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BNC: 910 COCA: 928


/dəˈrekʃn/, /daɪˈrekʃn/
/dəˈrekʃn/, /daɪˈrekʃn/
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    where to去向

  1. [countable, uncountable] the general position a person or thing moves or points towards方向;方位
    • in the direction of something They headed in the direction of the village.他们朝村子的方向走去。
    • in somebody's direction She pointed in my direction.她指向我这边。
    • in the/a … direction They hit a truck coming in the opposite direction.他们撞上一辆迎面开来的卡车。
    • The road was blocked in both directions.这条路往返方向都堵死了。
    • The aircraft was flying in a northerly direction.飞机正向北飞去。
    • in the right/wrong direction 朝正确/错误的方向
    • When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions.警察赶到后,人群便向四面八方散开了。
    • Has the wind changed direction?风向变了吗?
    • I lost all sense of direction (= I didn't know which way to go).我完全迷失了方向。
    Extra Examples
    • A scanner deflects the laser beam in horizontal and vertical directions.扫描仪在水平和垂直方向上使激光束转变方向。
    • Dan followed the direction the sign had pointed.丹沿着路标指示的方向走。
    • He started to run in a random direction.他开始漫无目的地跑。
    • I can't come with you, but I can point you in the general direction.我不能跟你一起去,不过我可以给你指出大致的方向。
    • I didn't see the accident because I was facing in the opposite direction.我没有看到事故,因为当时我面朝相反的方向。
    • I don't have much sense of direction.我没有什么方向感。
    • I fired in the general direction of the officer's head, and missed.我朝军官头部的大致方向开了枪,却射偏了。
    • I prefer to be facing the direction of travel.我喜欢面朝行进的方向。
    • I was being pushed in one direction.我被推到了只有一条路可选的境地。
    • She followed the direction of his gaze.她顺着他凝视的视线望去。
    • I measured the distance and compass direction between successive positions.我测量了相连位置间的距离和罗盘方向。
    • People came running from all directions.人们从四面八方跑过来。
    • She shoved Sarah in a general forward direction.她把萨拉推向大致向前的方向。
    • She stalked away, in no particular direction.她漫无目的地大踏步走开了。
    • People passed by without a glance in her direction.人们经过时都不朝她那个方向看。
    • Suddenly, the wind switched directions.突然间风向变了。
    • The adults gazed in the direction indicated.大人们注视着指示的方向。
    • The blast sent debris flying in all directions.爆炸使碎屑向四处飞散。
    • The convoy is moving in the direction of the capital.护送车队正朝首都方向前进。
    • The current flows in a south-easterly direction.水朝东南方向流去。
    • The ride in the reverse direction is a mere $4.反方向车程只需花 4 美元。
    • The runway was constructed in a north-south direction.跑道是沿南北方向建的。
    • They were both going in the same direction.他们俩朝同一个方向走。
    • Turn the dial in a clockwise direction.按顺时针方向拨动拨号盘。
    • Unfortunately, we were going in the wrong direction.可惜我们走错了方向。
    • We both walked off in separate directions.我们俩朝不同方向走开了。
    • What happens if you reverse the direction of the current?如果倒转电流方向会怎样呢 ?
    • When sailing, keep a constant check on changes in wind direction.航行时要时刻检查风向。
    • Which direction do we have to take?我们必须选择哪个方向?
    • a house oriented exactly to the cardinal directions一所正南正北的房子
    • He ran off in the direction of the river.他朝着河的方向跑走了。
    • I realized we were travelling in the wrong direction.我意识到我们走错了方向。
    • The car was going in the other direction.汽车正朝另一个方向行驶。
    • I had researched the average speed and direction of winds and currents along the route.我研究了沿途风和水流的平均速度和方向。
    • There was shriek of laughter from the direction of Sarah's room.从萨拉的房间方向传来了一阵尖声大笑。
    • The report gives a brief nod in the direction of green issues before coming down firmly on the side of the market.这份报告在坚定地站在市场一边之前,对绿色问题的发展方向给予了短暂的肯定。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • same
    • different
    • opposing
    verb + direction
    • take
    • change
    • reverse
    • from a/​the direction
    • in a/​the direction
    • the direction of flow
    • the direction of movement
    • the direction of travel
    See full entry
  2. instructions说明

