛的话题进行了讨论。
      • …a wide range of things.…很多事情。
    • trait个性;特征;特点:
      • Her generosity is one of her most attractive traits.慷慨大方是她最具魅力的个性之一。
      • …one of the most attractive things about her.…她最吸引人的地方之一。
    • Don’t use thing after an adjective when the adjective can be used on its own:形容词可单独使用时,切勿在后面加 thing:
      • Having your own computer is very useful.自己有一台计算机用处很大。
      • Having your own computer is a very useful thing.
    • It is often more natural to use words like something, anything, etc. instead of thing:
      • I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事情要告诉你。
      • I have an important thing to tell you.
      • Do you want anything else?你还想要点儿别的什么吗?
      • Do you want any other thing?
    • It is more natural to say a lot, a great deal, much, etc. rather than many things:
      • I have so much to tell you.我要对你讲的事情太多了。
      • I have so many things to tell you.
      • She knows a lot about basketball.她对篮球很有研究。
      • She knows many things about basketball.
    Extra Examples
    • There's another thing I'd like to ask you.还有一件事我想问你。
    • Advertising on blogs is going to be the next big thing.在博客上做广告将是要做的下一件大事。
    • Apologizing is never the easiest thing to do.道歉从来就不是一件容易的事情。
    • Calling a doctor seemed the logical thing to do.打电话叫医生看来是理所当然的事。
    • Entertaining people is the most natural thing in the world for her.招待客人对她来说是世界上最自然不过的事情。
    • He has a funny way of doing things.他有一套很有意思的做事方式。
    • He loses his temper at the slightest thing.一丁点儿小事他都会发脾气。
    • I admit it was a foolish thing to do.我承认那样做很蠢。
    • I did all the right things but I couldn't get the engine to start.我做了该做的一切,但仍不能将引擎发动起来。
    • I did my usual thing of losing my keys.我又像往常一样丢了钥匙。
    • I marched into his office to get a few things straight.我径直进了他的办公室,去把几件事情讲清楚。
    • I've better things to do than stand here chatting all day!我有更重要的事情要做,没工夫整天站在这里聊天!
    • If she works hard she's capable of great things.她努力的话能成大器。
    • It's impossible to get things done when you're looking after a baby.照顾小孩时你不可能同时干其它的事情。
    • One thing led to another and we ended up dating.一来二去,我们就约会上了。
    • People defraud their companies every day, but Mike would never do such a thing!每天都有人欺骗公司,但迈克决不会做这种事!
    • She helped with the everyday things like shopping and cooking.她帮忙做日常琐事,比如购物、做饭。
    • That wasn't a very smart thing to do!那不是一个很聪明的做法!
    • The amazing thing is, he wouldn't accept any money!令人惊异的是,他不愿意接受任何钱财!
    • The best thing about Alan is he's always honest.艾伦最好的一点就是他一贯诚实。
    • The last thing she wanted was to upset her parents.她最不愿意做的事就是惹父母不高兴。
    • There are some weird things going on in that house.那所房子里发生着一些古怪的事。
    • We chatted about school, but I could tell she had other things on her mind.我们聊的是学校,但我可以断定她心里想着别的事情。
    • What's the next thing you want me to do?接下来你要我做什么?
    • There's another thing I'd like to ask you.还有一件事我想问你。
    • The key thing is to remain calm.关键是要保持冷静。
    • Who's been saying things about me?是谁一直在说我的坏话?
    • Try to look on your rejection as a positive thing.尽力把被拒这件事看成一件好事。
    • Too much studying can be a bad thing.学习太多可能是件坏事。
    • There are plenty of things to say about it.这件事有的说。
    • The pay cut was just a taste of things to come.减薪只是个开始罢了。
    • That was a horrible thing to say to her.对她说这种话太不应该了。
    • Jack knows a thing or two about kids—he has five.杰克对小孩儿颇有了解 - 他有 5 个孩子。
    • It's such a small thing to ask.这点要求是小事一桩。
    • I wanted to be a musician, but teaching music is the next best thing.以前我想成为音乐家,但现在教音乐是最接近的了。
    • I give thanks for every little thing.我为每一件小事表示感谢。
    • It's just a practice, not the real thing.那只是练习,不是真的。
    • He's the nearest thing to a film star I've ever met.他是我认识的人中最近似电影明星的一位。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • good
    • great
    • positive
    … of things
    • loads
    • lots
    • plenty
    verb + thing
    • do
    • make up
    • say
    thing + verb
    • go on
    • happen
    • occur
    • thing about
    • among other things
    • have better things to do
    • kind/​sort of thing
    See full entry
  7. things
    [plural] (rather informal) the general situation, as it affects somebody形势;局面;情况;事态
    • Things haven't gone entirely to plan.事态没有完全按照计划发展。
    • I wish things could have been different.我希望事情能有所不同。
    • (informal) Hi, Jane! How are things?喂,简,近来怎么样?
    • As things stand at present, he seems certain to win.据目前情况看,他似乎胜券在握。
    • All things considered (= considering all the difficulties or problems), she's done very well.通盘考虑起来,她干得很好。
    • They're trying to change things for the better.他们试图把事情变得更好。
    • Things have changed over the last few years. 在过去的几年里,事情发生了变化。
    • He's happy with the way things have worked out.他对事情的结果很满意。
    • Why do you make things so difficult for yourself?你为什么这样跟自己过不去?
    Synonyms situationsituation
    • circumstances
    • position
    • conditions
    • things
    • the case
    • state of affairs
    These are all words for the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect the way things are.
    • situation all the things that are happening at a particular time and in a particular place:
      • the present economic situation目前的经济形势
    • circumstances the facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action; the conditions of a person’s life, especially the money they have:
      • The ship sank in mysterious circumstances.那艘船神秘地沉没了。
    • position the situation that somebody is in, especially when it affects what they can and cannot do:
      • She felt she was in a position of power.她觉得她自己有权力。
    • conditions the circumstances in which people live, work or do things; the physical situation that affects how something happens:
      • We were forced to work outside in freezing conditions.我们被迫在户外天寒地冻的环境下工作。
    circumstances or conditions?用 circumstances 还是 conditions?Circumstances refers to somebody’s financial situation; conditions are things such as the quality and amount of food or shelter they have. The circumstances that affect an event are the facts surrounding it; the conditions that affect it are usually physical ones, such as the weather.
    • things (rather informal) the general situation, as it affects somebody:指形势、局面、情况、事态:
      • Hi, Jane! How are things?喂,简,近来怎么样?
      • Think things over before you decide.先把情况考虑周全再作决定。
    • the case the true situation:
      • If that is the case (= if the situation described is true), we need more staff.如果真是那样,那我们就需要更多的员工了。
    • state of affairs a situation:
      • How did this unhappy state of affairs come about?这种不幸的情况是怎么发生的呢?
    situation or state of affairs?用 situation 还是 state of affairs?State of affairs is mostly used with this. It is also used with adjectives describing how good or bad a situation is, such as happy, sorry, shocking, sad and unhappy, as well as those relating to time, such as present and current. Situation is much more frequent and is used in a wider variety of contexts.Patterns
    • in (a) particular situation/​circumstances/​position/​state of affairs
    • the/​somebody’s economic/​financial/​social situation/​circumstances/​position/​conditions
    • (a/​an) happy/​unhappy situation/​circumstances/​position/​state of affairs
    • to look at/​review the situation/​the circumstances/​the conditions/​things
    Extra Examples
    • Think things over before you decide.先把情况考虑周全再作决定。
    • Don't worry about it—just let things take their course.不要担心 - 顺其自然好了。
    • He apologized, and asked for a chance to put things right.他道了歉,请求给他补救的机会。
    • He offered to help, but she assured him she had things in hand.他提出要帮忙,但她向他保证她可以控制局面。
    • Her apology only served to make things worse.她的道歉只是把事情弄得更糟。
    • I have to work things out my own way.我不得不按自己的方式解决问题。
    • I just don't know if things are going to work out.我根本不清楚事情发展是否顺利。
    • I want to get things sorted out before I go away.我想在走之前把事情搞定。
    • I'm sure things will turn out OK.我确信一切最终会好的。
    • She'd started the term studying hard, but now was beginning to let things slip.她在学期开始时学习很努力,但现在开始放任自流了。
    • Sorry, I didn't mean to complicate things.对不起,我并不想把事情弄复杂。
    • There was a week to go to the deadline and things were looking good.离最后期限还有一个星期,情况看起来很好。
    • They hired temporary staff to keep things going over the summer.他们雇了临时工,来保证整个夏天一切运转正常。
    • Things came to a head when money was found to be missing from the account.当发现账户上的钱不见了时,事态变得严重起来。
    • Things looked bleak for the future of the factory.这个工厂看起来前景黯淡。
    • Try not to let things get to you.尽量别让事情影响到你。
    • Try to look at things from my point of view.试着从我的角度看问题。
    • We arranged to meet and talk things over.我们安排了会面以商谈事情。
    • We were in trouble but now things are looking up.我们有了麻烦,但现在情况正在好转。
    • You should suggest changes, rather than accept things as they are.你应该建议作些改变,而不是接受现状。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + things
    • think over/​through
    • look at
    • see
    things + verb
    • stand
    • be going
    • change
    • all things being equal
    • other things being equal
    • all things considered
    See full entry
  8. quality/concept

