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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 2528 COCA: 2519


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  1. [usually before noun] very great in degree極度的;極大的
    • We are working under extreme pressure at the moment.目前我們正在極大的壓力下工作。
    • people living in extreme poverty生活在極度貧困中的人
    • extreme heat/cold/temperatures酷熱/嚴寒/高溫
    • The heat in the desert was extreme.沙漠中極其炎熱。
    Extra Examples
    • Such results should be treated with extreme caution.這種結果應該極其謹慎地對待。
    • The film depicts extreme violence.這部電影描繪了極端的暴力。
    • I'm having extreme difficulty in not losing my temper with her.我很難不對她發脾氣。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • appear
    • seem
    • particularly
    • really
    • very
    • at its most extreme
    See full entry
  2. not ordinary or usual; serious or severe異乎尋常的;嚴重的;嚴厲的
    • extreme weather events such as floods and heatwaves洪水和熱浪等極端天氣事件
    • Children will be removed from their parents only in extreme circumstances.只有在極端情況下才會讓孩子離開父母。
    • It can cause nausea and, in extreme cases, death.它會導致惡心,在極端情況下,甚至死亡。
    • The ship got into difficulties in extreme conditions.這艘船在極端條件下遇到了困難。
    • She was forced to take extreme measures.她被迫采取極端措施。
    • Don't go doing anything extreme like leaving the country.千萬不要做出諸如離開國家之類的極端行爲。
    • It was the most extreme example of cruelty to animals I had ever seen.這是我見過的最嚴重的虐待動物的事例。
    Extra Examples
    • extreme weather conditions極端惡劣的天氣狀況
    • This is hero-worship at its most extreme.這是最極端的英雄崇拜。
  3. (of people, political organizations, opinions, etc.人、政治組織、意見等) far from what most people consider to be normal, reasonable or acceptable極端的;偏激的;過分的
    • extreme left-wing/right-wing views極左/極右觀點
    • Fascism was basically an extreme form of nationalism.法西斯主義基本上是民族主義的一種極端形式。
    • an extreme nationalist organization極端民族主義組織
    • Their ideas are too extreme for me.他們的想法對我來說太極端了。
    • She didn't like the idea—it sounded too extreme.她不喜歡這個主意——聽起來太極端了。
    opposite moderate
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • appear
    • seem
    • particularly
    • really
    • very
    • at its most extreme
    See full entry
  4. [only before noun] as far as possible from the centre, the beginning or in the direction mentioned遠離中心的;末端的;盡頭的
    • Kerry is in the extreme west of Ireland.凱裏位於愛爾蘭的最西端。
    • She sat on the extreme edge of her seat.她坐在座位最邊上。
    • politicians on the extreme left of the party該黨極左翼的政客
  5. Word Originlate Middle English: via Old French from Latin extremus ‘outermost, utmost’, superlative of exterus ‘outer’.


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  1. a feeling, situation, way of behaving, etc. that is as different as possible from another or is opposite to it極端不同的感情(或境況、行爲方式等);完全相反的事物
    • extremes of love and hate愛和恨兩種截然不同的感情
    • He used to be very shy, but now he's gone to the opposite extreme (= changed from one extreme kind of behaviour to another).他以前很腼腆,現在卻走向了另一個極端。
    • She goes from one extreme to the other (= changes from one extreme kind of behaviour to another).她從一個極端走向另一個極端。
    • At the other extreme, the top 10 per cent receives 30 per cent of the nation's income.在另一個極端,收入最高的10%人群獲得了全國收入的30%。
    • between extremes He takes a position somewhere these two extremes.他的立場介於這兩個極端之間。
    Extra Examples
    • After always putting too much salt in her cooking, she went to the opposite extreme and banished it completely.以前她做菜時總是放很多鹽,然後又走到另一個極端,一點兒鹽都不放。
    • At the other extreme, women still childless at 32 were more likely to be from a professional background.另一個極端情況是, 32 歲還沒有孩子的女性很可能是職業人士。
    • Avoid any extremes of emotional behaviour.避免任何極端的情緒化行爲。
    • These photographs show extremes of obesity and emaciation.這些照片展現了肥胖與消瘦兩個極端。
    • She goes from one extreme to the other, and either works very hard or does absolutely nothing.她總是從一個極端到另一個極端,或者勤奮地工作,或者什麽也不做。
    • Their views are at opposite extremes from each other.他們的觀點極端對立。
    • There has to be a solution between these extremes.在這兩個極端之間應該有一個解決的辦法。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • opposite
    • polar
    • logical
    verb + extreme
    • avoid
    • go to
    • reach
    • at an/​the extreme
    • between extremes
    • in the extreme
    • at one extreme
    • at the other extreme
    • go from one extreme to the other
    See full entry
  2. the greatest or highest degree of something極端;極度;極限
    • The climate is mild with no extremes of temperature. 氣候溫和,沒有極端溫度。
    • extremes of cold, wind or rain嚴寒、狂風、暴雨
    • the climatic extremes of the mountains山區的極端氣候
    • Many of these plants won't tolerate temperature extremes.許多這種植物不能忍受極端溫度。
    Extra Examples
    • At the extreme, some nuclear waste is so radioactive it has to be kept isolated for thousands of years.在極端的情況下,有些核廢物的放射性之強使其需隔離保存數千年。
    • He went to the extreme of adulation, describing Churchill as the greatest man who ever lived.他極盡吹捧之能事,把丘吉爾描繪成歷史上最偉大的人。
    • It's a difficult place to live in because of its climatic extremes.由於氣候極端,這是一個很難居住的地方。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • opposite
    • polar
    • logical
    verb + extreme
    • avoid
    • go to
    • reach
    • at an/​the extreme
    • between extremes
    • in the extreme
    • at one extreme
    • at the other extreme
    • go from one extreme to the other
    See full entry
  3. Word Originlate Middle English: via Old French from Latin extremus ‘outermost, utmost’, superlative of exterus ‘outer’.
go, etc. to extremes/an extreme | take something to extremes/an extreme
  1. to act or be forced to act in a way that is far from normal or reasonable走極端;被迫采取極端行爲
    • It's embarrassing the extremes he'll go to in order to impress his boss.他爲了給上司留下深刻印象,不惜走極端,真令人難堪。
    • Taken to extremes, this kind of behaviour can be dangerous.這種行爲如果走向極端則可能是非常危險的。
    • In the jungle they were driven to extremes in order to survive.在叢林中,他們爲了生存被迫采取極端行動。
    Extra Examples
    • There is no need to go to such extremes.沒必要走這樣的極端。
    • It's foolish to take any dieting to extremes.飲食上走極端是愚蠢的。
    • She has taken cleanliness to a new extreme.她把潔癖推向新的極端。
in the extreme
  1. (formal) to a great degree極度;極端;非常
    • The journey would be dangerous in the extreme.這段旅程將會是極其危險的。
    • His voice was scornful in the extreme.他的聲音聽起來極爲輕蔑。
IELTS BNC: 2528 COCA: 2519


