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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 948 COCA: 1963


/ˈhɒlədeɪ/, /ˈhɒlədi/
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  1. [uncountable]
    (also holidays [plural])
    (both British English)
    (North American English vacation)
    a period of time when you are not at work or school假期
    • the school/summer/Christmas holidays学校/暑/圣诞假期 美 = vacation
    • She spent her holiday decorating the flat.她把假期花在装修公寓上了。
    • on holiday I'm afraid Mr Walsh is away on holiday this week.很抱歉,沃尔什先生这个星期休假去了。
    • The package includes 20 days' paid holiday a year.这一揽子福利包括每年 20 天的带薪假。
    • holiday pay假日薪金
    • a holiday job (= done by students during the school holidays)(学生在学校放假时做的)假期工作
    compare leave (1)
    Extra Examples
    • I have three weeks' holiday a year.我每年有 3 周的假期。
    • I'm just trying to spread a little holiday cheer.我只是试图传播一点儿假日的愉快气氛。
    • I'm taking the rest of my holiday in October.剩下的假期我将在 10 月份休掉。
    • It can be difficult to keep children occupied during the long summer holidays.要让孩子在漫长的暑假里一直有事情做可不容易。
    • My aunt's coming to stay in the holidays.假期里我姨妈要来暂住。
    • She had a holiday job as a gardener when she was a student.她当学生时曾在假期里做园丁。
    • The centre is now closed for the Christmas holidays.圣诞节放假,该中心暂停开放。
    • The roads will be busy on Monday as it's a holiday weekend.因为这是个长周末,星期一路上会很堵。
    • You are entitled to 24 days' paid holiday per year.你每年有 24 天的带薪假。
    • How do you usually spend your holiday?你通常如何度过假期?
    • How many days' holiday do you get a year?你一年有几天假期?
    • It's the school holidays at the moment.现在是学校假期。
    • My assistant is on holiday this week.我的助手这周休假。
    • She doesn't get any paid holiday.她没有带薪假期。
    • We're going away over the Christmas holidays.我们将在圣诞节假期外出。
    • What are you going to do during the summer holidays?暑假你打算做什么?
    • You are entitled to four weeks' annual holiday.你享有四周的年假。
    • Your holiday entitlement is 25 days a year.你每年有25天的假期。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • annual
    • Christmas
    • Easter
    verb + holiday
    • be entitled to
    • get
    • have
    holiday + noun
    • time
    • entitlement
    • pay
    • during the holidays
    • in the holidays
    • on holiday
    See full entry
  2. [countable] (British English)
    (North American English vacation)
    a period of time spent travelling or resting away from home(外出旅游或休闲的)度假期
    • a camping/skiing/walking holiday 野营/滑雪/徒步旅行假期
    • an adventure holiday探险假期
    • a foreign/an overseas holiday 国外/海外假期
    • a family holiday合家度假
    • a two-week holiday in the sun阳光下两周的假期
    • to have/take a holiday度假
    • on holiday They met while on holiday in Greece.他们是在希腊度假时认识的。
    • We went on holiday together last summer.去年夏天我们一起去度假了。
    • for your holiday(s) Where are you going for your holidays this year?你今年要到哪里休假?
