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  1. [uncountable, countable] a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools, colleges or universities, to improve knowledge and develop skills(尤指学校)教育
    • primary/elementary education初等/基础教育
    • post-secondary education中学后教育
    • a college/university education大学教育
    • She completed her formal education in 2019.她在 1995 年完成正规学业。
    • Students from lower income families are less likely to continue their education.低收入家庭的学生不太可能继续他们的教育。
    • to further/pursue your education继续深造
    • to get/receive an education接受教育
    • The school provides an excellent all-round education.这所学校提供一流的全面教育。
    • music/arts education音乐/艺术教育
    • in education students in full-time education接受全日制教育的学生
    • a man of little education没受过多少教育的人
    • the British education system英国教育体系
    • a bilingual education program双语教育计划
    • The press made education reform a topic of heated debate.新闻界使教育改革成为激烈辩论的话题。
    see also adult education, co-education, conductive education, continuing education, distance education, further education, higher education, physical education, progressive education, public education (1), re-education, secondary education, special education, state education, tertiary education
    Collocations EducationEducation教育Learning学习
    • acquire/​get/​lack (an) education/​training/(British English) (some) qualifications获得/缺少教育/培训/资格
    • receive/​provide somebody with training/​tuition得到/给某人提供培训/指导
    • develop/​design/​plan a curriculum/(especially British English) course/(North American English) program/​syllabus制订课程方案/教学大纲
    • give/​go to/​attend a class/​lesson/​lecture/​seminar讲课;上课;举办/参加/出席研讨会
    • hold/​run/​conduct a class/​seminar/​workshop办班;举办研讨会/讲习班
    • sign up for/​take a course/​classes/​lessons报名参加/修读课程
    • go to/​start preschool/​kindergarten/​nursery school上学前班/幼儿园/托儿所
    • be in the first, second, etc. (North American English) grade/(especially British English) year (at school)在读一年级、二年级等
    • study/​take/​drop history/​chemistry/​German, etc.修读/放弃修历史课/化学课/德语课等
    • (British English) leave/​finish/​drop out of/ (North American English) quit school
    • (North American English) graduate high school/​college
    Problems at school在学校遇到的问题
    • be the victim/​target of bullying成为被欺负的受害者/对象
    • (British English) play truant from/ (both British English, informal) bunk off/​skive off school (= not go to school when you should)
    • (both especially North American English) skip/​cut class/​school
    • (British English) cheat in/(North American English) cheat on an exam/​a test
    • get/​be given a detention (for doing something)(因做了某事)被罚放学后留校
    • be expelled from/​be suspended from school被学校开除/暂时停学
    Work and exams功课和考试
    • do your homework/(British English) revision/​a project on something做家庭作业;复习功课;对…做专题研究
    • work on/​write/​do/​submit an essay/​a dissertation/​a thesis/​an assignment/(North American English) a paper写/提交文章/学位论文/毕业论文/作业/论文
    • finish/​complete your dissertation/​thesis/​studies/​coursework完成学位论文/毕业论文/学业/课程作业
    • hand in/ (North American English) turn in your homework/​essay/​assignment/​paper提交家庭作业/文章/作业/论文
    • study/​prepare/ (British English) revise/ (North American English) review/ (North American English, informal) cram for a test/​an exam为应考而学习/准备/复习/临时死记硬背
    • take/ (both British English) do/​sit a test/​an exam参加考试
    • (especially British English) mark/ (especially North American English) grade homework/​a test
    • (British English) do well in/ (North American English) do well on/ (informal, especially North American English) ace a test/​an exam
    • pass/​fail/ (informal, especially North American English) flunk a test/​an exam/​a class/​a course/​a subject测验/考试/课程/学科及格/不及格
    • apply to/​get into/​go to/​start college/(British English) university申请/上/开始上大学
    • leave/​graduate from law school/​college/(British English) university (with a degree in computer science)离开/毕业于法学院;离开大学;大学毕业(取得计算机科学的学位)
    • study for/​take/ (British English) do/​complete a law degree/​a degree in physics攻读/读完法学学位/物理学位课程
    • (both North American English) major/​minor in biology/​philosophy主修/辅修生物学/哲学
    • earn/​receive/​be awarded/​get/​have/​hold a master’s degree/​a bachelor’s degree/​a PhD in economics获得/被授予/拿到/拥有经济学硕士学位/学士学位/博士学位
    Extra Examples
    • In those days it was very difficult for poorer people to get a university education.那时候穷人要上大学很难。
    • He was at a disadvantage because of the poor education he had received.由于受教育程度低,他处于劣势。