  3. [countable, usually plural] instructions about how to do something, where to go, etc.用法说明;操作指南;旅行指南
    • Let's stop and ask for directions.咱们停下来问问路吧。
    • directions to something A farmer gave us directions to the town.一个农民给了我们去镇上的路。
    • directions for something With all pesticides, follow the directions for use carefully.对于所有杀虫剂,请仔细遵循使用说明。
    • directions for doing something Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box.模型装配的简要说明印在盒子上。
    Extra Examples
    • It's a local landmark, often used when giving directions to the town.这是当地的一个地标,经常在给城镇指路时使用。
    • Are there any directions for putting up the tent?有什么搭建帐篷的指示说明吗 ?
    • Each card has step-by-step directions on one side.每张卡片的一面都有一步步的指示。
    • Each chapter includes easy-to-follow directions for a variety of activities.每一章节都包含对各种活动的简易指南。
    • Follow label directions for best results.根据标签指示找到最好的结果。
    • It's ever so easy to cook. You just follow the directions on the packet.要做这种食物真的很容易,按照包装上的说明就可以了。
    • Just follow the online directions to take the quiz.根据在线指示进行测验即可。
    • Can you give me directions for getting to John's?你能告诉我怎样去约翰家吗?
    • Can you give me directions to the post office?你能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗 ?
    • I'm always being asked for directions.总是有人问我方向。
    • If you want to come, I can send you directions.如果你想来,我可以给你指路。
    • internet sites that offer everything from driving directions to subway maps提供从驾驶指南到地铁地图的包罗万象的网站
    • Isabel's directions are always very precise.伊莎贝尔的指示总是很明确。
    • She'd been given pretty clear directions, so she found the hotel easily. 她已经得到了相当清楚的指示,所以她很容易就找到了旅馆。
    • The teacher gives specific directions and corrects your pose.老师给出具体的指示并纠正你的姿势。
    • We got directions to the hall from a man in the town.我们从镇里的一个人那儿得知去礼堂的路。
    • signs providing directions to the new concert hall.指向新音乐厅的标志
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • clear
    • good
    • precise
    verb + direction
    • ask
    • ask for
    • give somebody
    • direction for
    • direction to
    See full entry
  4. development发展

  5. [countable, uncountable] the general way in which a person or thing develops趋势;动向
    • The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work.这个展览表明她的创作有几个新动向。
    • I am very unhappy with the direction the club is taking.我对俱乐部的发展趋势很不满意。
    • in a… direction He wants to take the company in a different direction.他想把公司带向不同的方向。
    • Do you feel your career is heading/headed in the right direction?你觉得你的职业方向正确吗?
    • It's only a small improvement, but at least it's a step in the right direction.虽然这只是小小的改进,但至少是朝正确方向迈出的一步。
    • in the direction of something The industry will continue to move in the direction of more automation.该行业将继续朝着更加自动化的方向发展。
    • Do you think this represents a radical change of direction for the president?你认为这代表着总统方向的彻底改变吗?
    Extra Examples
    • They are debating the future direction of the party.他们在辩论该党未来的发展趋势。
    • The case was beginning to take a new direction.这个案子开始走向新的方向。
    • the strategic direction of the company公司的战略导向
    • the predicted direction of climate change in the near term近期气候变化的预测方向
    • the debate about the future direction of socialism有关社会主义未来方向的争论
    • a step to change your life in a positive direction积极地改变你生活方向的举措
    • We have to nudge politicians in the right direction.我们必须把搞政治的推向正确的方向。
    • At least things are moving in the right direction now.至少情况正在向正确的方向发展。
    • I'm uncertain about the general direction of the project.我对这个项目的大方向没有把握。
    • This points to a promising new direction for cancer research.这为癌症研究指出了新的发展前景。
    • The company needed to shift direction if it was going to survive.如果公司要生存下去,就需要改变发展方向。
    • I felt the company was headed in a positive direction.我认为公司朝着积极的方向发展。
    • America has not moved in the expected direction.美国没有朝预期的方向前行。
    • First determine the direction of your expected business growth.首先确定好公司业务的预期增长方向。
    • These incentives should move the industry in the desired direction.这些鼓励措施应促进工业向期望的方向发展。
    • His understanding of our business will further strengthen our strategic direction.他对我们公司的理解会进一步巩固我们策略的发展方向。
    • The proposals aim to set a new direction for local government.提议旨在为当地政府确定新的发展方向。
    • While he was studying in Paris, his thinking suddenly veered off in a new direction.在巴黎学习期间,他的思想突然转向了新的方向。
    • The recommendations indicate possible directions for further studies.推荐信指出今后学习可能的发展方向。
    • The party must take a new direction if it is to survive.如果该党要生存的话,就必须走上新的发展方向。
    • The new law is undoubtedly a step in the right direction, but it doesn't go far enough.新法律无疑是向正确方向迈出了一步,可惜步子还不够大。
    • She's a young woman, determining the direction of her life.她是位决定着自己人生发展方向的年轻女性。
    • The book signals a shift in direction from her earlier novels.这本书标志着她不同于早期小说的转变。
    • The first step in this direction will be a discussion with the unions.朝此方向迈出的第一步将是与工会进行讨论。
    • The story does not go in any particular direction.故事没有朝特定方向发展。
    • We can help companies assess the speed and direction of technological change.我们可以帮助公司评估技术变革的速度和方向。
    • It is hard to know which direction the Church will take.很难知道教会将朝哪个方向发展。
    • The market is moving primarily in one direction.市场主要朝一个方向发展。
    • These figures may have to be revised in an upward direction.这些数字或许得上调。
    • He feels that his music is going in the same direction as that of his American counterparts.他觉得他的音乐和他的美国同行走在同一个方向上。
    • It's time for me to change direction and try to find a new job.我该换个方向,努力找份新工作了。
    • The benefits of new technology seem to be all in one direction.新技术的好处似乎都在一个方向。
    • We are pulled in opposing directions by our emotions.我们因感情问题而分道扬镳。
    • There are different considerations, often pulling in different directions.有各种不同的考虑,常令隔阂愈来愈深。
    • This was a major change of direction for Britain's foreign policy.这是英国外交政策方向上的一个重大转变。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • new
    • right
    • wrong
    verb + direction
    • take
    • change
    • shift
    • a change of direction
    • a shift in direction
    • a step in… direction
    See full entry
  6. where from来自

