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IELTS BNC: 177 COCA: 237


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  1. not the same as somebody/something; not like somebody/something else不同的;有区别的;有差异的
    • different from somebody/something American English is significantly different from British English.美式英语与英式英语有很大差异。
    • different to somebody/something (especially British English) It's slightly different to what I'm used to.和我习惯的略有不同。
    • different than somebody/something (especially North American English) He's different than the rest.他和其他人不一样。
    • It's completely different now than it was a year ago.现在和一年前完全不一样了。
    • People often give very different accounts of the same event.人们对同一件事的叙述常常大为不同。
    • My son's terribly untidy; my daughter's no different.我儿子邋遢极了,女儿也不比他强。
    • The room looks different without the furniture.没有了家具,这房间看上去就不一样了。
    • Now he spoke in a different and kinder voice.现在他用一种不同的、更亲切的声音说话了。
    • Let's try a different approach.让我们尝试不同的方法。
    British/American different from / to / thandifferent from / to / than
    • Different from is the most common structure in both British English and North American English. Different to is also used, especially in British English:
      • Paul’s very different from/​to his brother.保罗与他的哥哥大不一样。
      • This visit is very different from/​to last time.这次访问与上一次的大不相同。
    • Especially in North American English people also say different than:
      • Your trains are different than ours.你们的火车与我们的不一样。
      • You look different than before.你看上去与从前不一样了。
    • Use of different than is now becoming more common in British English as well, especially before a clause because you don't need to use what or how after than. Compare:
      • She looked different than I'd expected.她看上去与我想象的不一样。
      • She looked different from what I’d expected.她看起来和我想象的不一样。
    opposite similar
    Extra Examples
    • Their customs are very different to ours.他们的风俗与我们的有很大区别。
    • Attitudes are quite different in England.英国人的态度截然不同。
    • The tune returns in a subtly different guise.该旋律重复出现时形式上有了微妙的不同。
    • This is a far different movie from his previous one.这部电影和他上一部电影迥然不同。
    • This school is radically different from most others.这所学校同其他大多数学校截然不同。
    • He's a different proposition from his father—much less tolerant.他和他父亲不同——他不那么宽容。
    • It's very different to what I'm used to.这与我所习惯的大不相同。
    • We must approach the problem from a different standpoint.我们必须换一种角度来处理这个问题。
    • The movie's different than the original book.这部电影与原着不同。
    • I love playing in jazz bands because the music is so different.我喜欢在爵士乐队演奏,因为音乐太不一样了。
    Topics Opinion and argumenta1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • appear
    • be
    • feel
    • very
    • far
    • clearly
    • from
    • to
    • than
    See full entry
  2. [only before noun] separate and individual分别的;各别的;各种的
    • Each chapter deals with a different type of business.每一章都涉及不同类型的业务。
    • She offered us five different kinds of cake.她给我们提供了五种不同的蛋糕。
    • We're helping society in many different ways.我们以许多不同的方式帮助社会。
    • The programme was about customs in different parts of the country.这个节目介绍全国各地的风俗习惯。
    • They are sold in many different colours.这些有多种颜色供选购。
    • I looked it up in three different dictionaries.我分别在三本词典里查找过。
    Extra Examples
    • This exquisite little hotel seemed to belong to a different age.这家别致的小旅馆好像属于另一个时代。
    • The three friends are all from different ethnic backgrounds.三个朋友都是不同民族背景的。
    • We come from different worlds.我们来自不同的领域。
    • They use alternating bands of different coloured bricks.他们使用不同颜色砖的交替带。
    • The same colour may not have the same effect on different types of paper.相同的颜色在不同类型的纸张上可能不会产生相同的效果。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • appear
    • be
    • feel
    • very
    • far
    • clearly
    • from
    • to
    • than
    See full entry
  3. [not usually before noun] (informal) unusual; not like other people or things不平常;与众不同;别致
    • ‘Did you enjoy the play?’ ‘Well, it was certainly different!’“你喜欢这出戏吗?” “哦,的确不同凡响!”
    Extra Examples
    • Her methods are different, but no less effective for that.她的方法是不同的,但同样有效。
    • a refreshingly different approach to language learning一种全新的语言学习法
    More Like This Words that look like opposites, but aren’tWords that look like opposites, but aren’t
  4. Word Originlate Middle English: via Old French from Latin different- ‘carrying away, differing’, from the verb differre, from dis- ‘from, away’ + ferre ‘bring, carry’.
be another/a different matter
  1. to be very different另外一回事;又是一回事;另当别论
    • I know which area they live in, but whether I can find their house is a different matter.我知道他们住在哪一地区,但能不能找到他们的房子则是另外一回事了。
    • That's a whole different matter.那完全是另一回事儿。
    • I don't mind lizards, but snakes are a different matter.我不怕蜥蜴,但蛇就不同了。
a different kettle of fish
  1. (informal) a completely different situation or person from the one previously mentioned另一码事;截然不同的人
know different/otherwise
  1. (informal) to have information or evidence that the opposite is true所知道的不是那么回事;所掌握的情况大不一样(或大相径庭)
    • He says he doesn't care about what the critics write, but I know different.他说他并不在乎批评家的评论,可我知道不是那么回事。
march to (the beat of) a different drummer/drum | march to a different beat/tune
  1. to behave in a different way from other people; to have different attitudes or ideas与众不同
    • She was a gifted and original artist who marched to a different drummer.她有天赋,具独创性,是个与众不同的艺术家。
pull in different/opposite directions
  1. to have different aims that cannot be achieved together without causing problems目标迥异;各行其是
    • There are different considerations, often pulling in different directions.有各种不同的考虑,常令隔阂愈来愈深。
put a new/different complexion on something
  1. to change the way that a situation appears使形势改观
    • What you have told us puts a different complexion on the situation.你所告诉我们的信息使情况的性质大为不同了。
    • The joke took on a rather serious complexion when the police became involved.当涉及到警察时,玩笑就变得严肃起来了。
sing a different tune
  1. to change your opinion about somebody/something or your attitude towards somebody/something改变观点(或态度);改弦易辙Topics Opinion and argumentc2
tell a different story/tale
  1. to give some information that is different from what you expect or have been told说的情况迥然不同;讲出来的是另一回事
    • These drugs are widely believed to be effective medications. The data, however, tell a different story.这些药物被广泛认为是有效的药物。然而,这些数据讲述了一个不同的故事。
IELTS BNC: 177 COCA: 237


VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSappear, be, feel, look, seem, sound, taste顯得不同;不同;感覺不一樣;看起來不同;似乎有區別;聽起來不一樣;嚐起來不同ADVERBvery很不同far大不相同This is a far different movie from his previous one.這部電影和他上一部電影迥然不同。clearly, distinctly, markedly, significantly, strikingly, substantially, vastly明顯/根本/相當/顯著/驚人地/非常/極其不同dramatically, drastically, fundamentally, radically顯著不同;截然不同;根本不同This school is radically different from most others.這所學校同其他大多數學校截然不同。altogether, completely, entirely, quite, totally完全不同;十分不同whole完全不同That's a whole different matter.那完全是另一回事兒。rather, somewhat頗為/稍有不同slightly略有差異subtly差別細微The tune returns in a subtly different guise.該旋律重複出現時形式上有了微妙的不同。materially, qualitatively實質上/性質上不同refreshingly全然不同a refreshingly different approach to language learning一種全新的語言學習法PREPOSITIONfrom與⋯不同Human beings are different from other animals.人與其他動物有區別。to (BrE) 不同於⋯Their customs are very different to ours.他們的風俗與我們的有很大區別。than (NAmE) 與⋯相比不同The movie's different than the original book.這部電影與原着不同。
IELTS BNC: 177 COCA: 237
different adj.
different (The room looks different without the furniture.) unusual (Her approach is certainly different.)


 See also the entry for diverse 另见diverse条different ♦︎ unlike ♦︎ contrasting ♦︎ disparate ♦︎ dissimilar ♦︎ unequalThese words all describe sb/sth that is not the same as sb/sth else. 这些词均表示不同的、有差异的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配different / dissimilar from sthdifferent / contrasting / disparate views / waysto look different / unlike sth / dissimilarvery different / unlike / disparate / dissimilar / unequalquite / totally different / unlike / disparate / dissimilarnot altogether / not entirely different / unlike / dissimilar different not the same as sb/sth; not like sb/sth else 不同的;有区别的;有差异的The room looks different without the furniture.没有了家具,这房间看上去就不一样了。People often give very different accounts of the same event.人们对同一件事的叙述常常大不相同。American English is significantly different from British English.美式英语与英式英语有很大差异。 (NAmE) He saw he was no different than anybody else.他认为自己和别人没什么两样。 (BrE, spoken) It's very different to what I'm used to.这与我所习惯的情况大不相同。Different to sb/sth is considered incorrect in written English; use different from sb/sth instead. 在书面语中different to sb/sth被视为不正确,应该用different from sb/sth。OPP the same equal , similar like prep. adj. differently


Boys and girls behave differently.男孩儿和女孩儿的表现不同。The male bird has a differently shaped head.雄鸟头的形状不太一样。




[not before noun] different from a particular person or thing; (of two people or things) different from each other 与⋯不同;不像;(二者)相异Music is quite unlike any other art form.音乐与其他艺术形式迥然不同。 (written) The sound was not unlike that of birds singing.那声音有点像鸟鸣。They are both teachers. Otherwise they are quite unlike.他们俩都是教师,除此之外他们截然不同。Unlike is most often used with the adverbs quite, most, so and very or after not. If you describe sth as not unlike sth, you mean that it is fairly similar to that thing. * unlike最常与副词quite、most、so和very连用,或用于not之后。not unlike表示所说的两个事物很相像。 OPP like like prep. adj.
contrasting [usually before noun] very different in style, colour or attitude (式样、颜色或态度)大不相同的,迥异的,对比强烈的Choose bright, contrasting colours for a child's room.儿童的房间应选择鲜艳斑斓的色彩。The book explores contrasting views of the poet's early work.这本书探讨了对这位诗人早期作品截然不同的观点。 see also contrast conflict verb , contrast opposite noun disparate ˈdɪspərət (formal) (of two or more things) so different from each other that they cannot be compared or cannot work together (两种或多种事物)截然不同的,无法比较的It's an ambitious book that tries to cover such disparate forms as Anglo-Saxon poetry and the modern novel.这本书雄心勃勃,试图涵盖像盎格鲁-撒克逊诗歌和现代小说这样迥然不同的文学形式。The machine can keep the disparate parts of the system coordinated.这台机器能够使系统中截然不同的部件协调运转。 dissimilar dɪˈsɪmɪlə(r) (often used in negative sentences 常用于否定句) (formal) not the same 不同的;不一样的These wines are not dissimilar (= are similar).这些葡萄酒都差不多。They had spent their childhoods in highly dissimilar circumstances.他们的童年是在截然不同的环境中度过的。 OPP similar like prep. adj. unequal different in size, quantity, value, etc. (大小、数量、价值等)不同的,不相等的The sleeves are unequal in length.这两只衣袖长度不一样。The rooms upstairs are of unequal size.楼上的房间大小不同。 OPP equal equal
IELTS BNC: 177 COCA: 237
Different and differently: conflicting, different, various...
The same: another, equal, equivalent...
Unusual in an interesting way: unusual, special, unique...

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