    • She went to America to complete her education.她去美国完成学业。
    • He'd received an excellent general education in Poland.他在波兰接受了一流的通识教育。
    • The project seeks to improve education for students.这个项目致力于改善学生的教育。
    • How well a child does at school is influenced by the level of parental education.父母所受的教育水平影响到孩子在学校里的表现。
    • Many people lack the education and training that is needed for these jobs.很多人缺少从事这些工作需要的教育和培训。
    • No one is denied an education because they are poor in this country.在这个国家,没有人会因为贫穷而丧失受教育的机会。
    • Nigeria committed itself to universal primary education.尼日利亚致力于实施全民初等教育。
    • Researchers have found that single-sex education may benefit girls.研究人员发现在女校受教育可能有利于女孩成长。
    • She brought up two children while pursuing a college education.她一边养育两个孩子一边念大学。
    • Technology allows distance education to occur at all levels.科技使人们可以获得各种层次的远程教育。
    • He received a classical education.他接受的是古典教育。
    • children in early education settings正在接受早教的儿童
    • the party's policy on comprehensive education该党有关综合教育的政策
    • parents who choose private education for their children为孩子选择私立教育的父母
    • young people who are just leaving full-time education刚刚结束全日制教育的年轻人
    • Parents are beginning to wake up to the importance of pre-school education.家长们开始意识到学前教育的重要性。
    • There are additional education requirements for nurses on this course.这一课程对护士有进一步的教育要求。
    • They set up an account to fund their daughter's education.他们开设了一个账户为女儿提供教育基金。
    • They want to broaden their research and education activities.他们想要拓展研究和教育活动。
    • We acquire much of our world knowledge through education.我们通过受教育获得很多有关世界的知识。
    • efforts to improve education standards为提高教育标准作出的努力
    • Elementary education is excellent in this area.这个地区的基础教育很好。
    • Every child in the country needs to be provided with a first-class education.这个国家的每个孩子都需要接受一流的教育。
    • The government is planning major reforms in the education system.政府正计划对教育系统进行重大改革。
    • investment in education教育投资
    • enhancing the quality of education for students提高学生的教育质量
    • The Steiner system of education offers many lessons to society in general.斯坦纳教育体系为整个社会提供了许多经验。
    • Investment in education would play a vital role in the country's development.教育投资将在国家发展中发挥至关重要的作用。
    Topics Educationa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • decent
    • excellent
    • first-class
    verb + education
    • acquire
    • get
    • have
    education + noun
    • authority
    • committee
    • department
    • in education
    • through education
    • education about
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable, singular] a particular kind of teaching or training教育;培养;训练
    • sex education in schools学校里的性教育
    • education about something education about danger on the roads关于路上危险情况的教育
    • The council has launched a new health education campaign.议会发起了一项新的健康教育运动。
    • an alcohol education programme (= to warn of the dangers of alcohol)酒精教育计划
    • Patient education is important to minimize the risk of a second heart attack.病人教育对于将第二次心脏病发作的风险降至最低非常重要。
    see also public education (2)
    Extra Examples
    • Education about HIV and other preventable diseases needs to improve.需要改进关于艾滋病毒和其他可预防疾病的教育。
    • Sex education in schools needs to be improved.学校的性教育需要加强。
    • It is only through education that prejudice can be overcome.只有通过教育才能克服偏见。
    • environmental education环境教育
    • drug education毒品教育
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • decent
    • excellent
    • first-class
    verb + education
    • acquire
    • get
    • have
    education + noun
    • authority
    • committee
    • department
    • in education
    • through education
    • education about
    See full entry
  3. (also Education)
    [uncountable] the institutions or people involved in teaching and training教育机构;教育界人士
    • the Education Department教育部
    • the Department of Education教育部(★在美国,凡称Department 的部、院,其首长称为Secretary)
    • There should be closer links between education and industry.教育界与产业界之间应该有更紧密的联系。
    • the education secretary教育大臣
    • the minister of education教育部长
  4. (usually Education)
    [uncountable] the subject of study that deals with how to teach教育学
    • a College of Education教育学院
    • a Bachelor of Education degree教育学学士
    • She's an education major.她主修教育学。
    • He has a degree in education.他有教育学学位。
  5. [singular] (often humorous) an interesting experience that teaches you something有教益的经历
    • The rock concert was quite an education for my parents!这场摇滚音乐会真让我父母大受教益!
