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BNC: 2166 COCA: 2378


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  1. [countable] an order given to a person or an animal(給人或動物的)命令
    • Begin when I give the command.我發出命令時開始。
    • You must obey the captain's commands.你必須服從船長的命令。
    • command to do something He issued the command to retreat.他下令撤退。
    • Police said he ignored their commands to stop.警察說他無視他們的命令停下來。
    Extra Examples
    • an army officer barking commands at his men向士兵厲聲下達命令的軍官
    • She has been teaching her dog simple commands.她一直在教她的狗服從簡單的指令。
    Topics War and conflictb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • basic
    • simple
    verb + command
    • carry out
    • obey
    • disobey
    • at somebody’s command
    • your wish is my command
    See full entry
  2. for computer計算機

  3. [countable] an instruction given to a computer指令;命令
    • The computer executes commands successively in the order they arrive.計算機按照命令到達的順序依次執行命令。
    • What is the startup command for the program?程序的啓動命令是什麽?
    Topics Computersb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • spoken
    • verbal
    • voice
    verb + command
    • enter
    • type
    • use
    command + noun
    • line
    • prompt
    See full entry
  4. control控制

  5. [uncountable] control and authority over a situation or a group of people控制;管轄;指揮
    • under somebody's command He has 1 200 men under his command.他掌管着 1 200 人。
    • command of somebody/something He has command of 1  200 men.有 1 200 人由他管轄。
    • The police arrived and took command of the situation.警察到達後就控制了局勢。
    • In 1939 he assumed command of all French naval forces.1939年,他接管了法國所有海軍。
    • There were many disagreements over the command of the peacekeeping forces.對維和部隊的指揮有許多分歧。
    • in command Who is in command here?這裏誰負責?
    • in command of something/yourself For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life.多少年來第一次,她覺得生活掌握在自己的手裏。
    • He looked relaxed and totally in command of himself.他看起來很輕鬆,有絕對的自信完全能控制住自己。
    • the chain of command指令串;
    • a breakdown in the command structure指揮結構的崩潰
    see also high command, second in command
    Extra Examples
    • He had command of 3 000 soldiers.他統率 3,000 名士兵。
    • He was in complete command of the situation.他完全控制了形勢。
    • She has lost command of her senses.她失去了理智。
    • She was in sole command of one million pounds.她獨自掌控着 100 萬英鎊。
    • The division was under the command of General George.這個師由喬治將軍指揮。
    • under the direct command of Lieutenant Sykes在賽克斯陸軍中尉的直接指揮下
    • Decisions that are beyond the competence of junior managers should be referred up the chain of command.超出初級經理權限的決策應該向上級領導匯報。
    • his command over resources他對資源的控制
    Topics War and conflictb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • complete
    • full
    • total
    verb + command
    • have
    • assume
    • take
    command + noun
    • centre/​center
    • chair
    • deck
    • in command
    • in command of
    • under somebody’s command
    • the chain of command
    • the line of command
    See full entry
  6. in army軍隊

  7. Command
    [countable] a part of an army, air force, etc. that is organized and controlled separately; a group of officers who give orders(陸軍、空軍等的)兵團,軍區,指揮部,司令部
    • Bomber Command轟炸機組的指揮部
    Topics War and conflictc2
  8. knowledge知識

  9. [uncountable, singular] command (of something) your knowledge of something; your ability to do or use something, especially a language知識;(尤指對語言的)掌握,運用能力
    • Applicants will be expected to have (a) good command of English.申請人必須精通英語。
    • She has an excellent command of French.她的法語棒極了。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • excellent
    • fluent
    • good
    verb + command
    • have
    • demonstrate
    • show
    • at your command
    • command of
    See full entry
  10. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French comander ‘to command’, from late Latin commandare, from com- (expressing intensive force) + mandare ‘commit, command’. Compare with commend.
at your command
  1. if you have a skill or an amount of something at your command, you are able to use it well and completely可自由使用;可支配
    • With all the words at my command, I could not express how I felt.盡管我說了這麽多,我還是無法表達我的感受。
    • The vast knowledge he has at his command will be invaluable in the job.他掌握着豐富的知識,對工作將會非常有用。
be at somebody’s command
  1. (formal) to be ready to obey somebody聽候某人的吩咐;服從某人的支配
    • I'm at your command—what would you like me to do?我聽從您的吩咐,您要我做什麽?
your wish is my command
  1. (humorous) used to say that you are ready to do whatever somebody asks you to do悉聽閣下吩咐


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they command
he / she / it commands
past simple commanded
past participle commanded
-ing form commanding
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  1. (of somebody in a position of authority掌權者) to tell somebody to do something命令 synonym order
    • command somebody to do something He commanded his men to retreat.他命令手下撤退。
    • command something She commanded the release of the prisoners.她下令釋放囚犯。
    • command (somebody) + speech ‘Come here!’ he commanded (them).“過來!” 他命令(他們)道。
    • ‘Get back to your room,’ she commanded.“回你的房間去,”她命令道。
    • command that… (formal) The commission intervened and commanded that work on the building cease.委員會進行了幹預,下令那棟大樓必須停建。
    • (British English also) The commission commanded that work on the building should cease.委員會下令那棟大樓必須停建。
  2. in army軍隊