ADJECTIVE | VERB + EXTREME | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEopposite, polar對立端;極端Their views are at opposite extremes from each other.他們的觀點極端對立。logical邏輯上的兩極new新的極端She has taken cleanliness to a new extreme.她把潔癖推向新的極端。climatic, political, temperature氣候上的/政治上的/溫度上的極端It's a difficult place to live because of its climatic extremes.該地氣候極端惡劣,人難以生存。VERB + EXTREMEavoid避免極端Avoid any extremes of temperature.避免任何極端溫度。go to, reach走極端There is no need to go to such extremes.沒必要走這樣的極端。carry sth to, take sth to將⋯帶向極端It's foolish to take any dieting to extremes.飲食上走極端是愚蠢的。represent代表極端PREPOSITIONat an/the extreme在極端的情況下At the extreme, some nuclear waste is so radioactive it has to be kept isolated for thousands of years.在極端的情況下,有些核廢物的放射性之強使其需隔離保存數千年。between extremes在兩個極端之間There has to be a solution between these extremes.在這兩個極端之間應該有一個解決的辦法。in the extreme極端地His voice was scornful in the extreme.他的聲音聽起來極為輕蔑。to the extreme過分地She was always generous to the extreme.她總是大方過頭。extremes of⋯的極端These photographs show extremes of obesity and emaciation.這些照片展現了肥胖與消瘦兩個極端。PHRASESat one extreme, at the other extreme在一個/在另一個極端At the other extreme, women still childless at 32 were more likely to be from a professional background.另一個極端情況是, 32 歲還沒有孩子的女性很可能是職業人士。go from one extreme to the other從一個極端走到另一個極端She goes from one extreme to the other, and either works very hard or does absolutely nothing.她總是從一個極端到另一個極端,或者勤奮地工作,或者什麼也不做。go to the opposite extreme, go to the other extreme走到相反的極端/另一個極端After always putting too much salt in her cooking, she went to the opposite extreme and banished it completely.以前她做菜時總是放很多鹽,然後又走到另一個極端,一點兒鹽都不放。


VERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe極端appear, seem, sound看上去/似乎/聽起來極端become變得極端consider sth認為⋯極端ADVERBparticularly, really, very特別/十分/非常極端a bit, fairly, a little, quite, rather, somewhat有點兒極端;相當極端;有些極端Some of his views seem rather extreme.他的一些觀點似乎有些極端。PHRASESat its most extreme最為極端的This is hero-worship at its most extreme.這是最極端的英雄崇拜。
IELTS BNC: 2528 COCA: 2519
extreme adj.
maximum (extreme pressure) radical (extreme views) serious1 (in extreme circumstances)
IELTS BNC: 2528 COCA: 2519
Serious, severe and extreme: serious, severe, extreme...
Not sensible or reasonable: unreasonable, wrong, extreme...
Unusual in an interesting way: unusual, special, unique...
Not near and difficult to reach: distant, far, apart...
The opposite: opposite, balance, the reverse...
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...

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