  6. Word Originmid 16th cent.: from Latin educatio(n-), from the verb educare, related to educere ‘lead out’, from e- (variant of ex-) ‘out’ + ducere ‘to lead’.


ADJECTIVE | VERB + EDUCATION | EDUCATION + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdecent, excellent, first-class, good, high-quality, quality, well-rounded良好的教育;出色的教育;優質教育;全面教育poor很少的教育compulsory義務教育formal正規教育Although he had had little formal education, he could read and write well.儘管他沒受過什麼正規教育,但他的讀寫能力還是很好。classical古典教育He received a classical education.他接受的是古典教育。liberal通識教育all-round, basic, general全面/基礎/通識教育He'd received an excellent general education in Poland.他在波蘭接受了一流的通識教育。comprehensive (especially BrE) , public-school (= provided by the government) (NAmE) , universal綜合/公立學校/全民教育the party's policy on comprehensive education該黨有關綜合教育的政策Nigeria committed itself to universal primary education.尼日利亞致力於實施全民初等教育。early-childhood, preschool幼兒/學前教育elementary, primary (especially BrE) 初等教育secondary (especially BrE) 中等教育adult, continuing, further, higher, tertiary成人教育;繼續教育;高等教育a college of further education繼續教育學院41% had some post-secondary education.41% 的人受過一些大專教育。college (especially NAmE) , high-school (in the US) , public-school (= private) (in the UK) , university學院/高中/私立學校/大學教育graduate, undergraduate (both especially NAmE) 研究生/大學本科教育remedial, special補習/特殊教育in-service, professional, vocational在職培訓;職業教育military, teacher軍事/師範教育maternal, parental母親所受的教育;父母所受的教育How well a child does at school is influenced by the level of parental education.父母所受的教育水平影響到孩子在學校裏的表現。distance, online (both especially NAmE) 遠程/網絡教育Technology allows distance education to occur at all levels.科技使人們可以獲得各種層次的遠程教育。AIDS, health艾滋病知識/健康教育sex, sexuality (NAmE) 性教育arts, music, science, etc.藝術、音樂、科學等教育religious, theological宗教/神學教育full-time, part-time全日制/非全日制教育public, state公共/國家教育private私立教育parents who choose private education for their children為孩子選擇私立教育的父母Catholic, Christian, etc.天主教、基督教等教育single-sex單性學校教育Researchers have found that single-sex education may benefit girls.研究人員發現在女校受教育可能有利於女孩成長。bilingual, multicultural雙語/多元文化教育VERB + EDUCATIONacquire, get, have, obtain, receive受教育He was at a disadvantage because of the poor education he had received.由於受教育程度低,他處於劣勢。pursue求學She brought up two children while pursuing a college education.她一邊養育兩個孩子一邊念大學。deliver, give sb, offer, provide (sb with)提供教育;讓某人受教育;(向某人)提供教育The school provides an excellent general education.這所學校提供一流通識教育。deny sb剝奪某人的受教育權利No one is denied an education because they are poor in this country.在這個國家,沒有人會因為貧窮而喪失受教育的機會。lack沒有受過教育Many people lack the education and training that is needed for these jobs.很多人缺少從事這些工作需要的教育和培訓。enter開始接受教育students entering higher education開始接受高等教育的學生continue, extend繼續接受教育She went to college to continue her education.她上大學繼續接受教育。leave停止接受教育young people who are just leaving full-time education剛剛結束全日制教育的年輕人complete, finish完成教育He went to America to complete his education.他去美國完成他的學業。improve, reform改善/改革教育The project seeks to improve education for students.這個項目致力於改善學生的教育。promote推動教育發展finance sb's, fund sb's資助某人受教育;為某人的教育提供資金They set up an account to fund their daughter's education.他們開設了一個賬戶為女兒提供教育基金。EDUCATION + NOUNauthority (in the UK) , committee, department, ministry
(in the UK) , sector, service, system教育當局;教育委員會;教育部;教育部門;教育工作;教育系統