  3. command somebody/something to be in charge of a group of people in the army, navy, etc.指揮,統率(陸軍、海軍等)
    • In March 1942 he was appointed to command US naval forces in Europe1942年3月,他被任命指揮美國駐歐洲海軍
    • The troops were commanded by General Haig.部隊由黑格將軍統率。
    Extra Examples
    • The squadron was commanded by Major Frank Broad.這個中隊由弗蘭克•布羅德少校指揮。
    • He was the officer commanding the troops in the Western region.他是統率西部地區部隊的軍官。
    Topics War and conflictb2
  4. deserve and get應得

  5. [no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用於進行時) command something to deserve and get something because of the special qualities you have應得;博得;值得
    • to command sympathy/support值得同情/支持
    • She was able to command the respect of the class.她赢得了全班的尊敬。
    • The headlines commanded her attention.那些標題引起了她的注意。
    • As a top lawyer, he can expect to command a six-figure salary.作爲首屈一指的律師,他可望拿到六位數的薪資。
  6. view視野

  7. [no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用於進行時) command something (formal) to be in a position from where you can see or control something居高臨下地掌控;俯瞰
    • The hotel commands a fine view of the valley.從這家旅館俯瞰下面的峽谷一覽無餘。
    • They built a castle commanding the river crossing.他們建造了一座指揮渡河的城堡。
  8. control控制

  9. (not used in the progressive tenses不用於進行時) command something (formal) to have control of something; to have something available for use控制;擁有…可供使用;掌管
    • The party was no longer able to command a majority in Parliament.該黨已不能在國會中再佔有多數。
    • the power and finances commanded by the police警方掌握的權力和資金
  10. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French comander ‘to command’, from late Latin commandare, from com- (expressing intensive force) + mandare ‘commit, command’. Compare with commend.
BNC: 2166 COCA: 2378


1order命令ADJECTIVE | VERB + COMMAND | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbasic, simple基本/簡單命令VERB + COMMANDcarry out, obey執行/服從命令disobey, ignore不服從/無視命令bark, give, issue, shout厲聲下令;發出命令;發佈命令an army officer barking commands at his men向士兵厲聲下達命令的軍官He issued the command to retreat.他下令撤退。PREPOSITIONat sb's command奉某人之命I am at your command (= ready to obey you).我聽從您的吩咐。At her command all work stopped.遵照她的命令,所有工作都停了。PHRASESyour wish is my command (= I will do whatever you want me to do) (used esp. in stories尤用於故事中) 我聽從您的吩咐


2instruction to computer計算機指令ADJECTIVE | VERB + COMMAND | COMMAND + NOUN ADJECTIVEspoken, verbal, voice口頭指令;語音指令keyboard鍵盤命令basic, simple基本/簡單指令VERB + COMMANDenter, type輸入/鍵入命令use使用指令send發送指令execute, run執行/運行命令receive收到指令COMMAND + NOUNline, prompt命令行;命令提示符


3control over sb/sth掌控ADJECTIVE | VERB + COMMAND | COMMAND + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcomplete, full, total完全控制;全部控制He was in complete command of the situation.他完全控制了形勢。direct直接指揮under the direct command of Lieutenant Sykes在賽克斯陸軍中尉的直接指揮下overall, personal, sole全面控制;親自指揮;獨自控制She was in sole command of one million pounds.她獨自掌控着 100 萬英鎊。integrated, joint, unified聯合指揮;統一指揮NATO's integrated military command北約統一軍事指揮體系central, high, supreme中央司令部;高級指揮部;最高指揮部the military high command軍隊最高司令部air, army, military, naval空軍/陸軍/軍事/海軍指揮部battle, combat作戰指揮部VERB + COMMANDhave指揮He had command of 3 000 soldiers.他統率 3,000 名士兵。assume, take, take over取得控制;接管指揮權gain, get贏得/取得指揮權give sb, put sb in交給某人管轄maintain保持控制be relieved of, lose, relinquish被解除指揮權;失去控制;放棄控制She has lost command of her senses.她失去了理智。COMMAND + NOUNcentre/center指揮中心chair, deck, module, post, ship指揮椅;指揮台;指揮艙;指揮站;指揮艦structure指揮結構PREPOSITIONin command負責Who is in command?誰負責?She is second in command.她是二把手。in command of負責⋯He was put in command of the navy.他受命掌管海軍。under sb's command由某人指揮The division was under the command of General George.這個師由喬治將軍指揮。command over對⋯的控制his command over resources他對資源的控制PHRASESthe chain of command, the line of command指揮鏈


4ability to do/use sth能力ADJECTIVE | VERB + COMMAND | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEexcellent, fluent, good, impressive, perfect出色的/熟練的/良好的/給人印象深刻的/完美的掌握poor掌握得不好VERB + COMMANDhave掌握demonstrate, show證明/表明掌握improve提高掌握PREPOSITIONat your command可自由支配The vast knowledge he has at his command will be invaluable in the job.他掌握着豐富的知識,對工作將會非常有用。command of對⋯的掌握She has an excellent command of French.她的法語棒極了。
BNC: 2166 COCA: 2378
command noun
control (the chain of command) order (the command to retreat)
command verb
order1 (command sb to do sth) run2 (command the troops)

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