    • a holiday cottage/home度假别墅/家
    • a holiday destination/resort度假胜地
    Collocations Travel and tourismTravel and tourism旅游和旅游业Holidays/​vacations假期
    • have/​take (British English) a holiday/(North American English) a vacation/​a break/​a day off/(British English) a gap year休假;短期休假;休一天假;休空缺年假
    • go on/​be on holiday/​vacation/​leave/​honeymoon/​safari/​a trip/​a tour/​a cruise/​a pilgrimage去/在度假/休假/度蜜月/游猎/旅游/观光/乘船游览/朝圣
    • go backpacking/​camping/​hitchhiking/​sightseeing去背包旅行/露营/搭顺风车旅行/观光游览
    • plan a trip/​a holiday/​a vacation/​your itinerary计划旅行/假期/行程
    • book accommodation/​a hotel room/​a flight/​tickets预订住宿/酒店房间/航班/票
    • have/​make/​cancel a reservation/(especially British English) booking预订;取消预订
    • rent a villa/(both British English) a holiday home/​a holiday cottage租一座度假别墅/一个度假住所/一座度假小别墅
    • (especially British English) hire/ (especially North American English) rent a car/​bicycle/​moped租借一辆汽车/自行车/摩托自行车
    • stay in a hotel/​a bed and breakfast/​a youth hostel/​a villa/(both British English) a holiday home/​a caravan住在酒店/提供住宿和早餐的旅馆/青年旅舍/度假别墅/度假住所/旅行拖车里
    • cost/​charge $100 a/​per night for a single/​double/​twin/​standard/(British English) en suite room单人房/双人房/标间/套房一晚花费/要价 100 美元
    • check into/​out of a hotel/​a motel/​your room入住/结账离开酒店/汽车旅馆/房间
    • pack/​unpack your suitcase/​bags把东西装进手提箱/旅行包;取出手提箱/旅行包里的东西
    • call/​order room service打电话叫/叫客房服务
    • cancel/​cut short a trip/​holiday/​vacation取消/缩短旅程/假期
    Foreign travel出国旅行
    • apply for/​get/​renew a/​your passport申请/拿到/续签护照
    • take out/​buy/​get travel insurance获得/购买/取得旅游保险
    • catch/​miss your plane/​train/​ferry/​connecting flight赶上/错过飞机/火车/渡船/转乘航班
    • fly (in)/travel in business/​economy class乘坐商务/经济舱飞行/旅行
    • make/​have a brief/​two-day/​twelve-hour stopover/(North American English also) layover in Hong Kong在香港作短暂的/两天的/十二小时的中途停留
    • experience/​cause/​lead to delays遇上/引起/导致延误
    • check (in)/collect/​get/​lose (your) (especially British English) luggage/(especially North American English) baggage托运/取/弄丢行李
    • be charged for/​pay excess baggage被收取/支付超重行李费
    • board/​get on/​leave/​get off the aircraft/​plane/​ship/​ferry上/下飞机/船/渡船
    • taxi down/​leave/​approach/​hit/​overshoot the runway在跑道上滑行;离开/接近/降落在/冲出跑道
    • experience/​hit/​encounter severe turbulence遇到强烈的气流
    • suffer from/​recover from/​get over your jet lag/​travel sickness遭受时差反应/晕车;从时差反应/晕车恢复过来;克服时差反应/晕车
    The tourist industry旅游业
    • attract/​draw/​bring tourists/​visitors吸引游客
    • encourage/​promote/​hurt tourism鼓励/促进/损害旅游业
    • promote/​develop ecotourism促进/发展生态旅游
    • build/​develop/​visit a tourist/​holiday/(especially British English) seaside/​beach/​ski resort建立/开发/参观旅游/假日/海滨/海滩/滑雪胜地
    • work for/​be operated by a major hotel chain就职于一家大型连锁酒店;由一家大型连锁酒店经营
    • be served by/​compete with low-cost/(especially North American English) low-fare/​budget airlines由廉价航空公司提供服务;与廉价航空公司竞争
    • book something through/​make a booking through/​use a travel agent通过旅行社预订;经旅行社代办
    • contact/​check with your travel agent/​tour operator联系旅行社;向旅行社咨询
    • book/​be on/​go on a package deal/​holiday/​tour预订/进行/去包价旅游
    • buy/​bring back (tacky/​overpriced) souvenirs购买/带回(低劣的/定价过高的)纪念品
    see also busman’s holiday, package holiday
    Extra Examples
    • I haven’t had a decent holiday for years.我已经多年没有过像样的假期了。
    • Have you booked your summer holiday yet?夏天的度假旅行你预订好了吗?
    • I got ill and had to cancel my holiday.我生病了,不得不取消度假安排。
    • I learned to windsurf on an activity holiday.我参加主题活动假期时学会了风帆冲浪。
    • I really need a holiday!我真的需要休假了!
    • This is your chance to win the holiday of a lifetime.这是你赢得千载难逢的度假的机会。
    • We had a disastrous camping holiday.我们的野营度假真是糟糕。
    • What would be your dream holiday?你梦想的假期是什么样子的?
    • All we could afford was a week's holiday at my parents' place.我们所能负担的就是在我父母那里度过一周的假期。
    • Book your winter holiday now.现在就预订你的寒假。
    • Have a fantastic holiday!祝你假期愉快!