  9. [countable] a quality or a concept(纯粹的)…事;(完全是)…的活动
    • Reality and truth are not the same thing.现实和真相不是一回事。
    • The two of them have one thing in common—they never give up.他们两个有一个共同点——他们从不放弃。
    • The good thing about this job is all the travelling.这份工作的好处是所有的旅行。
  10. what is needed/right需要的/合适的事物

  11. [countable, usually singular] what is needed or socially acceptable需要的东西;适当的东西;合适的东西
    • You need something to cheer you up—I know just the thing!你需要点什么使你高兴起来,我知道什么正合你的需要!
    • to say the right/wrong thing 说得体的/不得体的话
    • The best thing to do is to apologize.道歉方是上策。
    Extra Examples
    • He did the decent thing and resigned.他做得很体面,辞职了。
    • He did the right thing and went back to his wife.他做了该做的事情,回到了妻子身边。
    • She always manages to say the wrong thing.她总是会说些不该说的话。
    • Iced tea—the very thing!冰茶——正合口味!
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • proper
    • right
    • wrong
    verb + thing
    • do
    • say
    • just the thing
    • not quite the thing
    See full entry
  12. something important重要的事

  13. a thing
    [singular] (informal, humorous) used to say that something is important or real(答应建议或要求)当然,一定
    • I don't understand why these corny films are still a thing in 2020.我不明白为什么这些老掉牙的电影在2020年还是个东西。
    • I'm not sure that ‘modular techno music’ is really a thing.我不确定“模块化电子音乐”真的是一个东西。
  14. anything任何东西

  15. a thing
    [singular] used with negatives to mean ‘anything’ in order to emphasize what you are saying任何东西(用于否定句,加强语气)
    • I haven't got a thing to wear!我没有一件可穿的衣服!
    • She hasn't had a thing to eat all day.她一整天都没吃东西。
    • There wasn't a thing we could do to help.没有什么我们能帮得上忙的。
    • Ignore what he said—it doesn't mean a thing.别理睬他说的话,他那都是瞎说。
    Extra Examples
    • I'm going to arrive early because I don't want to miss a thing.我要早点儿到,因为我不想错过任何东西。
    • I can't see a thing without my glasses.不戴眼镜我什么东西也看不见。
    • Nobody said a thing when he appeared with a wig on.他戴着假发出现时,大家什么都没说。
    • She's tricked you, and you can't do a thing about it.她骗了你,而你却无可奈何。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + a thing
    • hear
    • know
    • notice
    See full entry
  16. things of particular type某种类型的事物

  17. things
    [plural] (formal) (followed by an adjective后接形容词) all that can be described in a particular way所有…的事物;凡是…的东西
    • She loves all things Japanese.凡是日本的东西她都喜欢。
  18. creature生物

  19. [countable] (used with an adjective与形容词连用) a living creature生物;有生命的东西
    • All living things are composed of cells.所有的生物都由细胞组成。
  20. person/animal人;动物

