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    at bank银行

  1. (abbreviation a/c especially in British English, North American English usually acct.)
    an arrangement that somebody has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc.账户
    • I don't have a bank account.我没有银行账户。
    • I paid the money into my savings account.我把钱存入了我的储蓄账户。
    • a joint account (= one in the name of more than one person)联名账户
    • With internet banking you can manage your account online.有了网上银行,你可以在线管理你的账户。
    • account with somebody/something Do you have an account with us?你在我们这里有账户吗?
    • account at something He opened an account at a bank in Germany.他在德国的一家银行开了个户头。
    • Interest will be paid monthly into the account holder's current account.利息将按月支付到账户持有人的活期账户。
    • What's your account number please?请问您的账号?
    Collocations FinanceFinance财务Income收入
    • earn money/​cash/(informal) a fortune/​the minimum wage/​a living wage
    • make money/​a fortune/(informal) a killing on the stock market在股市上赚钱/赚一大笔钱/发大财
    • acquire/​inherit/​amass wealth/​a fortune获得/继承/积累财富/一大笔钱
    • build up funds/​savings积累资金/存款
    • get/​receive/​leave (somebody) an inheritance/​a legacy得到/(给某人)留下遗产
    • live on a low wage/​a fixed income/​a pension靠低微的工资/固定收入/养老金过活
    • get/​receive/​draw/​collect a pension领取养老金
    • depend/​be dependent on (British English) benefits/(North American English) welfare/​social security靠福利金/社会保障金过活
    • spend money/​your savings/(informal) a fortune on…把钱/存款/一大笔钱花在…上
    • invest/​put your savings in…投资/把储蓄金用于…
    • throw away/​waste/ (informal) shell out money on…把钱浪费/花费巨资在…上
    • lose your money/​inheritance/​pension失去钱财/遗产/养老金
    • use up/ (informal) wipe out all your savings把储蓄用光
    • pay (in) cash用现金支付
    • use/​pay by a credit/​debit/​contactless card
    • pay by/​make out a/​write somebody a/​accept a (British English) cheque/(US English) check用支票支付;开支票;给某人开支票;接受支票
    • change/​exchange money/​currency
    • give/​pay/​leave (somebody) a deposit预付(某人)订金
    • have/​hold/​open/​close/​freeze a bank account/​an account持有/开立/注销/冻结银行账户
    • credit/​debit/​pay something into/​take money out of your account记入账户的贷方/借方;把钱存入账户/从账户中取出
    • deposit money/​funds in your account往账户里存钱/存入资金
    • withdraw money/​cash/£30 from an ATM, etc.从自动提款机等取钱/现金/30 英镑
    • (formal) make a deposit/​withdrawal存款;取款
    • find/​go to/​use (especially North American English) an ATM/(British English) a cash machine/​dispenser找到/去/使用自动提款机
    • be in credit/​in debit/​in the black/​in the red/​overdrawn账面有钱/亏空;有盈余;透支
    • use a mobile/​an online banking app/​platform/​service
    Personal finance个人理财
    • manage/​handle/​plan/​run/ (especially British English) sort out your finances管理/处理/计划/经营管理/整顿财务问题
    • plan/​manage/​work out/​stick to a budget计划/管理/制订/严格执行预算
    • offer/​extend credit (to somebody)(给某人)提供贷款
    • arrange/​take out a loan/​an overdraft商定/获得贷款/透支额
    • pay back/​repay money/​a loan/​a debt偿还钱/贷款/债务
    • pay for something in (especially British English) instalments/(North American English usually) installments以分期付款方式购买某物
    Financial difficulties财务困难
    • get into debt/​financial difficulties陷入债务/财务困难
    • be short of/ (informal) be strapped for cash缺钱
    • run out of/​owe money钱用光了;欠钱
    • face/​get/ (informal) be landed with a bill for £…面对/收到一张…英镑的账单
    • can’t afford the cost of…/payments/​rent承担不起…的费用/款项/房租
    • fall behind with/ (especially North American English) fall behind on the mortgage/​repayments/​rent拖欠按揭贷款/分期偿还款项/房租
    • incur/​run up/​accumulate debts带来/积欠/累积债务
    • tackle/​reduce/​settle your debts处理/减少/付清债务
    see also bank account, budget account, checking account, current account, deposit account, numbered account, savings account
    Extra Examples
    • She deposited the check in her account.她把支票存入她的账户。
    • I have a savings account with a building society.我在建筑协会有一个储蓄账户。
    • I paid the cheque into my current account.我把支票存入我的往来账户。
    • Your account is overdrawn.你的账户透支了。
    • They have a numbered account in Switzerland.他们在瑞士有一个编号账户。
    • The money will be credited to your account tomorrow.这笔钱明天将存入你的账户。
    • She opened a savings account at the bank.她在银行开了一个储蓄账户。
    • She had taken all her money out of her account.她已将账户中的钱都取走了。
    • My husband and I have separate accounts.我丈夫和我各自都有独立账户。
    • I'd like to open an account, please.我想开个赊购账户。
    • I have an account with another bank.我在另一家银行有一个账户。
    • Go and see the manager of the bank where your account is held.去见见你开户的那家银行的经理。
    Topics Moneyb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bank
    • building-society
    • checking
    verb + account
    • have
    • hold
    • close
    account + noun
    • number
    • holder
    • balance
    • account at
    • account with
    See full entry
  2. computing计算机技术