    • Have you ever been on a camping holiday?你去过野营度假吗?
    • He's never had a holiday abroad.他从未去过国外度假。
    • They met while on holiday in Spain.他们是在西班牙度假时认识的。
    • Their holiday romance turned into a lasting relationship.他们的假日恋情变成了稳定的情侣关系。
    • If you win, we'll send you on a holiday of a lifetime!如果你赢了,我们会给你一个一生难忘的假期!
    • Package holidays are generally becoming less popular.度假套餐普遍不像以前那么受欢迎了。
    • Try us first for your best family holiday ever!先试试我们,祝你有史以来最棒的家庭假期!
    • We had to cancel our holiday at the last minute.我们不得不在最后一刻取消假期。
    • We supply everything you will need for your adventure holiday.我们提供您探险度假所需的一切。
    • We're going on a skiing holiday in Austria.我们要去奥地利滑雪度假。
    • Win a dream holiday to the Bahamas.赢得去巴哈马的梦幻假期。
    • I've never been one for holiday romances.我从来不喜欢假日恋情。
    • The recession hit the package holiday business hard.经济衰退沉重打击了包价旅游业。
    • They also have a holiday home at the seaside.他们在海滨也有一座度假别墅。
    • It's a popular holiday destination.这是一个受欢迎的度假胜地。
    • I picked up a few holiday brochures on the way home.我在回家的路上买了几本度假手册。
    • Let's have a look at your holiday photos.我们看看你度假时拍的照片吧。
    • Make sure you have holiday insurance.确保你有假期保险。
    • More and more people are taking foreign holidays.越来越多的人去国外度假。
    • She works as a holiday rep.她是一名假日推销员。
    • She works for a holiday company.她在一家假日公司工作。
    • The neighbours are away on holiday.邻居们出门度假了。
    • The town is now a bustling holiday resort.该镇现在是一个繁忙的度假胜地。
    • Choose from over 200 great holiday destinations!从200多个绝佳的度假目的地中选择!
    • a popular seaside holiday resort受欢迎的海滨度假胜地
    • You should take out holiday insurance before you leave.动身之前你应该办理度假保险。
    • We're going on holiday to France this summer.今年夏天我们将去法国度假。
    • The pool is open throughout the holiday season.整个度假旺季游泳池都开放。
    • This holiday season was the worst in 25 years for retailers.对零售商而言,这个度假旺季是 25 年来最糟糕的。
    • Denmark's islands are wonderful holiday destinations for cyclists, anglers and families.丹麦的岛屿是骑自行车者、垂钓者和家庭的绝佳度假目的地。
    Topics Holidaysa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • enjoyable
    • exciting
    • fun-filled
    verb + holiday
    • go on
    • have
    • take
    holiday + noun
    • destination
    • resort
    • venue
    • on (a) holiday
    • a holiday of a lifetime
    See full entry
  3. (also public holiday)
    [countable] a day when most people do not go to work or school, especially because of a religious or national celebration假日,节日(尤指宗教节日或国家庆典日)
    • The president's birthday was declared a national holiday.总统的生日被定为全国假日。
    • Today is a holiday in Wales.在威尔士今天是假日。
    see also August Bank Holiday, bank holiday, civic holiday, legal holiday, public holiday, Spring Bank Holiday, statutory holiday, Summer Bank HolidayTopics Educationa2, Religion and festivalsa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bank
    • federal
    • national
    verb + holiday
    • celebrate
    • spend
    holiday + noun
    • break
    • weekend
    • season
    See full entry
  4. holidays
    (also holiday season [countable])
    (North American English) the time from late November to early January that includes Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year节日假期(从十二月到一月上旬,包括圣诞节、修殿节和新年)
    • Happy Holidays!节日愉快!
