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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To hit, or to crash into something
verb /hɪt/
[I/T] to move quickly onto an object or surface, touching it with force (使)碰撞

She threw her glass across the room and it hit the wall. 她把玻璃杯扔向屋子的那一头,砸在墙上。

hit your head/knee/arm etc on/against something :

It's thought he may have fallen and hit his head on the kerb. 人们认为他很可能是跌倒后头撞在路缘上。

hit the ground/floor (=fall to the ground) 落到地上 :

Try to roll as you hit the ground. 落地时要尽量蜷成一团。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
if something such as a bullet or bomb hits someone or something, it lands on them 击中;打中;命中

She was hit by a stray bullet. 她被一颗流弹击中了。

According to first reports, some bombs have hit schools and hospitals. 根据最早的报道,一些炸弹击中了学校和医院。

hit the target/bullseye :

None of the missiles hit their target. 没有一枚导弹命中目标。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb /kræʃ/
[I/T] to hit something hard, making a loud noise and often causing damage (使)哗啦一声撞上
crash against/into/through/to :

A ball came crashing through the window. 一个球哗啦一声把窗户砸破了。

The wind howled and the waves crashed against the rocks. 风呼啸着,海浪撞击着岩石。

crash to the floor/ground :

As Kelly saw him, the tray she was carrying crashed to the floor. 凯莉一看见他,手中的盘子便哗啦一声掉在了地上。

crash something against/into something :

He lifted his foot and crashed it into the door. 他抬脚猛地往门上踹去。

 Synonyms and related words
To damage or spoil something: damage, spoil, mark...
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb [I] /kəˈlaɪd/
if people or things collide, they crash into each other 碰撞;相撞

The two trains collided about a mile outside the city. 两列火车在城外1英里左右的地方相撞。

collide with :

The truck collided with a row of parked cars. 卡车撞到了一排停着的汽车上。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
run over
phrasal verb
[T] to hit someone or something with a vehicle and drive over them (开车)碾过,轧过
be/get run over :

Keeley was run over by a car outside her house. 基利在她屋外被一辆汽车轧了。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
 Synonyms and related words
smash into
phrasal verb [T]
[smash into something] to hit something very hard while moving fast, causing injury or damage 猛撞;猛冲

His car smashed into a tree. 他的车猛撞在一棵树上。

 Synonyms and related words
To damage or spoil something: damage, spoil, mark...
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
[smash something into something] to make something such as a vehicle hit an object or surface very hard while moving very fast, causing injury or damage 使撞上;使冲进

She smashed her new motorcycle into a wall. 她开着自己的新摩托车猛撞在墙上。

 Synonyms and related words
To damage or spoil something: damage, spoil, mark...
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
 Synonyms and related words
verb /ræm/
[I/T] if a vehicle or boat rams something, it hits it very hard, usually when it is moving fast 猛撞;猛击

The truck was rammed from behind by a sports car on a busy highway. 在繁忙的公路上这辆卡车的后部受到一辆跑车的猛烈撞击。

ram into :

A high-speed passenger train rammed into a stationary train. 一列高速列车猛地撞到一列静止的火车上。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
 Synonyms and related words
verb /bʌmp/
[I/T] to hit against something solid once or many times (使)撞击;(使)猛击

Small boats were bumping against the wooden pier. 小船撞在木墩上。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
noun [C] /bʌmp/
a hit or knock against something solid (与硬物的)碰撞,撞击

We felt the bump and knew the boat had run aground. 我们感到撞了一下,知道船搁浅了。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb /slæm/
[I] to move against something with great force 猛撞
slam into/against :

The bicycle slammed into a tree. 自行车猛地撞到树上。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb /straɪk/
[I/T] formal to hit against, or to crash into, someone or something 打;击;撞

One of the bullets struck her forearm. 一颗子弹打中了她的前臂。

The boat struck the bottom. 这条船碰到了水底。

strike someone/something on the something :

The ball struck her hard on the left shoulder. 球狠狠地打在她的左肩上。

be struck by something :

She's in hospital with head injuries after being struck by a car. 她被一辆汽车撞伤了头部,住进了医院。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
More Synonyms
bowl over
phrasal verb [T]
to knock someone over, because you are hurrying somewhere 撞倒
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb [T] /ˈbʌfɪt/
to keep hitting against something with a lot of force 连续猛击;打击

All night the wind and rain buffeted the sides of the tent. 整个晚上帐篷的侧面都遭受着风吹雨打。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
bump into
phrasal verb [T]
[bump into something] to accidentally hit against something 意外撞上

As I turned round, I bumped into a filing cabinet. 我转身的时候撞到了公文柜上。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit an object: punch, thump, knock...
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb [I] /ˈkænən/
to knock into someone or something with a lot of force 重击
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
adjective /ˈɡlɑːnsɪŋ/
hitting something quickly and lightly 轻轻擦过的
a glancing blow :

The falling branch struck him a glancing blow. 掉下来的树枝轻轻地擦了一下他。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
go into
phrasal verb [T]
[go into something] to crash into something 撞击

The truck swerved violently and went into a wall. 卡车突然猛地转向,撞到了墙上。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
noun /ˈɪmpækt/
[C/U] an occasion when one object hits another 撞击;冲击;碰撞

the point of impact 撞击点

on impact :

The missile exploded on impact. 那枚导弹在碰撞时爆炸了。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb /dʒɒɡ/
[T] to knock something so that it moves slightly 轻推;轻碰

Someone jogged her elbow and she turned. 有人碰了一下她的肘部,于是她转过身。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
noun [C] /nɒk/
an instance of knocking someone or something 碰;敲;撞

The watch is built to withstand the occasional knock. 这表能经受偶尔的碰撞。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb /læʃ/
[I/T] to hit something with a very strong force 猛烈打击;猛烈撞击

We could hear the branches lashing the side of the house. 我们可以听到树枝猛烈抽打房屋的墙壁。

lash at :

Branches lashed at my face. 树枝狠狠地打在我的脸上。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
lay someone/something flat
to knock someone or something down 把某人/某物击倒在地
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb /paʊnd/
[I/T] to hit something several times with a lot of force 猛击;连续重击

I could hear them pounding on the door. 我可以听见他们在砸门。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
run into
phrasal verb [T]
[run into someone/something] to hit someone or something by accident while you are driving 开车意外撞上

A truck ran into me (=hit my car) at the lights this morning. 今天早晨一辆卡车在红绿灯处撞上了我的车。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
 Synonyms and related words
verb /smæʃ/
[I] to hit against an object or surface with a lot of force, causing injury or damage 猛撞;猛击

waves smashed over the boat 海浪重重地拍打着小船

 Synonyms and related words
To damage or spoil something: damage, spoil, mark...
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb [I] /θʌd/
to make a thud when falling or hitting something 砰然作响;发出重击声
 Synonyms and related words
To make a loud sound: bang, beep, blare...
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb /θʌmp/
[I] to hit against something with a low loud sound 砰的一声撞上
thump against/into/on etc :

The boat was thumping against the dock. 小船砰的一声撞在码头上。

 Synonyms and related words
To make a loud sound: bang, beep, blare...
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb /tɪp/
[T] to hit something very gently 轻触;轻碰

His bat just tipped the ball. 他的球棒只轻轻触到了球。

 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...
verb [T] /ʌpˈset/
formal to knock something over accidentally 打翻;弄翻
 Synonyms and related words
To hit, or to crash into something: hit, crash, collide...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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