a large country on the west coast of Africa. It was a British colony from 1914 and has been a member of the Commonwealth since becoming independent in 1960, although between 1995 and 1999 its membership was stopped after an argument over the execution of nine men. The capital city of Nigeria is Abuja, in the middle of the country, although its biggest city is Lagos, on the coast. The official language is English. 尼日利亚:非洲西海岸的大国。它是1914年的英国殖民地,自1960年独立以来一直是英联邦的成员,尽管在1995年至1999年之间,由于对九个人被处决的争执而被取消了成员资格。尼日利亚的首都是阿布贾,位于该国中部,尽管其最大的城市是沿海的拉各斯。官方语言是英语。