(died AD 62) the queen of the Iceni tribe of eastern Britain when it was part of the Roman Empire. She led the Iceni against the Romans and destroyed several of their camps. When she was defeated she killed herself. She is often shown in pictures driving a chariot (= an open carriage pulled by a horse) with blades attached to the wheels. 布迪卡(Boudicca):(卒于公元62年)是英国东部爱斯尼部落的女王,当时它是罗马帝国的一部分。她带领爱思尼人对抗罗马人,并摧毁了他们的几个营地。当她被击败时,她自杀了。她经常出现在驾驶战车(由马拉动的敞开式马车)的图片中,战车上装有刀片。