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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Small in size
adjective /smɔːl/
not large in size, amount, or number (尺寸)小的;(数量)少的

These shoes are too small for me. 这些鞋子我穿太小了。

A small number of people have complained about the noise. 为数很少的几个人抱怨过这些噪声。

Last year's rise in unemployment was the smallest in the last five years. 去年失业人数的上升在过去的5年中是最低的。

I'd rather work for a smaller company. 我宁愿在较小的公司工作。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...


/ˈsmɔːlnəs/ noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈlɪt(ə)l/
[usually before noun] small in size or number (规格或数目)小的

Use the little pan for making the sauce. 用这个小平底锅做酱汁。

There's a little group of us who meet once a week. 我们有几个人每周聚一次。

a little bit of something :

Little bits of hay still clung to her skirt. 有一点干草还沾在她的裙子上。

little tiny/tiny little :

There's a little tiny crack in it. 这里面有一条细小的裂缝。

a tiny little garden 小小的花园

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
used in a positive way for referring to small people or things that you like (用于指令人喜欢的小个子的人或小东西)小的

a little old lady 身材娇小的老妇人

nice/pretty/cute/sweet/lovely little :

a pretty little cottage in the country 可爱的乡村小屋

poor little :

Poor little thing, you must be starving! 可怜的小东西,你一定饿坏了!

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
used in a negative way for referring to small people or things that you do not like (用于指不喜欢的小个子的人或小东西)

You little brat! 你这臭小子!

one of those narrow-minded little racists 那些思想狭隘的种族主义分子中的一个

nasty/cheeky/silly/stupid little :

She wrote me a nasty little letter. 她给我写了一封令人作呕的信。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈtaɪni/
extremely small 微小的;极小的

The floor was covered in tiny bits of paper. 地板上满是小纸片。

She is one of a tiny minority of female motoring journalists. 她是自己开车去采访的极少数女记者之一。

tiny little :

a tiny little house 非常小的房子

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /slaɪt/
[usually before noun] small in size, amount, or degree 微小的;少量的;轻微的

a slight increase in temperature 温度的略微上升

Jill gave a slight smile. 吉尔微笑了一下。

I haven't given the slightest thought to my holiday plans. 我还完全没有考虑我的假期计划。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
 Synonyms and related words
adjective /maɪˈnjuːt/
very small 微小的细节;小事;细枝末节

The soil contained minute quantities of uranium. 土壤中含有微量的铀。

The chances of success were minute. 成功的可能性非常小。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...


noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˌmaɪkrəˈskɒpɪk/
very small 微小的

a microscopic hole that no one would notice 没有人注意到的一个微小的洞

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
so small that you need to use a microscope to see it 只有用显微镜才看得到的

microscopic creatures 只有用显微镜才看得到的生物

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...


/ˌmaɪkrəˈskɒpɪkli/ adverb
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈmɪdʒɪt/
smaller than the usual size 小型的

a midget submarine 小型潜艇

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈmɪnɪˌskjuːl/
extremely small in size or amount 极小的;极少的

The risk to public health is minuscule. 对公众健康造成的危害是微乎其微的。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /dɪˈskriːt/
small and not very noticeable 不显眼的

discreet gold earrings 不显眼的金耳环

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective formal /dɪˈmɪnjʊtɪv/
very short or small 矮小的;短小的;微小的

a diminutive woman with bright blue eyes 有明亮蓝色眼睛的娇小女人

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
More Synonyms
adjective /ˈbiːʒuː/
a bijou house, restaurant, shop etc is small and attractive (房子、饭店、商店等)小巧雅致的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective [usually before noun] /ˈbaɪtˌsaɪzd/
small enough to be put whole into your mouth 一口能吃下的;适合入口大小的

Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces. 把鸡肉切成一口能吃下的小块。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
small enough to be read or dealt with easily 很小的

The guides are produced in bite-sized sections. 导向装置是用小零件制造的。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective Indian English /ˈtʃəʊtə/
small or unimportant 小的;不重要的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
 Synonyms and related words
Unimportant: unimportant, minor, irrelevant...
adjective /ˈkɒmpækt/ /kəmˈpækt/
smaller than most things of the same kind 小型的;小巧的;袖珍的

a compact car/camera 小型汽车/袖珍照相机

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
small but arranged in a way that uses space very effectively 紧凑的;密集的

a compact flat above the garage 车库上面小而紧凑的公寓

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
small and with only small spaces between parts 紧密的;密实的

a compact bundle/mass 密密实实的一捆/一堆

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...


