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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Deadlines and time limits
noun [C] /ˈdedˌlaɪn/
a specific time or date by which you have to do something 最后期限

They've given us a five o'clock deadline. 他们给我们规定的最后期限是5点钟。

deadline for :

The deadline for applications was last Friday. 申请的最后期限是上星期五。

deadline of :

Ministers set a deadline of 5 April for Serbia to accept the peace plan. 部长们规定4月5日为塞尔维亚接受和平计划的最后期限。

meet/miss a deadline (=finish/not finish something in time) 按时/未按时完成 :

If we can't meet the deadline, they won't give us another contract. 如果我们无法按时完成,他们就不会再给我们合同。

 Synonyms and related words
noun /ˈtaɪmɪŋ/
[C/U] the date or time when something happens or is planned to happen (预定的)时间安排;(预定的)发生时间

They objected to the timing of the election. 他们反对选举的时间安排。

factors affecting the timing of births 影响出生时间的因素

 Synonyms and related words
time limit
noun [C]
an amount of time in which you must do something 期限;时限
 Synonyms and related words
closing date
noun [C]
the date by which you must apply for, ask for, or provide something 截止日期
closing date for :

The closing date for applications is March 17. 申请的截止日期为3月17日。

 Synonyms and related words
due date
noun [singular]
the date on which something is planned or expected to happen, for example when money must be paid or when a pregnant woman expects to have her baby 预定日期(如预定付款日期或孕妇的预产期等)
 Synonyms and related words
sell-by date
noun [C] British
a date printed on food products to show that they should not be sold after that date because they will no longer be good to eat (食品的)出售截止日期,销售期限
 Synonyms and related words
expiry date
noun [C]
the date on which something can no longer be used or is no longer safe to eat 失效日期;有效期限

We need the expiry date on your credit card. 我们需要知道你的信用卡的有效期限。

 Synonyms and related words
the last minute
the latest possible time for doing something 最后一刻

Jane always waits until the last minute to write her paper. 简总是等到最后一刻才写她的论文。

We decided to go at the last minute. 我们决定等到最后一刻再去。

 Synonyms and related words
the last (possible) moment
the latest time that it is possible to do something 最后一刻

She waited until the last possible moment to cancel her flight. 她等到最后一刻才取消她的航班。

 Synonyms and related words
adjective /djuː/
something that is due at a particular time or date must be completed by that time or date 应完成的;到期的

Students' term papers are due next Monday. 学生的学期论文下星期一必须交。

 Synonyms and related words
More Synonyms
preposition, conjunction strong /fɔː(r)/ weak /fə(r)/
used for saying the particular time or date that something is planned to happen (表示某事计划发生的时间或日期)在,在…的时节

The meeting was planned for 10 o'clock. 会议计划在10点钟召开。

The release of her new album is scheduled for next August. 她的新专辑预定在明年8月发行。

 Synonyms and related words
noun /ɡreɪs/
[U] extra time that you have, or that someone allows you to have, in order to do something such as pay money that you owe 宽限期

Could you give me a couple of days' grace to pay the rent? 你能再给我几天付租金的宽限时间吗?

 Synonyms and related words
adverb, preposition /ɒn/
used for saying the day or date when something happens 在…的时候

He's coming home on Wednesday. 他星期三要回家来。

My birthday is on the 27th of November. 我的生日是11月27日。

They met on a rainy day in January. 他们在1月份的一个雨天里相识。

 Synonyms and related words
play date
noun [C]
details of the day and time that a show will happen (节目的)播出时间;(演出的)上演时间
 Synonyms and related words
sunset provision
noun [C]
a condition that states that a plan or agreement will automatically end after a particular period of time unless special arrangements are made for it to continue “日落”法,定期废止法(指计划或协议经过一段时间后若无特殊安排令其继续即自行废止的法律)
 Synonyms and related words
expiration date
noun [C] American
the date on which something can no longer be used or is no longer safe to eat. The British word is expiry date

We need the expiration date on your credit card.

 Synonyms and related words

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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