  3. an arrangement that somebody has with a company that allows them to use the internet, send and receive messages by email, social media, etc.(互联网、电子邮件等的)账户,账号
    • an email/a Twitter account电子邮件/推特账户
    • Millions of accounts have been hacked.数百万账户被黑。
    Topics Phones, email and the internetb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • expense
    • charge
    • credit
    verb + account
    • have
    • create
    • open
    • on account
    • account at
    • account with
    See full entry
  4. description描述

  5. a written or spoken description of something that has happened描述;叙述;报告
    • an eyewitness account (= a description given by somebody who saw what happened)目击者的描述
    • a first-hand/personal/first-person account第一手/个人/第一人称账户
    • account of something Can you give us an account of what happened?你能为我们讲述一下事情的经过吗?
    • The diaries contained a detailed account of the writer's experiences in China.日记详细记录了作者在中国的经历。
    Synonyms reportreport
    • story
    • account
    • version
    These are all words for a written or spoken account of events.
    • report a written or spoken account of an event, especially one that is published or broadcast:
      • Are these newspaper reports true?报纸上这些报道属实吗?
    • story an account, often spoken, of what happened to somebody or of how something happened; a report of events in a newspaper, magazine or news broadcast:
      • It was many years before the full story was made public.许多年之后,事情的全貌才公之于众。
      • the front-page story头版报道
    • account a written or spoken description of something that has happened:
      • She gave the police a full account of the incident.她向警方详尽地叙述了所发生的事情。
    report or account?用 report 还是 account?A report is always of recent events, especially news. An account may be of recent or past events.
    • version a description of an event from the point of view of a particular person or group of people:
      • She gave us her version of what had happened that day.她从她的角度向我们描述了那天发生的事情。
    • a report/​story about something
    • a brief/​short report/​story/​account
    • a full report/​story/​account/​version
    • a news report/​story
    • to give a(n) report/​account/​version
    Extra Examples
    • Dr Richards describes this very well in his account of the events.理查兹博士在叙述这些事件时对此作了很好的描述。
    • He gave us a blow-by-blow account of the incident.他给我们详细叙述了该事件。
    • She received a glowing account of her son's progress.她收到了一份热情赞扬她儿子进步的报告。
    • the newspaper account of the trial报纸对这次审判的报道
    • She gave the police a full account of the incident.她向警方详尽地叙述了所发生的事情。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brief
    • short
    • blow-by-blow
    verb + account
    • give (somebody)
    • offer
    • provide (somebody with)
    • in an/​the account
    • by all accounts
    • by somebody’s own account
    See full entry
  6. account (of something) an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a process(对思想、理论、过程的)解释,说明,叙述
    • the Biblical account of the creation of the world《圣经》对创世的叙述
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brief
    • short
    • blow-by-blow
    verb + account
    • give (somebody)
    • offer
    • provide (somebody with)
    • in an/​the account
    • by all accounts
    • by somebody’s own account
    See full entry
  7. business records商业记录

  8. [usually plural] a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it账目
    • to do the accounts记账
    • to keep the accounts up to date保持账目最新
    • the accounts department会计部门
    • She works in Accounts (= the accounts department).她在会计部工作。
    see also expense account, profit and loss account
    Extra Examples
    • Try to keep accurate accounts.尽量把账目记准确。
    • The accounts are all in order.账目无误。
    • Your accounts will need to be submitted to the tax office.你们的账目需要提交给税务局。
    Topics Moneyb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • profit and loss account
    • accounts payable
    • accounts receivable
    verb + account
    • do
    • keep
    • audit
    account + verb
    • be in order
    account + noun
    • account book
    • account balance
    See full entry
  9. with shop