  21. [countable] (with an adjective与形容词连用) (informal) used to talk to or about a person or an animal, to show how you feel about them(指人或动物,带感情色彩)人,家伙,东西
    • You silly thing!你这个蠢货!
    • You must be starving, you poor things.你们一定是饿坏了,你们这些可怜的家伙。
    • The cat's very ill, poor old thing.这猫病得很厉害,真可怜。
    • The baby's a pretty little thing.小宝宝是个漂亮的小东西。
    see also bright young thing, young thing
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • little
    • pretty
    • sweet
    See full entry
  22. Word OriginOld English, of Germanic origin; related to German Ding. Early senses included ‘meeting’ and ‘matter, concern’ as well as ‘inanimate object’.
all/other things being equal
  1. if the conditions stay the same; if other conditions are the same如果所有条件保持不变;如果其他情况一样
    • All things being equal, we should finish the job tomorrow.一切照常的话,我们明天应该完成这项工作。
    • All other things being equal, the bigger fighter should win.同等条件下,大块头的拳手应该会赢。
and things (like that)
  1. (informal) used when you do not want to complete a list等等;之类
    • She likes nice clothes and things like that.她喜欢漂亮衣服之类的东西。
    • I've been busy shopping and things.我一直忙于购物之类的事情。
as it/things turned out
  1. as was shown or proved by later events正如后来表明的;果然如此;果不其然
    • I didn't need my umbrella, as it turned out (= because it didn't rain).我果然没用上我的伞。
as things/it turned out
  1. as was shown or proved by later events正如后来表明的;果然如此;果不其然
    • As things turned out, the weather—and the whole weekend—were perfect.结果,天气——以及整个周末——都很好。
be all things to all men/people
  1. (of people) to please everyone by changing your attitudes or opinions to suit different people使人人高兴;八面玲珑
  2. (of things事物) to be understood or used in different ways by different people仁者见仁,智者见智
be the done thing
  1. (British English) to be socially acceptable behaviour是合乎礼仪的行为;是得体的行为
be a good thing (that)…
  1. to be lucky that…幸运的是;幸亏
    • It's a good thing we got here early.幸亏我们早到了这儿。
    • It's a good thing you remembered to turn off the gas!你没忘关煤气,很好!
be no bad thing (that)…
  1. used to say that although something seems to be bad, it could have good results并不是坏事;或许是好事
    • We didn't want the press to get hold of the story, but it might be no bad thing.我们本不想让新闻界知道这事,但是知道了也许并非是坏事。
    • It's no bad thing to express your anger.表达愤怒不是坏事。
be onto a good thing
  1. to have found a job, situation or style of life that is pleasant or easy找到称心的工作;过上舒心的日子;混得不错
be seeing/hearing things
  1. (informal, humorous) to imagine that you can see or hear something that is in fact not there产生幻觉
chance would be a fine thing
  1. (British English, informal) people say chance would be a fine thing to show that they would like to do or have the thing that somebody has mentioned, but that they do not think that it is very likely苦于没有机会
a close-run thing
  1. a situation in which somebody only just wins or loses, for example in a competition or an election(比赛或选举等中的)险胜,差距很小的败北
    • Mr Taylor’s election defeat was a close-run thing.泰勒先生的选举失败是一件势均力敌的事情。
    • The invasion never happened but it was a close-run thing.侵略始终没有发生,但是差一点就发生了。
a close thing
  1. a situation in which success or failure is equally possible成败机会各半
    • We got him out in the end, but it was a close thing.我们最后总算把他救了出来,可那是真险啊。
    Topics Successc2, Difficulty and failurec2
come to/be the same thing
  1. to have the same result or meaning结果相同;意义相同
do your own thing
  1. (informal) to do what you want to do or what interests you, without thinking about other people; to be independent做自己想做的事;照自己的意愿行事;独立自主;自行其事
do things to somebody
  1. (informal) to have a powerful emotional effect on somebody使某人十分激动;震撼某人
    • That song just does things to me.一听到那首歌我就激动不已。
first/last thing
  1. early in the morning/late in the evening一早/晚上最后(要做的事)
    • I need the report on my desk first thing Monday morning.星期一一早这个报告就得放在我的办公桌上。
    • I took the dog for a walk last thing before going to bed.晚上就寝前我去遛狗了。
first things first
  1. (often humorous) the most important matters must be dealt with first最重要的事最早办;要事先办
    • We have a lot to discuss, but, first things first, let's have a cup of coffee!我们有许多事要讨论,不过急事先办,咱们先喝杯咖啡吧!
for one thing
  1. used to introduce one of two or more reasons for doing something(用以引出两个以上的理由之一)一来,一方面
    • ‘Why don't you get a car?’ ‘Well, for one thing, I can't drive!’“你为什么不买辆汽车呢?” “啊,首先,我不会开车!”
have it/things/everything your own way
  1. to have something arranged in the way that you want, even though other people want it to be arranged differently为所欲为;一意孤行
    • The German team weren't going to let the English have everything their own way.德国队不会让英国人随心所欲。
have a thing about somebody/something
  1. (informal) to have a strong like or dislike of somebody/something in a way that seems strange or unreasonable(莫名其妙地)对…有好感,对…有偏见
    • She has a thing about men with beards.她对留胡子的男人有强烈的感觉。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsc2
have a thing for somebody/something
  1. (informal) to be sexually attracted to somebody; to like something very much幸运的是;幸亏
    • Liz has always had a thing for guys in bands.利兹一直喜欢乐队里的男生。
    • He has a thing for the new girl in the office.他喜欢办公室里的新来的女孩。
    • Jamie has a thing for fast cars.杰米喜欢快车。
in the nature of things
  1. in the way that things usually happen理所当然地;自然地
    • In the nature of things, young people often rebel against their parents.年轻人常常会反抗他们的父母,这很自然。
A is one thing, B is another | it’s one thing to do A, it’s another thing to do B
  1. B is very different from A, for example it is more difficult, serious or important…是一回事,…是另一回事;…和…截然不同
    • Romance is one thing; marriage is quite another.爱情是一回事,婚姻却是另一回事。
    • It's one thing to tease your sister, but it's another to hit her.逗你妹妹玩是一回事,但打她那就另当别论了。
it isn’t my, his, etc. thing
  1. (informal) it isn’t something that you really enjoy or are interested in这不是我(或他等)真正喜欢的东西;并非…所好
it’s a… thing
  1. (informal) it is something that only a particular group understands这是…的事(只有某群体才理解的)
    • You wouldn't know what it means—it's a girl thing.你不会知道那是什么意思,那是女孩子家的事。
know/tell somebody a thing or two (about somebody/something)
  1. (informal) to know/tell somebody some useful, interesting or surprising information about somebody/something了解/透露有用的(或有趣的、意外的)信息;有所了解/披露;见多识广
    • She's been married five times, so she knows a thing or two about men!她结过五次婚,所以对男人有所了解。
make a (big) thing of/about something
  1. (informal) to make something seem more important than it really is小题大做;大惊小怪;故弄玄虚
a near thing
  1. a situation in which you are successful, but which could also have ended badly侥幸做成的事
    • Phew! That was a near thing! It could have been a disaster.哎呀!好险哪!差一点儿出事。
    • We won in the end but it was a near thing.我们最后赢了,但是险胜。
    Topics Successc2
not know, etc. the first thing about something/somebody
  1. to know nothing at all about something/somebody对…一无所知;对…一窍不通
    • We’ve lived next to him for years, but we still don’t know the first thing about him.我们和他住在一起很多年了,但我们仍然对他一无所知。
not quite the thing
  1. not considered socially acceptable不太合时宜;不太时兴;不得体
    • It wouldn't be quite the thing to turn up in running gear.穿着跑步的运动服出现在这场合可不大成体统。
  2. (old-fashioned) not healthy or normal身体不舒服;感到不适
(just) one of those things