 Synonyms and related words
Using few words in speech or writing: quiet, silent, brief...
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /kənˈfaɪnd/
a confined space is so small that you cannot move around in it easily (地方)狭窄的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /kræmpt/
small and crowded 拥挤的

It was cramped in the little cabin. 那个小船舱里很拥挤。

horribly cramped prison conditions 拥挤得可怕的监狱环境

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
 Synonyms and related words
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
adjective /ˈdelɪkət/
attractive with many small details 精美的;精致的

a delicate floral design 精美的花卉图案

 Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe decoration: beaded, bedecked, bejewelled...
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adverb /ˈdelɪkətli/
with a graceful design, or with many small attractive details 优美地;精致地

delicately embroidered blouses 精致的绣花女衬衫

 Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe decoration: beaded, bedecked, bejewelled...
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective informal /ˈdɪŋki/
British very small and with an attractive shape or appearance 小巧的;精致的

dinky shops and tearooms 小巧的商店和茶室

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
mainly American very small in size, amount, or importance 小的;少量的;无关紧要的

a really dinky pay raise 少得可怜的加薪

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
 Synonyms and related words
adjective /faɪn/
fine details are small and sometimes difficult to notice 细微的;难以觉察的

It seems a very fine distinction to make. 差异似乎微乎其微。

fine details/points :

He spent hours explaining the finer details of the scheme. 他用了好几个小时解释这个方案的细节。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈfrækʃ(ə)nəl/
very small 微小的;少量的;些微的

a fractional pause 非常短暂的停顿

fractional increases in price 价格的小幅上涨

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
funny little
phrase spoken
strange and small 奇特小巧的

He's got a funny little car, hasn't he? 他的汽车又小又怪,不是吗?

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈhænd ˌheld/
small enough to hold in your hands 手提式的;便携式的

a hand-held computer 手提电脑

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˌɪmpə(r)ˈseptəb(ə)l/
something imperceptible is so slight or small that it is very difficult to notice 不易觉察的;极微小的

There was an almost imperceptible pause before she spoke. 她讲话之前有个几乎不为人察觉的停顿。

 Synonyms and related words
Not clear to the senses: faint, invisible, subtle...
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...

Her attitude had changed imperceptibly. 她的态度在不知不觉中已发生了改变。

 Synonyms and related words
Not clear to the senses: faint, invisible, subtle...
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective formal /ˌɪnfɪnɪˈtesɪm(ə)l/
extremely small 极小的;极少的

an infinitesimal risk 极小的风险

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
in miniature
the same in appearance as someone or something else but much smaller 小型的

The theatre had been beautifully reproduced in miniature. 剧院模型做得很漂亮。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˌɪnsəbˈstænʃ(ə)l/
formal not very large or strong 不强大的;不坚固的;脆弱的

insubstantial evidence 软弱无力的证据

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
 Synonyms and related words
Weak and easy to damage or break: weak, fragile, frail...
invisible to the naked eye
too small to be seen without using something such as a microscope 肉眼看不见的

organisms that are completely invisible to the naked eye 肉眼完全看不见的生物体

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective informal /ˌɪtsi ˈbɪtsi/
very small 非常小的;微小的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˌlɪlɪˈpjuːʃ(ə)n/
extremely small 非常小的;极小的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈmɑː(r)dʒɪn(ə)l/
very small 非常小的;细微的

marginal changes 细微变化

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective British informal /ˈmɪndʒi/
smaller in size than you expect or want 小得令人失望的;少得可怜的

All I scored was a mingy three points! 我的全部得分是少得可怜的3分!