  10. (British English also credit account)
    (North American English also charge account)
    an arrangement with a shop or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month赊销账;赊欠账;赊购
    • Put it on my account please.请记在我的赊购账上。
    • We have accounts with most of our suppliers.我们与大多数供应商都是实行赊购制。
    • Log in to your account to see how much you have spent.登录你的账户,看看你花了多少钱。
    Synonyms billbill
    • account
    • invoice
    • check
    These are all words for a record of how much you owe for goods or services you have bought or used.
    • bill a list of goods that you have bought or services that you have used, showing how much you owe; the price or cost of something:
      • the gas bill煤气费账单
    • account an arrangement with a shop or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month:
      • Put it on my account please.请记在我的赊购账上。
    • invoice (rather formal) a bill for goods that somebody has bought or work that has been done for somebody:指发票、发货或服务费用清单:
      • The builders sent an invoice for £250.营造商发出了一张 250 英镑的发票。
    bill or invoice?用 bill 还是 invoice?You would get a bill in a restaurant, bar or hotel; from a company that supplies you with gas, electricity, etc; or from somebody whose property you have damaged. An invoice is for goods supplied or work done as agreed between a customer and supplier.
    • check (North American English) a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the food and drinks that you have had in a restaurant:指餐馆的账单:
      • Can I have the check, please?请给我结账。
      In British English the usual word for this is bill.
    • the bill/​invoice/​check for something
    • to pay/​settle a(n) bill/​account/​invoice/​check
    • to put something on the/​somebody’s bill/​account/​invoice/​check
    see also charge account, credit account
    Extra Examples
    • Charge this to my account, please.请把这个记在我的账上。
    • an account with a large store在大商店开的赊账账户
    Topics Shoppingb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • expense
    • charge
    • credit
    verb + account
    • have
    • create
    • open
    • on account
    • account at
    • account with
    See full entry
  11. bill

  12. (British English) a bill for goods or services provided over a period赊销账;赊欠账;赊购
    • Departing guests should settle their accounts at the office.离开的客人应该在办公室结账。
    • It is best to settle the account each month.最好每月清账。
  13. regular customer老主顾

  14. (business商业) a regular customer老主顾
    • The agency has lost several of its most important accounts.这家代理机构失去了几家最重要的老客户。
  15. Word OriginMiddle English (in the sense ‘counting’, ‘to count’): from Old French acont (noun), aconter (verb), based on conter ‘to count’.
a blow-by-blow account, description, etc. (of something)
  1. (informal) a description of an event that gives you all the details in the order in which they happen原原本本的描述等
    • He insisted on giving us a blow-by-blow account of what had happened.他坚持要给我们详细叙述所发生的事情。
by/from all accounts
  1. according to what other people say据说;根据报道
    • I've never been there, but it's a lovely place, by all accounts.我从未去过那里,但据说是个美丽的地方。
by your own account
  1. according to what you say yourself根据某人自己所说
    • By his own account he had an unhappy childhood.据他自己说,他童年不快乐。
call somebody to account (for/over something)
  1. to make somebody explain a mistake, etc. because they are responsible for it责成…作出解释;责问
give a good account of yourself
  1. (British English) to do something or perform well, especially in a contest(尤指比赛中)表现好/不好,干得出色/差劲
    • The team gave a good account of themselves in the match.这个队在比赛中表现出色。
of no/little account
  1. (formal) not important不重要;无足轻重
    • Emotional matters were of no account to them during the war.战争期间感情问题对他们来说无关紧要。
on account
  1. if you buy something or pay on account, you pay nothing or only a small amount immediately and the rest later挂账;(先付小部分款额的)赊账
    • Call a cab on account.打电话以赊账方式叫辆出租车。
    • Ring for a cab on account.打电话以赊账方式叫辆出租车。
    • She bought the furniture she wanted on account.她赊购了想要的家具。
on somebody’s account
  1. because of what you think somebody wants为了某人的缘故
    • Please don't change your plans on my account.请别因为我而改变你的计划。
on account of somebody/something
  1. because of somebody/something由于;因为
    • She retired early on account of ill health.她体弱多病,所以提前退休。
    • The marsh is an area of great scientific interest on account of its wild flowers.这片沼泽因其野花而成为极具科学价值的地区。
    Language Bank because ofbecause ofExplaining reasons解释原因
      • The number of people with diabetes is growing, partly because of an increase in levels of obesity.患糖尿病的人数不断上升,部分原因是肥胖人数增加。
      • The number of overweight children has increased dramatically in recent years, largely as a result of changes in diet and lifestyle.近年来肥胖儿童的数量急剧上升,很大程度上是由饮食和生活方式的改变引起的。
      • The increase in childhood obesity is largely due to/the result of changes in lifestyle and diet over the last twenty years.肥胖儿童人数的增多主要是过去二十年来饮食和生活方式的改变所致。
      • Many obese children are bullied at school on account of their weight.许多肥胖儿童因为其体重问题在学校受到欺负。
      • Part of the problem with treating childhood obesity stems from the fact that parents do not always recognize that their children are obese.治疗肥胖儿童的困难部分源自父母有时并不认为自己的孩子肥胖。
      • Childhood obesity may be caused by genetic factors, as well as environmental ones.儿童肥胖既可能由环境因素引起,也可能是遗传因素所致。
    Topics Change, cause and effectc1
on no account | not on any account
  1. (used to emphasize something用于强调) not for any reason决不;绝对不
    • On no account should the house be left unlocked.离开住宅时千万要锁门。
on your own account
  1. for yourself为自己
    • In 2012 Smith set up in business on his own account.2012 年史密斯开始创业。
  2. because you want to and you have decided, not somebody else自愿地
    • No one sent me. I am here on my own account.没有人派我,我自己来的。
on this/that account
  1. (formal) because of the particular thing that has been mentioned由于这个/那个缘故
    • Weather conditions were poor, but he did not delay his departure on that account.天气不好,但他并没有因此延期启程。
put/turn something to good account
  1. (formal) to use something in a good or helpful way善用;利用
    • He turned his artistic talents to good account by becoming a sculptor.他成为一名雕塑家,充分发挥了自己的艺术才能。
settle a score/accounts (with somebody) | settle an old score
  1. to hurt or punish somebody who has harmed or cheated you in the past(和某人)算账,清算旧账;报复(某人)
    • ‘Who would do such a thing?’ ‘Maybe someone with an old score to settle.’“谁做得出这样的事呢?” “也许是结有宿怨的人吧。”
    • An embittered Charlotte is determined to settle accounts with Elizabeth.怀恨在心的夏洛特决心和伊丽莎白算账。
take account of something | take something into account
  1. to consider particular facts, circumstances, etc. when making a decision about something考虑到;顾及
    • The company takes account of environmental issues wherever possible.这家公司总是尽量考虑到各方面的环境问题。
    • Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.除考试结果外,课程作业也要计入成绩。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsb2