  1. used to say that you do not want to discuss or think about something bad or unpleasant that has happened, but just accept it命中注定的事;难免的倒霉事;不可挽回的事
    • It wasn't your fault. It was just one of those things.不是你的错。这是命中注定的事。
one (damned/damn) thing after another
  1. (informal) used to complain that a lot of unpleasant things keep happening to you(抱怨时用)倒霉事一桩接一桩
one thing leads to another
  1. used to suggest that the way one event or action leads to others is so obvious that it does not need to be stated(暗示事情的发展过程显而易见)一来二去,自然而然
    • He offered me a ride home one night, and, well, one thing led to another and now we're married!一天晚上他让我搭车回家,唔,就这样自然发展,我们现在结婚了!
the only thing is…
  1. (informal) used before mentioning a worry or problem you have with something问题是;麻烦的是;只是;不过
    • I'd love to come—the only thing is I might be late.我很想去,只不过我可能会迟到。
overdo it/things
  1. to work, study, etc. too hard or for too long(工作、学习等)过分努力
    • He's been overdoing things recently.他最近过于努力了。
    • I overdid it in the gym and hurt my back.我在健身房练得过火了,结果弄伤了背。
push your luck | push it/things
  1. (informal) to take a risk because you have successfully avoided problems in the past(由于过去的成功过关)再冒一次险,继续碰运气
    • You didn't get caught last time, but don't push your luck!上次没被逮住,但你不要再心存侥幸了!
    Topics Dangerc2
push things/it | push your luck
  1. (informal) to take a risk because you have successfully avoided problems in the past(由于过去的成功过关)再冒一次险,继续碰运气
    • Don't push things—we don't want it all to go wrong now.不要推波助澜——我们不想现在就出问题。
    Topics Dangerc2
the real thing
  1. (informal) actually what somebody claims that something is幸运的是;幸亏
    • Are you sure it's the real thing (= love), not just infatuation?你能确定这是真爱,而非一时痴迷?
the/somebody’s scheme of things
  1. the way things seem to be organized; the way somebody wants everything to be organized格局;心中的安排
    • My personal problems are not really important in the overall scheme of things.从全局来看,我个人的问题并非十分重要。
    • This small annoyance isn't much in the grand scheme of things.这个小小的烦恼在事情的大计划中并不算什么。
    • I don't think marriage figures in his scheme of things.我想,婚姻在他的心目中是无足轻重的。
the shape of things to come
  1. the way things are likely to develop in the future未来的状况
    • Are solar-powered cars the shape of things to come?太阳能动力汽车是未来发展的方向吗?
    • This new system could be the shape of things to come.这个新系统很有可能代表了未来的发展趋势。
sure thing
  1. (informal, especially North American English) used to say ‘yes’ to a suggestion or request(答应建议或要求)当然,一定
    • ‘Are you coming?’ ‘Sure thing.’“你来吗?” “当然。”
    Topics Suggestions and advicec1
take it/things easy
  1. to relax and avoid working too hard or doing too much放松;休息;别过分劳累
    • The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.医生叫我休息几周。
    • I like to take things easy when I’m on holiday.我在假日愿意轻松一些。
take it/things one day at a time
  1. (informal) to not think about what will happen in the future得过且过;做一天和尚撞一天钟;过一天算一天
    • I don't know if he'll get better. We're just taking it one day at a time.我不知道他还能不能好转,我们只有过一天算一天。
take things/it one day at a time
  1. (informal) to not think about what will happen in the future得过且过;做一天和尚撞一天钟;过一天算一天
    • I don't know if he'll get better. We're just taking things one day at a time.他们开始讨论经济问题,我就茫然不懂了。
there’s only one thing for it
  1. there is only one possible course of action这只有一个办法
these things are sent to try us
  1. (saying) used to say that you should accept an unpleasant situation or event because you cannot change it(表示无法改变,应该接受)这些都是对我们的考验(或磨炼)
the (whole)… thing
  1. (informal) a situation or an activity of the type mentioned(纯粹的)…事;(完全是)…的活动
    • She really didn't want to be involved in the whole family thing.她实在不想卷入家事之中。
the thing is
  1. (informal) used to introduce an important fact, reason or explanation事实是;主要原因是
    • I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week.对不起,我的任务没完成。主要原因是我这星期有许多其他工作要做。
the thing (about/with something/somebody) is
  1. used to introduce a problem about something/somebody…的问题是
    • The thing with Karl is, he's always late.卡尔的问题是,他总是迟到。
things that go bump in the night
  1. (informal, humorous) used to refer to ghosts and other supernatural things that cannot be explained夜里奇异可怕的响声;鬼魂;超自然现象
    • There are mysterious lights in the sky and things that go bump in the night.天空中有神秘的光,晚上会有东西撞击。
to do the decent thing
  1. to do what people or society expect, especially in a difficult situation(尤指在困境中)做人心所向的事,做体面事
    • He did the decent thing and resigned.他做得很体面,辞职了。
too much of a good thing
  1. used to say that, although something is pleasant, you do not want to have too much of it好事多了也觉得腻
(what) with one thing and another
  1. (informal) because you have been busy with various problems, events or things you had to do因为事情一个接着一个;由于忙得不可开交
    • I completely forgot her birthday, what with one thing and another.因为忙得不可开交,我把她的生日忘得一干二净。
work it/things
  1. (informal) to arrange something in a particular way, especially by being clever(尤指巧妙地)办成,办妥
    • Can you work it so that we get free tickets?你能不能为我们搞到些免费票?
work things/it
  1. (informal) to arrange something in a particular way, especially by being clever(尤指巧妙地)办成,办妥
    • Can you work things so that we get Friday afternoon off?你能把事情做好,让我们星期五下午休息吗?
Synonyms thingsthings
  • stuff
  • property
  • possessions
  • junk
  • belongings
  • goods
  • valuables
These are all words for objects or items, especially ones that you own or have with you at a particular time.
  • things (rather informal) objects, clothing or tools that you own or that are used for a particular purpose:指个人拥有或作特定用途的物品、衣服、用具:
    • Shall I help you pack your things?我帮你打点行装好吗?
    • Bring your swimming things.随身带上游泳用品。
  • stuff [U] (informal) used to refer to a group of objects when you do not know their names, when the names are not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about:
    • Where’s all my stuff?我的东西都哪儿去了?
  • property [U] (rather formal) a thing or things that are owned by somebody:
    • This building is government property.这座大楼是政府的财产。
    • Be careful not to damage other people’s property.小心别损坏别人的财物。
  • possessions things that you own, especially something that can be moved:
    • Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions except letters and photographs.囚犯除信件和照片外不允许有任何私人物品。
  • junk [U] things that are considered useless or of little value:
    • I’ve cleared out all that old junk from the attic.我把阁楼里所有的废旧杂物都清除干净了。
  • belongings possessions that can be moved, especially ones that you have with you at a particular time:
    • Please make sure you have all your belongings with you when leaving the plane.请确保在下飞机前带好所有的随身物品。
  • goods (technical or rather formal) possessions that can be moved:
    • He was found guilty of handling stolen goods.他被判犯销赃罪。
  • valuables things that are worth a lot of money, especially small personal things such as jewellery or cameras:
    • Never leave cash or other valuables lying around.现金或其他贵重物品请勿乱放。
  • personal things/​stuff/​property/​possessions/​belongings
  • to collect/​gather/​pack (up) your things/​stuff/​possessions/​belongings
  • to search somebody’s/​your/​the things/​stuff/​property/​belongings
  • to go through somebody’s/​your/​the things/​stuff/​belongings
BNC: 106 COCA: 97