  7. [countable] the general position a person or thing comes or develops from方面
    • Support came from an unexpected direction.一个出人意料的来源提供了帮助。
    • Let us approach the subject from a different direction.咱们从一个不同的角度来探讨这个题目吧。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • same
    • different
    • opposing
    verb + direction
    • take
    • change
    • reverse
    • from a/​the direction
    • in a/​the direction
    • the direction of flow
    • the direction of movement
    • the direction of travel
    See full entry
  8. purpose目的

  9. [uncountable] a purpose; an aim目的;目标
    • We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction.我们想找一个有明确目标的人。
    • Once again her life felt lacking in direction.她的人生似乎又没了方向。
    Extra Examples
    • the critical decisions that shape the direction of our lives影响我们生活发展方向的至关重要的决定
    • There seems to be no clear direction in policy.政策上似乎没有明确的方向。
    • Do not let the discussion fragment into a desultory conversation with no clear direction.不要让讨论变得支离破碎,成为没有明确方向的漫谈。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • clear
    verb + direction
    • be lacking in
    • lack
    • a sense of direction
    See full entry
  10. control控制

  11. [uncountable] the art of managing or guiding somebody/something管理;指导
    • She was entrusted with the direction of the project.她受委托负责这项计划。
    • under the direction of somebody All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Williams.所有作品都是在约翰 · 威廉斯的指导下由学生创作完成的。
    Extra Examples
    • All such research is under government direction.此类研究全部由政府管理。
    • They work under the direction of a senior manager.他们在一位高级主管的指导下工作。
    • The new workers need direction from a supervisor.新工人需要一位主管进行指导。
    • The teacher provided clear direction, but allowed children some autonomy.老师提供了明确的指导,但允许孩子们有一些自主权。
    • There was a lack of central direction in the service.该部门缺乏中心方向。
    • The monarch looks to the archbishop for spiritual direction.君主向大主教寻求精神上的指引。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • clear
    • strategic
    • spiritual
    verb + direction
    • give somebody
    • provide (somebody with)
    • under somebody’s direction
    • direction from
    See full entry
  12. film/movie电影