[usually passive] (formal)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they account
he / she / it accounts
past simple accounted
past participle accounted
-ing form accounting
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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  1. to have the opinion that somebody/something is a particular thing认为是;视为
    • be accounted + adj. In English law a person is accounted innocent until they are proved guilty.按英格兰法律,一个人未经证实有罪之前被视为无罪。
    • be accounted + noun The event was accounted a success.人们认为这次活动是成功的。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb2
    Word OriginMiddle English (in the sense ‘counting’, ‘to count’): from Old French acont (noun), aconter (verb), based on conter ‘to count’.
there’s no accounting for taste
  1. (saying) used to say how difficult it is to understand why somebody likes somebody/something that you do not like at all人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的;人各有所好
    • She thinks he's wonderful—oh well, there's no accounting for taste.她认为他了不起。嗯,算了,人各有所好嘛。


1description描述ADJECTIVE | VERB + ACCOUNT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrief, short簡要描述;簡短敍述blow-by-blow (informal) , comprehensive, detailed, full, graphic詳盡的報道;全面的陳述;完整的報道;生動的敍述
He gave us a blow-by-blow account of the incident.他給我們詳細敍述了該事件。fascinating, vivid引人入勝的/生動的敍述accurate, clear, factual, true準確的/清晰的/據實的/真實的描述eyewitness, first-hand, personal目擊者的描述;第一手的報道;個人的描述glowing, good熱情洋溢的報告;好的報道She received a glowing account of her son's progress.她收到了一份熱情讚揚她兒子進步的報告。media, news, newspaper媒體/新聞/報紙報道the newspaper account of the trial報紙對這次審判的報道fictional, fictionalized虛假的報道;虛構的描述autobiographical自傳中的敍述historical歷史上的記載biblical《聖經》中的描述VERB + ACCOUNTgive (sb), offer, provide (sb with), write (sb)(給某人)描述;給予報道;(向某人)報告;(為某人)寫報道Can you give us an account of what happened?你能為我們講述一下事情的經過嗎?publish發表報道PREPOSITIONin an/the account在敍述中Dr Richards describes this very well in his account of the events.理查茲博士在敍述這些事件時對此作了很好的描述。PHRASESby all accounts (= according to what people say) 根據各方面的說法I've never been there, but it's a beautiful place by all accounts.我從未去過那裏,但據說是個美麗的地方。by sb's own account根據某人自己的說法By his own account he had an unhappy childhood.據他自己說,他的童年不快樂。