1used instead of the name of an object東西(替代物件名稱)ADJECTIVE | VERB + THING ADJECTIVEbasic, essential基本的東西;必需品I need to buy a few basic things like bread and milk.我需要買一些麪包、牛奶之類的必需品。VERB + THINGmake製造東西He makes things out of wood.他用木頭做東西。


2things objects/clothing/tools物件;衣服;工具ADJECTIVE | VERB + THINGS ADJECTIVEbreakfast, lunch, etc. (all especially BrE) 早餐、午餐等用具He hadn't washed up the dinner things yet.他還沒有洗餐具。swimming, tennis, etc. (all especially BrE) 游泳、網球等用品VERB + THINGSget together, pack收拾物品;把東西裝包Come on kids, get your things together-we're going.快,孩子們,把你們的東西收拾好 - 我們要走了。put on, take off穿上/脫下衣服Hang on a second-I'll just take off my painting things (= clothes).等一會兒 - 我把刷油漆穿的衣服脫下來。put away收起物品clear away, clear up, stow, tidy away, tidy up (especially BrE) 清理物品;收起物品;整理物品Clear your painting things (= materials) away.把你畫畫的東西收拾起來。


3a thing (used with negatives) anything(與否定詞連用)任何東西VERB + A THINGhear, know, notice, see聽到/知道/注意到/看到東西I can't see a thing without my glasses.不戴眼鏡我什麼東西也看不見。miss錯過東西I'm going to arrive early because I don't want to miss a thing.我要早點兒到,因為我不想錯過任何東西。do做事情She's tricked you, and you can't do a thing about it.她騙了你,而你卻無可奈何。eat吃東西I haven't eaten a thing all day.我已經一整天沒吃東西了。say說話Nobody said a thing when he appeared with a wig on.他戴着假髮出現時,大家什麼都沒說。mean有價值Fame and fortune don't mean a thing if you don't have happiness.如果活得不幸福,名利就分文不值。


4fact/event/situation/action事實;事件;形勢;行為ADJECTIVE | ... OF THINGS | VERB + THING | THING + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgood, great, positive好事;了不起的事;積極的事It's a good thing you remembered to turn off the gas!你沒忘關煤氣,很好!The best thing would be to apologize straight away.最好的做法就是立即道歉。If she works hard she's capable of great things.她努力的話能成大器。Try to look on your rejection as a positive thing.盡力把被拒這件事看成一件好事。beautiful, cool (informal) , lovely, nice, wonderful美好的/很酷的/可愛的/不錯的/美妙的事情
bad, negative糟糕的/消極的事情Too much studying can be a bad thing.學習太多可能是件壞事。It's no bad thing to express your anger.表達憤怒不是壞事。appalling, awful, dreadful, horrible, terrible駭人的事;可怕的事;恐怖的事That was a horrible thing to say to her.對她說這種話太不應該了。sad淒慘的事amazing, curious, exciting, extraordinary, funny, interesting, odd, remarkable, startling, strange, striking, surprising, weird令人驚異的/奇特的/令人興奮的/非同一般的/可笑的/有趣的/怪異的/值得注意的/驚人的/奇怪的/引人注目的/出人意料的/奇異的事情The amazing thing is, he wouldn't accept any money!令人驚異的是,他不願意接受任何錢財!frightening嚇人的事annoying惱人的事foolish, ridiculous, silly, stupid傻事;荒唐事;蠢事I admit it was a foolish thing to do.我承認那樣做很蠢。clever, smart (especially NAmE) 聰明的/精明的事情That wasn't a very smart thing to do!那不是一個很聰明的做法!big, crucial, important, key, main, vital重大的/決定性的/重要的/關鍵的/主要的/至關重要的事情The key thing is to remain calm.關鍵是要保持冷靜。little, the slightest, small, trivial小事;微不足道的事;瑣事I give thanks for every little thing.我為每一件小事表示感謝。He loses his temper at the slightest thing.一丁點兒小事他都會發脾氣。It's such a small thing to ask.這點要求是小事一樁。easy, simple容易的/簡單的事情Apologizing is never the easiest thing to do.道歉從來就不是一件容易的事情。difficult, hard難事brave, dangerous, risky勇敢的/危險的/有風險的事情sure (especially NAmE) 穩操勝券的事His new film seems like a sure thing (= a certain success).他的新片看來肯定會獲得成功。natural自然的事Entertaining people is the most natural thing in the world for her.招待客人對她來說是世界上最自然不過的事情。close, close-run (BrE) 僥幸的事;成敗在毫釐之間的事I managed to get on the train, but it was a close thing (= I almost missed it).我總算趕上了火車,但差一點兒就來不及了。rare稀罕事everyday日常瑣事She helped with the everyday things like shopping and cooking.她幫忙做日常瑣事,比如購物、做飯。usual通常的事情I did my usual thing of losing my keys.我又像往常一樣丟了鑰匙。nearest, next-best最接近的/第二好的事物He's the nearest thing to a movie star I've ever met.他是我遇到的最近似電影明星的一位。I wanted to be a musician, but teaching music is the next-best thing.以前我想成為音樂家,但現在教音樂是次優選擇。first第一件事She said the first thing that came into her head.她說出自己想到的第一個念頭。next下一件事What's the next thing you want me to do?接下來你要我做什麼?last最不願意做的事The last thing she wanted was to upset her parents.她最不願意做的事就是惹父母不高興。real真事It's just a practice, not the real thing.那只是練習,不是真的。the whole整件事情Let's forget the whole thing.我們把整件事都忘了吧。... OF THINGSloads, lots, plenty, tons大堆大堆的事情;許多事情;大量事情I have loads of things to do today.我今天有許多事情要做。There are plenty of things to say about it.這件事有的說。VERB + THINGdo做事情He has a funny way of doing things.他有一套很有意思的做事方式。It's impossible to get things done when you're taking care of a baby.照顧小孩時你不可能幹其他的事情。make up, say編造故事;說三道四Who's been saying things about me?是誰一直在說我的壞話?be hearing/imagining/seeing幻聽;產生幻覺;幻視There's nobody at the door-you must have been imagining things!門口沒有人 - 你一定是產生幻覺了!THING + VERBgo on, happen, occur事情發生;情況出現There are some weird things going on in that house.那所房子裏發生着一些古怪的事。A funny thing happened to me this morning...今早我遇到了一件可笑的事情⋯PREPOSITIONthing about關於⋯的事情The best thing about Alan is he's always honest.艾倫最好的一點就是他一貫誠實。PHRASESamong other things除了其他事外Among other things, I have to deal with mail and keep the accounts.除了其他的事我還要處理信件和記賬。have better things to do有更好的事情要做I've better things to do than stand here chatting all day!我有更重要的事情要做,沒工夫整天站在這裏聊天!kind/sort of thing⋯之類的事情They go canoeing, climbing, that sort of thing.他們去划獨木舟、爬山什麼的。know/learn/teach sb a thing or two對某人有所瞭解;教導某人一二Jack knows a thing or two about kids-he has five.傑克對小孩兒頗有瞭解 - 他有 5 個孩子。the next big thing下一件大事Advertising on blogs is going to be the next big thing.在博客上做廣告將是要做的下一件大事。no such thing沒有這樣的東西There's no such thing as ghosts (= they don't exist).沒有鬼這東西。one thing leads to another一件事情導致另一件One thing led to another and we ended up dating.一來二去,我們就約會上了。such a thing/a thing like that這種事情People defraud their companies every day, but Mike would never do such a thing!每天都有人欺騙公司,但邁克決不會做這種事!a thing of the past過時的事物Books may one day become a thing of the past.圖書有一天可能會成為歷史。


