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TOEFL BNC: 638 COCA: 801


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  1. [countable, uncountable] the process of choosing a person or a group of people for a position, especially a political position, by voting选举,推选(尤指从政)
    • presidential/parliamentary/local elections总统/议会/地方选举
    • the upcoming midterm elections for Congress即将到来的国会中期选举
    • The prime minister is about to call (= announce) an election.首相即将宣布举行大选。
    • Elections will be held later this year.选举将于今年晚些时候举行。
    • to vote in an election参加投票选举
    • (especially British English) How many candidates are standing for election?有多少候选人参加竞选?
    • (especially North American English) to run for election参加竞选
    • to fight/contest an election参加竞选
    • to win/lose an election在选举中获胜/失败
    • the 2020 US election campaign2020年美国大选
    • an election result/victory选举结果/胜利
    • election day/night选举日/晚上
    see also by-election, general election, re-election
    Synonyms electionelection
    • vote
    • poll
    • referendum
    • ballot
    These are all words for an event in which people choose a representative or decide something by voting.
    • election an occasion on which people officially choose a political representative or government by voting:
      • Who did you vote for in the last election?上次选举中你把票投给了谁?
    • vote an occasion on which a group of people vote for somebody/​something:
      • They took a vote on who should go first.他们以投票方式决定谁先走。
    • poll (journalism) the process of voting in an election:(新闻)指选举投票、计票:
      • They suffered a defeat at the polls.他们在投票选举中惨遭失败。
    • referendum an occasion on which all the adults in a country can vote on a particular issue指全民投票、全民公决
    • ballot the system of voting by marking an election paper, especially in secret; an occasion on which a vote is held:
      • The leader will be chosen by secret ballot.领导人将通过无记名投票选举产生。
      Ballot is usually used about a vote within an organization rather than an occasion on which the public vote.
    • a national/​local election/​vote/​poll/​referendum/​ballot
    • to have/​hold/​conduct a(n) election/​vote/​poll/​referendum/​ballot
    Collocations Voting in electionsVoting in elections在选举中投票Running for election参加选举
    • conduct/​hold an election/​a referendum举行选举/全民公决
    • (especially North American English) run for office/​election/​governor/​mayor/​president/​the White House
    • (especially British English) stand for election/​office/​Parliament/​the Labour Party/​a second term
    • hold/​call/​contest a general/​national election举行/要求/角逐大选/全国选举
    • launch/​run a presidential election campaign开始总统竞选活动
    • support/​back a candidate支持候选人
    • sway/​convince/​persuade voters/​the electorate说服选民/全体选民
    • appeal to/​attract/​woo/​target (North American English) swing voters/(British English) floating voters吸引游离选民;寻求游离选民的支持;瞄准游离选民
    • fix/​rig/​steal an election/​the vote操纵选举;暗中舞弊获取选票
    • go to/​be turned away from (especially British English) a polling station/(North American English) a polling place去/被拒绝进入投票站投票
    • cast a/​your vote/​ballot (for somebody)投(某人)一票
    • vote for the Conservative candidate/​the Democratic party投票给保守党候选人/民主党
    • mark/​spoil your ballot paper在选票上做标记;投废票
    • count (British English) the postal votes/(especially North American English) the absentee ballots清点邮寄选票数
    • go to/​be defeated at the ballot box去投票箱投票;竞选失败
    • get/​win/​receive/​lose votes赢得/失去选票
    • get/​win (60% of) the popular/​black/​Hispanic/​Latino/​Muslim vote赢得大众/黑人/拉美裔/穆斯林 (60%) 的选票
    • win the election/(in the US) the primaries/​a seat in Parliament/​a majority/​power赢得大选/(美国的)初选/议会中的一个席位/多数票/权力
    • lose an election/​the vote/​your majority/​your seat在选举中失败;失去多数人的支持/席位
    • win/​come to power in a landslide (victory) (= with many more votes than any other party)以压倒多数的选票获胜/掌权
    • elect/​re-elect somebody (as) mayor/​president/​an MP/​senator/​congressman/​congresswoman选举/再度选举某人为市长/总统/议员/参议员/国会议员/国会女议员
    Taking power掌权
    • be sworn into office/​in as president宣誓就职/就任总统
    • take/​administer (in the US) the oath of office(美国)宣誓就职;听取就职宣誓
    • swear/​take (in the UK) an/​the oath of allegiance(英国)宣誓效忠
    • give/​deliver (in the US) the president’s inaugural address发表(美国)总统就职演说
    • take/​enter/​hold/​leave office就职;任职;离职
    • appoint somebody (as) ambassador/​governor/​judge/​minister任命某人为大使/州长/法官/部长
    • form a government/​a cabinet组建政府/内阁
    • serve two terms as prime minister/​in office任两届总理;两届任职