  13. [uncountable] the instructions given by somebody directing a film or play(电影导演的)指点,指示
    • There is some clever direction and the film is very well shot.由于导演指导有方,影片拍得非常成功。
    see also stage directionTopics Film and theatrec1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • clear
    • good
    • precise
    verb + direction
    • ask
    • ask for
    • give somebody
    • direction for
    • direction to
    See full entry
  14. Word Originlate Middle English (in sense (2)): from Latin directio(n-), from the verb dirigere, from di- ‘distinctly’ or de- ‘down’ + regere ‘put straight’.
pull in different/opposite directions
  1. to have different aims that cannot be achieved together without causing problems目标迥异;各行其是
    • There are different considerations, often pulling in different directions.有各种不同的考虑,常令隔阂愈来愈深。
BNC: 910 COCA: 928


1where to/from方向ADJECTIVE | VERB + DIRECTION | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEsame同一方向They were both going in the same direction.他們倆朝同一個方向走。different, opposing, opposite, reverse, separate (especially NAmE) 不同的方向;相反的方向We are pulled in opposing directions by our emotions.我們因感情問題而分道揚鑣。The ride in the reverse direction is a mere $4.反方向車程只需花 4 美元。We both walked off in separate directions.我們倆朝不同方向走開了。right, wrong正確的/錯誤的方向Unfortunately, we were going in the wrong direction.可惜我們走錯了方向。general大致方向I fired in the general direction of the officer's head, and missed.我朝軍官頭部的大致方向開了槍,卻射偏了。expected, predicted預期的/預計的方向America has not moved in the expected direction.美國沒有朝預期的方向前行。the predicted direction of climate change in the near term近期氣候變化的預測方向unexpected意料之外的方向Support came from an unexpected direction.支持來自於一個出人意料的方面。clockwise順時針方向Turn the dial in a clockwise direction.按順時針方向撥動撥號盤。anticlockwise, counterclockwise (NAmE) 逆時針方向downward, upward向下的/向上的方向These figures may have to be revised in an upward direction.這些數字或許得上調。backward, forward向後的/向前的方向She shoved Sarah in the general forward direction.她大致向前推着薩拉。northerly, southerly, etc.向北、向南等的方向The current flows in a south-easterly direction.水朝東南方向流去。east-west, north-south西東/南北方向The runway was constructed in a north-south direction.跑道是沿南北方向建的。horizontal, vertical水平/垂直方向A scanner deflects the laser beam in horizontal and vertical directions.掃描儀在水平和垂直方向上使激光束轉變方向。random任意的方向He started to run in a random direction.他開始漫無目的地跑。cardinal, compass (both especially NAmE) 基本方位;羅盤方向a house oriented exactly to the cardinal directions一所正南正北的房子I measured the distance and compass direction between successive positions.我測量了相連位置間的距離和羅盤方向。wind風向When sailing, keep a constant check on changes in wind direction.航行時要時刻檢查風向。VERB + DIRECTIONtake選擇方向Which direction do we have to take?我們必須選擇哪個方向?change, reverse, switch改變/掉轉/切換方向The wind had changed direction.風向已經變了。What happens if you reverse the direction of the current?如果倒轉電流方向會怎樣呢 ?Suddenly, the wind switched directions.突然間風向變了。flow in, go in, go off in朝⋯方向流動/走去/走開follow, head in, move in, travel in沿着⋯方向;朝⋯方向前進;朝⋯方向移動Dan followed the direction the sign had pointed.丹沿着路標指示的方向走。The convoy is moving in the direction of the capital.護送車隊正朝首都方向前進。veer in, veer off in轉往⋯方向While he was studying in Paris, his thinking suddenly veered off in a new direction.在巴黎學習期間,他的思想突然轉向了新的方向。come from, come in來自⋯方向He was hit by a truck coming in the opposite direction.他被迎面開來的一輛卡車撞了。face, face in朝向⋯方向I didn't see the accident because I was facing in the opposite direction.我沒有看到事故,因為當時我面朝相反的方向。glance in, look in, nod in, point in朝⋯方向瞥;朝⋯方向看;朝⋯方向點頭;指向⋯方向She glanced in his direction.她朝他的方向瞥了一眼。'Look!' she said, pointing in the direction of the coast.“看 ! ”她指着海岸的方向說道。indicate, point out顯示發展方向;指示⋯方向The adults gazed in the direction indicated.大人們注視着指示的方向。nudge sb in, point sb in把某人朝⋯方向推動;為某人指出⋯方向We have to nudge politicians in the right direction.我們必須把搞政治的推向正確的方向。I can't come with you, but I can point you in the general direction.我不能跟你一起去,不過我可以給你指出大致的方向。pull (sb/sth) in (often figurative) (把⋯)向⋯方向拉There are different considerations, pulling in different directions.有各種不同的考慮,常將事情帶向不同的方向。PREPOSITIONfrom a/the direction從⋯方向There was shriek of laughter from the direction of Sarah's room.從薩拉的房間方向傳來了一陣尖聲大笑。Let's approach the subject from a different direction.讓我們換個角度來看這個問題吧。in a/the direction朝⋯方向The aircraft was flying in a northerly direction.飛機正朝北飛行。PHRASESthe direction of flow, the direction of movement, the direction of travel流動/移動/行進方向I prefer to be facing the direction of travel.我喜歡面朝行進的方向。the direction of sb's gaze某人凝視的方向She followed the direction of his gaze.她順着他凝視的視線望去。from all directions, from both directions從四處;從兩邊People came running from all directions.人們從四面八方跑過來。in all directions, in both directions朝四處;朝兩邊The blast sent debris flying in all directions.爆炸使碎屑向四處飛散。The road was blocked in both directions.路的兩個方向都被堵住了。a glance in sb/sth's direction, a nod in sb/sth's direction朝⋯方向的一瞥/點頭People passed by without a glance in her direction.人們經過時都不朝她那個方向看。The report gives a brief nod in the direction of green issues (= mentions them briefly). (figurative) 這篇報道簡要提到環保問題。a sense of direction方向感I don't have much sense of direction.我沒有什麼方向感。in any particular direction, in no particular direction在任何特定方向;沒有特定方向The story does not go in any particular direction.故事沒有朝特定方向發展。She stalked away, in no particular direction.她漫無目的地大踏步走開了。