    • Thanksgiving is the traditional start of the holiday season for most Americans.对大多数美国人来说,感恩节是假期的传统开始。
    British/American holiday / vacationholiday / vacation
    • You use holiday (or holidays) in British English and vacation in North American English to describe the regular periods of time when you are not at work or school, or time that you spend travelling or resting away from home:
      • I get four weeks’ holiday/​vacation a year.我一年有四周休假。
      • He’s on holiday/​vacation this week.他本周休假。
      • I like to take my holiday/​vacation in the winter.我喜欢在冬天休假。
      • the summer holidays/​vacation.暑假
    • In North American English a holiday (or a public holiday) is a single day when government offices, schools, banks and businesses are closed:
      • The school will be closed Monday because it’s a holiday星期一是公共假日,所以学校不上课。
      . This is called a bank holiday in British English.
    • The holidays is used in North American English to refer to the time from late November to early January that includes Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah and the New Year.
    • Vacation in British English is used mainly to mean one of the periods when universities are officially closed for the students.
    Extra Examples
    • I go back a couple of times a year to celebrate the holidays with my family.我每年回去几次和家人一起度假。
    • We always spend the holidays together.我们总是一起度假。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bank
    • federal
    • national
    verb + holiday
    • celebrate
    • spend
    holiday + noun
    • break
    • weekend
    • season
    See full entry
  5. Word OriginOld English hāligdæg ‘holy day’.
Culture holidays and vacationsholidays and vacationsHoliday in American English means a day that is special for some reason. Most people do not go to work on an important holiday, but may do so on a minor one. Few people have to work on federal (= national) holidays such as New Year's Day or Independence Day, though they may celebrate, for example, St Valentine's Day but still go to work or school. Apart from the main federal holidays, each state decides its own holidays. The period from Thanksgiving to the end of the year when there are several important holidays is called the holiday season or simply the holidays (Stores are getting ready for the holiday season.). In British English, special days like New Year's Day are called bank holidays or public holidays.Holiday in British English also means a period of time spent away from work or school, usually of a week or longer. This is called a vacation in American English. So, the period of several weeks in the summer when schools are closed is called the summer holiday in Britain and summer vacation in the US. Spring break in the US is a week's holiday for school and college students in March or April. Holiday and vacation are also used to refer to the period when people go away for a time to a beach resort or to the country, or go travelling. British people have about four weeks' paid leave from their jobs. Most take their main holiday in the summer. People without children of school age often go on holiday in the off season when prices are lower and there are fewer other holidaymakers (= people on holiday). Some people stay in Britain for their holiday, but many go to Europe and rent a cottage in the country or go to beach resorts for one or two weeks. Some travel to the US or visit India, the Far East and other parts of the world. Many British people going abroad buy package tours on the internet or through high-street travel agents, which include transport, accommodation and sometimes excursions (= local trips to places of interest) in the price. Some people see their holidays as an opportunity to relax in the sun, but others prefer activity holidays during which they can visit famous buildings or go walking in the countryside. Some go to a holiday centre, often called a holiday village, which provides entertainment for all the family. People often arrange their holiday a long time in advance and look forward to it through the winter. Many people also have a short break, usually three or four days, for example, at a country cottage in Britain or in a European city.Americans have less paid vacation, typically two weeks a year. People with high-level jobs or those who have worked in their company for many years may have longer vacations. People with low-paid jobs in shops, fast food restaurants, etc., often have no paid vacation at all.The typical family vacation in the US involves driving to a destination within the country. Some people visit relatives or go sightseeing in cities like Washington, DC, or New York. The national parks, like Yellowstone National Park or the Grand Canyon, are also popular, and people sometimes rent a cabin (BrE cottage) in the country. Families often go to amusement parks (= places with many activities for children) like Disney World in Florida. People who do not drive usually fly to a place as air fares are relatively cheap. Package tours are not very common and most Americans arrange their own transport and accommodation if they are staying in the US.Many Americans have not been on vacation outside North America. However, Europe has always been a popular destination for people wanting to travel further and package tours there are popular with wealthy older Americans. Trips to South America and the Far East are increasingly common, especially with younger travellers. Cruises (= journeys by ship, visiting different places) have also become very popular.


