- lawsuit (against somebody/something)
a claim or complaint against somebody that a person or an organization can make in court 诉讼;起诉 He filed a lawsuit against his record label. 他对自己的唱片公司提起诉讼。 to bring/settle/dismiss a lawsuit 提起/解决/驳回诉讼 A law firm has launched a class-action lawsuit against the airline. 一家律师事务所对该航空公司提起了集体诉讼。
Extra ExamplesTopics Law and justicec1The company now faces several lawsuits over its failure to protect its employees. 这家公司现在面临数起保护员工不周的起诉。 The two companies have settled the lawsuit. 两家公司已了结他们之间的诉讼。 They are seeking damages in a lawsuit. 他们通过起诉寻求对损失的赔偿。 They have agreed to drop their lawsuit against the Dutch company. 他们同意不起诉那家荷兰公司。 a lawsuit against her former husband 对她前夫提起的诉讼 a lawsuit over a disputed estate 对有争议地产的诉讼 The lawsuit alleges that the defendants conspired to defraud the company. 该诉讼声称被告共谋诈骗公司。 The opening of the factory was delayed because of a lawsuit brought by an environmental group. 因为一个环保团体提起诉讼,工厂推迟开业了。