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
prefix /mɪni/
smaller or shorter than other things of the same kind: used with many nouns 表示“小的,短的”(与许多名词连用)

a minicomputer 微型计算机

a mini-cruise 短途航游

mini-pizzas 小比萨饼

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈmɪnətʃə(r)/
much smaller than things of the same kind 微小的;小型的;微型的

a miniature railway 小型铁路

miniature roses 微型月季

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈmɪnətʃəraɪzd/
made to be much smaller than normal 微型化的;缩微的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈmɒdɪst/
fairly small, especially when compared with other things of the same type 相当小的;不太大的

The engine has a very modest oil consumption. 这种发动机的油耗很低。

His income was modest compared with that of other chief executives. 同其他首席执行官相比,他的收入不算高。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /niːt/
small and pleasing in appearance 精致的;小巧的

a neat little cottage 精致的小屋

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...



The clean clothes were neatly folded. 这些干净的衣服叠得整整齐齐的。

She was always neatly dressed. 她总是衣着整洁。

The professor neatly summarized the history of the oil crisis. 这位教授简练地总结了这场石油危机的经过。

 Synonyms and related words
In a careful and cautious way: thoroughly, closely, gently...
 Synonyms and related words
Tidy: tidy, neat, orderly...
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
 Synonyms and related words
adjective /pɜː(r)t/
a pert object is small, attractive, and has a nice shape 小巧玲珑的

a pert nose 小巧玲珑的鼻子

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective informal
very small 极小的;微小的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈpɒkɪt/
small enough to fit into your pocket 袖珍的;袋装的

a pocket dictionary 袖珍词典

a pocket diary 袖珍日记

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈpɒkɪt ˌsaɪzd/
small enough to fit in your pocket 可放在衣袋中的;袖珍的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /rɪˈdjuːsəb(ə)l/
able to be reduced 可减少的;可缩小的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ʃɔː(r)t/
using fewer words or letters than the full form of something 缩写的;缩略的
short for :

Memo is short for memorandum. memo是memorandum的缩略形式。

for short :

My name is Elizabeth, or Liz for short. 我叫伊丽莎白,也可以简称为莉兹。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈʃrʌŋk(ə)n/
smaller than before, or smaller than is natural 收缩的;皱缩的;萎缩的

shrunken muscles 萎缩的肌肉

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /slɪm/
very small 微小的
a slim chance/hope :

The chances of success are very slim. 成功的可能性非常小。

a slim majority/margin :

They won by a slim majority. 他们以微弱多数取胜。

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective informal /ˈsmɔːlɪʃ/
rather small 相当小的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
smaller or less important than other things of the same kind 较小规模的;较小的;较不重要的

a small-scale operation/attack 小手术/小规模进攻

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
 Synonyms and related words
Less important than similar things: secondary, subordinate, incidental...
adjective /ˈstʌntɪd/
unable or not allowed to grow to normal size 发育(或生长)不良的;发育(或生长)受阻的

stunted trees/crops 生长不良的树/庄稼

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective informal /ˈtiːni/
very small 一点点的;小小的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
teeny weeny
adjective informal
extremely small. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children. 极小的,一丁点大的(常为儿语或用于对儿童说话时)
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective British informal /ˈtɪd(ə)li/
very small 很小的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective British informal /ˈtɪtʃi/
very small 非常小的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective British /ˈtɔɪˌtaʊn/
small, or not serious 小的;不严重的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˌʌndə(r)ˈsaɪzd/
too small, or smaller than normal 偏小的;小于一般尺寸的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective Scottish /wiː/
small 小的;少的

Have a wee drink. 喝一点饮料吧。

You may have to wait a wee while (=a short time). 你得等一小会儿。

a wee child 幼儿

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective informal /ˈwiːni/
very small 很小的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective /ˈhændˌheld/
small enough to hold in your hands 手提式的;便携式的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective informal /ˌɪti ˈbɪti/
very small 微小的;少量的;些微的
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...
adjective informal
very small 微小的;少量的;些微的

She carries this little-bitty purse.

 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...


/ˌmaɪkrəʊˈkɒzmɪk/ adjective
 Synonyms and related words
Small in size: small, little, tiny...

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