/ˈhɒlədeɪ/, /ˈhɒlədi/
(British English)
(North American English vacation)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they holiday
/ˈhɒlədeɪ/, /ˈhɒlədi/
he / she / it holidays
/ˈhɒlədeɪz/, /ˈhɒlədiz/
past simple holidayed
/ˈhɒlədeɪd/, /ˈhɒlədid/
past participle holidayed
/ˈhɒlədeɪd/, /ˈhɒlədid/
-ing form holidaying
/ˈhɒlədeɪɪŋ/, /ˈhɒlədiɪŋ/
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  1. (+ adv./prep.) to spend a holiday somewhere度假;休假
    • She was holidaying with her family in Ireland.她当时正和家人在爱尔兰度假。
    • We often holidayed together.我们经常一起度假。
    Word OriginOld English hāligdæg ‘holy day’.
IELTS BNC: 948 COCA: 1963


1 (BrE) period of time away from home for pleasure度假 see also vacation ADJECTIVE | VERB + HOLIDAY | HOLIDAY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEenjoyable, exciting, fun-filled, good, lovely, wonderful愉快的假期;令人興奮的假期;充滿樂趣的假期;美妙的假期disastrous災難般的假期We had a disastrous camping holiday.我們的野營度假真是糟糕。dream夢想的假期What would be your dream holiday?你夢想的假期是什麼樣子的?foreign, overseas出國/海外休假summer, winter暑假;寒假7-night, two-week, etc. * 7 夜、2 週等的假期package包價旅遊family合家度假activity, adventure, camping, skiing主題活動假期;探險度假;野營度假;滑雪度假I learned to windsurf on an activity holiday.我參加主題活動假期時學會了風帆衝浪。VERB + HOLIDAYgo on, have, take度假;休假We're going on holiday to France this summer.今年夏天我們將去法國度假。Are you having a holiday this year?今年你去度假嗎?book預訂度假旅行Have you booked your summer holiday yet?夏天的度假旅行你預訂好了嗎?cancel取消度假I got ill and had to cancel my holiday.我生病了,不得不取消度假安排。HOLIDAY + NOUNdestination, resort, venue度假目的地;度假勝地a popular seaside holiday resort受歡迎的海濱度假勝地accommodation, cottage, home度假住所;度假別墅They also have a holiday home at the seaside.他們在海濱也有一座度假別墅。camp, complex, village度假營地;度假中心;度假村period, season假日時期;度假旺季The pool is open throughout the holiday season.整個度假旺季游泳池都開放。brochure度假小冊子business, company, firm度假服務業;旅行社The recession hit the package holiday business hard.經濟衰退沉重打擊了包價旅遊業。insurance度假保險You should take out holiday insurance before you leave.動身之前你應該辦理度假保險。arrangements, plans度假安排/計劃romance假日羅曼史Their holiday romance turned into a lasting relationship.他們的假日戀情變成了穩定的情侶關係。photos, snaps度假時拍的照片;度假快照PREPOSITIONon (a) holiday度假時They met while on holiday in Spain.他們是在西班牙度假時認識的。PHRASESa holiday of a lifetime難得一次的度假This is your chance to win the holiday of a lifetime.這是你贏得千載難逢的度假的機會。


2 (BrE) period of rest from work/school休假 see also vacation ADJECTIVE | VERB + HOLIDAY | HOLIDAY + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEannual, Christmas, Easter, summer年假;聖誕假期;復活節假期;暑假The school is now closed for the Christmas holidays.聖誕節放假,該學校現在停課。school學校假期paid帶薪假VERB + HOLIDAYbe entitled to, get, have有資格休假;得到假期;有假期You are entitled to 24 days' paid holiday per year.你每年有 24 天的帶薪假。I have three weeks' holiday a year.我每年有 3 週的假期。take休假I'm taking the rest of my holiday in October.剩下的假期我將在 10 月份休掉。spend度過假期She spent her holiday decorating the house.她把假期花在裝修房子上了。need需要休假I really need a holiday!我真的需要休假了!HOLIDAY + NOUNtime假期entitlement休假的權利pay假期薪金job(學生的)假期工作She had a holiday job as a gardener when she was a student.她當學生時曾在假期裏做園丁。PREPOSITIONduring the holidays在假期裏It can be difficult to keep children occupied during the long summer holidays.要讓孩子在漫長的暑假裏一直有事情做可不容易。in the holidays在假期中My aunt's coming to stay in the holidays.假期裏我姨媽要來暫住。on holiday在度假I'm afraid Mr Adamek is on holiday this week.抱歉,阿達梅克先生這個星期度假去了。


3day when people do not go to work/school節假日ADJECTIVE | VERB + HOLIDAY | HOLIDAY + NOUN ADJECTIVEbank (in the UK) , federal
(in the US) , national, public, religious銀行假期;聯邦假日;全國假日;公休日;宗教假期
Christian, Jewish, etc.基督教、猶太教等節日Christmas, Easter, Labor Day (in the US) , Memorial Day