    Culture electionselectionsIn Britain, a general election takes place at least every five years, when the electorate (= all the people in the country who can vote) vote for the Members of Parliament or MPs in the House of Commons. Each MP represents a constituency, which is an area of the country with an approximately equal number of people, and is expected to be interested in the affairs of the constituency and to represent the interests of local people. If an MP dies or resigns, a by-election is held in the constituency he or she represented. Before an election one person is chosen by each of the main political parties to be their candidate. Independent candidates, who do not belong to a political party, can also stand for election. Each candidate has to leave a deposit with the returning officer, the person responsible for managing the election, which is returned to them if they win more than 5% of the votes, otherwise they lose their deposit. Before an election, candidates campaign for support in their constituency and local party workers spend their time canvassing, going from house to house to ask people about how they intend to vote. At the national level the parties spend a lot of money on advertising. They cannot buy television time, but each party is allowed a number of timed party political broadcasts.Anyone over the age of 18 has the right to vote at elections, provided they are on the electoral register (= list of adults in a constituency). Voting is not compulsory. The turnout (= number of people who vote) in recent general elections has been between 60 and 70% although in the past 75 to 80% was more usual. On the day of the election, called polling day, voters go to a polling station, often in a local school or church hall, and are given a ballot paper. The ballot paper lists all the candidates for that constituency and the parties they represent. The voter goes into a polling booth, where nobody can see what he or she is writing, and puts a cross next to the name of one candidate only. After the polls close, the ballot papers are taken to a central place to be counted. Counting usually takes place on the same day as the election, continuing late into the night if necessary. If the number of votes for two candidates is very close, they can demand a recount. Only the candidate who gets the most votes in each constituency is elected. This system is called first-past-the-post. The winning party, which forms the next government, is the one that wins most seats in Parliament (= has the most MPs).In the US, elections are held regularly for President, for both houses of Congress and for state and local government offices. Candidates usually run for office with the support of one of the two main political parties, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party, although anyone wanting to run as an independent can organize a petition and ask people to sign it. Some people also run as write-in candidates: they ask voters to add their name to the ballot paper when they vote. A very large amount of money is spent on election campaigning, where candidates try to achieve name recognition (= making their names widely known) by advertising on television, in newspapers and on posters. They take part in debates and hold rallies where they give speeches and go round pressing the flesh (= shaking hands with as many voters as possible).Only a person over 35 who is a 'natural born citizen' of the US can run for President. Presidential elections are held every four years and early in election year, the political parties choose their candidates through a series of primary elections held in each state. As these races take place it gradually becomes clear which candidates are the strongest and in the summer each party holds a convention to make the final choice of candidates for President and Vice-President. In November, the people go to vote and although the President is said to be directly elected, the official vote is made by an electoral college. Each state has a certain number of electors in the college based on the state's population. All the electors from a state must vote for the candidate who got the most votes in the state, and the candidate with at least 270 votes out of 538 becomes President. After the election, the new President goes to Washington for the inauguration on 20 January, and takes the oath of office.Americans over the age of 18 have the right to vote, but only about 60% of them take part in presidential elections and voter turnout for other elections is even lower. On election day, voters go to polling stations where they first have to sign their name in a book that lists all the voters in the precinct (= area) and then cast a vote. Some states use computerized voting systems and in others voters pull down a metal lever next to the name of the person they want to vote for, which counts the votes. It is possible to select all the candidates from one party, which is called voting a straight ticket, but many voters choose candidates from both parties and vote a split ticket. In both the US and Britain, journalists and pollsters are allowed to ask people how they voted and these exit polls help to predict election results. However, the results of exit polls may not be announced until polling stations everywhere have closed, in case they influence the result.