2development發展ADJECTIVE | VERB + DIRECTION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEnew新發展方向The party must take a new direction if it is to survive.如果該黨要生存的話,就必須走上新的發展方向。right, wrong正確的/錯誤的發展方向desired期望的發展方向These incentives should move the industry in the desired direction.這些鼓勵措施應促進工業向期望的方向發展。positive積極的發展方向I felt the company was headed in a positive direction.我認為公司朝着積極的方向發展。a step to change your life in a positive direction積極地改變你生活方向的舉措promising有前途的發展方向This points to a promising new direction for cancer research.這為癌症研究指出了新的發展前景。clear明確的發展方向No clear direction in policy can be identified.政策中不見明確的方向。future未來的方向the debate about the future direction of socialism有關社會主義未來方向的爭論policy, strategic政策/戰略方向His understanding of our business will further strengthen our strategic direction.他對我們公司的理解會進一步鞏固我們策略的發展方向。VERB + DIRECTIONtake走上⋯發展方向It is hard to know which direction the Church will take.很難知道教會將朝哪個方向發展。change, shift (especially NAmE) 改變發展方向It's time to change direction and find a new job.該轉變方向找份新工作了。The company needed to shift direction if it was going to survive.如果公司要生存下去,就需要改變發展方向。go in, move in朝⋯方向发展At least things are moving in the right direction now.至少情況正在向正確的方向發展。influence, shape影響發展方向the critical decisions that shape the direction of our lives影響我們生活發展方向的至關重要的決定determine決定發展方向First determine the direction of your expected business growth.首先確定好公司業務的預期增長方向。She's a young woman, determining the direction of her life.她是位決定着自己人生發展方向的年輕女性。set確定發展方向The proposals aim to set a new direction for local government.提議旨在為當地政府確定新的發展方向。indicate指出發展方向The recommendations indicate possible directions for further studies.推薦信指出今後學習可能的發展方向。PHRASESa change of direction發展方向的轉變This was a major change of direction for Britain's foreign policy.這是英國外交政策方向上的一個重大轉變。a shift in direction方向轉變The book signals a shift in direction from her earlier novels.這本書標誌着她不同於早期小說的轉變。a step in... direction向⋯方向的一步The first step in this direction will be a discussion with the unions.朝此方向邁出的第一步將是與工會進行討論。a step in the right direction, a step in the wrong direction向正確方向/錯誤方向的一步The new law is undoubtedly a step in the right direction, but it doesn't go far enough.新法律無疑是向正確方向邁出了一步,可惜步子還不夠大。in one direction朝一個方向發展I was being pushed in one direction.我被推到了只有一條路可選的境地。The market is moving primarily in one direction.市場主要朝一個方向發展。