5things general situation, as it affects sb總體情況VERB + THINGS | THINGS + VERB | PHRASES VERB + THINGSthink over/through全面考慮事態She's taken a few days off to think things over.她休了幾天假,仔細考慮一下事態。look at, see看待事態;看形勢Try to look at things from my point of view.試着從我的角度看問題。discuss, talk over, talk through討論情況;談論形勢We arranged to meet and talk things over.我們安排了會面以商談事情。explain解釋情況accept接受狀況You should suggest changes, rather than accept things as they are.你應該建議作些改變,而不是接受現狀。change改變形勢arrange, deal with, fix, handle, look after, run, sort out, take care of安排事情;處理局面;應付局面I want to get things sorted out before I go away.我想在走之前把事情搞定。Who's going to take care of things while you're away?你不在時誰來負責?straighten out擺平問題work out解決問題I have to work things out my own way.我不得不按自己的方式解決問題。mess up, spoil弄糟事態;攪亂局面complicate使事情複雜化Sorry, I didn't mean to complicate things.對不起,我並不想把事情弄複雜。patch up和好They patched things up a week after their quarrel.他們吵架一個星期後又言歸於好。speed along/up加速事情進展It might speed things up if you call them.你給他們打電話也許可以加快辦事速度。hold up, slow down耽擱/延緩事情THINGS + VERBstand現狀是As things stand at present, he seems certain to win.就目前情況來看,他好像贏定了。be going事情進展He asked me how things were going.他問我事情進展如何。change情況改變go according to plan, go to plan, go well, work, work out事情按計劃進行;事情進展順利;事情成功I just don't know if things are going to work out.我根本不清楚事情發展是否順利。get better, improve, look up情況改善/好轉/見起色We were in trouble but now things are looking up.我們有了麻煩,但現在情況正在好轉。look bright, look good, look promising, look rosy形勢看起來光明/良好/有希望/很樂觀There was a week to go to the deadline and things were looking good.離最後期限還有一個星期,情況看起來很好。look bleak, look grim境況黯淡/嚴峻Things looked bleak for the future of the factory.這個工廠看起來前景黯淡。be in a mess, get into a mess, get out of control, get out of hand, go wrong情況混亂;情況陷入混亂;情況失控;形勢變糟get worse, go downhill形勢惡化/走下坡路turn out情況結果是⋯I'm sure things will turn out OK.我確信一切最終會好的。come to a head事態到了緊要關頭Things came to a head when money was found to be missing from the account.當發現賬戶上的錢不見了時,事態變得嚴重起來。get to sb事情影響到某人Try not to let things get to you.盡量別讓事情影響到你。PHRASESall things being equal, other things being equal假如其他情況一樣All other things being equal, the bigger fighter should win.同等條件下,大塊頭的拳手應該會贏。all things considered通盤考慮起來All things considered, I think we've done a good job.通盤考慮,我認為我們做得很好。get/keep things going, get/keep things moving使事情正常進展They hired temporary staff to keep things going over the summer.他們雇了臨時工,來保證整個夏天一切運轉正常。get things straight, put things straight, set things straight把事情說清楚I marched into his office to get a few things straight.我逕直進了他的辦公室,去把幾件事情講清楚。get things under control, have things under control, keep things under control控制住局面He offered to help, but she assured him she had things under control.他提出要幫忙,但她讓他放心,說她已經控制住了局面。have things on your mind心裏想着事情We chatted about school, but I could tell she had other things on her mind.我們聊的是學校,但我可以斷定她心裏想着別的事情。let things slide, let things slip任其自然發展She'd started the term studying hard, but now was beginning to let things slip.她在學期開始時學習很努力,但現在開始放任自流了。let things run their course, let things happen, let things take their course順其自然Don't worry about it-just let things take their course.不要擔心 - 順其自然好了。make things better, easier, difficult, worse, etc.使情況變好、變容易、變難、變糟等Her apology only served to make things worse.她的道歉只是把事情弄得更糟。put things right糾正錯誤He apologized, and asked for a chance to put things right.他道了歉,請求給他補救的機會。things to come將要發生的事情The pay cut was just a taste of things to come.減薪只是個開始罷了。