    Extra Examples
    • All counties have now certified their election returns.所有的县都已确认了各自的选举结果。
    • Education is a key election issue.教育是竞选中的一个重要议题。
    • Elections are scheduled for November.选举定于 11 月举行。
    • It was successful in rallying voters at election time.选举时召集选民队伍的举措获得成功。
    • Membership of the committee is by election.委员会成员经由选举产生。
    • Predicting the result of close elections is a perilous game.要预言一场势均力敌的选举结果,是个冒险的事。
    • The Governor faces an unprecedented recall election.州长正面临着前所未有的罢免选举。
    • The US is reaching the end of its latest presidential election cycle.美国最近的总统选举周期即将结束。
    • The election turnout in 2018 was high.2018年的选举投票率很高。
    • The party swept Turkish elections in November.该党在土耳其 11 月的选举中大获全胜。
    • The party won a landslide election.该政党在选举中赢得压倒性胜利。
    • The people will decide this election and they will prove all the polls wrong.民众将决定这次选举,同时将证明所有的民意调查都是错的。
    • The prime minister may decide to call an early election.首相可能决定提前举行大选。
    • The violence in the country will not derail the elections.该国的暴力事件不会影响选举的进程。
    • They demanded a rerun of the disputed presidential election.他们要求推翻这场有争议的总统选举,进行重选。
    • a bitterly disputed election一场有激烈争议的选举
    • claims that voter fraud had stolen the election for the Republicans共和党胜选的投票人舞弊之说
    • opinion poll results in the run-up to elections选举前的民意测验结果
    • the democratic concept of popular elections普选的民主观念
    • the scheduled Lebanese elections in May预定在 5 月举行的黎巴嫩选举
    • votes which could swing the entire national election可以改变整个国家选举结果的投票
    • He first stood for election when he was 21.21岁时他首次参加竞选。
    • It will be a hard-fought election campaign.这将是一场艰苦的竞选活动。
    • She's yet to say whether she will be running for election.她还没有明确表示是否参加竞选。
    • The country's first free elections took place in 1990.该国第一次自由选举于1990年举行。
    • The first election results will be coming in very soon.第一次选举结果很快会公布。
    • The party promised this in their election manifesto.该党在竞选宣言中承诺了这一点。
    • the upcoming/​forthcoming election即将到来的选举
    • an election candidate/​official选举候选人/官员
    • The black vote will help determine the outcome of this election.黑人投票将有助于决定这次选举的结果。
    Topics Politicsb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • clean
    • fair
    • free
    verb + election
    • conduct
    • have
    • hold
    election + verb
    • take place
    • be due
    • be scheduled for
    election + noun
    • campaign
    • manifesto
    • pledge
    • at a/​the election
    • in a/​the election
    • by election
    • the outcome of an election
    • the run-up to an election
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable] the fact of having been chosen by election当选
    • Her election will mark a new beginning for the country.她的当选将标志着这个国家的新开端。
    • election as something We welcome his election as president.我们欢迎他当选总统。
    • election to something a year after her election to the committee她获选进入该委员会之后一年
    • Since his election to the Senate, he has been an ardent gay rights supporter.自从当选参议员以来,他一直是同性恋权利的热情支持者。
    see also by-election, general election
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • clean
    • fair
    • free
    verb + election
    • conduct
    • have
    • hold
    election + verb
    • take place
    • be due
    • be scheduled for
    election + noun
    • campaign
    • manifesto
    • pledge
    • at a/​the election
    • in a/​the election
    • by election
    • the outcome of an election
    • the run-up to an election
    See full entry
  3. Word OriginMiddle English: via Old French from Latin electio(n-), from eligere ‘pick out’, from e- (variant of ex-) ‘out’ + legere ‘to pick’.