2arrangement with a bank銀行賬戶ADJECTIVE | VERB + ACCOUNT | ACCOUNT + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbank, building-society (BrE) 銀行賬戶;(英國)建房互助會賬戶checking, cheque, current活期存款/往來/活期賬戶deposit, investment, savings定期存款/投資/儲蓄賬戶personal個人賬戶business公司賬戶;企業賬戶individual, joint, separate個人/聯合/獨立賬戶My husband and I have separate accounts.我丈夫和我各自都有獨立賬戶。numbered, private (especially NAmE) (不列戶名的)數字編號賬戶;秘密賬戶They have a numbered account in Switzerland.他們在瑞士有一個編號賬戶。high-interest, interest-bearing, tax-free高息/附息/免稅賬戶offshore境外賬戶brokerage, money-market, trust經紀/貨幣市場/信託賬戶retirement (especially NAmE) 退休金賬戶VERB + ACCOUNThave, hold持有賬戶Go and see the manager of the bank where your account is held.去見見你開戶的那家銀行的經理。close, open註銷/開立賬戶She opened a savings account at the bank.她在銀行開了一個儲蓄賬戶。credit sth to, pay sth into, put sth into把⋯記入賬戶貸方;把⋯存入賬戶The money will be credited to your account tomorrow.這筆錢明天將存入你的賬戶。debit (sth from), draw sth out of, pay sth from, take sth out of, withdraw sth from(將⋯)記入賬戶借方;從賬戶提款;從賬戶上支付⋯;從賬戶中提取⋯She had taken all her money out of her account.她已將賬戶中的錢都取走了。access使用賬戶empty, overdraw將賬戶上的錢取光;透支賬戶Your account is overdrawn.你的賬戶透支了。ACCOUNT + NOUNnumber賬號holder賬戶持有人balance賬戶餘額PREPOSITIONaccount at在⋯的賬戶He opened an account at a bank in Germany.他在德國的一家銀行開了個戶頭。account with在⋯的賬戶I have an account with another bank.我在另一家銀行有一個賬戶。


3(usually accounts) record of money earned/spent賬目ADJECTIVE | VERB + ACCOUNT | ACCOUNT + VERB | ACCOUNT + NOUN ADJECTIVEprofit and loss account損益賬accounts payable, accounts receivable應付/應收賬款VERB + ACCOUNTdo, keep做賬;記賬Try to keep accurate accounts.盡量把賬目記準確。audit, check, look at審計/核對/檢查賬目submit提交賬目Your accounts will need to be submitted to the tax office.你們的賬目需要提交給稅務局。publish公佈賬目ACCOUNT + VERBbe in order賬項排列有序The accounts are all in order.所有賬目都清清楚楚。ACCOUNT + NOUNaccount book賬簿account balance賬目收支平衡 topic at business


4arrangement with a shop/store, etc.顧客賬戶ADJECTIVE | VERB + ACCOUNT | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEexpense (= an arrangement to charge expenses to your own employers) 報銷賬戶Clients are often taken for expense account lunches.帶客戶吃午餐經常記入報銷賬戶。charge (= an arrangement with a shop/store to pay bills for goods or services at a later time) (NAmE) , credit (BrE) 賒銷/信用賬戶email, user電子郵件/用戶賬戶VERB + ACCOUNThave有賒購賬戶create, open設立/開立賒購賬戶I'd like to open an account, please.我想開個賒購賬戶。close註銷賒購賬pay off, settle清償賒購款;結清賬目It is best to settle the account each month.最好每月清賬。charge sth to, debit (sth from), put sth on(把⋯)記在賬上Charge this to my account, please.請把這個記在我的賬上。credit sth to把⋯記入貸方PREPOSITIONon account記賬;以賒賬方式Call a cab on account.打電話以賒賬方式叫輛出租車。account at, account with在⋯的賒賬賬戶an account with a large store在大商店開的賒賬賬戶


account for sthADVERBfully充分解釋⋯The increase can be fully accounted for.這種增長完全可以作出解釋。partly部份地解釋⋯The differences in achievement between the students are partly accounted for by differences in age.學生成績的差異部份是由於年齡差異造成的。adequately, properly充分地/恰當地解釋⋯
account noun
bill (buy sth on account) fund (a bank account) report2 (a full account of the incident)
Accounts, accountancy and accountants: account, accountancy, accountant...
General types of business or company: account, acquisition, affiliate...
Summaries: summary, précis, abstract...
Descriptions and stories: description, story, picture...
Known and not secret: known, overt, transparent...
Unusual in a strange way: strange, funny, weird...

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