funds provided by the local education authority由當地教育當局提供的資金We need to invest in the higher education sector.我們需要在高等教育領域投資。officer, official教育部官員minister, secretary (both in the UK) 教育部部長;教育大臣policy教育政策reform教育改革reformer教育改革者bill教育法案campaign, initiative, programme/program, project, scheme (BrE) 教育運動/倡議/方案/項目/計劃The department has launched a new health education campaign.該部門發起了一項新的健康教育運動。activities教育活動They want to broaden their research and education activities.他們想要拓展研究和教育活動。facilities, materials, resources教育設施/資料/資源budget, funding教育預算/經費spending教育支出class, course, session教育課;教育課程;教育會議adult education courses成人教育課程process教育進程Parents should begin the sex education process long before it begins in school.父母應該早在學校開始性教育之前就對子女開始進行這方面的教育。centre/center, college, establishment, institution, provider教育中心;教育學院;教育機構;教育提供者setting教育環境children in early education settings正在接受早教的兒童community, world教育社區;教育界a policy that has been adopted by the entire education community整個教育社區採用的一項政策expert, leader, specialist教育專家;教育主管requirement (NAmE) 教育需求There are additional education requirements for nurses on this course.這一課程對護士有進一步的教育要求。levels, standards教育水平/標準efforts to improve education standards為提高教育標準作出的努力loan (NAmE) (student loan in BrE) 教育貸款PREPOSITIONin education接受教育中students in full-time education接受全日制教育的學生through education通過教育We acquire much of our world knowledge through education.我們通過受教育獲得很多有關世界的知識。education about關於⋯的教育education about danger on the roads關於路上危險情況的教育


education ♦︎ training ♦︎ study ♦︎ teaching ♦︎ learning ♦︎ instruction ♦︎ tuition ♦︎ schooling ♦︎ mentoring ♦︎ coaching ♦︎ tutoringThese are all words for the process of learning or being taught. 这些词均表示教育、培训。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配education / training / teaching / instruction / tuition / schooling / coaching / tutoring in stheducation / training / study / teaching / tuition / coaching for stheducation / teaching / learning / instruction about sth(a) good education / training / teaching / instruction / schooling / mentoringformal education / training / study / teaching / learning / instruction / tuition / schooling / coaching(a) basic education / training / teaching / instruction / tuition / schooling / coachingcompulsory education / training / study / schoolingprivate education / teaching / study / tuition / schooling / coaching / tutoringpublic / state education / schoolingindividual / one-to-one education / training / teaching / learning / instruction / tuition / mentoring / coaching / tutoringcollege / university education / teaching / study / tuitionto have an education / training / instruction / tuition / schooling / coaching / tutoringto get / receive an education / training / instruction / tuition / coaching / tutoringto provide an education / training / instruction / tuition / schooling / mentoring / coaching / tutoringto give sb an education / training / instruction / tuition / coaching / tutoringto continue / complete / finish your education / training / studies / schooling education [uncountable, singular] the process of teaching and learning, especially in schools or colleges, in order to improve knowledge or develop skills; a particular type of teaching or training (尤指学校)教育;培养;训练He had little formal education (= education in school, college, etc.).他没怎么接受过正规教育。It is only through education that prejudice can be overcome.只有通过教育才能克服偏见。Will she go on to higher education (= university or college)?她接下来要上大学深造吗?Sex education in schools needs to be improved.学校的性教育需要加强。 (BrE) In those days it was very difficult for poorer people to get a university education.那时候穷人要上大学很难。 (NAmE) a college education大学教育 see also educate teach , educate train verb 1 , educator teacher training [uncountable] the process of learning the skills that you need to do a job 训练;培训Few candidates had any training in management.没有几个候选人接受过管理培训。