(in the US) , Thanksgiving (in the US) 聖誕節/復活節/勞動節/陣亡烈士紀念日/感恩節假期
winter, year-end (both NAmE) 寒假;年終假VERB + HOLIDAYcelebrate (especially NAmE) 歡度假期I go back a couple of times a year to celebrate the holidays with my family.我每年回去幾次和家人一起度假。spend度假We always spend the holidays together.我們總是一起度假。HOLIDAY + NOUNbreak, weekend節日假期;長週末The roads will be busy on Monday as it's a holiday weekend.因為這是個長週末,星期一路上會很堵。season (especially NAmE) 度假旺季This holiday season was the worst in 25 years for retailers.對零售商而言,這個度假旺季是 25 年來最糟糕的。cheer, spirit (both especially NAmE) 節日喜慶;假日的愉快氣氛I'm just trying to spread a little holiday cheer.我只是試圖傳播一點兒假日的愉快氣氛。celebrations, concert, meal, party (all especially NAmE) 節假日慶祝活動/音樂會/大餐/聚會decorations, gift (both NAmE) 節日裝飾/禮物card (NAmE) 節日賀卡
IELTS BNC: 948 COCA: 1963
holiday noun
holiday1 (the school holidays) holiday2 (a camping holiday)


the school holidays 学校假期a camping holiday 露营度假holiday ♦︎ vacation ♦︎ break ♦︎ leave ♦︎ time off ♦︎ day off ♦︎ recess ♦︎ sabbaticalThese are all words for a period of time when you are not at work, school or college. 这些词均表示假期。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配during the holidays / the vacation / the break / the recess / a sabbaticalto be on holiday / vacation / leave(the) summer / Christmas holiday / vacation / recessannual holiday / vacation / leavepaid / unpaid holiday / vacation / leave / time off / sabbaticalthree weeks' / two days' / a month's, etc. holiday / vacation / leave / recess / sabbaticalto take leave / time off / a day off / a sabbaticalto spend your holiday / vacation / leave / time off / day off / sabbatical doing sth holiday [uncountable] ( holidays [plural]) (BrE) a period of time when you do not have to go to work, school or college 假期My assistant is on holiday this week.我的助手这周休假。You are entitled to four weeks' annual holiday.你享有四周的年假。Your holiday entitlement is 25 days a year.你每年有25天的假期。My sister's coming to stay in the holidays.我姐姐假期要过来住。In both British and American English a holiday is also a day when most people do not go to work or school, especially because of a religious or national celebration. * holiday在英式和美式英语中还可指假日,尤指宗教或全国性节假日The president's birthday was declared a national holiday.总统的生日被定为全国假日。Today is a holiday in Scotland.今天是苏格兰的假日。In American English the holidays means the time in late December and early January that includes Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year. * the holidays在美式英语中指12月底到1月初的一段假期,包括圣诞节、修殿节和新年。 vacation [uncountable, countable] (NAmE) a period of time when you do not have to go to work, school or college 假期Their son is home on vacation.他们的儿子放假在家。The schools were closed for summer vacation.学校已放暑假,不开放。Vacation time and other benefits were cut.假期和其他福利都被取消了。In Britain a vacation is one of the periods of time when universities or courts are closed. 在英国,vacation指大学放假或法庭休庭时期the Christmas vacation圣诞假the long (= university summer) vacation暑假In the US, courts have a recess, like Congress or a committee (see below). 在美国,法庭休庭称recess,议会或委员会休会期也称作recess(见下面的分词条)。 break (informal) a period of time when school, college or university students do not have to go to classes (学校)假期 (NAmE) A lot of students go to Florida for Spring Break.很多学生到佛罗里达州度春假。 (BrE) Have you got any plans for the Easter break?复活节假期你有什么打算吗?In this meaning break is uncountable in American English but countable in British English. * break表达此义时,在美式英语中是不可数名词,在英式英语中是可数名词。 leave [uncountable] a period of time when you do not have to be at work, either in order to take a holiday or for a special reason 假期;休假Sylvia's on maternity leave (= after having a baby).西尔维娅在休产假。