a person who is trained and qualified to advise people about the law and to represent them in court, and to write legal documents 律師 to hire a lawyer 聘請律師 You would be wise to consult a lawyer. 你應該找律師咨詢一下,那樣做才是明智的。 a defence lawyer 辯護律師 - (North American English)
a trial lawyer 專門出庭辯護的律師 a human rights lawyer 人權律師 The lawyer representing the family said he was very satisfied with the verdict. 代表這家人的律師說,他對判決非常滿意。 - lawyer for somebody
Lawyers for all three defendants said their clients did not intend to kill the victim. 三名被告的律師都表示,他們的委托人沒有殺害受害者的意圖。
More About lawyerslawyers- Lawyer is a general term for a person who is qualified to advise people about the law, to prepare legal documents for them and/or to represent them in a court of law.
lawyer 泛指律師,有資格提供法律咨詢、爲當事人準備法律文件、在法庭上代表當事人。 - In England and Wales, a lawyer who is qualified to speak in the higher courts of law is called a barrister. In Scotland a barrister is called an advocate.
- In North American English attorney is a more formal word used for a lawyer and is used especially in job titles:
the District Attorney 地方檢察官
- Counsel is the formal legal word used for a lawyer who is representing someone in court:
counsel 爲正式的法律用語,指代表當事人出庭的律師: counsel for the prosecution 控方律師
- Solicitor is the British English term for a lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares documents, for example when you are buying a house, and sometimes has the right to speak in a court of law.
- In North American English solicitor is only used in the titles of some lawyers who work for the government:
the Solicitor General 首席檢察官
- A notary is a person, often but not necessarily a lawyer, who has official authority to be a witness when somebody signs a document and to make the document legally acceptable.
Culture the legal systemthe legal systemFor historical reasons, the system of law used in Scotland is different from that in England and Wales, with the law in Northern Ireland similar to that in England. When making decisions Scottish courts look for an appropriate general principle and apply it to a particular situation. English law relies on case law, a collection of previous decisions, called precedents. English courts look at precedents for the case being tried and make a similar judgement. A basic principle of law in Britain is that anyone accused is innocent until proven guilty, so it is the job of the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant (= the person accused) has broken the law as stated in the charge. If this cannot be proved the person must be acquitted (= allowed to go free, with no blame attached).British law is divided into civil law which concerns arguments between individuals about matters such as business contracts, and criminal law which deals with offences that involve harm to a person resulting from somebody breaking the law. In civil cases, the plaintiff (= the person who claims to have been wronged) brings an action against the defendant in the hope of winning damages (= a financial payment) or an injunction (= a court order preventing the defendant from doing something). Criminal cases are brought against criminals by the state, in England and Wales by the Director of Public Prosecutions and in Scotland through procurators fiscal.In England and Wales most towns have a Magistrates' Court, where minor cases are judged and more serious cases are passed to higher courts by three magistrates called Justices of the Peace, trained members of the public. The more serious cases are heard in a Crown Court by a judge and a jury. Minor civil cases, such as divorce and bankruptcy, are heard in the county courts and more serious ones in the High Court. Appeals against decisions from the Crown Court or the High Court go to the Court of Appeal and a few cases, where a question of law is in doubt, are passed to the Supreme Court, which has replaced the House of Lords as the highest court in the country.In Scotland, criminal cases are heard in District Courts by members of the public called lay justices. More serious cases go to regional sheriff courts and are heard by the sheriff and a jury. Appeals go to the High Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh. Civil cases begin in the sheriff court and may go on appeal to the Court of Session.In the US, the judicial system is one of the three branches of the federal government, but the legal system operates at many levels with state, county and city courts as well as federal courts. The right to trial by jury is provided by the Constitution. Each type of court has its own jurisdiction, that is, it deals with certain kinds of cases. Both civil and criminal cases are first heard in trial courts and there is a right to appeal against the court's decision in a court of appeals. Many states have family courts where people get divorced and small claims courts which deal with small amounts of money. States also have trial courts, which hear a wider range of cases, and courts of appeal called superior courts or district courts. Most states have a Supreme Court where the most serious appeals are held. States have their own criminal code, but some crimes are federal offences (= against federal law), and crimes may fall under federal jurisdiction if more than one state is involved.Most courts have only one judge, but some higher courts have several. In the US Supreme Court, the nine judges are called justices. The people on either side of a case are represented by lawyers, also called attorneys. In a criminal trial the defendant is represented by a defense attorney, or if he or she is unable to pay a lawyer, the court will appoint a public defender. The prosecution is led by an assistant district attorney or, in federal cases, by a federal attorney.Extra ExamplesTopics Law and justicea2, Jobsa2He brought in a hot-shot criminal defence lawyer who secured a not guilty verdict. 他請來一位炙手可熱的刑事辯護律師,他獲得了無罪判決。 A leading human rights lawyer took on his case. 一位頂尖的人權律師接了他的案子。 He was a trial lawyer for many years. 他幹出庭律師很多年了。 Corporate lawyers managed to delay the case coming to court. 公司律師設法將案件推遲到法庭審理。 He was among the leading international lawyers of his generation. 他是他那一代領先的國際律師之一。 Lawyers for the families said they were pleased with the decision. 這些家庭的律師說,他們對這個裁定很滿意。 She has built a reputation as a top criminal lawyer. 她已經建立了頂級刑事律師的聲譽。 You'll be hearing from my lawyer. 你將收到我方的律師函。
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