6what is needed/socially acceptable需要的或社會可接受的事物ADJECTIVE | VERB + THING | PHRASES ADJECTIVEproper, right合適的/恰當的事情He did the right thing and went back to his wife.他做了該做的事情,回到了妻子身邊。I did all the right things but I couldn't get the engine to start.我做了該做的一切,但仍不能將引擎發動起來。wrong不合適的事情She always manages to say the wrong thing.她總是會說些不該說的話。logical, obvious, prudent, sensible合乎邏輯的/明擺着的/謹慎的/明智的事情Calling a doctor seemed the logical thing to do.打電話叫醫生看來是理所當然的事。decent, done, honourable/honorable得體的事情;體面的事情He did the decent thing and resigned.他做了得體的事情 - 辭職了。It's not the done thing to ask someone how much they earn.問別人掙多少錢不禮貌。very非常需要的東西Iced tea-the very thing!冰茶 - 要的就是這個!VERB + THINGdo做恰當的事say說得體的話PHRASESjust the thing, not quite the thing恰當的事情It wouldn't be quite the thing to turn up in running gear.一身跑步裝束露面可不大成體統。


7a person/an animal人;動物ADJECTIVElittle小東西The baby's a pretty little thing.小寶寶是個漂亮的小東西。pretty, sweet漂亮的/甜美的東西Abby is just the sweetest little thing!阿比絕對是最甜美的小東西!old, young老東西;年輕的傢伙silly蠢東西poor可憐的東西You must be starving, you poor thing!你一定餓壞了,可憐的傢伙!
BNC: 106 COCA: 97
thing noun
thing1 (lots of things to do) thing2 (Pass me that thing.) thing3 (your swimming things) animal (a living thing) person (you poor things) situation (How are things?) a sure thing certainty take things easy rest verb


a lot of things to do 有很多事情要做Pass me that thing. 把那件东西递给我。your swimming things/all things Japanese 游泳用品;所有日本的东西thing ♦︎ stuffThese words are both used to refer in general to facts, events, situations or actions, or to what sb does, says or thinks. 这两个词均表示事实、事件、事情。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) good thing / stuffa lot / lots / loads of things / stuffthings / stuff to do / say thing [countable] a fact, event, situation or action; what sb says or thinks 事实;事件;事情;(做、说或想的)事There are a lot of things you don't know about me.我有很多情况你都不了解。There's another thing I'd like to ask you.还有一件事我想问你。It's a good thing we got here early.幸亏我们早到了这儿。A terrible thing happened last night.昨晚发生了一件可怕的事。I've got loads of things to do today.今天我有许多事要做。The main thing to remember is to switch off the burglar alarm.最要紧的是记住关掉防盗报警器的开关。I like camping, climbing and that sort of thing.我喜欢露营、爬山之类的活动。She said the first thing that came into her head.她当时想到了什么就直说了。'Why did you tell her our secret?' 'I did no such thing!'“你为什么把我们的秘密告诉她?”“没有的事!”Let's forget the whole thing (= everything).咱们把所有事情都忘掉吧。 stuff [uncountable] (informal) used to refer in a general way to things that people do, say or think (泛指所做、所说或所想的)事儿I've got loads of stuff to do today.我今天有好多事儿要做。I like reading and stuff.我喜欢看书什么的。The band did some great stuff on their first album.这支乐队首张专辑有几首很棒的曲子。I don't believe in all that stuff about ghosts.我不信什么鬼魂之类的事儿。thing2


a lot of things to do 有很多事情要做Pass me that thing. 把那件东西递给我。your swimming things/all things Japanese 游泳用品;所有日本的东西thing ♦︎ object ♦︎ whole ♦︎ item ♦︎ entity ♦︎ artefact ♦︎ commodity ♦︎ thingyThese are all words for sth which can be seen and touched, but is not alive and which you do not name. 这些词均表示物品、东西。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a precious / valuable thing / object / item / artefact / commodityan expensive thing / item / artefact / commoditya rare thing / object / item / artefact / commoditya single thing / object / whole / item / entitya physical thing / object / item / entitya basic thing / object / item / entity / commoditya separate thing / object / item / entityeveryday / household objects / itemsa historical object / item / artefactto produce / manufacture a thing / an object / an item / an artefact / a commodity thing [countable] something whose name you do not use because you do not need to or want to, or because you do not know it; something that is not alive in the way that people and plants are 东西;物件;物品Can you pass me that thing over there?把那边那个东西递给我好吗?She's very fond of sweet things (= sweet foods).她非常喜欢吃甜食。He's just bought one of those exercise things.他刚买了一件健身器材。Turn that thing off while I'm talking to you!我和你谈话时把那个玩意儿关掉!Don't treat her like that-she's a person, not a thing!别那样对待她,她是人,不是物品!He's good at making things with his hands.他善于手工制作物品。 see also stuff material object [countable] a thing that can be seen and touched, but is not alive 物体;物品;东西He uses everyday objects to teach basic scientific principles to the kids.他用日常用品教孩子们基本的科学原理。Glass and plastic objects lined the shelves.架子上排列着玻璃和塑料制品。NOTE 辨析 Thing or object? Thing is a much more general word than object. An object is usually a fairly solid thing, in three dimensions (= it is not flat), that is not going to get used up quickly: food, drink and sheets of paper are not objects, although sth made out of paper might be. Object is used especially when you do not know exactly what sth is, or when you are talking about a whole group of things that do not have enough in common to be called by a more particular word. * thing比object含义宽泛得多。object通常是相当稳固的、立体的,不会很快用完的东西。食品、饮料和纸张不是object,尽管有些纸制的东西可能是。object尤用于不知究竟为何物时,或谈论一整组没有太多共同点、不能用一个更具体的词指称的东西This looks a very unusual object. What is it exactly?这东西看起来很不寻常。它究竟是什么?Furniture and other household objects were piled up outside the house.家具及其他家居用品堆放在屋外。In this example, the objects could include lamps, cushions, a vacuum cleaner and other things from around the house that do not come under the term 'furniture'. 上面例句中的objects可能包括灯、靠垫、吸尘器及房子里其他不属于家具的东西。 whole [countable] a thing that is complete in itself 整个;整体Four quarters make a whole.四个四分之一构成一个整体。The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole.课程中的科目构成了一个有机的整体。The festival will be great for our city and for the country as a whole (= as one thing, not as separate parts or regions).这次庆典活动对我们城市乃至整个国家都将意义重大。 item [countable] a single thing, considered separately from other similar things 一件商品(或物品)Can I pay for each item separately?我能否按件分别付钱?The computer was my largest single item of expenditure.电脑是我花钱最多的一件东西。This clock is a collector's item (= because it is rare and valuable).这座钟是珍藏。 entity ˈentəti [countable] (formal) something that exists separately from other things and has its own identity 独立存在物;实体The unit has become part of a larger department and no longer exists as a separate entity.这个单位已附属于一个更大的部门,不再作为一个实体独立存在。Each subsidiary of the company will be treated as a single entity.公司的每一个子公司将被视为单一实体。 artefact ( artifact, especially in NAmE) ˈɑːtɪfækt; NAmE ˈɑːrtɪfækt [countable] (technical 术语) an object that is made by a person, especially sth of historical or cultural interest (尤指有历史或文化价值的)人工制品,手工艺品The museum has a superb collection of ancient artefacts from Nubia.那座博物馆珍藏了一批古代努比亚手工艺精品。 commodity kəˈmɒdəti; NAmE kəˈmɑːdəti [countable] (rather formal) a thing that is useful or has a useful quality 有用的东西;有使用价值之物Water is a precious commodity that is often taken for granted in the West.水很宝贵,但西方人往往意识不到这一点。 thingy ˈθɪŋi [countable] (informal, spoken) used to refer to a person or thing whose name you do not know or have forgotten, or which you do not want to mention (指不知道、忘记或不想提及其名的)某某,那个人,那东西This new multimedia thingy means you can research things a lot more easily.这个新的多媒体玩意儿意味着做研究可以容易多了。thing3