3purpose目標ADJECTIVE | VERB + DIRECTION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEclear明確的目標Do not let the discussion fragment into a desultory conversation with no clear direction.不要讓討論變得支離破碎,成為沒有明確方向的漫談。VERB + DIRECTIONbe lacking in, lack缺少方向;沒有方向Once again her life felt lacking in direction.她又一次感到人生缺少方向。PHRASESa sense of direction目標感We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction.我們要找一個有明確目標的人。


4(often directions) instructions指示ADJECTIVE | VERB + DIRECTION | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEclear, good, precise, specific明確的/良好的/準確的/具體的指示Isabel's directions are always very precise.伊莎貝爾的指示總是很明確。The teacher gives specific directions and corrects your pose.老師給出具體的指示並糾正你的姿勢。step-by-step逐步的指示Each card has step-by-step directions on one side.每張卡片的一面都有一步步的指示。easy-to-follow簡單易學的指南Each chapter includes easy-to-follow directions for a variety of activities.每一章節都包含對各種活動的簡易指南。stage舞台指示Shakespeare's famous stage direction, 'Exit, pursued by a bear.'莎士比亞著名的舞台指示:“退場,一隻熊緊追在後。”driving駕駛指示Internet sites that offer everything from driving directions to subway maps提供從駕駛指南到地鐵地圖的包羅萬象的網站online在線指示Just follow the online directions to take the quiz.根據在線指示進行測驗即可。label (NAmE) 標籤指示Follow label directions for best results.根據標籤指示找到最好的結果。VERB + DIRECTIONask, ask for問路Let's stop and ask for directions.我們停下來問一下路吧。give sb, provide給某人指路;指引道路Can you give me directions for getting to John's?你能告訴我怎樣去約翰家嗎?signs providing directions to the new concert hall指向新音樂廳的標誌get得到指引We got directions to the hall from a man in the town.我們從鎮裏的一個人那兒得知去禮堂的路。follow按照說明Just follow the directions on the box.按照盒子上的說明做就可以了。PREPOSITIONdirection for關於⋯的說明Are there any directions for putting up the tent?有什麼搭建帳篷的指示說明嗎 ?direction to往⋯的指示Can you give me directions to the post office?你能告訴我去郵局怎麼走嗎 ?


5control/guidance管理;引導ADJECTIVE | VERB + DIRECTION | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEclear明確的引導In effective classrooms the teacher provided clear direction.在有效的課堂活動中老師進行明確的引導。strategic戰略導向the strategic direction of the company公司的戰略導向spiritual精神上的指導The monarch looks to the archbishop for spiritual direction.君主向大主教尋求精神上的指引。government政府管理All such research is under government direction.此類研究全部由政府管理。VERB + DIRECTIONgive sb, provide (sb with)給予某人指導;(為某人)提供指導PREPOSITIONunder sb's direction在某人的指導下They work under the direction of a senior manager.他們在一位高級主管的指導下工作。direction from來自⋯的指導The new workers need direction from a supervisor.新工人需要一位主管進行指導。
BNC: 910 COCA: 928
direction noun
direction (a new direction in party policy) government2 (the direction of a project) instructions (give directions) way3 (in the direction of the river)