No one is allowed to operate the machinery without proper training.未经过适当的培训,任何人都不能操作这组机械。Vocational training should not be seen as less important than an academic education.不应一味重视学术教育,而轻视职业培训。She's an accountant by training.她经培训成了一名会计师。 see also train train verb 1 , trainer coach noun study [uncountable] the activity of learning or gaining knowledge, either from books or by examining things (通过书本或考察的)学习Physiology is the study of how living things work.生理学是研究生物机能的学科。There's a quiet room set aside for private study.特地安排了一个安静的房间作书房。It's important to develop good study skills.培养良好的学习方法很重要。Students in the same field of study may have very different skill levels.在同一个领域从事研究的学生,其研究水平也许会大相径庭。 Studies [plural] (formal) are a particular person's learning activities, for example at a college or university. 复数形式的studies指某人的学习活动,如在大学的学习Many undertake further studies after passing their exams.很多人考试通过后继续他们的学业。 see also study learn verb teaching [uncountable] the work of a teacher 教学;授课;指导What made you go into teaching?是什么原因使你从事教学工作的?The system should reward good classroom teaching.这个体制应该对出色的课堂教学给予奖励。She retired at the end of a 40-year teaching career.她结束了40年的教学生涯,退休了。 see also teach teach , teacher teacher learning [uncountable] the process of learning sth 学习Effective teaching inevitably leads to effective learning.教学效果好,学习效果就会好。They run special classes for students with learning difficulties.他们为有学习障碍的学生开设特殊课程。You may get extra help if your child has a learning disability.如果你的孩子有学习障碍,你可以得到更多的帮助。They're new to the job and will be on a steep learning curve (= will have to learn a lot in a short time).他们刚入职,要在短时间内学习大量知识。 see also learn learn instruction [uncountable] (formal) the act of teaching sth to sb 教导;教授;传授She had no formal instruction in music.她从未接受过音乐方面的正规指导。Religious instruction is banned in all state schools in the country.该国禁止所有公立学校传授宗教教义。The medium of instruction in these classes is English.这些课程用英语讲授。 see also instruct train verb 1 , instructor coach noun tuition tjuˈɪʃn; NAmE tuˈɪʃn [uncountable] (rather formal) the act of teaching sth to sb, especially to one person or to people in small groups (尤指对个人或小组的)教学,讲授,指导The price includes two weeks' horse riding plus expert tuition.这一价格包括两周的骑马训练和专业指导。One-to-one tuition can be arranged in certain languages.可以安排以某些语言进行一对一讲授。 schooling [uncountable] (formal) the education you receive at school 学校教育He received very little formal schooling.他几乎没有接受过正规的学校教育。 mentoring ˈmentɔːrɪŋ [uncountable] individual help with learning a particular job, given by an experienced person to sb younger and less experienced (为年纪较小或经验不足者提供的)个别指导The company provides mentoring programmes as well as specialized training for its new employees.该公司向新员工提供专业培训和个别指导。 see also mentor adviser coaching [uncountable] (BrE) the process of giving a student extra teaching in a particular subject (某科目上的)辅导Extra coaching is available for students who might need a little more help.需要更多帮助的学生可以得到额外的辅导。In American English coaching is usually only used for talking about extra teaching in activities such as sports and acting. 在美式英语中,coaching通常仅指对体育竞技或表演等活动的额外指导。 see also coach coach noun , coach train verb 1 tutoring ˈtjuːtərɪŋ; NAmE ˈtuːtərɪŋ (especially NAmE) coaching (某科目上的)辅导Volunteer tutoring programs help children who are having trouble reading.志愿者辅导计划旨在帮助那些有阅读困难的孩子。 see also tutor teach verb , tutor teacher noun
General words for teaching: teaching, education, training...
Relating to learning and the process of learning: acquisition, advanced, assimilation...

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