a lot of things to do 有很多事情要做Pass me that thing. 把那件东西递给我。your swimming things/all things Japanese 游泳用品;所有日本的东西 See also the entry for equipment 另见equipment条things ♦︎ stuff ♦︎ property ♦︎ asset ♦︎ possession ♦︎ holding ♦︎ junk ♦︎ belongings ♦︎ goods ♦︎ valuablesThese are all words for objects or items, especially ones that you own or have with you at a particular time. 这些词均表示物品、物件、财产。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配personal things / stuff / property / assets / possessions / holdings / belongingsprivate property / assets / possessions / holdings / belongings / goodsto collect / gather / pack your things / stuff / possessions / belongingsto search sb's / your / the things / stuff / property / belongingsto go through sb's / your / the things / stuff / belongingsto buy things / stuff / property / assets / a holding / goodsto acquire things / stuff / property / assets / possessions / your holdings / goodsto sell your things / stuff / property / assets / possessions / holdings / belongings / goods / valuables things [plural] (especially BrE, rather informal) objects, clothing or tools that you own or that are used for a particular purpose 用品;衣服;用具Shall I help you pack your things?我帮你打点行装好吗?Bring your swimming things with you.带上游泳用品。I'll just clear away the breakfast things.我这就收拾早餐餐具。Put your things (= coat, etc.) on and let's go.把你的衣服穿上,咱们出发吧。In American English it is more usual to use stuff. However, in both British and American English things can be used, followed by an adjective, to mean 'all that can be described in a particular way'. This use is more formal. 表达此义时美式英语中更常用stuff。不过,在美式和英式英语中均可用things后接形容词,指所有某种类型的东西,这种用法较为正式 (rather formal) She loves all things Japanese.她喜欢所有日本的东西。 stuff [uncountable] (informal) used to refer to a group of objects when you do not know their names, when the names are not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about 东西,物品,玩意儿(事物名称不详、无关紧要或所指事物明确时用)Where's all my stuff?我那些东西都哪儿去了?They sell stationery and stuff (like that).他们出售文具之类的东西。 (disapproving) Could you move all that stuff off the table?请你把桌上那些玩意儿全都拿走好吗?Stuff can also refer to a substance or material. * stuff亦可指物质或材料。 see also stuff material property [uncountable] (rather formal) a thing or things that are owned by sb (某人的)所有物,财产,财物This building is government property.这座大楼是政府的财产。Be careful not to damage other people's property.小心别损坏别人的财物。The youths were convicted of defacing public property.那些青年被判犯了毁坏公物罪。 (BrE) I rang the lost property office at the station to see if my bag had been handed in.我打电话给车站失物招领处,看是否有人把我的包交到那里。In American English a lost property office is called the lost and found. 在美式英语中,失物招领处称为lost and found。 asset ˈæset [countable, usually plural] (especially business 尤用于商业) a thing of value, especially property, that a person or company owns, which can be used or sold to pay debts 资产;财产Her assets include shares in the company and a house in France.她的财产包括公司的股份和在法国的一所房子。What is the net asset value of the company?公司的资产净值是多少?financial / capital assets金融/资本资产income from fixed asset investments固定资产投资收入 OPP liability debt possession [countable, usually plural] something that you own, especially sth that can be moved (尤指可以拿走的)个人财产,私人物品The ring is one of her most treasured / prized possessions.这枚戒指是她最珍贵的财产之一。Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions.囚犯不允许携带任何个人财物。 see also possess have 1 holding [countable] (formal or business 商业) an amount of property that is owned by a person, museum, library, etc.; a number of shares that sb has in a company 私有财产;(博物馆、图书馆等的)馆藏;(个人持有的)公司股份one of the most important private holdings of Indian art最重要的印度艺术私人馆藏之一She has a 40% holding in the company.她持有公司40%的股份。 junk [uncountable] things that are considered useless or of little value 无用的东西;无价值的东西I've cleared out all that old junk from the attic.我把阁楼里所有的废旧物品都清除干净了。This china came from a junk shop.这件瓷器是从旧货店里买来的。 (informal, disapproving) Is this all your junk (= are these all your things)?这些破玩意儿都是你的吗? See also the entry for waste noun 另见waste名词词条 belongings [plural] possessions that can be moved, especially ones that you have with you at a particular time 动产;(尤指某个时候随身的)财物She packed her few belongings in a bag and left.她把不多的几件东西装进包里便离开了。Please make sure you have all your belongings with you when leaving the plane.请确保离开飞机时带走您的所有物品。 goods [plural] (especially written or law 法律) possessions that can be moved 动产;(可拿走的)私人财产He was found guilty of handling stolen goods.他被判犯了销赃罪。The plastic bag contained all her worldly goods (= everything she owned).这塑料袋里装着她的全部家当。 valuables [plural] things that are worth a lot of money, especially small personal things such as jewellery or cameras (尤指小件的私人)贵重物品(如珠宝或照相机等)Never leave cash or other valuables lying around.切勿将现金或其他贵重物品乱放。
BNC: 106 COCA: 97
General words for objects: thing, object, article...
Mysteries, riddles and unknown things or people: mystery, riddle, uncertainty...
General words for possessions: appurtenance, real estate, property...
General words for actions and activities: action, measure, doings...
General words for life: life, lifespan, lifetime...
Thoughts, ideas and beliefs: thought, idea, belief...
A typical or good example of something: example, instance, case...

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