TOEFL BNC: 638 COCA: 801


ADJECTIVE | VERB + ELECTION | ELECTION + VERB | ELECTION + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEclean, fair, free, open公正/公平/自由/公開選舉fraudulent, rigged, stolen舞弊的選舉close勢均力敵的選舉Predicting the result of close elections is a perilous game.要預言一場勢均力敵的選舉結果,是個冒險的事。landslide一邊倒的選舉The party won a landslide election.該政黨在選舉中贏得壓倒性勝利。contested, disputed有競爭的/有爭議的選舉They demanded a rerun of the disputed presidential election.他們要求推翻這場有爭議的總統選舉,進行重選。historic歷史性的選舉competitive競爭激烈的選舉popular普選the democratic concept of popular elections普選的民主觀念democratic, multiparty, non-partisan民主/多黨派/無黨派選舉direct, indirect直接/間接選舉fresh, new新一輪選舉last上一次選舉recent最近的選舉early提前選舉The prime minister may decide to call an early election.首相可能決定提前舉行大選。scheduled安排好日程的選舉the scheduled Lebanese elections in May預定在 5 月舉行的黎巴嫩選舉forthcoming, upcoming (especially NAmE) 即將到來的選舉special補缺選舉primary (in the US) , run-off (especially NAmE) 初選;(票數相同者之間的)決勝選舉/(第一次投票後在票數最高的兩名候選人之間進行的)第二次預選
midterm, off-year (NAmE) 中期/非大選年選舉recall (= an election to remove an elected official from office) (NAmE) 罷免選舉The Governor faces an unprecedented recall election.州長正面臨着前所未有的罷免選舉。county, federal, local, municipal, national, nationwide, provincial, regional, state, statewide (NAmE) 郡選舉;聯邦選舉;地方選舉;市政選舉;國家選舉;全國選舉;省級選舉;地區選舉;州選舉congressional, council, general, gubernatorial, judicial, leadership, legislative, local-government, mayoral, papal, parliamentary, party, presidential, Senate國會/市政會/全民/州長/司法/領導層/立法會/地方政府/市長/教宗/議會/政黨/總統/參議院選舉school board學校董事會選舉student council, student government, student union (BrE) 學生會選舉VERB + ELECTIONconduct, have, hold, run舉行選舉call宣佈舉行選舉contest, fight參加競選run for, stand for (especially BrE) 參選dispute對選舉提出異議a bitterly disputed election一場有激烈爭議的選舉lose, win落選;當選concede承認選舉失敗sweep (NAmE) 在選舉中大獲全勝The party swept Turkish elections in November.該黨在土耳其 11 月的選舉中大獲全勝。affect, influence影響選舉sway, swing, tip (especially NAmE) 扭轉/轉變/左右選舉結果votes which could swing the entire national election可以改變整個國家選舉結果的投票decide, determine決定選舉結果The people will decide this election and they will prove all the polls wrong.民眾將決定這次選舉,同時將證明所有的民意調查都是錯的。organize, schedule (especially NAmE) 組織/安排選舉monitor, oversee, supervise監督選舉cancel, delay, postpone取消/推遲/延期選舉derail破壞選舉The violence in the country will not derail the elections.該國的暴力事件不會影響選舉的進程。fix, manipulate, rig, steal操縱選舉;竊取選舉claims that voter fraud had stolen the election for the Republicans共和黨勝選的投票人舞弊之說boycott抵制選舉ELECTION + VERBtake place選舉舉行be due, be scheduled for選舉日期定於⋯Elections are scheduled for November.選舉定於 11 月舉行。approach, loom選舉臨近ELECTION + NOUNcampaign競選活動manifesto, pledge, promise競選宣言/誓言/許諾statement競選聲明issue競選議題Education is a key election issue.教育是競選中的一個重要議題。debate選舉辯論strategy選舉策略battle, contest選舉戰;競選turnout選舉投票率The election turnout in 2008 was high.2008 年選舉投票率很高。ballot, poll選票;選舉民意調查outcome, result, returns (especially NAmE) 選舉結果A lot hangs on the election result.很多事情取決於選舉結果。All counties have now certified their election returns.所有的縣都已確認了各自的選舉結果。defeat, victory選舉失利;選舉勝利broadcast, coverage, news選舉廣播/報道/新聞procedure, process, system選舉程序/過程/制度candidate選舉候選人administrator, commissioner, judge, monitor, observer, official, worker選舉專員/督察專員/法官/監督員/觀察員/官員/工作人員board, commission選舉委員會office選舉辦公室date, day, eve, night, period, season, time, year選舉日期;選舉日;選舉前夜;選舉當天晚上;選舉期間;選舉季;選舉時期;選舉年It was successful in rallying voters at election time.選舉時召集選民隊伍的舉措獲得成功。cycle選舉週期The US is reaching the end of its latest presidential election cycle.美國最近的總統選舉週期即將結束。fraud選舉舞弊reform選舉改革PREPOSITIONat an/the election, in an/the election在選舉中⋯in the 2001 general election2001 年大選中by election通過選舉Membership of the committee is by election.委員會成員經由選舉產生。election to獲選入⋯her election to the Senate她當選參議院議員PHRASESthe outcome of an election選舉結果the run-up to an election選舉前的競選時期opinion poll results in the run-up to elections選舉前的民意測驗結果