Fathers are allowed a week's paternity leave (= after the birth of a baby).新生儿的父亲有一周的育婴假。There are new provisions for parental leave (= for parents of young children).关于父母亲育婴假有了新规定。He was on sick leave following a heart attack.心脏病发作后他休了病假。She was given compassionate leave to attend the funeral.她请了恩恤假去参加葬礼。He applied for study leave (= from teaching at a university) to write the book.他向任教的大学请了学术假去写那本书。 ˌtime ˈoff [uncountable] time when you do not have to work 休息时间Why not come with me if you can get the time off?如果你那个时间有空,为什么不和我一起去呢?Can you get some time off work?你能在上班时离开一会儿吗?The children were given time off school to watch the ceremony.学校早放学让孩子们看那场典礼。 ˌday ˈoff [countable] a day when you do not have to work 休息日;休假日She's had only two days off in the past year.去年她只休了两天假。I've got the day off from school.我今天请假,不用上学。Sunday is my only day off.我只有星期天才休息。 recess rɪˈses, ˈriːses [countable, uncountable] a period of time during the year when members of a parliament or committee do not meet (议会或委员会)休会期Tomorrow MPs break for the Christmas recess.明天议员们休息,圣诞节休会期到了。The peace talks resumed after a month-long recess.和平谈判在休会一个月后重新开始。The report was published while Congress was in recess.那份报告是在国会休会时公布的。 see also recess rest noun 2 sabbatical səˈbætɪkl [countable, uncountable] a period of time when sb, especially a teacher in a university, is allowed to stop their usual work in order to study, write or travel (尤指供大学教师进行学术研究或旅行的)公休假,休假He's been given a year's sabbatical.他获准休一年的公休假。She's on sabbatical until January.她休公休假到1月份。holiday2


the school holidays 学校假期a camping holiday 露营度假 See also the entry for trip 另见trip条holiday ♦︎ vacation ♦︎ break ♦︎ getawayThese are all words for a period of time spent away from home relaxing or travelling around. 这些词均表示度假。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a great / relaxing holiday / vacation / break / getawaya dream / family holiday / vacationa summer / winter holiday / vacation / break / getawaya holiday / vacation abroada holiday / vacation destination / home / resort / spotto go / be on holiday / vacationto take a holiday / vacationto cancel a holiday / vacation / breaka week's / three-day, etc. holiday / vacation / break holiday [countable] (BrE) a period of time spent travelling or relaxing away from home 度假The neighbours are away on holiday.邻居们出门度假了。He's never had a holiday abroad.他从未去过国外度假。We're going on a skiing holiday in Austria.我们要去奥地利滑雪度假。Package holidays (= in which your flight, accommodation, etc. are all organized for you and included in the price) are generally becoming less popular.度假套餐普遍不像以前那么受欢迎了。Let's have a look at your holiday photos.我们看看你度假时拍的照片吧。 vacation [countable] (NAmE) a period of time spent travelling or relaxing away from home 度假The senator is on vacation in Maine.那位参议员正在缅因州度假。How was your vacation?你假期玩得好吗?They usually go on a ski vacation this time of year.每年这个时候他们通常去滑雪度假。The area is a popular vacation choice for families.这个地区是家庭出游的热门之选。 break [countable] a short holiday/vacation 短期度假The prize is a three-night break in Paris.大奖是巴黎的三天住宿券。Choose from our range of city breaks.请选择我们的城市短游系列中的项目。It's a great city for a weekend break.这个城市非常适合度周末。 getaway ˈgetəweɪ [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a short holiday/vacation; a place that is suitable for a holiday 短期度假;假日休闲地;适合度假的地方a romantic weekend getaway in New York在纽约度过的浪漫周末the popular island getaway of Penang深受人们喜爱的槟榔屿度假岛 ˌget aˈway

phrasal verb

We're hoping to get away (= go away on holiday) for a few days at Easter.我们打算复活节出去玩几天。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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