direction ♦︎ path ♦︎ course ♦︎ road ♦︎ routeThese are all words for the general way in which sb/sth develops or sb achieves sth, over a period of time. 这些词均表示趋势、途径。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a / the path / road / route to sthon a / the path / course / road / routethe right / wrong direction / path / course / road / routea new direction / path / course / road / routea different direction / path / course / road / routethe future direction / path / course (of sth)a clear direction / path / course / road / routeto take a / the ... direction / path / course / road / routeto follow / pursue a / the ... direction / path / course / routeto go down a / the ... path / road / routeto change (a / the) direction / courseNOTE 辨析 Path, course, road and routeThese words all have literal meanings relating to the way you travel to get somewhere. Many of the collocations used with the literal meanings are shared by the meanings in this group, for example follow this path, change course, go down that road and take that route. * path、course、road和route的字面意义都与旅行的路线相关,很多与字面意义搭配的词也可与这里的意思搭配,如follow this path、change course、go down that road和take that route。 direction [countable, uncountable] the general way in which a person, thing, organization or sb's ideas or actions is/are developing or changing 发展趋势;动向The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work.这个展览表明她的创作有几个新动向。They are debating the future direction of the party.他们在辩论该党未来的发展趋势。I am very unhappy with the direction the club is taking.我对该俱乐部的发展趋势很不满意。It's only a small improvement but at least it's a step in the right direction.虽然这只是个小小的改进,但至少是朝正确方向迈出的一步。It seems that things are at last moving in the right direction.看来事情最终还是朝着正确的方向发展了。 path [countable] a plan of action or the series of actions sb takes to achieve sth 行动计划;达成目标的途径There is no clear career path in this field.这个领域里没有清晰的职业规划。The party seemed to be on the path to assured victory.该党似乎走上了必胜的道路。Power sharing is a difficult path to tread.实行分权是一条难走的道路。Everyone has to find their own path in life.每个人都必须找到自己的人生道路。 course [countable, usually singular] the general direction in which sb's ideas or actions, or a series of events, develop 方针;行动方向Her career followed a similar course to her sister's.她的职业道路跟姐姐的相似。This was an event that changed the whole course of his thinking.这个事件改变了他整个的思维取向。We'll just have to let things take their natural course.我们只好让事情顺其自然发展。They were obliged to steer a course between the interests of the two groups.他们被迫在两个群体的利益之间游走。NOTE 辨析 Direction or course?The direction of a person or thing is usually the way they are developing now or the way they are likely to develop in the future; direction is not usually used if you are looking back at the way things developed in the past. * direction通常指人或事物目前或未来的发展趋势,一般不用于回顾过去的发展情况Her career followed a similar direction to her sister's. The course of a person or thing is usually the way they developed over a period of time or have been developing until now; course is not usually used if you are looking forward to the way things are likely to develop in the future. * course通常指人或事物在一段时间内或迄今为止的发展情况,一般不用于展望未来的发展趋势They are debating the future course of the party. Course also has the closely related meaning of 'a way of acting in or dealing with a particular situation'. * course还可表示“行动方式”或“处理方法”等密切相关的意义。 road [countable] a series of events or course of action that will lead to a particular result 途径;方法;路子The economy is well on the road to recovery.经济正稳步复苏。We would prefer not to go down that particular road.我们不想采用那种方法。She set out on the road to stardom too early in life.她过早地踏上了星途。They seem to be on the road to ruin.他们好像走上了一条毁灭之路。 route [countable] the way in which sb achieves sth or tries to achieve sth 途径;渠道The biography charts her route to fame from humble beginnings.那本传记写到她如何从卑微一路走向成名。Education was the traditional route out of poverty.教育是摆脱贫穷的传统途径。Some young people see marriage as a kind of escape route (= a way of getting out of a situation they do not like).有些年轻人把婚姻看成是一种逃避的途径。NOTE 辨析 Path, road or route? Path is often more personal than road. People talk about your/his/her career path/path in life (= the one that sb in particular follows) but the road to stardom/ruin (= the one that everyone follows if they become a star/are ruined). Route may be used to talk about a particular person or people in general. * path常比road更加个人化,一般说your/his/her career path/path in life(你/他/她的职业/人生道路),但说the road to stardom/ruin(成为明星/走向毁灭之路)。route可用于特定或泛指的人her route to fame她的成名之路the traditional route out of poverty摆脱贫穷的传统途径However, it is usually used when reporting things in a more factual, less emotional way. You can talk about sth being a difficult path to tread or a difficult road to travel (note the different verbs, according to the different literal meanings of path and road) but such terms are not usually used to describe route in this meaning. 但是,route通常用于对事情的如实而非感性的叙述。说某件事很难做可以用a difficult path to tread或a difficult road to travel(注意:由于path和road的字面意义不同,搭配的动词也不同),但route通常不这样用。
BNC: 910 COCA: 928
Direction and ways of getting to a place: direction, detour, path...
Court cases and legal processes: action, admit, advocacy...
Progress and development: progress, development, advance...
Determination and ambition: determination, ambition, will...
Power, authority, influence and leadership: leadership, power, authority...

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