This outfit is perfect for the child whose default setting is 'scruffy'.
No country can long prosper if its default setting is to be jaded.
Anna was sick of her brother's behaviour. 安娜讨厌她哥哥的举止。
observations of animal behaviour 对于动物行为的观察
governments seeking to influence voter behaviour 试图影响选民行为的政府
violent/aggressive/disruptive behaviour 暴力/侵略/破坏行为
ways of teaching parents to deal with problem behaviour 教父母处理问题行为的方法
I was shocked by his behaviour towards his family. 他对待家人的态度令我震惊。
the patterns of social behaviour that we learn 我们所学习的社会行为模式
These behaviours should be discouraged.
the instinct of ducklings to follow their mother 小鸭子跟从母亲的天性
the instinct for survival 求生的本能
The course should suit both her ability and outlook. 这一课程应当既与她的能力相称又与她的观点一致。
They shared the same kind of outlook on life. 他们有着相同的人生观。
The author has a pessimistic view of human nature. 作者对人性持悲观的看法。
He is not known for having a warm and friendly disposition. 他并不以性格热情友好而出名。
This film is not suitable for viewers of a nervous disposition. 这部影片不适合易紧张的观众观看。
a disposition towards criminal behaviour 犯罪的倾向
Mowbray has shown a disposition to take unnecessary risks. 莫布雷总是喜欢冒些不必要的危险。
Compassion is only one aspect of the human spirit. 同情只是人心理的一个方面。
an adventurous/creative/independent spirit 冒险/创造/独立精神
a spirit of cooperation 合作精神
You become aware of a powerful community spirit. 你感受到了强大的社区精神。
Both sides adopted aggressive postures in the most recent negotiations. 在最近的谈判中,双方都采取了积进的态度。
Two players were sent off for violent conduct. 两名球员因为暴力行为被罚出场。
People with artistic inclinations were encouraged to illustrate their writing. 有艺术爱好的人被鼓励给自己的作品画插图。
He managed to control his natural inclination to hit out. 他努力控制住了自己天生喜欢攻击别人的癖好。
her proud bearing 她骄傲的举止
There is no consistency in the way they deal with offenders. 他们对付罪犯的方式没有一贯性。
They are demanding a fair deal for nurses. 他们在要求给予护士公平的待遇。
Disabled people have got a raw deal under the current government. 残疾人已受到现政府的不公平对待。
His demeanour in court is usually quiet and timid. 他在法庭上的举止通常是安静且胆小的。
Displays of emotion disgusted her. 情感的流露使她作呕。
a very public display of Anglo-American unity 英美联合的非常公开的体现
She was not well disposed to Irish republicanism. 她不太喜欢爱尔兰共和主义。
The rest of the family led a life of excess. 家里其他人过着放荡的生活。
Such an exhibition of rudeness is absolutely unacceptable. 如此粗鲁的表现实在让人无法接受。
Underneath that gruff exterior is a very kind person. 这是一个表面上说话粗暴但心地非常善良的人。
Being self-employed allowed him the flexibility to work unusual hours. 自已为自己工作使他可以灵活掌握时间,可以在通常不上班的时间工作。
Some were given the full treatment, while others were ignored. 有些人得到了礼遇,而其他人却被忽视了。
It's only human nature to try to protect yourself. 设法保护自己不过是人之常情。
The salesman's aggressive manner put us off. 店员咄咄逼人的样子使我们很反感。
little shakes of the head and other odd mannerisms 头部轻微的晃动以及其他怪癖
Don't ask me anything about work because I'm in holiday mode. 别问我任何与工作有关的问题,因为我正在度假。
It was all part of his ‘Man Of The People' schtick.
Rob has a very different style, relaxed and slow. 罗布的做事方式非常与众不同,慢腾腾,悠哉悠哉的。
I really dislike her teaching style. 我实在不喜欢她的教学风格。
Nancy's style of management is not what I was expecting. 南希的管理方式不是我一直以来所期望的。
Have you noticed her irritating way of interrupting when you talk? 你注意到了她打断你说话时的那种让人生气的样子吗?
Greg has really changed his ways since he went to prison. 格雷格自从进监狱后真的表现好多了。
In his own way he really is trying to help. 他是真的想以他自己的方式来帮忙。
Do you have to be so obvious? 你非得这么直白吗?
His demeanor in court is usually quiet and timid.
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net