behaviour or an action that is not natural or sincere and that is often intended to impress other people 假装;做作;装模作样 His little affectations irritated her. 他的装腔作势令她不快。 Kay has no affectation at all. 凯一点也不做作。 He raised his eyebrows with an affectation of surprise (= pretending to be surprised). 他扬起双眉装出一副惊奇的样子。 He speaks clearly and without affectation. 他吐字清晰,不做作。
Word Originmid 16th cent.: from Latin affectatio(n-), from the verb affectare ‘aim at’, frequentative of afficere ‘work on, influence’, from ad- ‘at, to’ + facere ‘do’.