TOEFL BNC: 638 COCA: 801
election noun
election (a presidential election) choice1 (her election to the post)the electric chair noun


election ♦︎ vote ♦︎ poll ♦︎ referendum ♦︎ ballot ♦︎ exit poll ♦︎ straw poll ♦︎ show of handsThese are all words for an event in which people choose a representative or decide sth by voting. 这些词均表示选举、表决。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an election / a vote / a poll / a referendum / a ballot on stha democratic / free election / vote / poll / ballota secret election / vote / ballota national / local election / poll / referendum / ballota state election / poll / referendumto conduct an election / a vote / a poll / a referendum / a ballot / an exit pollto have an election / a vote / a poll / a referendum / a ballot / a show of handsto hold an election / a vote / a poll / a referendum / a ballotto call / lose / win an election / a vote / a referendum / a ballotan election / a vote / a poll / a referendum / a ballot takes placethe outcome / result of an election / a vote / a poll / a referendum / a ballot election [countable, uncountable] an occasion on which people officially choose a political representative or government by voting (对政治代表或政府的)选举,推选Who did you vote for in the last election?上届选举你投了谁的票?The first election results will be coming in very soon.第一次选举结果很快会公布。 (BrE) Labour won a landslide victory in the 1945 general election (= a national election for a new government).工党在1945年的大选中以压倒性的得票获胜。He first stood for election when he was 21.21岁时他首次参加竞选。She's yet to say whether she will be running for election.她还没有明确表示是否参加竞选。 see also elect appoint vote [countable] an occasion on which a group of people vote for sb/sth 投票;选举;表决They took a vote on who should be their new leader.他们投票选出新一任领导人。I think it's time to put this issue to the vote.我认为就这一问题进行表决的时候到了。The vote was unanimous (= everyone voted the same way).表决一致通过。 see also vote sb in appoint poll pəʊl; NAmE poʊl [countable] ( the polls [plural]) (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) the process of voting in an election 选举投票The final result of the poll will be known tomorrow.最终的投票结果将于明天公布。They suffered a resounding defeat at the polls.他们在选举中惨败。The polls close (= voting ends) at 10 pm.投票于晚上10点结束。Thursday is traditionally the day when Britain goes to the polls (= votes in an election).星期四是英国传统的投票日。 referendum [countable] an occasion on which all the adults in a country can vote on a particular issue (对某一议题的)全民投票,全民公决The president called a referendum on the new divorce laws.总统宣布就新的离婚法案进行全民公决。The issue will be decided by referendum.这一议题将由全民公决来裁定。 ballot ˈbælət [uncountable, countable] the system of voting by marking an election paper, especially in secret; an occasion on which a vote is held (无记名)投票选举;投票表决The leader will be chosen by secret ballot.领导人将通过无记名投票选举产生。The union cannot call a strike unless it holds a ballot amongst its members.工会未经会员投票表决不得发动罢工。Ballot is usually used about a vote within an organization rather than an occasion on which the public vote. * ballot通常指组织内部的投票表决,而非公开选举。 see also ballot survey verb ˈexit poll [countable] an occasion on which people who have just voted are asked how they voted. This is used to try to predict the final result before the votes have been officially counted. 投票后民意调查Exit polls show that the Republicans are slightly ahead.投票后民意调查显示共和党以微弱优势领先。 ˌstraw ˈpoll [countable] an occasion on which a number of people are asked in an informal way to give their opinion about sth 非正式民意调查I took a quick straw poll among my colleagues to see how many agreed.我随便问了几个同事,看看有多少人同意。 show of ˈhands


an occasion on which a group of people vote on sth by raising their hands 举手表决OK, let's have a show of hands. Who's in favour of the proposal?好吧,我们举手表决。谁赞成这个提议?

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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